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Main Menu: Modules Tab - SAP Documentation

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Main Menu: Modules Tab

The Modules tab contains all SAP Business O ne m odules:

Contains the basic system settings for currency exchange rates,system setup,and
authorizations,as w ell as settings for online alerts,and data im port/export functions.

M anages all your accounting data and chart of accounts,general ledger,current accounting
posting,and reporting.In addition,you can define budgets and profit centers for better
m anagem ent of com pany revenues and expenses.

Sales Opportunities
H elps the sales em ployees to m anage their sales opportunities and enables you to analyze
your sales inform ation.It also includes opportunity forecast reports,w on opportunities,an
opportunities pipeline,and a dynam ic display of sales stages.

Sales A/R
H andles all aspects of the sales process,from entering sales quotations,sales orders and
deliveries,to issuing custom er invoices and returns.In addition,you can draw base
docum ents to target docum ents,or send letters to custom ers w ith open debts.

Purchasing A/P
Lets you m anage all your vendor transactions.You can m ap the entire buying process,from
purchase orders to vendor invoicing.Com panies that im port goods can use the landed costs
functionality to calculate the purchase prices of their im ported item s,including custom s,
transport and insurance,fees,taxes,and other landed costs.

Business Partners
Stores the m aster data for all your business partners,including relevant inform ation about
custom ers,dealers,vendors,and leads.In addition,you can store inform ation about business
partner activities,as w ell as data for sales volum e forecasts.

H andles the full range of m onetary transactions.In addition,you can use Paym ent Engine to
process autom atic paym ents.

M anages your inventory,including w arehouse inventory,price lists,special pricing



Main Menu: Modules Tab - SAP Documentation

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agreem ents,alternative item s,and w arehouse transactions,as w ell as the pricing and
packaging process,and batches and serial num ber m anagem ent.

Enables you to handle bills of m aterial and production orders.

MRP (Material Requirements Planning)

Effectively m anages your m aterial requirem ents in the m anufacturing process.A planning
w izard helps you define planning scenarios that consider existing inventory,sales orders,
purchase orders,production orders,and forecasts,to create m aterial ordering
recom m endations that enable you to fulfill your com m itm ents to your custom ers.

M anages interaction betw een service representatives and custom ers.It enables you to enter
and m aintain inform ation about service contracts,item s and serial num bers,custom er
com plaints and inquiries,as w ell as perform num erous related functions.Each tim e a
custom er reports a problem ,you log it in by opening a service call.

Human Resources
M aintains inform ation on com pany em ployees and enables you to perform num erous related
functions.It provides staff m anagem ent capabilities,including em ployee details,contact
inform ation,and absence reports.

Enables you to com pile reports w ith corporate data and inform ation in exactly the w ay you
w ant to see it.This includes com pany internal evaluations,inventory reports,financial
reports,and accounting data.In addition to the predefined reports,you can also define
individual queries.

More Information
SAP Business O ne M ain W indow



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