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Major General William B. Garrett III, Colonel Stephen J.

and Major Adam Sanderson, U.S. Army

O N 1 OCTOBER 2009, U.S. Army Africa, formerly the U.S. Army

Southern European Task Force (SETAF) became the Army Service
Component Command (ASCC) for U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM).
That designation reflects some modest, but significant, good news; a year
Major General William B. Garrett earlier, USAFRICOM had no dedicated Army Service Component Com-
III, U.S. Army, is the Commanding
General of U.S. Army Africa. He holds
mand. Today, U.S. Army Africa embodies the U.S. Army’s commitment to
a B.A. from North Georgia College the full spectrum of military operations. The command is well on its way
and three masters’ degrees. He has to transforming from a tactical contingency headquarters to a regionally
served in a variety of command and
staff positions in the United States focused theater army headquarters capable of synchronizing all U.S. Army
and abroad. activity in Africa, conducting sustained security engagement with African
Colonel Stephen J. Mariano is the land forces, and responding promptly and effectively to a variety of crises
U.S. Army Africa G-5 and a Strategic in Africa.
Plans and Policy Officer. He holds a
B.A. from the University of California
With the 2008 change to the Unified Command Plan (Figure 1), USAFRI-
at Santa Barbara and an M.A. from COM assumed Department of Defense (DOD) responsibility for relationships
the Naval Postgraduate School. He with 53 distinct countries that maintain predominately land-centric security
has served in a variety of strategy and
policy positions in Germany, Belgium, forces. Consequently, U.S. Army Africa forms a critical part of America’s
Afghanistan, and Iraq. overall engagement strategy on the African continent. As USAFRICOM
Major Adam R. Sanderson, U.S. matures its approach to security cooperation with a persistent, sustained
Army, is a Strategist for the Southern level of engagement, the Army’s role in building partner security capacity
European Task Force/U.S. Army
Africa. He has a B.A. from Mississippi
to prevent or mitigate conflict will increase. As the U.S. strategy focuses
State University and a M.A. from the more on preventing conflict through engagement, U.S. Army Africa will be
Naval War College. He has served the primary instrument to facilitate the development of African land forces
in Infantry units in Korea, Hawaii, in
the continental United States, and in and institutions in a region of growing strategic importance.
Saudi Arabia in support of Operation Africa is the second largest, second most populous, and one of the most
Iraqi Freedom. diverse continents on Earth. The billionth African will be born in 2010,
_____________ and by 2050, there may be two Africans for every European.1 More than
PHOTO: Ratik Ole Kuyana, a local 22 large ethnic groups and thousands of tribes or clans speak over 2,000
guide hired during Exercise Natural languages, and Africans ascribe to an array of traditional and tribal reli-
Fire, awaits troops to transport at
Kitgum, Uganda, 15 October 2009. gions.2 Africa has a variety of natural resources, but despite recent economic
(U.S. Army) growth, most African countries have the lowest gross domestic products

16 January-February 2010  MILITARY REVIEW






Figure 1. A changed world—Unified Command Plan 2008.

in the world.3 Violent competition for natural to accord it our second-best efforts, or to ignore
resources, low levels of economic development, it entirely.” 7 Under the Bush administrations,
and inconsistent governance have unfortunately however, the U. S. Government significantly
made Africa a world leader in humanitarian crises, raised the profile of its African programs through
failed states, and deadly conflict.4 The conflicts in well-resourced initiatives, such as the President’s
Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, for Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the Millen-
example, are currently the world’s two deadliest, nium Challenge Corporation, and the creation of
disrupting stability and impeding development in USAFRICOM.
neighboring countries. President Barack Obama quickly reinforced the
Africa hosts more United Nations (UN) peace- role of USAFRICOM when addressing Africans
keeping missions than any other continent and in the first months of his administration, “Let me
employs the majority of UN field personnel. Eight be clear. Our Africa Command is focused not on
of 19 current UN peace support missions employ establishing a foothold on the continent, but on
69,951 of the 95,419 UN troops, police, and observ- confronting common challenges to advance the
ers in Africa.5 One hundred and sixteen countries security of America, Africa, and the world . . . I can
contribute military, police, and civilian observers to promise you this: America will be with you every
UN peacekeeping operations in Africa, underscor- step of the way.”8 Successfully confronting these
ing a high level of international interest in security
and stability in the continent.6 The frailty of Afri-
can security institutions, multifaceted economic President Barack Obama
partnerships, compelling humanitarian needs, and
quickly reinforced the role of
resource development potential make Africa a vital
region for the international community and a com- USAFRICOM when addressing
plex environment for U.S. operations. Africans in the first months of
Historically, the U.S. tendency has been to put his administration…
Africa at “the periphery of American strategy,

MILITARY REVIEW  January-February 2010 17

common challenges in Africa will require agree- Four years ago, DOD issued Directive 3000.05,
ment on a comprehensive approach in the U.S., one Military Support to Stability, Security, Transi-
that acknowledges that sustainable security depends tion and Reconstruction (SSTR) Operations, and
on commitment from the whole of government. the current administration reissued the policy as
Stability Operations.16 The directive defines sta-
Diplomacy, Development, bility operations, provides guidance, and assigns
and Defense responsibilities within DOD for planning, training,
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that and preparing for the conduct of such operations
smart power uses “the full range of tools at our as “rehabilitating former belligerents and units
disposal.”9 She described diplomacy, development, into legitimate security forces” and “strengthening
and defense as the “three pillars of American for- governance and the rule of law.”17
eign policy.”10 The “three D’s” have alternatively The policy puts stability operations “on par”
been called pillars, approaches, and concepts.11 The with major combat operations and establishes the
phrase arose as a way to describe synchronized military’s role as a supporting effort to overall
diplomatic, development, and defense efforts to U.S. Government stability, security, transition,
achieve U.S. foreign policy objectives in Iraq and and reconstruction operations. Successful stabil-
Afghanistan, where military personnel, Depart- ity operations require integrated civil-military
ment of State (DOS) employees, and U.S. Agency efforts, and DOD Directive 3000.05 orders the
for International Development (USAID) officers services to develop the requisite means to rapidly
cooperate in the field at unprecedented levels. The aid in security capacity development, not just in
lessons learned from this integrated approach are Central and Southwest Asia, but globally and
being applied by USAFRICOM, its components, including Africa.
and U.S. Embassy Country Teams across Africa, President Bush’s decision to establish USAF-
resulting in significantly improved coordination. RICOM was the culmination of a 10-year thought
Military power alone cannot deter conflict, process within the U.S. government. It acknowl-
restore good governance, or ensure a lasting peace.12 edges the growing strategic importance of Africa,
But neglecting the security sector perpetuates insta- and recognizes that peace and stability on the
bility, slows political progress and inhibits long continent affects not only Africans, but also the
term development.13 Without a balanced effort, U.S. and international community. The creation
the U.S. government’s disparate programs risks of USAFRICOM provides increased opportuni-
contributing to African states’ failure to provide ties for DOD to harmonize its efforts internally
for the welfare of their people, which can lead to within the U.S. Government and externally with
increases in authoritarianism, extremism, crime, international partners.
and violence.14 Preventing these security challenges Critiques of USAFRICOM and its mission have
from reaching America’s shores is a major tenet of circulated over the last two years.18 Consequently,
U.S. defense strategy. the command’s original intent bears repeating:
The DOD is responsible for countering threats “In support of U.S. foreign policy and as part of
to U.S. security, on its own, with the interagency a total U.S. government effort, U.S. Africa Com-
and by cooperating with foreign governments. In mand’s intent is to assist Africans in providing their
fact, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates wrote, own security and stability and helping prevent the
“Where possible, U.S. strategy is to employ conditions that could lead to future conflicts.”19
indirect approaches—primarily through building Hundreds of U.S. engagements with African politi-
the capacity of partner governments and their cal and military leaders indicate that many share
security forces—to prevent festering problems USAFRICOM’s emphasis on conflict prevention
from turning into crises that require costly and and African ownership. USAFRICOM’s current
controversial direct military intervention.”15 An strategy emphasizes focusing resources in “phase
essential part of that strategy is providing military 0” to prevent crises from becoming catastrophes.
support to political leadership through security (Figure 2 depicts conflict prevention in Joint Pub-
cooperation activities. lication 3.0 during Phase 0 activities.)

18 January-February 2010  MILITARY REVIEW


Figure 2. Notional operation plan phases versus level of military effort.

USAFRICOM came into being without assigned approach and demonstrates DOD and Army com-
forces and started with non-traditional component mitment to putting stability missions on par with
command arrangements, but as USAFRICOM major combat operations. This change of mission
evolves, it is working to leverage the strengths of represents a dramatic change from Cold War days
each service. According to Title 10 of the U.S. Code, and a familiar NATO construct. Based in Vicenza,
each geographic combatant command must have Italy, SETAF was formerly assigned to U.S. Euro-
assigned service components to provide administra- pean Command via U.S. Army Europe and was a
tive and logistic support and to prepare forces and tactical headquarters focused on crisis response.
establish reserves of manpower, equipment, and sup- Currently, SETAF is assigned to USAFRICOM as
plies for the effective prosecution of military opera- U.S. Army Africa. As an Army Service Component
tions in theater.20 USAFRICOM has a sub-unified Command, U.S. Army Africa conducts sustained
command- U.S. Special Operations Command security engagement, supports ongoing operations,
Africa, a Combined Joint Task Force in the Horn of and simultaneously carries out congressionally
Africa, and four service component commands. The mandated “Title 10” responsibilities for Army per-
service component commands are 17th Air Force sonnel in Africa. The command performs these three
(U.S. Air Forces Africa); U.S. Naval Forces Africa functions while concurrently deploying, as directed,
(the commander is dual-hatted as the Commander a combined joint task force headquarters in support
of Naval Forces Europe); U.S. Marine Forces Africa of a national, multinational, or international crisis
(the commander is dual-hatted as the Commander of response effort.22
Marine Forces Europe); and the U.S. Army Southern This change of mission presents significant chal-
European Task Force (U.S. Army Africa).21 lenges. The headquarters doubled its size in 2009
but is still only one-half the size of the standard
U.S. Army Africa ASCC.23 Based on the worldwide demand for forces
As the Army Component, U.S. Army Africa now and enablers, the Department of the Army is unable
serves as the operational embodiment of a three D to permanently assign units to U.S. Army Africa,

MILITARY REVIEW  January-February 2010 19

requiring the command to reach back to U.S. Army ●● Becoming a trusted and reliable partner for
Europe and U.S.-based units to accomplish its mis- African land forces, other U.S. government agen-
sion. Without forces and enablers, or consistent cies, the security institutions of U.S. Allies, and
access to both, U.S. Army Africa must refine its international organizations working in Africa.
procedures and develop creative concepts to support ●● Integrating and employing military capabili-
its interagency partners. This unique situation is ties to prevent or mitigate the effects of conflict or
why former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense respond to crises in Africa.
for African Affairs, Theresa Whelan, described U.S. These operational objectives support USAFRI-
Army Africa as “interdependent from birth.” COM’s Strategy and Theater Campaign Plan; they
Despite these challenges, U.S. Army Africa are pursued in concert with U.S. country teams in
provides effective support to USAFRICOM by Africa, the Department of the Army, the Combined
synchronizing all Army activity in Africa, and Joint Task Force Horn of Africa, Special Operations
leveraging joint, interagency, intergovernmental, Command-Africa, and the other components.
and multinational relationships. The command Because U.S. Army Africa focuses on sustained
seeks to be the U.S. Army’s premier organization security engagement to build partner capacity, it
achieving positive change in Africa and has four executes all tasks by, with, and through other gov-
main objectives: ernment agencies and international partners. U.S.
●● Laying the foundation now for future success Army Africa recognizes that working with military,
as a theater army. civilian, international, and African partners to build
●● Helping African partner nations strengthen the capacity of African security institutions is not
their land force capacity and encouraging the business as usual. The command must develop new,
development of standards of professionalism that principled partnerships that respond to changing
promote respect for legitimate civilian authorities requirements whether they originate in Washington
and international humanitarian law. or Addis Ababa.

U.S. Army Africa

CWO2 Terry Throm shares load planning techniques with Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces in support of future AU and
UN peacekeeping missions, November 2009.

20 January-February 2010  MILITARY REVIEW


Army components traditionally execute capac- and Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations
ity-building efforts through senior leader visits, Command joined Army representatives from within
military-to-military engagements, and combined U.S. Embassies and members of the U.S. Army
exercises. These efforts remain central to U.S. Africa team. This meeting allowed U.S. Army
Army Africa’s engagement strategy even as it Africa to translate country-team requests into Army
adds value to existing DOS activities like the program requirements.
African Contingency Operations Training and Similarly, U.S. Army Africa is reviewing the
Assistance program. In fact, promoting profes- ways in which a theater army supports its respec-
sional military training and education within tive combatant command. As U.S. Army Africa
African land forces is a functional priority in all inventoried U.S. Army-to-USAFRICOM activity, it
U.S. Army Africa activities. The Army will con- discovered a web of agreements between USAFRI-
tinue to draw on its experience and look for new COM and various Army organizations, all initiated
ways to support the DOS, USAID, and America’s prior to U.S. Army Africa’s existence. Redefining
international partners. arrangements at the Army-to-Army level between
U.S. Army Africa and Army organizations will
How U.S. Army Africa is improve the Army Component Commander’s abil-
Moving Forward ity to advise the Combatant Commander, encourage
The DOD had previously divided its efforts in efficiencies, and synchronize the full range of Army
Africa across three separate combatant commands, activities in Africa. Redefining the way the U.S.
and subsequently, the Army divided its efforts Army supports USAFRICOM is but one example
among three separate Army components. Because of U.S. Army Africa moving forward—as an emerg-
of the Unified Command Plan change, the U.S. ing theater army.
Army and its many organizations can now speak Relationships. Developing relationships with
with one voice to the joint, interagency, intergov- Department of the Army staff and African land
ernmental, and multinational community operating forces is central to the U.S. Army Africa mission;
in Africa. both sets of relationships are critical to achieving
The U.S. Army Medical Command has research positive change in Africa. However, relationships
activities in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with key interagency partners—for example, the
Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda; the U.S. State Department’s Coordinator for Reconstruction
Army Corps of Engineers participates in humani- and Stabilization and USAID’s Office of Foreign
tarian civic assistance activities throughout the Disaster Assistance (OFDA)—are equally impor-
continent that are coordinated by the USAID tant. These offices participate in post-conflict and
representative at the U.S. Embassy.24 Army Mate- post-disaster operations, respectively, and provide
rial Command, through the U.S. Army Security instruction on the interagency approach. Twice in
Assistance Command, supports multi-million dollar the last year, OFDA taught the Joint Humanitarian
DOS Foreign Military Sales Programs in 22 African Operations Course at U.S. Army Africa Headquar-
countries.25 U.S. Army Africa is better postured to ters. This instruction provided participants with a
achieve unity of effort and to support a long-term, better understanding of other government agency
coherent defense sector reform or capacity-building humanitarian assistance programs and facilitated
strategy by harmonizing these and other Army relationships that will be helpful during crises.
activities on the continent. Members of the U.S. Army Africa staff also attend
In order to develop holistic Army proposals for the Joint Enabling Capabilities Command Planners
security cooperation events in Africa, Army security Course and the Foreign Service Institute’s Founda-
cooperation stakeholders gathered in September tions for Interagency Planning Course as a way
2009, at U.S. Army Africa Headquarters to hash of preparing for increased interagency activity in
out requirements, match capabilities, and create a times of crisis.
unified position on Army priorities in Africa. Rep- U.S. Army Africa is already exercising its
resentatives from Medical Command, the Corps of deployable command post, which can provide
Engineers, the Training and Doctrine Command, command and control of small-scale contingency

MILITARY REVIEW  January-February 2010 21

operations. Exercise Natural Fire, the largest joint tance officers working in U.S. Embassies have
and multinational exercise in Africa in 2009, tested traditionally provided the requisite knowledge that
this capability, and was a prime example of how allows ambassadors and commanders to make well-
U.S. Army Africa is moving forward. Planned to informed, culturally attuned decisions. U.S. Army
support DOS and USAID objectives in Uganda Africa’s six foreign area officers, seven language-
and executed in concert with non-governmental trained civil affairs and four regionally oriented
organizations, the globally resourced, U.S. Army psychological operations officers and noncom-
Africa-led exercise took place in Uganda in missioned officers (NCOs) now join 36 U.S. Army
October 2009. It focused on regional security and foreign area officers living and working in Africa.
humanitarian and civic assistance using a disaster Soon, U.S. Army Africa will be the U.S. Army’s
relief scenario. Major exercise objectives included central repository of African expertise and a natural
increasing interoperability and strengthening the assignment for U.S. Army Africanists. As officers
capability of approximately 650 troops from the and NCOs rotate from the continent to U.S. Army
East African partner states of Burundi, Kenya, Africa, the positive, local relationships they build
Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. with African land forces will add instant value at
An important lesson from Natural Fire was that the theater army level, and vice versa.
persistent, habitual engagements allow U.S. Army Security Force Assistance. In addition to long-
and partner forces to develop trustworthy relation- term personal relationships developed between
ships over time. The inaugural African Land Force commanders and staffs, teams of skilled Army
Summit scheduled for mid-2010 is another example leaders that advise-and-assist African land forces
of the Army building relationships in Africa. U.S. are essential to the U.S. Army Africa mission.
Army Africa will bring together the Army chiefs of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates emphasized
54 African countries, the U.S. Army Chief of Staff, the importance of the advisory mission to West
the Commanding General of U.S. Army Africa, Point cadets by telling them, “From the standpoint
and Army representatives from several global of America’s national security, the most important
partners.26 As U.S. Army Africa moves forward, assignment in your military career may not neces-
it will reassure its African, U.S. interagency, and sarily be commanding U.S. soldiers, but advising or
international counterparts that it
seeks persistent engagement with
only a small presence and will not be
an instrument of creeping militarism
in U.S. foreign policy.
Natural Fire also confirmed the
necessity of working closely with
U.S. Embassy country teams and
validated the need for country
coordination elements. These ele-
ments give additional coordination
capability to the senior defense
official in the Embassy and pro-
vide a direct link to the country
team. In times of crisis, country
coordination elements provide a
military planning capability that
could enhance integrated planning
U.S. Army

at the country level.

Along with regionally focused
special operations forces, U.S. MAJ Eric Lee, a U.S. Army medical researcher, and Kenyan lab technician,
Elizabeth Odundo, examine specimens at U.S. Army Medical Research Unit-
Army attachés and security assis- Kenya’s research station in Kericho, Kenya.

22 January-February 2010  MILITARY REVIEW


mentoring the troops of other nations as they battle requirement. By having five sub-regionally-oriented
the forces of terror and instability within their own advise-and-assist teams focus on the five African
borders.”27 Advisors and mentors will undoubtedly Union Standby Force Brigades (North, South, East,
adapt themselves to the complex African security West and Central), U.S. Army Africa is postur-
environment. Doing so will allow them to train ing itself to build partner force capacity, leverage
security forces in a culturally relevant way and short- or no-notice engagement opportunities, and
avoid the “mirror imaging” pitfall of trying to create increase U.S. situational awareness of diplomatic,
forces in the U.S. Army’s likeness. development, and defense activity.
In support of Army Campaign Plan Major Objec- African Standby Force. The U.S. Army can apply
tive 8-6, “Adapt Army Institutions for Building Part- its expertise in Africa by helping build the capa-
nership Capacity,” the Army is developing modular bilities of the African Standby Force. The African
security force assistance brigades. Likely modeled Union has an ambitious goal to have five regionally
on advise-and-assist brigades created for Iraq and oriented brigades by 2010 for a range of military
Afghanistan, the brigades will go through the Army operations. Figure 3 shows the regions, brigade
Force Generation process, be task organized, aug- names, headquarters locations, and six scenarios
mented, and regionally employed. The current aug- against which the units train.1 As the African Union
mentation of 20 to 50 field grade officers provides strives to achieve this goal, the U.S. Army, with its
legal, military police, civil affairs, public affairs, brigade-centric orientation, can work with the Global
engineers, and human terrain team capabilities.28 Peacekeeping Operation Initiative and international
U.S. Army Africa is heavily engaged in security partners to help strengthen these regional peacekeep-
force assistance and strengthening partner land- ing capabilities. Even though the five brigades are in
force capacity. Its non-commissioned officers are various stages of development and readiness, the U.S.
participating in the Liberia Defense Sector Reform, Army can leverage a “core competency” by provid-
for example, and U.S. Army officers are teaching ing brigade-level, land force expertise. Partnering
leadership and decision-making courses at the with the African Standby Force will demonstrate
Ethiopian Staff College. U.S. Army Africa plan- that U.S. Army Africa is focused on defense matters,
ners have also submitted a request for forces that and not encroaching on diplomatic or development
acknowledged an enduring security force assistance space in Africa.

North African Standby Brigade (NASBRIG)*
Tripoli, Libya
West African Standby Brigade (WASBRIG)
Central African Standby Brigade (CASBRIG)
East African Standby Brigade (EASBRIG)
South African Development Community Brigade (SADCBRIG) Addis Ababa,
ASF Potential Missions
Scenario 1. AU/Regional military advice
Scenario 2. AU/Regional observers to UN
Scenario 3. Stand alone AU/Regional observers
Scenario 4. AU/Regional peacekeeping force (PKF)
Abuja, Nigeria
Scenario 5. AU PKF for complex multidimensional PK
Scenario 6. AU intervention–e.g. genocide situations

• Morocco is not part of the African Union. CASBRIG HQ
• Tunisia does not yet contribute to the NASBRIG. Libreville,
• Western Sahara is not universally recognized as an independent state. Gabon
• Angola and Democratic Republic of the Congo are members of the Central
and Southern Brigades; Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles and Tanzania SADCBRIG HQ
are members of Eastern and Southern Brigades; Burundi is a member of Gaborone,
the Central and Eastern Brigades. Botswana

Figure 3. The African Standby Force.

MILITARY REVIEW  January-February 2010 23

Peace Support Operations. The African Union wholly reliant upon other U.S. Army commands
regional economic organizations and the associated around the world to accomplish its mission in
standby force headquarters either provide support to Africa. The Army recently decided to increase U.S.
or have relationships with the African Union, UN, Army Africa’s capabilities over a five-year period.
NATO, and European Union missions throughout This growth will provide USAFRICOM its own
Africa. Traditional U.S. allies, most notably the theater Army headquarters in the near-term, while
United Kingdom, France and Canada, participate mid-term sourcing solutions are developed to add
bilaterally with African nations in various training a versatile mix of enabling capabilities needed to
events and security cooperation activities. The UN respond to crises. As U.S. Army Africa increases
currently oversees eight peace support operations in its activities to meet USAFRICOM requirements,
Africa. The European Union and NATO have their the long-term need for dedicated forces will grow
own offices for 10 missions. Increasingly, these even further.
countries and organizations seek U.S. collabora- Balance. Fulfilling its new role will require U.S.
tion in training, exercises, education, or operations. Army Africa to balance its growing security engage-
With this breadth of activities at the international ment demands with the need to retain a well-trained,
level and a theater campaign plan task to support deployable contingency headquarters. Previously,
peace support operations in Africa, it would benefit SETAF benefited from a singular focus on its joint
U.S. Army Africa to better understand the organi- task force rapid response capability. Today, as
zations and land forces of countries most active U.S. Army Africa, the joint task force requirement
in Africa. The U.S. Army currently has only three is part of a larger mission set, each competing
people committed in two UN missions in Africa. for personnel, equipment, resources, and time. In
Increased U.S. Army Africa participation in these two exercises last year, Lion Focus and Judicious
international or multinational missions may require Response, the headquarters had to reduce security
policy changes, but providing U.S. Army teams to cooperation activity and delay routine meetings in
each peace support operation would provide nearly order to perform its joint task force function. The
instant situational awareness with a relatively small new theater army structure should mitigate this
commitment. Such an undertaking would be clear risk by allowing a main command post to focus
evidence of U.S. defense support to inherently on daily operations while a contingency command
diplomatic and development missions. The U.S. post would remain prepared to provide command
would also benefit by steadily building a cadre of and control over small-scale contingencies, foreign
personnel with experience in regions where the U.S. humanitarian assistance and non-combatant evacu-
military has traditionally lacked expertise. ation operations.
Rejection. The emphasis on sustained security
Challenges engagement in the pre-conflict phase risks three
The U.S. Army faces at least four challenges in types of rejection: African, international, and
Africa, all of which could prevent U.S. Army Africa interagency. If African states and international orga-
from moving forward with its initiatives. nizations like the UN, EU, and NATO reject U.S.
Resources. The Army may not be able to resource overtures, capacity-building and crisis-prevention
U.S. Army Africa at an appropriate level to reach solutions could be viewed as illegitimate. Rec-
its objectives, at least until the demand in Iraq and ognizing that many African militaries organized
Afghanistan has subsided. Without sufficient and along European or Soviet system lines, imposing
dedicated resources, U.S. Army Africa remains a distinctly American model might complicate the
capacity-building effort. Therefore, understanding
African perspectives and gaining the support of
The U.S. Army currently has international partners will be as critical as working
effectively with other U.S. government agencies.
only three people committed Within the U.S. government, the DOD will need
in two UN missions in Africa. to clearly explain the value of early engagement
and address institutional sensitivities regarding the

24 January-February 2010  MILITARY REVIEW


militarization of U.S. foreign policy. The positive comprehensive and “tied to political benchmarks.
effects of clear communication and transparent Consistent failure to achieve those benchmarks
activities like exercise Natural Fire have already can result in the continual drawdown and eventual
helped overcome the initial resistance to increased limitation of U.S. support.”30
US military cooperation in Africa.
Synchronization. Perhaps the greatest chal- Forward Together
lenge to creating positive conditions in Africa is Diplomacy, development, and defense are inte-
synchronizing U.S. defense efforts with diplo- grally linked. The creation of USAFRICOM heralds
matic and development efforts. The inadvertent a more comprehensive U.S. approach in Africa, and
outcome of inadequately coordinated U.S. Army establishment of U.S. Army Africa enables USAF-
Africa action could be that well-trained African RICOM to more effectively advance American
units intended for use in peace support operations, objectives for self-sustaining African security and
but not properly subordinated to civilian authority, stability. Even as the U.S. recognizes the growing
involve themselves inappropriately in domestic importance of Africa, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
policing missions, coups, or conduct controversial continue to require the Army to address its other
cross-border activity. Efforts to improve security global commitments. However, with a modest
force capabilities should thus be multi-level and investment of resources, U.S. Army Africa can
multi-ministry; current operations demonstrate deliver low-cost, well-coordinated, and sustained
that capacity building should take an enterprise security engagement as part of a collective effort
approach and should include advisory missions to achieve transformational change in Africa. As
at the ministries of Defense, Interior, and Justice U.S. Army Africa moves forward, it promises to be
to ensure the entire security sector moves forward a key partner in helping Africans provide for their
together.29 Consequently, as DOD commits to own security in ways that benefit America, Africa,
achieving military objectives, U.S. efforts should be and the world. MR

1. Patrick Smith, “People, Power and Numbers,” The Africa Report 19, October- New Age,” Foreign Affairs, January-February 2009, 29-30.
November 2009, 3. 16. Department of Defense Instruction 3000.05, Stability Operations, 16 Septem-
2. G. Tucker Childs, An Introduction to African Languages (Amsterdam: John ber 2009, <>.
Benjamin, 2003). 17. Ibid.
3. International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2009. 18. See for example, Edward Marks, “Why USAFRICOM,” Joint Force Quar-
4. Andrew Mack, Human Security Brief 2006, Human Security Centre, University terly, 1st Quarter, 2009, 148-51; and Moussa Diop Mboup, Michael Mihalka, and
of British Columbia, Canada, 7-13, < Douglas Lathrop, “Misguided Intentions: Resisting USAFRICOM,” Military Review
HSBrief.pdf> (24 Oct 2009). (July-August 2009): 87-92.
5. United Nations, official website, < 19. William E. Ward and Thomas P. Galvin, “U.S. Africa Command and the Prin-
tors/2009/aug09_4.pdf> (29 September 2009). ciple of Active Security,” Joint Force Quarterly, 4th Quarter 2008, 62.
6. Ibid. 20. U.S. Department of Defense Directive 5100.1 (November 13, 2003), 13.
7. Steven Metz, “Refining American Strategy in Africa,” Strategic Stud- 21. This paragraph was drawn from a previous article, Stephen J. Mariano and
ies Institute, Carlisle Barracks, PA; February 2000, 2, < George L. Deuel, “Crisis Prevention, USAFRICOM, Partnerships and the US Army,”
PM.qst?a=o&d=109338988> (1 November 2009). On Track 14, no. 3, Autumn 2009, 31, <
8. The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, remarks by the President to ontrack14n3.pdf>.
the Ghanaian Parliament, Accra International Conference Center, Accra, Ghana, 11 22. U.S. Army Africa Operations Order 09-87, SETAF Transformation to U.S.
July 2009, < Army Africa, 28 July 2009, 9.
nuh0.1079783.html&distid=ucs> (24 October 2009). 23. The combined SETAF MTOE and TDA were around 168 authorizations. The
9. Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Nominee for Secretary of current MTOE and TDA authorize 428 military and civilians. Under the ASCC Design
State, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 13 Jan 09, < 5.4, U.S. Army Africa will total 745 military and civilian personnel, still smaller than
testimony/2009/ClintonTestimony090113a.pdf> (27 October 2009). the standard 900-person design.
10. Hillary Rodham Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State, remarks with reporters in 24. Brigety, 2.
the correspondents’ room, Washington, DC, 27 January 2009, Department of State 25. Lawrence J. Korb, “Assessing the Debates: Development, Diplomacy, and
website, <> (24 October 2009). Defense as a Policy Framework,” 2; see USASAC Directory, <
11. Max G. Manwaring, Defense, Development, and Diplomacy (3D): Canadian Contact/Countries.pdf> and Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Historical
and U.S. Military Perspectives, U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, Facts Book, <>.
21-23 June 2006; <>. 26. This includes the 53 countries in the USAFRICOM area of responsibility
12. U.S. Army Field Manual 3-0, Operations (Washington DC: Government Print- (AOR) and Egypt, which is technically in the USCENTCOM AOR, but will be invited.
ing Office, October 2008). 27. Robert M. Gates, Speech to United States Corps of Cadets, U.S. Military
13. Sean McFate, “U.S. Africa Command: A New Strategic Paradigm?” Military Academy, West Point, New York, 21 April 2008.
Review (January-February 2008): 18. 28. Headquarters, Department of the Army, G 3/5/7, Briefing on Security Force
14. Reuben E. Brigety II, “Humanity as a Weapon of War: Sustainable Security Assistance, 29 March 2009.
and the Role of the U.S. Military,” Center for American Progress, June 2008, 4, <www. 29. James M. Dubik, “Building Security Forces and Ministerial Capacity: Iraq> (7 April 2009). as a Primer,” Report 1, Best Practices, (Institute for the Study of War, Washington
15. Robert M. Gates, “A Balanced Strategy: Reprogramming the Pentagon for a D.C., August 2009), 24.

MILITARY REVIEW  January-February 2010 25

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