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How to Draw the Golden Spiral (with Step-by-Step Illustrations)

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How to Draw the Golden Spiral


Two Methods:

Edited 23 weeks ago

Full Method

Rectangle Method

Commonly found in nature, the well-known shape of the golden spiral is a

unique form but can be sketched nicely using the elements of the Fibonacci
sequence. It is fairly simple to draw, and can be quite beautiful when done

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Method 1 of 2: Full Method

Gather your materials. You'll need to draw a system of squares that will end up
"inscribing" the spiral, acting as guide lines for your drawing. Gather your materials,

making sure that you have everythingthe list of what is needed is found in the Things
You'll Need section below all the steps.

Draw squares using the Fibonacci sequence. This works by adding the two
previous numbers: You get the next one starting from 0 and 1; so, it goes 0, 1, 1, 2,

3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc. The length of one side of each square should equal a number
in the sequence (the 0 is not needed for drawing any of the square), but the beginning
point can be called (0,0), if we set it up that way. You will have a 1X1 square (use any
unit of measurement you want, at any size, just be consistent) with a second 1X1 drawn
next to it on the left side of the first, then down to put 2X2, and right for 3X3, then up for
5X5, and then left to fit 8X8. Below all that, put 13X13 and so on, to as large a square as
your paper can fit.

Arrange the squares. Draw each of these squares in a counter-clockwise pattern.

It will finally form a spiral as you draw a curve through the squares (as instructed


Turn the compass. Put your compass, pivot point and pencil, as shown in the
picture, with its length set at one unit (side of the first square) long. Turn it 90

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How to Draw the Golden Spiral (with Step-by-Step Illustrations)

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degrees counter-clockwise.

Adjust the compass. Adjust the compass so it is now two units long. Again, turn it
90 degrees counter-clockwise. Then 3, then 5, next 8 and continue this process

until the squares each have the curving spiral through them.

Ink your spiral. Ink your drawing with pen when you are ready, carefully tracing
along the penciled curve. If you're shooting for exceptional accuracy, you can use a

French curve to help you.

Erase your guide lines. With the spiral traced in pen, use your eraser to rub out

Done! Congratulations, you've just made the golden spiral!

the squares made in pencil.

Method 2 of 2: Rectangle Method

Draw a square with perfectly equal sides. Using a ruler and protractor can help.

Find the half way point. Find the half way point on one of the sides.

Align a compass to the opposite corner. Take a compass and find one of the
corners on the opposite side from where you took the halfway point. With the

needle on the halfway point, place the arm at the opposite corner.

Extend the line. Rotate the compass until the arm is in line with the side where
you took the halfway point. This spot will now be the corner for the golden ratio

outline rectangle.

Draw the new rectangle. Using a ruler, extend your square into a rectangle with
the point you found as one of it's corners. This new rectangle can be used as a

basis for drawing your spiral.


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How to Draw the Golden Spiral (with Step-by-Step Illustrations)

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Using a French curve can greatly help your accuracy, but it takes some
practice to find the right curves and make it flow.
Use a thick pen. It gives you a bit more "wiggle room" with the pencil
curve, so if you start to stray a little you can catch it and correct it
without it being too obvious.

Be careful with compasses. They can rip your paper, and the point is
quite sharp.

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How to Draw the Golden Spiral (with Step-by-Step Illustrations)

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Things You'll Need

Graph paper

Sources and Citations

Article Info

Categories: Featured Articles | Drawing Shapes and Forms

Recent edits by: Serendipitee, LeahlovesGod, Abhi


In other languages:
Deutsch: Wie man die goldene Spirale zeichnet, Portugus: Como Desenhar a Espiral
Dourada, Espaol: Cmo dibujar la espiral dorada, Italiano: Come Disegnare la
Spirale Aurea

Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 106,772 times.

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How to Draw the Golden Spiral (with Step-by-Step Illustrations)

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