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Slide 1: MAST Vision, Mission, Values

MAST mission statement (obtain from

Meaningful words describing MAST

Slide 2: Vessel Introduction


Reasons for vessel

o Obtain from background information
Planning objectives
o Obtain from background information
Benefits of a vessel
o Obtain from background information

Slide 3: Macroenvironment Analysis: PESTEL/PESTLE


o Obtain domestic policy affecting MAST
o Obtain domestic policy affecting MAST research vessels
o Obtain economic factors of vessel
o Obtain budget information and growth of budget year over year
o Quantify marine education demand
o Display technological factors
o Obtain environmental law
o Obtain climate data
o State laws affection MAST vessel operation

Slide 4: Market

Geographical explanation of mast


Slide 5: Five Forces Analysis


Threat of new entry

o List schools with marine research
Supplier power
o Ability to deal with necessary vessel supplies
Buyer Power
o Ability to deal with changing of budget

Threat of Substitution
o Potential alternatives to MAST.
o Obtain from background information.
Competitive Rivalry
o Explain other MCVSD schools
o Explain other marine schools and quality

Slide 6: Product Description


Obtain information from group partners

Help develop the criteria to create a 3-D video model of vessel

Slide 7: Consumer Analysis: Target Group (Students)


Use background research to compile student profile

Slide 8: Consumer Segmentation (Types of Students)


Differentiate type of students by intended college major

o Science, engineering, other

Slide 9: Consumer Analysis: Student Satisfaction


Create satisfaction survey with current blue sea

o Google form sent to students.
o Satisfaction compiled on a 1-10 scale
o Form content included but not limited to
Boat reliability
Boat use
Boat class diversity
Create satisfaction with new ocean breeze
o Google survey to students
o Satisfaction compiled on a 1-10 scale
o Form content included but limited to
New boat design
Perceived use value
Quantify data into 4 statistics
o Statistic 1: Overall satisfaction with old vessel (percent satisfied)
o Statistic 2: Overall satisfaction with new vessel (percent satisfied)
o Statistic 3: Overall satisfaction with different uses of old vessel (percent satisfied)
o Statistic 4: Overall satisfaction with different uses of new vessel (percent satisfied)

Slide 10: Consumer Analysis: Teacher Satisfaction

Create satisfaction survey with current blue sea

o Google form sent to teachers.
o Satisfaction compiled on a 1-10 scale
o Form content included but not limited to
Boat reliability
Boat use
Boat class diversity
Create satisfaction with new ocean breeze
o Google survey to teachers
o Satisfaction compiled on a 1-10 scale
o Form content included but limited to
New boat design
Perceived use value
Ability to use in their class
Quantify data into 4 statistics
o Statistic 1: Overall satisfaction with old vessel (percent satisfied)
o Statistic 2: Overall satisfaction with new vessel (percent satisfied)
o Statistic 3: Overall satisfaction with different uses of old vessel (percent satisfied)
o Statistic 4: Overall satisfaction with different uses of new vessel (percent satisfied)

Slide 11: Consumer Analysis: Net Scoring


Quantify survey data into net score

o Bar graph satisfaction into general numbers
o Get net positives reaction versus negative reactions
o Compile into pie chart using excel
o Describe information on right bar
Explains that it is a net score

Slide 12: Schedule of Completion


Create Gantt chart for vessel completion

Aided by Tessa and Adam: Find factors in production and schedule

Slide 13: Objective- School Reach


Goal 1: Major Curriculum Change

o Create subsections
Subsections are based on department
Subsection criteria is determined by survey results
Goal 2: Perceived School Prestige Change
o Create subsections

Slide 14: Long term objectives


List overall MASTs mission with new vessel

o Place into 1 large idea followed by 3 smaller ideas

Slide 15: Market Research Student Prestige Growth


Quantify current student and last 5 years of student SAT scores

Using expected increase school prestige, correlate the increase into a SAT score value
Convert SAT scores into national and state percentile
Use years as x-axis and use percentiles as y-axis

Slide 16: Consumer Analysis: Return on investment per Student


Compile return on investment per student

o Student type 1: Marine Science
Avg. marine-science MAST alumni salary National marine science average
o Student type 2: Science
Avg. MAST science alumni salary- national science average
o Student type 3: Engineering
Avg. MAST engineering alumni salary national engineering average
o Student type 4: Other
Avg. MAST other-based alumni salary national overall salary average
o Overall: 30 Year Trend
Overall student return on investment per student for 30 MAST classes
initial costs of vessel

Slide 19: Product Life Cycle


Segmented into price of maintenance for old vessel vs new vessel

o Old vessel: obtain older history and compile on a yearly scale
o New vessel: estimate part lifespan based on product averages
Graph x-axis: years
Graph y-axis: price per year for maintenance

Slide 20: Product Brand Experience


Words most associated with vessel

Obtain through survey question to students

Slide 21: Budget


Obtain expenditure information from group members

Compile into two-columns
o 1. Expenditure name

2. Expenditure price (Result of all added prices)

Slide 22: Scenario Analysis


Positive optimistic
o Highly ranked school
Calculate by the last 10 year national history
Calculate future with smarter students
o Calculate smarter students by SAT increase trend
Positive most likely
o Higher ranked school
Calculate by the last 10 year national history
Calculate future with slightly smarter students
o Use similar methods in Positive optimistic scenario
Negative stagnancy
o Stays same
Calculate by current trends of MAST
Negative threat
o Lowers in rank
Calculate MAST without working vessel
Eliminate marine research from MAST data and plot

Slide 23: Conclusion: Background Information


Obtain information from background information

Restate from earlier slide

Slide 24: Conclusion: Vessel Description


Obtain information from group members

Restate from earlier slide

Slide 25: Conclusion: Vessel Price & Potential


Obtain information from group members

Restate from earlier slide

Slide 26: Call to Action


Ask for funds from Board of Education

Ask for MAST student activities to use vessel

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