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BCS (HONs) Computer


Assignment type:

Submitted to: Binary University | Submitted by: Maha Mazhar

Table of contents:

1. Explain what is difference between qualitative and quantitative research……………………02

2. Explain different type of research tools in detail for the computing industry…………...........03

3. How do we create research frame work and what are the important elements of any research
frame work…………………………………………………………………………………….…05

4. What are the different research models available in computing research and how these models
paly crucial role in any research…………………………………………………………………07

5. What are the basic elements available for any computer research…………………...……….09

6. References……………………………………………………………………….…………….11

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Q1) Explain what is difference between qualitative and quantitative research?

Research methods and research data in psychology can be placed into two basic categories:
quantitative or qualitative.

Qualitative Research:

Qualitative research gathers information that is not in numerical form. For example, diary
accounts, open-ended questionnaires, unstructured interviews and unstructured observations.
Qualitative data is typically descriptive data and as such is harder to analyze than quantitative

Qualitative research is useful for studies at the individual level, and to find out, in depth, the
ways in which people think or feel (e.g. case studies).

Analysis of qualitative data is difficult and requires an accurate description of participant

responses, for example, sorting responses to open questions and interviews into broad themes.
Quotations from diaries or interviews might be used to illustrate points of analysis.  Expert
knowledge of an area is necessary to try to interpret qualitative data and great care must be taken
when doing so, for example, if looking for symptoms of mental illness.

An interest in qualitative data came about as the result of the dissatisfaction of some
psychologists (e.g. Carl Rogers) with the scientific study of psychologists such as the
behaviorists (e.g. Skinner).  Since psychologists study people, the traditional approach to science
is not seen as an appropriate way of carrying out research, since it fails to capture the totality of
human experience and the essence of what it is to be human.  Exploring the experience of
participants is known as a phenomenological approach (re: Humanism)

It is argued that to focus on isolated pieces of behavior, as is most often the case in studies
interested in collecting quantitative data, is rather superficial, and ignores the social context
within which behavior takes place. Given that psychological research is something which
happens in a social context, the objectivity of the researcher, central to traditional methods, is
seen as essentially false within psychology.

As people studying people, researchers necessarily have attitudes and values which they bring to
their research. It is therefore more honest that researchers' attitudes and values should be
acknowledged, and form part of the context of research.

A good example of a qualitative research method would be unstructured and group interviews
which generate qualitative data through the use of open questions. This allows the respondent to
talk in some depth, choosing their own words. This helps the researcher develop a real sense of a
person’s understanding of a situation. However, it can be time consuming to conduct the
unstructured interview and analyses the qualitative data.

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Quantitative Research:

Quantitative research gathers data in numerical form which can be put into categories, or in rank
order, or measured in units of measurement. This type of data can be used to construct graphs
and tables of raw data.

Experiments typically yield quantitative data, as they are concerned with measuring things.
However, other research methods, such as observations and questionnaires can produce both
quantitative and qualitative information.

For example, a rating scale or closed questions on a questionnaire would generate quantitative
data as these produce either numerical data or data that can be put into categories (e.g. “yes”,
“no” answers). Whereas open-ended questions would generate qualitative information as they
are a descriptive response.

Experimental methods limit the possible ways in which a research participant can react to and
express appropriate social behavior. Findings are therefore likely to be context-bound and
simply a reflection of the assumptions which the researcher brings to the investigation.

Q2) Explain different type of research tools in detail for the computing industry?

Research tools for computing industry are as following:

Statistical Analysis Software:

Use advanced mathematical and statistical facilities to frame predictive knowledge that can be
applied to current practice to effect change; incorporates data mining, statistical analysis,
descriptive and predictive analysis, charts and diagrams, etc.

Example: Analyze-It, MATLAB

Electronic Data Capture:

Records data live during a trial on Internet-connected devices, through uploads of video or
through manual entry from data sheets, then stores data in advanced databases, so that
investigators, sponsors, research organizations and regulatory agencies can access and review
study data sooner for earlier insight into the conduct of studies, enabling timely decisions during
the clinical development cycle.

Example: InForm

Behavior Imaging Software:

A video-based “capture and access” system for recording, annotating and communicating
behavior data collected in classroom, home and clinic settings. Ideal for the care and treatment of
persons with behavioral and mental disorders.

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Example: BI capture tool

Qualitative Research Analysis Software:

Tools used to develop projects and query data from interviews and other qualitative methods by
importing, sorting and analyzing audio files, videos, digital photos and documents. Can set up
analysis frameworks as a structure for managing information or jump straight to the data and
work up findings, build reports and prepare presentations.

Example: NVivo 8

PC Survey Software Tools:

Desktop or server-based software that generates an HTML web form that can be posted to a
website. When a respondent submits a completed survey, typically the data is delivered to a
designated email box. The tools process these emails and load the results in a database.

 Key advantages:

1. A one-time purchase cost- though you may need to buy upgrades and support

2. Faster processing, as you work on your computer or within a company network

3. Ability to post the survey to a company’s web server.

Examples: Survey Monkey

Crowdsourcing Tools:

An extrapolation of the concept known as “the wisdom of crowds,” the foundation for the
development of Wikipedia and other Web 2.0 applications, which seeks to tap the knowledge
and talents of a group in order to create content and solve problems. Engages the principles of
open source development to advance other types of projects and efforts.

Example: Amazon Mechanical Turk (Crowdsourcing/Human Intelligence Task Manager)


The QlikView Business Discovery platform delivers true self-service BI that empowers business
users by driving innovative decision-making, Develop, enhance, re-engineer, maintain and
support QlikView applications to create robust services around business requirements to inform
business decision-making and Understand all the data that the business holds and create
sustainable reporting solutions ensuring the accuracy of the data.

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Vismatica by IronRock Software is powerful data visualization solution geared toward small
to medium businesses. Dashboard development tools make up the core of this system, but
Vismatica also empowers you to create powerful data collection forms and conduct data
analysis. It can be deployed on premise or over the web as a hosted solution. Vismatica
comes with additional features for sharing documents and designing web application.

Q3) How do we create research frame work and what are the important elements of any
research frame work?

A group of related ideas that provides guidance to a research project or business endeavor. The
appropriateness of a theoretical framework that a marketing department is using to promote its
corporate and product image to the consuming public can be an important determinant of its
ultimate success.

There are some common elements to research projects which can be used to shape the whole
activity. Here's a general approach.


A research study starts with a problem that they have determined within their broad area of

interest. This could be along the lines of:

 Indication of something hidden that might be revealed by study

 The occurrence of an event for which there is no adequate explanation

 An apparent relationship between items which is not explained by current theories

Deep research requires a lot of work and patience, including backtracking after exploration up
blind alleys. This usually requires that the researcher is strongly motivated to stay the course.

The problem must also at least appear to be soluble by the researcher, in the time available, with
the skills and resources they have. It is no good trying to find the secret of life, the universe and
everything if you do not have a lot of time, money and brains.


The next stage is to formulate the research question. This creates focus and may require a
significant thinning down of the original problem.

If the problem starts out as being about life, the universe and everything, then perhaps the
research question should realistically be constrained to furthering understanding of some aspect
of life, such as determining the first stirrings of a fruit fly's egg or the value put on life by people

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of different ages.


Developing the hypothesis involves converting the question into a predictive form and also
creating a null hypothesis by which falsification may be achieved.


Design of the experiment can be a critical stage as an incorrect design will produce invalid and
useless data from which false conclusions may be drawn.

The purpose of the design is thus to determine a method which creates accurate and unbiased
data from which valid conclusions may be drawn. This includes determining includes how
experimental closure will be achieved.

An important part of experimental design is to ensure that all variables other than those of

interest are held stable and do not distort the results. One way of doing this is to include a control
group, in which the experiment is repeated under the same conditions but without manipulating
the independent variable. The results of the two studies may then be compared with the
assumption that differences are due only to manipulation of the independent variable.

Where traditional experimental control and management of variables is not possible or not
desirable, other methods such as surveys, interviews or more distant observation may be used.


Data design not only includes identification of what data is needed, it also includes design
of how the data will be collected. Measurement of data typically involves manipulating
independent variables and measuring dependent variables.

Data may also be gained by observation of naturally occurring events. In such situations the
researcher will try not to let their observation affect the data. Two opposing ways of doing this is
first to be so separated from the people being studied that you are not noticed (such as using one-
way mirrors or hidden cameras). Secondly, you can be so obviously present that people
eventually ignore you and revert to natural behavior (such as in reality TV shows).

Choosing the data you will gather has a very significant effect on the analysis and conclusions
you will be able to draw. If you want significant and credible results, then data design is a critical

Gathering data is often the most time-consuming and expensive part of the experiment.
Designing data to collect thus needs a pragmatic approach that will enable you to conclude
useful results without breaking the bank or taking forever.

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Where everyone cannot be accessed, careful sampling is used to enable accurate analysis and
valid results.


After gathering of data, the next stage is to analyze it, effectively turning data into useful

Where there is sufficient data, statistical analysis may be used, where tools such as SPSS and
SAS may help (although a simple spreadsheet may also be adequate).

Analysis can be quite sophisticated and there are many tripwires where information derived is
not as significant as might be supposed.

Considerations about analysis should not be left until after the data has been collected. Deciding
what analysis you will do is a part of the design process. This also includes consideration of what
conclusions you may wish to draw.


Finally, the analysis is reviewed and specific conclusions drawn that relate to the original
question and hypothesis. This can include conclusion about:

 The existence or not of something.

 Correlation between two variables.

 Causal relationships between two or more events.

 The certainty which may be attached to these conclusions.

Q4) What are the different research models available in computing research and how these
models paly crucial role in any research?

If we breakdown the word research. It is the combination of “Re” and “search”. It means that
research intends to find some phenomena and existing knowledge continuously. The basic aim of
research is to confirm the reliability of existing knowledge and contribute new knowledge in the
existing knowledge. Research is the solution of any problem and can be classified by any method
or purpose.

So it is categorized into five broad categories such as: Formal Research Model, Experimental
Research Model, Constructive Research Model, Process Research Model, and Cognitive
Research Model. These all are comprehensively describe below:

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Role of Each Research Model in Computing Research:

1. Formal Research Model:

In Computing Science, formal model are mostly used to prove facts about algorithms and
system. Researchers may be concerned with formal requirement of a software component in
order to allow the automatic verification of an implementation of that component.

Alternatively, researchers may be concerned with the time or complexity of an algorithm, or on

the correctness or the quality of the solutions generated by the algorithm.

2. Experimental Research Model:

Experimental model are broadly used in Computer Science to evaluate new solutions for
problems. Experimental evaluation is often divided into two phases.

In an experimental phase the researcher is taking measurements that will help to identify what
are the questions that should be asked about the system under evaluation. Then an evaluation
phase will attempt to answer these questions. A well-designed experiment will start with a list of
the questions that the experiment is expected to answer.

3. Constructive Research Model:

A “constructive” research model consists of building an object, either a physical object or a

software system to demonstrate that it is possible.

In this research, the construction of the object must be new or it must include new features that
have not been demonstrated before in other objects.

4. Process Research Model:

A process model is used to understand the processes used to accomplish tasks in Computing
Science. This model is mostly used in the areas of Software Engineering and Man-Machine
Interface which deal with the way humans build and use computer systems. The study of
processes may also be used to understand cognition in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

5. Cognitive Research Model:

Another area of Computer Science that centers on processes and human subjects is the study of
cognition research model. Cognitive Scientists develop computer models of hypothesized
cognitive processes, just as physicists develop computer models of hypothesized physics
processes, or meteorological scientists develop computer models of hypothesized atmospheric

In all cases, there are observed empirical data, and the game is to develop a process model that
accounts for the observed data, i.e., a set of proposed processes that operate in particular ways to

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produce the data of interest. Interesting and important models address a general issue that may
lead to the understanding of underlying mechanisms that produce the existing data.

Q5) What are the basic elements available for any computer research?

Basic elements of Computational Research:

 Observations and Review

 Hypothesis
 Variables
 Theory
 Predictions
 Experiment and Measurement
 Variations

Observations and Review:

The initial scientific element is to evaluate and observe possible subjects for experiment. This
can be through direct observation or by reviewing literature, and other sources, building upon
earlier research.


Ideally, any research must begin with a testable hypothesis, which can be proved or disproved.

This hypothesis should be realistic and consider the technology and methods available.
Generating a hypothesis should involve looking for the simplest possible explanation for a
natural occurrence or phenomena.

Despite the slight differences between the various research techniques, this is the most
fundamental of the scientific elements.

All scientific methods rely on a hypothesis as the main underlying principle and tool for
establishing recognized proofs.


A dimension, characteristic or trait that can be measured (with categorical or numerical values).

 Often measures a concept or a part of construct

 Example: the variable “number of accurate recognition of a brand” can be a measured of
brand awareness

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Set of systematically interrelated concepts, definitions and propositions that are advanced to
explain and predict phenomena


This stage is where a researcher attempts to predict the expected results of their experiment.

The prediction should be an extension of the hypothesis and express a degree of opinion about
what the findings should uncover.

Ideally, the prediction should also set out ways in which the results can be analyzed and tested

Experiment and Measurement:

True science requires some type of numerical measurement, which provides quantifiable and
analyzable data.

This analysis takes into account the uncertainty and inherent errors built into any scientific

This is the final stage because, if the experiment has been well constructed, a valid answer will
have been generated. Using the basic scientific elements ensures that usable knowledge about a
process emerges from the initial observations of phenomena.

Whether the prediction is proved or not, further experiments feed back into this process, by
refining the initial hypothesis or by generating more accurate predictions.


There are many variations on these elements, covering the broad range of science, with this rigid
structure tending to be more strongly adhered to by life and natural sciences.

However, all science relies upon this basic formula for theory and hypothesis to be accepted as
ultimate proof, separating science from pure philosophy.

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