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·​ ​Brief video of actual footage: ​

·​ ​QR codes – where are they going to send the students? Send Articles
·​ ​Storyboard/Padlet

Causes of Pearl Harbor: ​

Japanese Reaction to Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor Photos
Newspaper clippings Article

ISTC 301PTE Lesson Format

Name: Max, Zach, Andrew Grade Level: 9​th

Date lesson is taught: 12/13/19

Time Scheduled: 12:30



This section of the planning process helps you think through why this lesson is necessary. It is
the data that supports your purpose for the lesson. Each section in ​bold​ below needs to be fully
answered. It contains the following:

1)​ P
​ re-assessment:

This is the data you have to support the need for the objective you have chosen. This could be
but is not limited to pretests, written work that has been evaluated, checklists, or observations
that have been documented. What pre-assessment would you give and how does it align with
your lesson?

2)​ P
​ urpose and relevance:

This clarifies why you are teaching this lesson based on the pre-assessment, how it is relevant
to the experiences of your students, and how it makes connections to other experiences and
multiple perspectives. What is the point of this lesson? Describe its purpose and how you think
it fits within your broader unit plan.

We are teaching this lesson in order to increase the students understanding about Pearl Harbor,
an event that forever changed American history. This will show multiple perspectives because
we will also discuss the Japanese reaction to the event. This lesson fits within the World War II
unit, as the United States joined the war the day after the attack at Pearl Harbor.

3) Objectives​:

Here you state what you want the students to learn as a result of this lesson. In other words,
state the concepts and/or skills students will acquire as a result of this lesson. It ​does not​ state
activities or what the teacher will do. You need at least two objectives for the assignment. Use
this format:

After this lesson, the student will be able to:

1. Identify the main takeaways from the Attack at Pearl Harbor.

2. Develop an understanding of both the American and Japanese perspective of the attack.

4)​ C
​ ommon Core Alignment:

This is where you state where the objective fits in the Common Core Standards
(​​ ) What common core standards does your
lesson align with. There should be at least two for each objective.


Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide

an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the


Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic in several primary and
secondary sources.
Evaluate the economic, political and social impact of World War II on America’s
home front (5.3.3).

Analyze the causes of World War II in Europe and the Pacific and the involvement of
the United States in the war (5.3.2).

​ ​echnology Standards Alignment:

5)​ T

This is where you state where the objective fits in with the ISTE-S (Student Standards) Again,
what ISTE-S standards does your lesson align with? There should be at least two for each
objective you list.

ISTE-S:​ ​

5. Designer: ​Educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that

recognize and accommodate learner variability. Educators:

a.Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that

foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.

b. Design aut​hentic learning activities​ that align with content area standards and
use digital tools and resources to maximize acti​ve, deep learning.

6. Facilitator: Educators facilitate learning with technology to support student

achievement of the ISTE Standards for Students. Educators:

a. Foster a c​ulture where student​s take ownership of their learning goals and
outcomes in both independent and group settings.

d. ​Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas,

knowledge or connections.

6)​ P
​ ost-Assessment:
Now that you have the objective, how will you know if learning occurred? State how you will
assess the objective. This must be linked to the objective. Assessment can be ongoing or at the
end of the lesson. Either way it must be documented in some way. Examples of assessments
could be anecdotal records, checklists, writing assignments, diagrams/pictures, quizzes, tests,
projects, or performance tasks. ​How are you going to evaluate or assess your lesson once
it is over?​ In other words, how will you know your students know the content you just taught
them Describe how you are going to assess them.

The students will be given an assessment via surveymonkey. The assessment will cover
different points we covered during the lesson, including the causes of Pearl Harbor and the
Japanese and American reactions to the event. We will know how well the students know the
content based on their scores. The assessment will consist of a mixture of multiple choice, true
and false and open ended questions.


Think about the following considerations as you plan instruction to better meet the needs of all

​Instructional Materials​:

List what you will need for your entire lesson


Paper copies that show the needed QR Codes

The link to the youtube video

Teacher Preparation and Resources​:

What preparation is necessary to be knowledgeable about the content of the lesson?

We need to preview the readings and watch the video in order to be able to answer any
questions about them. We also need to have the answers to the surveymonkey in order to
answer any questions that may arise, and make sure they align with the readings so the
students are prepared to answer them. Lastly, we need to check all of the QR Codes before the
lesson to make sure they work and will be accessible for the students.

Media and Technology​:

What technology would enhance your instruction and the students’ learning? You will want to
note any preparation needed to use the technology. Remember, if student accounts need to be
created, this will take time and can be problematic.

For this lesson, we have a brief video about Pearl Harbor to give them a visual representation of
what happened. We also have several QR Codes selected that will direct the students to online
articles and pictures about Pearl Harbor. To prepare for this, we will print out a piece of paper
that has each QR Code labeled and ready to be used. The only thing that the students will
need to do ahead of time is log in to their Google accounts. We will also have QR Codes ready
that will direct the students to the class padlet and assessment.


To ensure that all students have access to achievement, how will instruction be adapted for
students with varying ability ranges, learning modalities, and handicapping conditions?

For the class padlet, the students will have the option of how they want to post their information
from their reading. Students will be able to write short responses, post pictures etc. This is
based for the students to describe what they learned in the best way that they know how
because a lot of students do not learn best by just writing.

Adaptations for students with special needs​:

State accommodations needed for students with special needs. These students might include
the following: IEP, ESL, physically challenged, academically advanced, academically

We have more than one method of conveying information, meaning that we have a video,
different forms of text, including pictures and the padlet. All of these formats are different ways
in which the students can learn, rather than just hearing the teacher talk and reading a text.

Multicultural and Diverse Perspectives​:

Consider if and how you can incorporate a ​multicultural​ focus in your lesson. How will
instruction reflect diversity and appeal to students from various cultures?

If we have any Japanese students, or students that grew up with a different perspective of Pearl
Harbor, we will give them the opportunity to discuss how they and their culture perceived the
event. This will give the class several different perspectives of Pearl Harbor, which is beneficial
because most of us were raised learning about only the American perspective.

Possible Modification of Plans​:

This modification to your lesson plan is needed when: the lesson exceeds the timeframe, the
lesson falls short of the timeframe, or the students lack the prior knowledge needed for the
lesson in spite of the analysis of the pre-assessment data.

If the students are lacking the knowledge, or if we fall short of the time frame, we will include
more lecture about the immediate aftermath of Pearl Harbor. If we are exceeding the time
frame, we will end the lesson with the padlet, and the class discussion about what each group
posted on the padlet, what everyone learned from their reading.

​During Teaching


These are the sequential steps you design to scaffold the students’ understanding of the skills
or concepts necessary to achieve the objectives.


·​ ​How will you access students’ prior knowledge?

- Quick pre-video discussion about what the students know about Pearl Harbor

·​ ​How will you motivate the students to be engaged in the lesson?

- By showing the devastating impact of the event with a video

·​ ​How will you get their attention?

- Through the video and by discussing how significant Pearl Harbor was in our
nation's history

Describe the sequence of your lesson: this should involve not only what you will do, but also
what the students will do.
Teacher Steps Student Steps

(What the teacher does) (What the students should be doing

Introduction of Lesson ​ sk what the class knows about Pearl

Andrew- Video of Pearl Harbor
Give following information if not
mentioned by a student
Japanese surprise attack on
Aerial attack on Pearl Harbor
naval base in Hawaii
Dec, 7 1941
Lead to U.S declaring war on
Japan and Germany declaring war on
the U.S

Watch the Video 0:00 - 1:00

Ask general reaction, thoughts,

feelings etc.

- Each student will analyze their

specific source, getting their via
Technology Integration scanning a QR Code
- Each group will discuss what
-Max: The class is split into four groups
they learned
to analyze a different source about
- After the readings, each group
Pearl Harbor (By their table)
will produce responses to what
they learned on the padlet,
“Each table will work through a reading
either via words, pictures etc
together. Each table will be doing one
- Class discussion on what each
of the readings on the paper being
group learned from their source
handed out. Your job is to go through
- Students will use a QR Code to
the document in order to share what
get to the assessment, then will
you learned with the class via a padlet.”
take the assessment

Padlet instruction
All three of us will walk around to - Scan QR Code
monitor each group's progress and - Show how to post
guide them if they are confused - Show how to connect to a post
- How to post a picture
● Causes of Pearl Harbor - Max and Zach will walk around
○ Mounting tension the room to make sure
○ Oil embargo everyone knows what to do
○ U.S. helping nations
opposed to Axis powers
● Japanese Reactions
○ Majority of young
Japanese men support
○ Japanese-Americans
strongly opposed
Japanese attack
○ Japan themselves knew
they couldn’t win a war
with the U.S.
● Pearl Harbor Photos
○ What is going in each
○ Is there anything
surprising to you?
○ Can you tell what has
been damaged and what
has not?
● Newspaper Clipping
○ What are some of the
○ How do you think
Americans felt at the
time reading these
headlines? What about
the Japanese?

- The students will then be directed to a

class padlet

- Instruction on how to use padlet

-Initiate class discussion on the padlet

-Direct students to assessment via

Zach-“Everyone needs to scan the QR

code to unlock the survey about Pearl

We will all walk around the room to

monitor how everyone is doing and
answer any questions that they may

Review information

Closure Lesson conclusion


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