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APUSH Exam Review 1984

The wealthiest people in pre-Revolutionary America were

northern merchants and southern planters.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act(1854) heightened the sectional

crisis b/c it ...
repealed the Missouri Compromise

During Reconstruction, Southern Blacks typically...

tilled farms as renters and sharecroppers.

The public's response to Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle

helped bring about...
the Pure Food and Drug Act.

All of these occured during WWII...

-dramatic increase of married women in paid work force
-forced relocation of Japanese-Americans from the West Coast
to camps in interior
-the federal rationing of gas and surgar
-increase in black migration to urban areas

In 1954 Supreme Court ruled in the case of Brown v. Board of

Education of Topeka that...
racial segregation in public schools was a denial of the equal

The Ordinances of 1785 and 1787 were notable

accomplishments because they...
initiated a territorial policy that provided for the orderly
creation of new states.

APUSH Exam Review 1984

The American Transcendentalists may best be characterized

a group of Northern intellectuals who shared a belief in the
value of human intuition, the presence of divinity in nature, and
and emotional comprehension of God.

The feeling that the RRs were exploiting the farmers...

was the most important cause of agrarian discontent in the US
in the last quarter of the 19th century.

The first Great Awakening was...

a religious revival that occurred throughout the American

"Let me... warn you in the most solemn manner against the
ruinous effects of the spirit of party... The alternate
domination of one faction over another,sharpened by the
spirit of revenge natural to party dissension... is itself a
frightful despotism." reflects...
George Washington's concern about the development of
political parties during his administration

They saw advantages in a divided Union but pursued

cautious policies toward both sides....
this best characterizes the response of Great Britain and France
to the American Civil War.

It favored immigration restriction as well as white

this accurately describes the Klu Klux Klan

FDRs farm policy was primarily designed to...

reduce production in order to boost farm prices.

APUSH Exam Review 1984

France's support for the US during the American
Revolutionary War was motivated by...
a desire to weaken its rival Great Britain.

Thomas Jefferson opposed some of Alexander Hamilton's

programs b/c Jefferson believed that...
Hamilton's programs favored wealthy financial interests.

The following contribute to the US decision to declare war

against Great Britain in 1812...
-American concern for national honor
-the impressment of American seamen
-British interference with US commerce
-American fears of British aid to Native Americans (indians) on
the frontier

Custom duties and Land sales...

provided sources of revenue for the federal government in the
period from 1800-1860.

The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor occurred after...

diplomatic negotiations with the US reached a stalemate

They tolerated no one whose expressed religious views varied

from their own views...
this best describes the attitude of 17th century Puritans toward
religious liberty.

President Lincoln refrained from taking action to emancipate

slaves until the Civil War had been in progress for almost
2yrs b/c...
he sought to retain the loyalty of the border states.

A Kansas Farmer...
would be most likely to support William Jennings Bryan in the
campaign of 1896.

APUSH Exam Review 1984

The principal foreign foreign policy issue confronting the
Wilson administration between the outbreak of the first
world war in 1914 and US involvement in the conflict in 1917
was the...
freedom of the seas.

An important factor contribution to the Great Depression in

the US in the 1930s was the...
decline in farm prosperity during the 1920s.

"I believe that it must be the policy of the US to support free

peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed
minorities or by outside pressures. Ibelieve that we must
assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their
own way. I believe that our help should be primarily through
economic and financial aid which is essential to stability and
orderly political processes." this is taken from...
Harry S Truman's request for funds to support Greece and
Turkey agains communism.

By the time of the Revolution, the American colonists had

generally come to believe that creation of a republic would
solve the problems of monarchical rule b/c a republic would
a small, limited gov. responsible to the the people.

Presiden Jackson's Native American policy resulted in...

the removal of the Cherokee from the southeast to settlements
across the Mississippi

All of the following were considered legitimate functions of

the federal gov. in the late 19th century...
-promoting industrial growth by means of a protective tariff
-granting subsides to encourage the construction of RRS
-regulating immigration
-regulating the nations currency

APUSH Exam Review 1984

In the history of American transportation the canal era
occurred during...

All of the following were factors in the failure of the US to

join the League of Nations after WWI...
-fear of further involvement in foreign wars
-personal and political rivalries between Pres. Woodrow Wilson
and Senator Henry Cabot Lodge
-Pres. Woodrow Wilson's illness
-a group of US Senators who opposed American participation
on any terms

The following trial best illustrates the cultural conflict in the

1920s b/t fundamentalism and modernism...
The John T. Scopes trial.

It emphasized the avoidance of binding political

commitments to other nations...

It spread rapidly in the late 17th century as blacks displaced

white indentured servants in the tobacco fields...
use of slave labor in colonial VA.

The French and Indian War was a pivotal point in America's

relationship to Great Britain b/c it led Great Britain to...
impose revenue taxes on the colonies.

Deists of the late 18th and early 19th centuries believed that...
natural laws, set by the Creator, govern the operation of the

Marbury v. Madison (1803) is famous for establishing the

principle of...
judicial review.

APUSH Exam Review 1984

A proposal for the uncompensated emancipation of American
slaves was advanced by...
William Lloyd Garrison in the Liberator in 1831.

The"Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions" issued by

the Seneca Falls Convention demanded...
greater rights for women.

In the Pre- Civil War era the RRs most important impact on
the economy was the ...
accessibility to Eastern urban markets provided to Midwestern

The North's advantages over the South at the outbreak of the

Civil WAr included...
-more substantial industrial resources
-a more extensive RR network
-dominance in foreign trade
-naval supremacy

The mercantilist system in the 18th century led to...

the subordination of the colonial economy to that of the mother

The tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy were distinctive in

that they...
formed the most important Native American political
organization to confront the colonists.

A major defect in the national government established by the

Articles of Confederation was that it lacked...
the authority to tax.

Early American diplomats to European nations often gained

advantages for the US by...
exploiting European rivalries.

APUSH Exam Review 1984

The hostility of the Know-Nothing party was directed
primarily against...
Irish and German Catholic immigrants.

the term "cult of domesticity" refers to...

the idealism of women in their roles as wives and mothers
during the early 19th century

An important reason for the proclamation of the Monroe

Doctrine was to...
protect republican institutions of Gov.. in Western Hemisphere.

Rhetoric on "manifest destiny" in the American press...

most likely increases Mexican suspicion of US territorial
objectives in the 1830s and 1840s.

"...children should be children as long as the can" was most

likely said by...
a mid 19th century educational reformer.

All of the following elements of the Radical Republican

program were implemented during Reconstruction...
-enactment of the 14th amendment
-military occupation of the South
-punishment of the Confederate leaders
-restrictions on the power of the president.

The second Sioux War (1875-1876). which saw the defeat of

Custer at the Battle of the Little Big Horn, was caused by all
of the following...
-the extension of the route of the Norther Pacific RR
-the gold rush in the Black Hills
-corruption within the Department of the Interior
-overland migration of settlers to the Pacific Northwest.

The following accurately describes the Harlem Renaissance...

APUSH Exam Review 1984

-It flourished during the 1920s
-It consisted of a period of dramatic Black intellectual and
artistic creativity

The main purpose of the Wagner Labor Relations Act of 1935

was to...
ensure workers right to organize and bargain collectively.

The principal reason for the economic boom in the US after

the second world war was...
a shortage of consumer goods combined w/ a reserve of
purchasing power in the form of accumulated savings.

It grew out of policy commitments and assumptions since the

second world war...
is about US involvement in the Vietnam WAr.

Widespread ownership of property is a bulwark of republican

was a widely held belief among the founding father of the US.

They were the first tariffs whose major purpose was

is about the tariffs passed during the period 1816-1828.

Invention of the cotton gin...

had the greatest impact on the institution of slavery in the US in
the first quarter of the 19th century.

The nullification controversy of 1832-1833 was significant in

part because it...
enhanced Andrew Jackson's reputation as a strong President.

The establishment of Brook Farm and the Oneida

Community in the antebellum US reflected...
the blossoming of perfectionist aspirations.

APUSH Exam Review 1984

The Reconstruction Acts of 1867 provided for...

temporary Union military supervision of the ex confederacy.

In the late 19th century controversy over the social and

religious implications of Darwinian theory, all of the
following popular beliefs were felt to be threatened by
-theological doctrine of "design
-accuracy of the Old Testament
-uniqueness of man in nature
-concept of the deserving poor

All of the following help to explain the presence of large

numbers of expatriate American intellectuals in Europe
during the 1920s...
-repressive effects of Prohibition and the resurgence of
conservatism in the US
-attraction of European cities, especially Paris, as centers of
innovation and creativity
-tradition among American writers taking up temporary
residence in Europe
-claims of young American writers and critics that American
culture was materialistic and hostile to the development of their

The following immigrants were often forced to return to their

country of origin...
Mexicans during the 1930s.

Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928...

was a multilateral pact condemning recourse to war.

APUSH Exam Review 1984

Following the Second World War, President Truman was
unable to expand significantly his predecessors New Deal
programs primarily because of...
the dominations of Congress by Republicans and conservative

The Whigs of the 1830s and 1840s differed from the

Jacksonian Democrats in that the Whigs...
supported the American System of Henry Clay.

The anti combination laws passed by numerous states in the

late 1880s were a response to...
the use of stock holding trusts to create business oligopolies.

It imposed specific limitations on the number of battleships

allowed to the signatory nations...
Washington Naval Conference of 1921-1922.

Business activity expanded and contracted frequently...

Gilded age.

During the New Deal FDR recommended legislation to

achieve all of the following...
-legal protection for workers who sought collective bargaining
-gov. payments to farmers who plowed up their crops
-the development of public power-generating facilities
-gov.-business cooperation in formulating "codes" of fair

Pres. Eisenhower's economic polis can be best characterized

the acceptance of the New Deal a, but moderation in the
expansion of Gov.. social programs.

The Employment Act of 1946...

Declared it the objective of the federal Gov.. to foster full

APUSH Exam Review 1984

After 1763, changes in the British imperial system threatened

the interest of...
-Land speculators w/ interests west of the Apps
-Newspaper editors and lawyers
-farmers wishing to settle in the Ohio River valley
-Boston smugglers

The ideas and ideals of Progressive reformers were

represented in...
-The Keating-Owen Child Labor Act
-The Fourteen Points
The Volstead Act
-The National Origins Act

During the Manchurian crisis of 1931-1932 the Hoover

Refused to recognize Japan's new conquests

All of the following depicted social conditions in the US

during the Great Depression of the 1930s...
-John Steinbeck's the Grapes of Wrath
-John Dos Passos USA
-James T Farrels Studs Lonigan
-Erskine Caldwell's Tabacco Road

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