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How old are you?

24 years old

Where do you live?


What class is your main character?


Provide a link to the page of your main character:

What are the names of your alts?


Please explain your talent spec (including any variations for

specific encounters)
Speed of light
Fist of Justice
Selfless Heals
Final Verdict

Reason 1. Speed of light vs Long arm

I change between those 2 depending on limit of speed needed
2. Fist of justice is the only good talent for during boss encounter, if any adds
spawns could be handled or
used as a extra interrupt. Changing to repentance on trash if cc needed
3. Selfless Healing is perfect considering the high proc and ive used to have it
assigned to keep myself up or
as extra healing for tank or during encounters with spread
4.Clemency providing 2 of hof, hop and hos which can be the break point for
some bosses when it comes to defense.
Like for example Tok
5. Sanc, Hammer of wrath was and still is in wod a strong attack for single target
along with aoe rotation. So with 50% reduction in burst and other phases is the
max dps talent atm
6. Es vs Lh depends on single target or aoe ( also for extra healing help during
stack encounters )

7. Oure new tier Final verdict is the one and only. Best one and only option for
optimal dps as ret atm

Please explain your glyphs (including any variations for specific

Changing glyphs from aoe bosses to single target
Atm am using Templar for the damge reduction buff along with Avenging wrath
And as last one Mass exorc for aoe dps.

Please explain your choice in gemming and enchants (stat weights)

As of Wod the stat value changed for ret to:
1. Strength
2. Mastery
3. Multistrike
4. Crit/haste

Stacking as much strength and Mastery as possible as strength provides with

higher attack powers which gives the abilities higher damage. And mastery
which provides hand of light ( more damage to our 3 main abilities )
3th Mulistrike which hits a second and thirds time 30% of the damage.

Please list your addons:



Please provide a screenshot of your UI and/or list your key

bindings (If your key bindings are not visible on your screenshot
you should mention them):

Here is a list of my key binds it's a little outdated as I have changed a few of
them along with a few spells been removed. Where inquisition are is now my
burst macro along with other changes.

Do you have any days or times you're unable to raid?:

Not atm

What guilds were you in before and why did you leave them?
I've played for The axmen on Ravencrest until we disbanded.
Where i had a few offers and ended up in Synthetic Realm 2nd where i did aq40
along with a few bosses in Naxx40 before i took a break before Tbc. AS back in
those days i was in middle school and had soccer along with lots of other stuff
that was more fun.

Late in tbc i migrated to my friends server Grim Batol
where i joined a old good vanilla guild called Fatal Error
where did all up until a few bosses in Sunwell.

Migrated to Agamaggan
had a pretty casual gaming period but ended up Realm 1st after 12/13 long time
with realm 1st Slashflex

My final migration to Kazzak
Joined Ash a scandanavian guild until it disbaned during late Mop

Ash until i joined Grumpy Old Men / comsilium another scandanavian guild

After we downed soO it came summer vacation and other plans where i went
social and didn't expect to join for wod or play at all.

Please list all the bosses you have killed (including in previous expansions)
when their particular raid tier was still the cutting edge
MC - cleared
Bwl - Cleared
Aq20 - Cleared
Aq40 - Cleared Realm 2nd
Naxx- 2 wings ++ a few other bosses

All upon 3 bosses in Sunwell with Fatal Error

Ended up with Realm 1st Lich king

Firelands 6/7 ( 7/7 after nerf )
Dragon Soul 8/8 ( Realm 6 25man )

Not fully active before last tier

SoO 14/14 heroic 25man

What sources and/or methods do you use to keep your class

knowledge up to date?

What are your goals in this game?

My number 1 goal is to always get down the tier bosses in a good speed. But not
in a way of playing each day each hour. Like the semi-hardcore / casual way.
My goal is also to always be in top of my class/spec dps ranking wise and the
''all knowing''

Can you link any World of Logs or Warcraftlogs reports from

raids in which you participated?
My last SoO run and only active Log i could find

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself as a person?

Very honest
High goals for myself both in game and real life
Social ( love doing all aspect of the game not only raiding )
Achievement whore

Anything else you would like to add

Am a person that has come to stay and contribute and is ready to raid. Got a long
and high exp jorney since vanilla and hope to get some new memories with you
guys. I would love to share some new and old. A few old ones:

Few videos wich i appear in:

World's fastest molten core run with the axemen

Realm 3th Huhuran kill Aq40

World 354 25man hc Spine in DS

World 375 25man hc Madness of deathwing

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