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Back in my primary school days, I remember being surrounded by enthusiastic kids fooling around

with their play mates, while I, spent time wondering at the edge of the field looking at what nature
has to offer. A few of my close friends came and joined me. I enjoyed their company. However,
when I was told to participate in a group game where I had to socialize with everyone, it seemed to
be the last thing I would want to do on my imaginary fun list. In secondary school, I had to
participate in numerous meetings and discussions, which I find to be extremely morbid and
tiresome. I survived, but certainly did not enjoy. I felt misplaced and inferior towards all of the
outspoken kids and what I really hoped for was to be like them. Well, isnt that what an ideal
person should be? The funny, adrenaline filled, crowd pleasing person where students and
teachers alike applaud?
Despite my inability to be like that, I managed to be a top student. I was active in co-curricular
activities, did well in my studies and had been well liked (I think) by teachers and friends. So I
wondered, why do I feel brain dead during meetings but managed to contribute, why I preferred to
remain silent and think while others are chatting, why do I have butterflies swarming in my tummy
in a raving party and ultimately, why do I still fit into society though I know I am not like them.
It took me long to know that I am not socially awkward. After reading Quiet by Susan Cain, I
realize that I am an inwardly active, deep thinking person who has his playground built inside of
him rather than out. I am defined by a term coined by Carl Jung, which is a very commonly
misused term known as- introverted.
Yes ladies & gentlemen, I am introverted and no, I will not die from loneliness. BIGGEST
misconception: Introverts are not shy! We have a tendency to be shy but that is a separate
personality issue. Introverts are really wonderful beings, we do, matter in fact, contribute great
ideas! I know its hard to be in this position and many question why. Nobody is to be blamed. Your
parents did nothing to you that made you like this, neither did your friends or the robbery accident
that scarred your childhood. Fear not, you are not retarded as well. The reason lies in your brain,
neurotransmitters to be precise. Theres more to that but its boring stuff. My point, theres a
biological backing. Were not outcasts after all! (Told ya!)
However, I must say, the society is biased towards extroversion. Being outspoken, leaderlike and
influential is what most parent wish their child to be and what we hope to be ourselves. Certainly,
they do have their advantages of being heard and enjoyable, but thats really not the end for us. If
we were really the inferior bunch, natural selection would have made sure were gone a long time
ago. Yayers!!
Now you know you that are not weird and can finally scream of joy internally, here are some tips to
help you make the most out of who you are. 1. Accept who you are. That is the golden rule. You
have to feel good of yourself in order to perform your best daily. Remember, you are not the
second class of society, you are equally important. 2. When it comes to meetings or discussions,
try to get to know what it will be about beforehand (Of course, you can only do that if your
organization permits you,). Give yourself time and think about it, making sure you jolt your thoughts
down. This is important because we tend to feel overwhelmed during meetings and thus, get lost in
the whole process. You wouldnt want to be an unproductive, idle worker would you now? 3. If you
are a leader of a club, society, organization, try to identify those who are introverted. Make one-onone meetings with them as they tend to be more open and productive that way. 4. Do not excuse
yourself from public speaking! There is no correlation between your ability to speak and how
introverted you are. The only thing pulling you back is fear. Eleanor Roosevelt is an influential
speaker and an introvert! 5. At times, you got to be a faux extrovert. How? Observe others. This is
a tiring process, so do allow yourself breaks in between. At the end of the day you are who you are
no matter how many masks you put on.
Christina Aguilera, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Bill Gates; these are people whom you
have heard of and probably not know that they are introverts. Introversion and extroversion is just
a scale and a person does not necessarily have to be in the extremes, we could like anywhere in

between. Identifying where you lie helps you to develop as no one path is the same as the others.
Remember, if introverted Bill could, you could too.

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