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It is appropriate to begin the discussion of these off world extraterrestrial races and their
main activities by focusing on a star system that has been described as the source for the
spread of human civilization in the Milky Way galaxy, the constellation of Lyra. One of the
first contactees to describe Lyra was Billy Meier who received much public attention as a
result of his alleged visits from Pleiadians/Plejarans from 1975 to 1986 which he supported
with material evidence that continues to confound those skeptical of Meiers claims.
Comprehensive investigations by a number of individuals and organizations found that
Meiers evidence was not fabricated and therefore constituted significant support for his
testimony of extraterrestrial contact. Due to the amount of physical evidence he had provided
over the years, Meier has gained great credibility, and the consistency and coherence of his
testimonies suggest that he is indeed an important spokesperson for an extraterrestrial race.
Meier was told by his Pleiadians contacts of the star system of Lyra and its human
The "Swiss" Pleiadians have described their ancient ancestry, and consequently ours, as
originating (before the Pleiades) in a far Star-system in a star group near what we now know
as the Ring Nebula of Lyra, for which we have called them Lyrans in the same manner as we
refer to the human beings from what we call the Pleiades. These early Lyrans in their
numerous migrations in their great Space Arks went to many other star systems and found
suitable habitations, and put down colonies, such of which flourished and eventually
launched their own space travelers.
Meier further reported of a physical contact with a Lyran ship in 1977 where the Lyrans
described their world and the other star systems with whom they cooperated Alex Collier
describes the start of the Lyran civilization as revealed to him by extraterrestrials from
Based on the age of the Suns and the planets in our galaxy, it was decided that the human life
form was to be created in the Lyran system. The human race lived there for approximately 40

million years, evolving. The orientation of the human race in Lyrae was agricultural in
nature. Apparently, we were very plentiful and abundant, and lived in peace.
The Lyrans posses Nordic features and are quite possibly the Elohim described in religious
traditions both on Earth and around the galaxy. Due to the Lyrans role in the genesis of the
human presence in the galaxy, the Lyrans can understandably be argued to have the most
detailed understanding of human origins and galactic history. They can be described as the
Galactic historians for the human species. It can be inferred that the Lyrans help in
disseminating the truth about the evolution of human races in the galaxy, and have a deep
understanding of galactic human culture and of the human spirit. The Lyrans have been
further described as follows:
Those from Lyra have an affinity for origins and ancient histories. So they would be useful to
you to understand the past in order to transform it. As you understand your past and your
origins you may be able in consciousness to go back, pattern by and pattern, peel off the
layers of the onion, and find your true nature. They would be excellent guides in this process,
this psychological process for humanity, of understanding its motivations and its history and
how it came to be.
In conclusion, the Lyrans main activities are in disseminating the unique history of the
human race in the galaxy, and assisting in understanding human motivations and potentials.
The global solutions the Lyrans provide include accurate information about human history,
understanding galactic history, discovery of the human essence, diplomacy and conflict
resolution, and global education.
According to Billy Meier, another race of extraterrestrials that physically contacted him were
from the Vega star system within the constellation of Lyra. The Vegans were a darker or
blue and/or red skinned group of humans, and were likely the blue race of advanced
humans mentioned in various Vedic texts, and from whom the Hindu gods Vishnu and
Krishna derived. The Brazilian contactee, Jefferson Souza, claims that he met the Vegans of
Lyra, who he described as looking very similar to natives of India. According to Alex Collier,
Vega was the first star system in Lyra to be populated by humans.

In addition to the Nordic looking humans from Lyra, the Vegans played an important
colonizing role throughout the Galaxy.
One of the first extraterrestrial races who came to Earth were humans from worlds that
exist within another dimension in the area of the Lyra and Vega systems. The Lyrans,
together with the Vegans, came to Earth initially 22 million years ago. Their stay here was
very brief and they continued their travels to other star clusters and planets. Their history is
largely obscure, even though assault groups occasionally continued to return to Earth.
Approximately 389,000 years ago, several million Lyrans and Vegans again left their native
worlds, entered our order of space and time in this dimension, and came to Earth where they
mingled with the Earthlings.
Significantly, the results of the Vegans and Lyrans interbreeding with humans paralleled
events described in the Book of Enoch where the Nephilim intermarried with humans and
produced a race of giants that eventually died off. Meier describes these events as follows
They procreated in the normal manner and through the manipulation of genes by genetic
engineers. The results of the genetic engineering produced beings that were part human, part
animal, and included giants, titans, and other creatures. In the course of hundreds and
thousands of years these creatures were displaced once again, and eventually died out
because they could not reproduce or because conditions for their life forms proved fatal for
Further parallelling events described in the Book of Enoch where the leaders of the Nephilim
were punished for their activities on Earth, Meier describes how the ringleaders of the
Vegans and Lyrans were responsible for numerous transgressions against the native peoples
of Earth and other worlds:
The many millions of Lyrans and Vegans, who had left their native worlds, were headed by
144,207 leaders and sub-leaders, etc., who reigned over their followers in a rather hierarchic
manner. The leaders also transferred this behavior to Earth humans with whom they had
intermingled in the past to create human descendants of various types. These 144,207 leaders
and their subordinates were, indeed, the ringleaders who were essentially responsible for the
misdeeds, false teachings, and false religions which were absorbed and imitated by humans

on Earth. Not everything the leaders brought to Earth was evil, false, or criminal, however;
many valuable items and ideas were presented to the Earthlings with regard to crafts,
professions, philosophies, ways of thinking, medicine, technology, and many other things.
Alex Collier refers to a devastating galactic war in Lyra but its cause was external.According
to Meier, the Vegans returning to Earth in the present era, are attempting to assist humanity,
atone for past mistakes and to assist Vegan starseeds] Like the Lyrans, the global solutions
the Vegans provide include accurate information about human history and the Vegan
heritage, understanding galactic history, discovery of the human essence, diplomacy and
conflict resolution, and global education.
Now, I am going to talk about the Lyrans.
When I am talking about the Lyrans and the human race as a whole, I am talking about us
and our ancestors and all the ancestors of the ancient Lyran genetic line. Before I even get to
that I am just going to read the first sentence that I have on humans. The Human Race is
unusual in having all of its members races derive from one genetic line. That is an amazing
Now, lets talk about the Lyrans and then we can talk about the humans some more. Their
skin color is Gold, amber, blue and/or red. The color of the stars in their planetary systems is
what caused their skin tint to change, depending on the frequency and the UV, ultraviolet
scale of their stars. They are of mammalian descent.
They are the only human race to have full empathy senses and full psionic abilities and have
experienced quantum probability control. Im still working on what that means [Laughter]
you have to remember these are extraterrestrial races who know all this stuff. They are also
considered today a retired race that has very little intercourse with other main civilizations. In
the past, on Earth, they were known as Bodhisattva.
They have been known to monitor and provide guidance for some planetary systems. Some
planetary systems today see them as their protectors and guides. They are worshiped in other
words. What is interesting is that the Lyrans prefer to live on ringed worlds. They have a
preference for it. On the Andromedan Council they are known as an elder race, which carries

great prestige on the Council, because extra-terrestrial civilizations, ladies and gentlemen,
really pay close attention to genetic lineage.
Now we are going to talk to the human race as a whole, how the Andromedans see the human
The human race is unusual in having all of its member races derive from one genetic line.
This accounts for the remarkable casual interactions of the great human civilizations, but for
better or for worse, human galactic civilizations, even if they compose a single clan have
diverse evolutionary histories.
Each culture is very different in the way they have evolved. Not as a species, but as a culture.
Misunderstandings and conflicts have occurred. Traditions exist to minimize the likelihood of
misunderstandings and to lesson the negative consequences of any miscommunications that
might occur.
So they were sentient enough to know that they had to put things in place to try to minimize
human vs. human war. In addition, the behavior of individuals does reflect on the species and
the clan. This is an Andromedan human race sharing this with us that the actions of
individuals of those races do reflect on the entire clan.
None are faulted for polite or proper behavior. Informality is always at risk of being
misconstrued or miscommunicated. The traditions of human interaction were developed by
the ancestors over the ages. When an elder race insists that a new civilization observe
traditions; for example: The Andromedans come down they introduce themselves, they say
ok, boys, its time to go to the show.
The show being the Andromedan Council, we are being asked to be invited to the
Andromedan Council. What they will do is they will teach us the tradition, the proper way of
introducing yourself, of acting before all these civilizations because you will be
misinterpreted if you walk in Yo, man, whaz happenin? You will be completely
misunderstood. [Laughter]

It helps the young races build a culture that will function well in galactic civilization, as well
as help guarantee that this young race will become a virtuous and productive member of the
Galactic Commonwealth.
That is exactly Moraneys verbiage, I took it word for word the Galactic Commonwealth.
It is important that all humans be as polite as possible. This helps both the young and the old
cultures because many of the old cultures are socio-biologically dependent on ritual. They
have become so conditioned that this is just the way you do it. They traditions are so deeply
embedded that they are not going to change. We have that same situation here on our planet.
And can be psychologically disturbed by informal and rude behavior. If the occasion calls for
it apologize and then speak only when spoken to. Never touch a fellow elder race person
unless you are specifically asked to.
That leads me to something I was taught when I was brought on board and I met other races.
This is what the Andromendans do when they meet another race. And I was taught to teach
this to everyone here which Ive done, and I am going to do it again.
When you have a contact and you are standing before an extra-terrestrial or extra-terrestrials
you stand yourself square, you bow, never taking your eyes off of them and you say:
It is the manner and custom when entering my space that permission be asked.
You say it very clearly, because what you are doing is you are declaring your sovereignty and
you are declaring your space. Alright, because we are not that well thought of, so it is
important to do something like this. You have ten seconds to make a good first impression.
It is the manner and custom when entering my space that permission be asked.
We would have to say it verbally. They would probably respond telepathically.
Q: And if we didnt say that?
AC: There is always the possibility that your space would be violated. The Greys (Dows)
would, absolutely. But nobody knows to do that. And besides they wouldnt approach you
that way, they always steal you out of bed because they are little frigging cowards. No, I
dont have any charge on that. [Laughter]

Most human galactic races have three languages and these difference markers are: formal,
informal and differential.
The differential apparently is what is used in a lot of politics, galactic politics. The formal is
when you are addressing your own race, like state of the union; it is also when you are
talking to elders. If I am a young Terran and I am addressing an elder of my race, I am to use
the formal. The informal, is informal, Yo blood, whaz happenin? [Laughter].
The informal marker is not used ever in public. Always ask if both parties are comfortable
with the informal language. I would have to say, Mike, do you mind if I talk trash? And
Mike would have to say Sure, man, talk trash. [Laughter]
Then we are both agreed and I can talk trash.
Its probably a bad example
The formal marker is always used in public because you always want to regard your partner
in conversation as worthy of respect.
The prestige of a mature race is always subject to debate.
The first measure of the general rule of prestige is number one the age of the race.
The second index is the races lineage. It all comes back to genetics.
The third index is the number and size of the race or the clan or the tribe. In standard
introductions, always include identification by full name, species name, any relevant titles,
and your home planetary system.
Species name and planetary system, e.g., Sol, Terra 3: because our star is known as Sol. We
are Terra which is third planet from the sun.
The Lyrans are the original white Aryan Race and what is left of the Aryans is the Pleaidians
and Andromedans. Birth of the humanoid race has all of the genetic DNA from this area.
Ancient Lyrans were the Titans. The giants Bigfoot also descended from Lyrans. All life
destroyed on Lyra and the ring Nebula eye Og God. Lyra consists of 14 inhabited planets,
three planets were destroyed during the wars Bila, Teka and Merok. 50 million were
slaughtered. Lyrans started the Black League. The Black Dragon.

Lyrans grew into Sirian, Arcturian, Antarian, Pleaidian, Andromedan, Cygnus Alphan, Alpha
Centauri, Sagittarius A & B, Cassiopia, all human evolution. Based upon genetically human
forms in higher realms and very highly evolved Universes, it was decided that many forms of
life would be created here in Lyra because it appeared to be ideal as far as the age of the Suns
and Planets and the length of probable stability.
The human race would have time to evolve and create space exploration and gravitate by
means of energy and spiritual recognition into planetary civilizations and that those races
would in turn create there own root races and life. It was also important that these races be
allowed to manifest and create different aspects of ourselves mentally, emotionally, and
spiritually. Thus we would be creating diversity and expressing our own need to create.
As the human race fragmented, the races moved, traveled, and settled many different planets
in many systems as space travel evolved. The human became aware of other planetary
civilizations in theses systems. Different cultures meet and grew. Belief systems clashed or
spread. New thoughts of Philosophy or technologies came into being. Mankind was evolving.
A very strong social community developed between all in the Lyra System. The Lyrans were
a very peaceful race on the whole. There were disagreements and light conflicts, but much
was always cleared and resolved. The Lyrans learned to adapt to virtually all of the planetary
environments that they settled.
They learned to live in complete harmony with their respective planets. They developed
agricultural communities that were literally awesome. They were not only efficient and could
feed billions of beings, but it was actually enhancing the planet itself and creating an even
wealthier environment. All aspects of life seem to benefit from the Lyrans commitment to be
at one with their home planets.
At the same time, the life expectancy was between 300 - 425 years on the average. This was
to increase by 3 times later, but everyone worked as a community. They were not in service
of self, but were a race that beat as one heart, and shared and moved in the same direction as
a whole and would try to make sure that none of their race would lag or fall too far behind the
In other words,

"The needs of the many, out weigh the needs of the few."
They were an incredible role model for all humanity that followed to this present moment.
The human race is history. The works of the mind are a record of that history, for the whole
record of the human race is in one man. If you read these words then you are a part of Lyran
heritage and a part of you carries this history within.
I want to talk to you about Lyra and how the human race colonized our galaxy. Based on the
age of the Suns and the planets in our galaxy, it was decided that the human life form was to
be created in the Lyran system. The human race lived there for approximately 40 million
years, evolving. The orientation of the human race in Lyra was agricultural in nature.
Apparently, we were very plentiful and abundant, and lived in peace.
Then, one day, huge craft appeared in the sky. A large ship came out of the huge craft and
approached the planet Bila, and reptilians from Alpha Draconis disembarked. Apparently, the
Alpha Draconians and the Lyrans were afraid of each other. I told you before that the Alpha
Draconians were apparently the first race in our galaxy to have interstellar space travel, and
have had this capability for 4 billion years. Well, when the Draconians came and saw Bila,
with all its abundance and food and natural resources, the Draconians wanted to control it.
There was apparently a mis-communication or misunderstanding between the Draconians and
Lyran humans. The Lyrans wanted to know more about the Draconians before some kind of
"assistance" was offered. The Draconians mistook the communication as a refusal, and
subsequently destroyed three out of 14 planets in the Lyran system. The Lyrans were
basically defenseless. The planets Bila, Teka and Merck were destroyed. Over 50 million
Lyran humans were killed. It is at this point in history that the Draconians began to look at
humans as a food source. This is how old the struggle is between the reptilian and human
races. All human life was seeded in Lyra in our galaxy. The human species was not created in
Lyra. It was seeded there from somewhere else. Where the human race originally came from
the Andromedans have not yet discovered themselves. I don't know if other races have.My
understanding is that the human race originally, our ancestors, were literally brought in by
another race that acted as steward.What they have told me is that the human races were
evolving in Lyra within many solar systems in that star system. The reason they chose that
system was because of the frequencies of the sun were sufficient to permit the human

physical form, as it was then with 12 strands of DNA and 15 feet tall and about 400-500
pounds. Now, according to the Andromedans, another race appeared and came out of a
higher dimensional realm and helped seed the human race in this galaxy. While they were
doing this, there was already another previously seeded race in our galaxy - a reptilian race.
They were seeded here from another universe located in another space-time dimension. The
reptilians were brought to our galaxy and seeded here. They are who we now know as the
Alpha Draconians. Their original lineage is a race known as the Ciakar, and they have a caste
system based on genetics. As we go through this and explain how everything happened, you
will see some incredible similarities with not only what has happened to our planet, but also
what has happened to other races. So, what happened is that the human race, agricultural in
nature, was evolving in Lyra. They eventually began to develop space travel, and as they
were still developing space travel and working together, several large Draconian craft
showed up and they were startled. The reptilians were the first race in our galaxy to develop
space travel. At some point, the humans and the reptilians on these giant craft began to
communicate, and the story that has been handed down tells us that the Draconians wanted to
control the wealth that they saw on these Lyran planets.the Draconians showed up, they were
driven and motivated to explore space to search for food. All races have their different
motives for doing what they do. The situation for the Draconians was that they were
migrating and building up their original population so fast that they had to develop space
travel. As they moved out into the galaxy, they would find planets and moons with resources
they could use. They continued to migrate, taking what they needed when they needed it, and
moved on. When they got to Lyrae, they discovered several solar systems with incredible
planets which had water, food and lush vegetation. They immediately wanted to control this
space route, because they realized the value of the resources. When the approached the
Lyrans, the Lyrans were extremely suspicious of the reptilians, because the Ciakar element of
the race were very aggressive. It is their way.
So, we have two races who had previously thought they were alone on the galaxy who come
into contact with each other. We are talking about two antithetical races in many ways. This
is approximately 572 million years ago. Apparently there was a misunderstanding in
communication, wherein the Ciakar were asking for access to the food and the minerals. The
Lyraens , apparently didn't understand what the Draconians wanted, and wanted to know

more about the Ciakar. In other words, they were not about to hand control over planets in
their system to the Draconians without really knowing who they were dealing with.
Apparently the Ciakar interpreted the hesitation of the Lyrans as a "denial" of their request
and took offense. Within hours they began attacking the Lyran system, which didn't really
have any weapons. It was the attack by the Ciakar that forced the Lyrans to migrate out of
that system and spread out into the galaxy. It also forced them to develop weapons. One of
the considerations the Lyrans had as they spread through space was to search for water,
because humans have to have water. The Andromedan perspective is that some Lyrans found
an asteroid that had a great deal of ice-water and hid inside this asteroid, and there they began
to develop their own identity. They continued to explore space and look for solar systems that
would sustain them. The human race continued to evolve and went to the Vega system,
Deneb, the Sirian and Rigel systems, and all these star systems all over the galaxy. So, they
were on these ships fleeing the reptilian invasion, growing their own food on the craft and
looking for water, and the human race became very adaptable and creative. Once we
understand our lineage and our relationship to the galaxy, we as a race are going to be very
proud of who we were, and who we can be now. We are not done with our evolution. The
encounter between the two races in Lyra is apparently were the reptilians had their first taste
of human flesh, and they liked it. Moraney told me about how the Draconian races, during
the war against the Lyran races, realized that humans needed water. They positioned their
large ships in strategic systems that contained a lot of water in order to prevent the humans
from gaining access to it. It was literally a way for the Draconians to force the humans out of
the galaxy. To the degree that they could monitor the charted systems with water, they would
place their craft there and attack humans who came there. This is why the human races from
Lyra independently evolved technologies to acquire water sources, from comets and other
It was the ancient Lyrans when they colonized this part of the galaxy. They kept moving
through the galaxy. They migrated out of Lyra because of a war. What they would do is find
certain planetary systems that had minerals, resources, water, and things that they needed.
They would then try to stabilize those planetary systems using technology that they had.
They would then go in, mine and pull out the resources they needed. They would continue
their building mining equipment and spacecraft. They needed to stabilize the solar system so

that they could extract the minerals which also meant they had to live there for awhile setting
up colonies. That is why there are so many ruins on so many of our moons and planets.

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