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MSET 365 Lesson Plan Criteria & Checklist

Lesson Author
First and Last Name: Alondra Ramos


Lesson Plan Topic and/or Title of Lesson: Video Creation of a Story

Lesson Summary: What is the “Big Idea” or concept you are working toward? (larger, transferable ideas that connect to students’ out-of-
school lives or the larger world; how you will make the lesson relevant to one or more subject areas):
How can students use technology to create a different genre of a story? My students will work collaboratively to work with technology
by creating a video that represents a literature story.

Subject Area(s) and Grade Level: Spanish Literature 12th grade

Essential Question(s): (open-ended, thought-provoking, engaging, inquiry-oriented question(s) designed to stimulate thinking and prompt the
learner to critically evaluate content and construct meaning from it.
● ¿Cual de los dos personajes crees que fue el verdadero y cual crees que
estaba soñando, explica tu opinión?
● ¿Cómo creen que el autor pudo lograr crear una confusión en la historia de qué personaje fue el verdadero?
● ¿Cuál fue la parte más difícil de crear un video que representará la historia?
(Optional) Guiding Question(s): these are questions that will steer learners in the direction they will need to go to construct answers to
the essential question. Think of them as supporting questions.

Instructional Objectives
AUDIENCE: (Who is the lesson for? - grade or academic/developmental level; reading/comprehension levels, etc.)
This lesson is designed for twelfth graders, but can be modified to be used for 11th graders or undergraduate students in college.

BEHAVIOR: (what will students know and be able to do; evidence of understanding)
Students will be able to work collaboratively by recreating a piece of work into a different genre by using technology to create a video
that represents the story.

CONDITIONS: (how will the lesson/activity unfold; what instructional approaches, student groupings, informational resources, and teaching
materials will be used; how will students DO the Behavior)

Lesson Plan Criteria, Checklist, and Template MSET 365 Dr. Kingsley & Z. Ramsey Spring 2021
Students will film their videos on their devices and edit their videos on school laptops. They will then each present their videos in the
next lecture using the promethean board.

DEGREE: (to what extent? This is the criteria for evaluation; checklist; rubric; evidence; how will you grade their work; what skills will be
Student evaluations will be based on their effort, creativity and if they had a good understanding of the scene of the story.

Did you adapt this lesson based on another lesson? If so, give citation information for the original lesson:

Content Standard Connection: (List at least one NM Content Standard or other relevant standard)
Standard 2 The Language of Language Arts: Emergent bilinguals communicate information, ideas and concepts
necessary for academic success in the content area of language arts

How will the lesson connect to the real world and/or students’ out-of-school lives and interests?
This lesson is designed for students to get more comfortable with technology resources that they have access to to prepare them for
future tasks.

Materials and resources needed for the lesson:
Recording devices such as cell phone devices, school laptops, & literacy works such as La Noche Boca Arriba by Julio Cortázar.
iMovie video editor. A storyboard graphic organizer.
Prerequisite skills/ Prior knowledge needed:
Have already read the literature La Noche Boca Arriba by Julio Cortázar and also have collaboration skills. Some knowledge of how
to trim clips to make a video.
Approximate time needed to conduct lesson (in minutes):
60 minutes
Step-by-step Procedure: Include detailed instructions and directions you will give students. (Use the questions below as guides.)
● How will you begin the lesson? Explain how you will introduce the topic e.g., ask a question or give a prompt to discover what
students know, think, feel, have experienced, and wonder. What is your “hook”? Be specific.
The students should have already read the literacy work La Noche Boca Arriba by Julio Cortázar in the previous lesson, my lesson
will begin by showing my students a short film of the story -10 minutes. I will
Lesson Plan Criteria, Checklist, and Template MSET 365 Dr. Kingsley & Z. Ramsey Spring 2021
then introduce to them the lesson for the day and the instructions for creating a video that represents a scene from the story. -5
minutes. I will then assign five groups with five students each. Each group will be assigned one specific scene from the story and will
have to recreate it in a video.

● How will you draw on students’ previous knowledge as a foundation for the lesson?
I will ask students to review the specific scene that they were assigned that way they start to brainstorm how to create their video. I
will provide students with a mini tutorial of basic editing techniques, that way when they edit their videos they can have some
knowledge of how to use the editing program iMovie, they are also welcome to use any other editing program that they are more
comfortable with.

● How will you check for understanding during the lesson?

Students will present their final videos in the promethean board for the class to see, this will allow me to see if they understood what
was going on in that specific scene and how they used their creativity to recreate it.

● If you will have students work in pairs or groups, explain the configuration of the groups, describe the reason(s) for grouping,
and explain what will happen within the groups.
Students will be grouped randomly, having five groups with five students each. Each group will be assigned one specific scene from
the story and will have to recreate it in a video. This assignment requires groups work since they are recreating a scene from the
story, it will require multiple individuals for it to be done.

● How will you elicit higher level thinking skills from students?
Students will work together to incorporate their knowledge about the literacy work by planning the video, creating a script, assigning
tasks for each student to do, and will work together to bring the video together and edit it.
Multimedia integration: Explain how multimedia is meaningfully integrated into the lesson and how it is used by the teacher and by
students. Lesson should include multimodal ways of teaching, learning, and/or assessment. Technology must be integrated into the
lesson at high levels, meaning that if the technology were removed, the lesson and the students’ learning experience would be
dramatically changed.
Students will collaborate in class by using one of their team members' recording devices such as their smartphones to record the
video, after they are done recording they will edit the video using iMovie or any video editor of their choice. They will then present the
video to the class in the promethean board.

Inclusivity, differentiated instruction and/or flexible Learning: How will you integrate or differentiate instruction for learners from diverse
cultural, linguistic, and ability backgrounds? This can include ideas for boosting academic engagement, encouraging innovative or
Lesson Plan Criteria, Checklist, and Template MSET 365 Dr. Kingsley & Z. Ramsey Spring 2021
creative thinking skills, flexible learning opportunities, technology to support English Language Learners, etc. Include strategies for
Culturally responsive/sustaining pedagogy and/or Integrating students’ Funds of Knowledge (FOK):
I will integrate instruction for learners from diverse, cultural, linguistic or ability backgrounds by placing these students with other
students who can help and guide them if it is needed.
Graphic organizer, concept map, or other scaffolds: this might include things such as data collection sheets, storyboards, flow charts,
diagrams, compare/contrast tools, cycle diagrams, etc.
A storyboard sheet will be available for students to help them plan out their videos. Link to storyboard template
How will you close the lesson?
We will end class with an in-class discussion where students will discuss the creation of their videos, discussing which were the
difficult parts and which parts did they enjoy. Students will think about the work that goes behind creating a video. I will announce no
homework due for the next class period.
Students need to know what your expectations of them will be.
- Specify your assessment tools and criteria (include rubric, checklist, and/or other specific grading criteria).
- Decide what constitutes acceptable evidence of student learning: (what will students know and be able to do; evidence of
understanding; Behaviors). In other words, how will students know what to do to get a good grade on this lesson?
- If applicable, outline how students will assess their own learning and/or assess their peers.
- It might be helpful to include a finished product, a model, or an example of what you are expecting from students.
Your Assessment must:
- Check for understanding
- Include more than one way of gauging understanding or comprehension
- Align with learning goals and instructional objectives
- Include clear, concise criteria for grading
- Provide observable evidence of student learning
- Be inclusive of learners from diverse backgrounds and ability levels
- Be integrated into the process of learning - not separate from it
- Include meaningful feedback
Include a link to your assessment materials in the space below. Alternatively, you can paste the assignment below or describe it in

Lesson Plan Criteria, Checklist, and Template MSET 365 Dr. Kingsley & Z. Ramsey Spring 2021
Link to assessment:
Link to rubric (if not included with assessment)


The final draft of the lesson plan is due March 24, 2021. You will have the option to revise and resubmit your lesson plan through the
end of the course. If desired, you may work in pairs for this assignment. You may design your own lesson or modify an existing
lesson as long as you give proper citation information about the source of the lesson. If you adapt your lesson plan lesson from an
existing lesson, modify the new lesson to meet the criteria for this assignment. Use the checklist below to ensure you have included
all required elements in the lesson.

Required for all lesson plans

Provide an electronic copy of the lesson and all materials that accompany the lesson to me by March 24, 2021. Everything needed to
teach the lesson must be turned in. You will present an overview of your lesson to the class on March 24, 2021. The lesson must use
technology as an instructional approach, a tool for learning, and/or a form of assessment wherein students produce a digital work or
a multimedia product. This is in contrast to other typical summative assessments of writing a five- paragraph essay, solving a set of
math problems, or spelling/vocabulary/grammar activities. These things, of course, may be a PART of the lesson, but they should not
constitute the entire assessment or final product produced by the student(s) to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a
concept. Consider providing choices and multiple pathways for students to show what they know. Be thoughtful and creative.

Bonus Considerations
The following considerations may be included to enhance your lesson plan.

Include one of the strands below:

a) STEM or STEAM or STREAM b) Arts Integration
c) Social Justice d) Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
e) Teaching Diverse Learners f) Interdisciplinary learning.

Include hands-on learning and/or extension activities that require technology to support your strand. This might include things like
creating a digital product using multiple modalities. Examples might include creating a podcast, using the IWB, 3D printing,
gamification, flipped/blended learning, designing a vlog/blog, coding, making a movie, etc.

Keep in mind:
A GOOD DIFFERENTIATED ACTIVITY is something students will make or do
Lesson Plan Criteria, Checklist, and Template MSET 365 Dr. Kingsley & Z. Ramsey Spring 2021
● using a range of modalities at varied degrees of sophistication in varying time spans (built-in flexibility for diverse learners)
● with varied amounts of teacher or peer support (scaffolding)
● using an essential skill and/or essential information that is relevant to the learner
● in order to understand how an essential idea/principle or to answer an essential question
● through exercising their voice in selecting the content and/or how they demonstrate their learning

Lesson Plan Criteria, Checklist, and Template MSET 365 Dr. Kingsley & Z. Ramsey Spring 2021

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