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everyone! My name is Dhruv Gupta and I stutter.

I was 8 years old when I remember stuttering for the first time. My 5th grade
teacher asked the class What do you put at the end of a sentence? My hand shot up.
A full-stop.
Only, I wish I said it that way. The way those words actually came out of my mouth
were a F-f-f-f-ull-s-s-s-s-top.
Those 10 seconds felt like 10 minutes. I felt hot, scared and afraid. Sweat crawled
across my body, shivers ran down my spine, and my heart started thumping. My
mind was racing, Whats going on? Why cant I say this word? Why cant I be fluent?
I would compare this to someone whos learning a new language, and knows exactly
what they want to say but simply can not express it.
As I grew up, I went through a similar experience each time I stuttered. Whether it
was asking a simple question in class, ordering, or taking an order, in a restaurant,
or picking up the phone to simply say Hello.
Stuttering even impacted my ability to get a job. I remember my first career fair in
University. Id walk up to a company representative, hand them my honor-roll
resume, and then have difficult introducing myself. My name is D-D-D-hruv.
Id have difficult making friends and even when trying to relax while reading a book.
I would read out loud, start stuttering and get frustrated. I had to find a way to
overcome or accept stuttering. I could not keep fighting it. I was not strong enough.
In October 2012, I decided to seek professional help. I researched online and found a
3-week intensive stuttering therapy program in New York.
Could I turn-around my thinking in just 3 weeks? I had too. I had no other choice.
On the first day of the therapy program, I went to this Mexican fast-food restaurant
Chipotle for lunch. There was a long queue to order. When you got to the front of
queue you would have to state whether you want a Burrito or a Roll, Brown or
White Rice, Black or Pinto beans, choice of salsas, and choice of vegetables. My heart
started thumping again. Oh no, I would have to speak all of those choices. I knew I
would stutter.
As the line inched forward, my anticipation for the stuttering moment increased. I
was going to stutter. I was going to hold up the entire line. The person taking my
order was going to be rude, and everyone behind me would be impatient.
I finally arrived and began to speak. Id like a B-b-rrito, B-b-b-rown rice, B-b-b-black
beans, corn s-s-salsa, and lettuce, ch-ch-cheese and sour cream. I did it. My face was
red, my arm-pits wet, and I wanted to go crawl into a large cave and never talk to
anyone again.

After heading back to the therapy office, I shared with a therapist about how I
simply can-not order food.
His words were, Try changing, I can not order food to I can try to order food. And
then change that to I will order food. And further, I am ordering food. I can, I will, I
am. This change in mind-set is very powerful. Also, what do you think well?
What went well? I guess I used good eye-contact, but that doesnt matter cause I
was still stuttering really bad.
Try changing but, to and. You used good eye-contact, and?
AndI got the food that I wanted.
Nice. And?
AndI said thank you and the person taking the order smiled.
Cool. Now you can keep asking yourself, and. And Im sure you can find a dozen
more things you did well Rather than knit-picking on the negative things, try knit-
picking on the positive. The things you did well, and more things you did well. This
process is also very powerfully positive.
His words rung through my ears.
6-weeks later, I was back in Guangzhou. I was sitting at a Toastmasters meeting
listening to an announcement about a club speech competition. Ive never
participated in a speech competition before. What if I stutter? I felt hot, scared and
afraid. I then remember, turn-around thinking.
I can do it, I will do it, (raise hand), I am doing it. I raised my hand and participated.
After-giving my International speech at the club competition, I was beating myself
up. I did well but I missed a line...waitturn-around thinking. And..I used good eye-
contact. And I spoke loudly and audibly. And I used excellent facial expressions. And
I think I used my stage well.
And here I am today. By turn-around my thinking after international speech
competition, I went on to compete in the club Table Topics competition. And I won
1st place. I owe my success to Turn-around thinking.
Now Id like you to picture a dream you have. A dream you really, really want to
achieve. And tell yourself - I can achieve it. I will achieve it. I am achieving it.
Andafter achieving it, remember all the positives feelings you experience
throughout journey. Turn-around -thinking.

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