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Rafael S.

Data Scientist

H +55 (11) 97525 6222

T +55 (11) 3213 5888

Im a Ph.D. in Physics, specialized in statistical modelling of complex systems. Throughout my academic

life I worked with mathematical and statistical modelling tools and techniques on problems in
semiconductor physics, financial markets, behavioral finance and sociology. On the private sector Ive
been working as a Data Scientist, creating and implementing algorithms and product features based on
the statistical analysis, and providing data driven insights for business decisions.
I have solid quantitative skills, including machine learning, statistical modelling and information retrieval. I
also have a strong software development skill set, a solid experience in academic research and an
independent and autodidactic personality.

Fluent reading, advanced conversation and writing.

Programming Languages.
Python, C/C++, Haskell, Java and others.

Tools and technologies.

Git, REST, NoSQL databases, ElasticSearch, MapReduce, AWS

Mathematical skills.
Machine Learning, Bayesian Inference, Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Statistical Modelling, Data Mining, Monte Carlo Methods, Scientific Computing,
Numerical Analysis, Recommender Systems, Pattern Recognition.

Professional Experience
Sep/2014 Data Scientist Leader, Catho Online, Barueri/SP.
Responsible for leading the research activity in the Catho Innovation Team and stablishing
relations with academic leaders and scientists. Also responsible for leading the aspects of
the implementation of new products at the Catho Innovation Team that involve research
and developmento of mathematical models. Currently involved in the implementation
of a the new recommender system for the website.

Jul/2013 Data Scientist and Innovation Specialist, Catho Online, Barueri/SP.

Sep/2014 Provided statistical and data driven insights for business decisions, designed and implemented statistical models impacting different areas: I participated in the development of
a data gathering platform for Market Share analytics and identification of new business
opportunities. Created a record linkage algorithm and platform for internet profiles.
Researched and participated in the design of a new recommender system.

Feb/2012 Data Scientist / Statistician, Apontador / LBS Local, So Paulo/SP.

Jul/2013 I created statistical models of user behavior based on user navigation data. Developed a
bayesian ad selection algorithm based on ad conversion data. Improved over a previous
record linkage algorithm for venue information captured with internet crawlers. Implemented a proof-of-concept venue recommender system. Developed and implemented
several improvements on a geolocated venue search system used at

Mar/2008 Ph.D. in Physics, Universidade de So Paulo, IF.
Apr/2012 Topics in Statistical Physics of Complex Systems

{ Information theory and dependency theory applied to financial market data

{ A statistical model for the emergence of conventions in financial markets.
{ A statistical model for the emergence of authority in pre-agricultural societies.
Mar/2005 M.Sc. in Physics, Universidade de So Paulo, IFSC.
Apr/2007 Inter-subband Spin-orbit Coupling in Semiconductor Heterostructures

{ Applied computational techniques for the calculation of quantum mechanical spin-orbit couplings in semiconductor devices

{ Reviewed a theory for a novel kind of spin-orbit coupling and discussed its possible effects and

Mar/2000 B.S. in Physics, Universidade de So Paulo, IFSC.


Academic Activities
Two articles published on peer-reviewed journals and a third in preparation.

{ R. S. Calsaverini, R. Vicente and N. Caticha, Cognitive limits and a model for the onset of authority
in pre-agricultural societies. (in preparation)

{ R. S. Calsaverini and R. Vicente, An information-theoretic approach to statistical dependence:

Copula information. Europhys. Lett. 88, 68003 (2009)

{ Calsaverini, Rafael S. et al, Intersubband-induced spin-orbit interaction in quantum wells. Phys.

Rev. B 78, 155313 (2008)

Workshops, seminaries and conferences.

Participation in 5 international workshops, seminaries and conferences, presenting oral
and poster sessions on research topics.

{ Workshop on Complex Systems: Social and Biological Applications: Cognitive Limits and the
emergence of authority (2011).

{ Econofis 10: Emergence of conventions in a model market with predictive agents (2010).
{ Bayesianism II: Foundations and Applications (2010).
{ XXVIII International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science
and Engineering (2008).

{ XIII Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics: Strength of the Inter-Subband Spin-Orbit Coupling in Symmetric Heterostructures (2007).

{ X Workshop da Ps Graduao do IFSC: Acoplamento Spin-rbita em Heteroestruturas Semicondutoras Simtricas (2006).

{ V Escola Brasileira de Magnetismo Jorge Andre Swieca: Magnetizao do Gs de Eltrons

Bidimensional (2005).

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