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Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3rd Story FAQ

Author : MarianPlum
Version : 1.25
*This guide is for GameFAQs only.
Version 0.55
- Parameters section updated
- Kasuga Taiyou updated
- Aizawa Shugo added
- Oosako Chikara added
Version 0.60
- Oosako Chikara updated
- Taira Kenta added
- Ugajin Miyo added
- Hanatsubaki Karen added
- Other Characters section added
Version 0.90
- CG Events section added
- Endings section added
- Mini-games section added
- Tips section added
Version 0.95
- Taira Kenta updated
- Tamao & Seiji CG Events updated
- Taira Kenta CG Events updated
- Miyo CG Events updated
- Karen CG Events updated
- Minor mistakes correction
Version 1.00
- 3P Mode updated
- Pride VS Pride updated
- Girl Ending 2 correction
- Spell/Grammar checked
Version 1.05
- Niina Junpei CG correction
- Tips correction
- Girl Ending 2 correction
- Girl Ending 3 correction
Version 1.10
- Future Aspiration section added
- After the Date updated
- Confession Ending 1 correction
- Confession Ending 2 correction
Version 1.15
- ADV Events section added
Version 1.20
- Konno Tamao ADV Events added

- Shitara Seiji ADV Events added

- Rose Queen Requirements updated
- Shitara Seiji ADV Events correction
Version 1.25
- 3P Mode updated
- Titles section added
- Fashion updated
- Niina Junpei CG Events correction
- Sakurari Ruka CG Events correction
- Fujiyama Arashi updated
- Shitara Seiji CG Events correction
Getting Started
Basic Gameplay
- Configuration
- Parameters
- Commands
- Part Time Jobs
- Fashion
- Shopping
- Fixed Events
- After Schools
- Tokimeki Panel
- Preparation
- Date Spots
- Get Dressed
- Date Disturbers
- During the Date
- After the Date
- Skinship
- Best Friend Mode
- 3P Mode
- Pride Vs Pride
- Friends
- Sakurai Ruka
- Sakurai Kouichi
- Fujiyama Arashi
- Niina Junpei
- Konno Tamao
- Shitara Seiji
- Kasuga Taiyou
- Aizawa Shugo
- Oosako Chikara
- Taira Kenta
- Ugajin Miyo
- Hanatsubaki Karen
Other Characters
CG Events


- Sakurai Ruka
- Sakurai Kouichi
- Ruka & Kouichi
- Fujiyama Arashi
- Niina Junpei
- Arashi & Junpei
- Konno Tamao
- Shitara Seiji
- Tamao & Seiji
- Kasuga Taiyou
- Aizawa Shugo
- Oosako Chikara
- Taira Kenta
- Ugajin Miyo
- Hanatsubaki Karen
ADV Events
- Sakurai Ruka
- Sakurai Kouichi
- Fujiyama Arashi
- Niina Junpei
- Konno Tamao
- Shitara Seiji
Future Aspiration


Hello, everyone!
This is the first guide I ever made. Plus, neither English or Japanese is my
native language. So if there are any mistakes, I appologize in advance.
And of course, this guide contains spoilers.
You might have already known. Tokimeki Memorial Girl's side 3rd Story, in short
TMGS3, is a dating simulation game. You play as a highschool girl, and are
given 3 years to capture the heart of the guy you like.In this sequel, you
enroll in Habataki Highschool (same as TMGS1). It's already been 7 years since
TMGS1, but of course some certain teachers are still there. :)
I will do my best to guide you through this game. If there are any mistakes,
please feel free to correct me. I will give you the credit for that. :)
Also, any additional information or tips will be appreciated. Let's help each
other out! XD
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me as well. I will do my best
to help.
Alright, let's begin! I hope you enjoy this. :)

When you start the game, there will be 4 options

New Game

New Game = You start a new game

Continue = Load your saved data
- Speed of message (normal/fast/skip)
Speed of command (normal/fast/skip)
Tutorial (show/don't show)
- Voice
Sound Effect
- Mini-game (normal/upside down)
- Background Color
- Picture in the frame on your desk in your bedroom (You will get more
when you obtain certain CGs or clear the guys' endings.)
- Restore default settings
- Return to menu
- Mini-game = You get to play mini-game that you have played at least
once in your playthrough.
(rolling the ball/three legs race/ball fight/cooking chocolate/pillow
- Album = You watch your obtained CG here. It will be voiced if you
complete that person's ending. (not the 3P ones)
- ADV events = You get to peek into the guy's thoughts and memories. They
are obtained when you met certain conditions in your playthrough, and
are not fully voiced.
- Ending = You get to re-watch the ending you got.
- Tutorial = Skinship tutorial with Oosako-sensei
- Return to menu
Also you will notice that when you run the game, Ruka will greet you. He says
different things at different times of the day. So enjoy XD
If you have cleared the game at least once, the person who greets you will be
the latest person you end up with. If you got 3P ending, both of them will. :)
Getting Started
When you choose New Game, you will have to fill in the information about



Birthday (month/date)
Star Sign (automatic due to your birthday)
Blood group (effect your horoscope)
Your room (effect your initial parameters)
How to pronounce your name (It's quite limited. If it's too complicated, the
game will shorten it.)
The room you choose will effect your initial parameters as following.
Intelligence Arts Fitness Social Style Charm







I will do my best to translate it. I apologize in advance if it sounds weird.
Heroine: (... ... The sea is very beautiful. As I thought, Habataki City is a
wonderful place. It really brings back memories. The sea and the
street, They are the same as when I was young, when I lived here. I
will walk around a bit.)
(Huh? This place, where am I? Maybe I'm lost... ...)
(... ... ?)
(What's that? That building... ...)
(Church, maybe. With those ivy and weeds, I don't really know.)

: You can't, right now.

Heroine: !!
(... ...)

: You want to go inside that church, right?

Heroine: Eh? Umm... ...


: It's locked. You can't go inside.

Heroine: (I wonder why, it feels so nostalgic.) [This dialogue depends on

where you touch.]

I'm sorry! I'm just looking for the way home.

: Why are you apologizing?

Heroine: Well, aren't you someone from this church?


: No? I also can't remember my way home.

Heroine: What. Then together, with me, let's- ???

: *Jump down from the wall*

Heroine: Be careful!
From such a high place... ... you're not hurt?

: I'm fine. More importantly, it's already late. Let's go back. I will
escort you.


: Here we are. It's here, right?

Heroine: Yeah, thanks. But why do you know where my house is?

: Heh, I wonder why?

Heroine: ?

: See ya later.

Heroine: Wait, you said you didn't know the way back- ???

: I remember now.

Heroine: (What a weird person. But I have a feeling that he is a good guy.)
???(1) : Are you ready?
???(2) : Not yet!
Heroine: (This place... ... that's right, it's that church.)
???(1) : Are you ready?
???(2) : Not yet!
Heroine: (I see, back then, we usually play hide and seek here)
(This boy... ... Ruka-kun, Sakurai Ruka-kun... ...)

: Come here, or you're gonna be found.

Heroine: (Though he always smiled, he was a boy with a sad face... ...)
???(1) : Are you ready?


: Not yet!
Hurry, this way!

Heroine: Okay!
Wow! What a cute flower.

: So it blooms here, out of all the places... ...

Heroine: ?
???(1) : Found ya!
Heroine: (This boy is... ... )
???(1) : Look, this time, Ruka will be the demon.
Heroine: (That's right, Ruka-kun's older brother. Kou-kun... ... Sakurai

: Kou, look, I found it?


: Don't be stupid. You're the one who are found.

Heroine: (He was a bit violent, but he was a boy with a kind face... ...)

: That's not it. I mean this flower.


: Flower?


: This flower, it's the fairy key.

Heroine: Fairy key?


: It's the fairy key that will grant you only one wish. If you think
of someone with your heart, it will definitely take you to that

Heroine: Really?

: It's obvious that it's a lie.


: It's true.


: It's a lie!

Heroine: Don't fight!


: Hmph.. ... let's go.



: Then... ... you won't come here anymore?

Heroine: Yeah, I'm going to a faraway place... ...

(That's right. After that, I moved... ...)


: It's okay to stay here by yourself! Just do it!

Heroine: I can't... ...


: I will search for the fairy key. Even though you're going somewhere
far away, we will definitely meet again... ... I will pray so that
we will meet again.

Heroine: So that we will meet again... ...


: Stop it, that's a lie.


: ... ...Do you believe?

Heroine: I, I... ...

(After that, the three of us searched for it together, but that flower
was nowhere to be found... ... Those two, how they are doing right
now. I wonder if they are still in this town.)
I see, that was a dream... ... Ruka-kun and Kou-kun. How nostalgic...
... Hmm? Maybe, the boy from yesterday... ... Oh no! I'm gonna be
Basic Gameplay
There's not much here. Most of the time, you play using stylus.
The only useful button is L button. It speeds up the dialogue and commands,
when pressed and held. But be careful, you can miss the skinship with this.
To progress the dialogue, I suggest you use the stylus instead of directional
buttons so you don't miss the skinship. XD
To skip the skinship, touch the small square that appear at the lower left
corner to go back to previous dialogue. Then touch the dialogue box.
You can use left and right buttons to scroll up and down in websites and mails
pages or just use your stylus.

Your parameters are shown in the lower part of your left screen.


Improving your parameters will make the guys like you easier and they are
required to get the endings as well. And of course, the parameters you need
is different for each guy you are after. I will explain more in the guys'
section. XD
Here is the short list of parameter requirements for the guys' endings.
Ruka - intelligence 150, fitness 150, style 150, social 150
Kouichi - arts 150, fitness 150, social 150, charm 70
Arashi - fitness 200, social 150
Junpei - intelligence 150, style 200
Tamao - intelligence 200, social 150
Seiji - arts 200, charm 150
Taiyou - none
Shugo - none (But you need intelligence at least 80 to trigger an event.)
Oosako - none (But you need all parameters above 130 to win the rose queen
event at the third year's culture festival.)
Taira - none (But you need all parameters above 100 to trigger the pre-rose
queen event on the 2nd year February.)
The mentioned parameter requirements are the base ones. But if you meet these
conditions they will be lowered.
Date him more than 40 times. - minus 20
He's at Tokimeki state (XD), when the game ends. - minus 20
Date him more than 40 times, and he's at Tokimeki state (XD). - minus 40
For example, if you date Ruka more than 40 times, and get him to Tokimeki
state, you only need at least 110 of those parameters to get his ending.
<Thanks, Luna, for reminding me.>
Except for confession ending 2, you only get minus 10 for each criteria.
Also, you need to control your stress. If it reaches 100 you'll get sick, and
you'll be forced to rest for a week or two. But it might worth a try, because
if the guy likes you enough they will come to visit you at your room, and say
something so sweet that will make you forget your suffering. *blush* Miyo or
Karen will also give you a call to check on you. She will even come to visit
you if she likes you enough. :)
Here are the basic commands.
Dress up

Read Magazines
Improve Look
*Shopping/Go out on a date

* Only available during holidays

Club/*Join Club---*Quit Club


There are also some special commands that appears during specific time of the
year. Ex. Culture Festival (which improves all of your parameters) and Exam/
School Trip (You can't avoid them anyway)
Plus, there are some commands that only appear during secret characters' route.
For parameter-raising commands, you will get more points during weekend. So if
you really need a lot of parameters in the limited time, use the weekend to
raise them as well. It helps a lot.
Also, the success rate of the commands depends on the horoscope of that week.
I will explain more later, in the website command.
Now, let's look at them one by one.
Rest = Decreases stress and all of the parameters. It's best to sleep during
Study = Increases intelligence, arts, style and stress.
Decreases fitness and charm.
Paint = Increases arts, style, intelligence and stress.
Decreases fitness and social.
Exercise = Increases fitness, social and stress.
Decreases charm, intelligence and arts.
Read Magazines = Increases style, charm, arts and stress.
Decreases intelligence and social.
Improve Look = Increases charm, style, arts and stress.
Decreases social, fitness and intelligence.
Miyo = Increases social, arts, intelligence and stress.
Decreases fitness and charm. You will also get closer to Miyo.
Karen = Increases social, style, charm and stress.
Decreases intelligence and arts. You will also get closer to Karen.
Club = To participate in club activities, first, you have to join a club. You
can only join the club on Sunday. There are many clubs to choose from.
Some of them require that you must go to practice on the third Sunday
of every month. If you skip it, you will get fired. The game does remind
you on the days you need to participate in the club. And if you don't go
you will get a phone call at the end of the day saying that you are
fired. So just reload and go if you don't want to quit.
Joining the clubs is not required to get the guys' ending (except for
Taiyou). So it's alright to remain clubless. Though, participating in
certain club is required for getting some certain CGs of the guys.
To quit the club, you simply touch the club command on Sunday. Then
the quit club command will pop up below the usual club command. But keep
in mind that you cannot rejoin the club that you've quit. And if you're
on the third year, you cannot join any club at all.
For some reasons, you cannot quit the Judo club. So think carefully when
Arashi persuades you to join. lol

If you succeed in your club command a lot, you will be given a special
option about your future at the end of the third year when you get to
choose what you're going to do next.
Club command also raises parameters depending on which club you are in.
Here's the list.
Baseball - Increases fitness, social and stress.
Decreases arts, style and charm.

- Increases arts, fitness, social, charm and stress.

Decreases intelligence.

Volleyball - Increases fitness, social and stress.

Decreases intelligence.
Rhythmic - Increases fitness, arts, social, charm and stress.
Decreases intelligence.
Band - Increases intelligence, arts, social and stress.
Decreases fitness.
Art - Increases arts, social, style and stress. Decreases fitness.
Handicraft - Increases arts, social, style and stress.
Decreases fitness and charm.
Student Council - Increases intelligence, arts, social and stress.
Decreases fitness and charm.
Judo (only available if you've met Arashi)
- Increases fitness, social and stress. Decreases style and charm.
Phone - There three groups of people you can call. (guys/girls/workplace)
As for guys, you call them to ask them out for a date. You get to
choose the date then the place. I will cover this in dating section.
For girls, you can call Miyo and Karen.
Miyo will tell you how the guys and girls you know think of you (first
option), the information about the guys and girls you know (second
option). You need to view the information about that guy or girl once
to be able to give him/her birthday presents. For the third option, you
will get to ask Miyo to go out with you. This will make you get closer
to her. And she will give you a present at the end of the date, which
improves your parameters or even lower your stress! XD
Karen will tell you your current fashion level and what kind of
dressing styles are available for your current level (first option).
In second option, Karen will tell you each guy's favorite dressing
style. She will tell you more about them if you have higher fashion
level. And just like Miyo, the third option will allow you to go out
with her. She also gives you a present at the end of the date. She's
not available on the second Sunday of every month, however.
As for workplace, you call to apply for works (if you don't have one),
or quit the job (if you're doing one). In order to apply for works,
you need to meet the certain parameters requirement and check your

mails. I will cover this in the part time jobs section.

Shopping - On the day that you don't have a date, you can go shopping alone
in the city. I will cover this in the shopping section.
Go out on a date - This command will replace shopping command on the day that
you have a date. You get to choose the clothes you want to
wear first. Then go out and have fun. XD
Dress up - You can dress up even you don't have a date. Some of the accessories
effect the success rate of your commands.
Also, if you dress up properly (according to the current fashion
webpage) before you go shopping, your fashion level will level up
Website - You will get tons of information here. Let's look at them in order.
The first page is the information on the date spots and new shops. I
recommend that you check this page at least once every month.
It will open new date spots and shops for you. If you forget, you can
go back to check the past months' column at the bottom of the page
(Back Number). Shugo's route requires you to check this page as well.
The second page is the schedule of the movies and the shows that will
be shown in cinema and event hall each month. The movies change every
three months, and the shows change every month.
The third page is the horoscope. It shows your current success rate
of commands and the next three weeks'. Each row effect different

Study, Paint, Non-sport clubs activities

Read magazines, Miyo, Karen
Exercise, Sport clubs activities
Improve look, Asking a guy out

At the bottom, it shows the current happy item. Wearing the mention
item during normal days will help increase the command's success
rate as well.
It's a good idea to pay attention to horoscope when raising your
parameters. :)
The forth page is GORO (TMGS1) and Himeko (TMGS2) fashion column.
Just like the previous games, it shows current popular items.
Wearing these items on the dates will make the guy compliment you,
and like you more.
As you can see, there are three parts, the clothes (it can be any
of the top, bottom or dress), the color and the accessory.
Also, wearing them when you go shopping will make your fashion level
goes up faster.
Option - It's the same as in title menu.
Calendar - You can check the fixed events, holidays, festivals, club days,
work days, birthdays (As I mention before, aside from your
birthday, you will have to check the information from Miyo first)

or even the day that you promise a date here.

Mail - You check your mails here. It's a good idea to check every time you get
a new mail. Some of them will allow you to work part time, and some of
them are needed for secret characters' route.
Data - You save/load your game here.

Your File
Your File
Your File


Your parameters of the selected file

Restore Return to title screen Back to game
Let me warn you that you shouldn't really, by any chances, touch that
restore button and confirm. It will delete everything you've done so
far, and I mean EVERYTHING, including all the CGs and the endings
That pretty much concludes the basic commands. There are some characters that
join you during specific commands if they like you enough. I will list them
for you.
Rest - none
Study - Ruka, Junpei, Tamao(only the 1st and 2nd year)
Paint - Kouichi, Seiji(only the 1st and 2nd year)
Exercise - Ruka, Kouichi, Arashi
Read Magazines - Ruka, Junpei
Improve look - none
Miyo - Miyo (always)
Karen - Karen (always)
Baseball Club - Taiyou
Tennis Club - none
Volleyball Club - Karen
Rhythmic Club - none
Band - Seiji(only the 1st and 2nd year)
Art Club - Miyo
Handicraft Club - none
Student council - Tamao(only the 1st and 2nd year)
Judo Club - Arashi, Junpei
Part Time Jobs
Doing part time jobs is the effective way of earning money. You won't have
enough to spend with just your monthly and new year income. I suggest you do a
part time job on your every playthrough.
Some part time jobs are required to get certain CGs from some guys. They also
raise your parameters, so you really should do one.
To get the jobs, you need to meet the parameter requirements.
Flower Shop (same one as TMGS1 and TMGS2 XD) - intelligence 60, social 50

Gasoline Stand - fitness 60, social 50

Pool - fitness 50, charm 50, social 50
Convenience Store (available from 6th June 2nd year onwards) - social 70
Bakery - style 60, social 50
General Store - arts 60, social 50
Game Debugger (available from June 2nd year onwards) - none
Then you will receive a mail from the shops that you have the requirements.
Simply check it, pick up your phone, and call them. You'll get the job right
away. :)
You will start doing your job in the following week. In different jobs, you
work on different days.
Flower Shop - Tuesday, Thursday
Gasoline Stand - Wednesday, Friday
Pool - Tuesday, Thursday
Convenience Store - Wednesday, Friday
Bakery - Tuesday, Thursday
General Store - Tuesday, Thursday
Game Debugger - EVERYDAY except Sunday lol
Each job raises different parameters. So choose well.
Flower Shop - Increases intelligence, arts, fitness and social.
Gasoline Stand - Increases fitness, social and style.
Decreases intelligence and arts.
Pool - Increases fitness, social and style. Decreases intelligence.
Convenience Store - Increases intelligence, fitness, social and style.
Bakery - Increases fitness, social, style and charm.
Decreases intelligence and arts.
General Store - Increases arts, social, style and charm.
Decreases intelligence.
Game Debugger - Decreases every parameter.
(I don't really get the point of this job. lol)
Since the town is pretty small, you always meet the familiar faces at your job.
Flower Shop - Ruka
Gasolin Stand - Kouichi
Pool - Arashi
Convenient Store - Junpei
Bakery - Miyo
General Store - Karen
Game Debugger - none
If the guys like you enough, they will visit you when you work even they are
not working in the same shop as you.
Also, the guys will not go out with you on the day they have the part time
jobs even it's a holiday.

To quit a job, simply call them with your phone. But keep in mind that you
can't apply for the job that you've quit again.
If you have worked long enough, the shop owner will ask if you want to work
full time at the shop after you graduate. There will be an extra option for you
to choose at the end of the third year.
The fashion here improves a lot from the previous games. In order to obtain
more dressing style you have to level up your fashion level.
level 1 - cute, vivid, sexy, active, natural, chic
You can dress up these styles by filling the gauge at the bottom of
your left screen. In short, you need to fill three boxes of the style
you want.
level 2 - ultra cute, ultra vivid, ultra sexy, ultra active, ultra natural,
ultra chic
You can dress up theses styles by filling the gauge 2 times (the
second column has brighter color). In short, you need six boxes of
the style you want.
level 3 - You can combine two styles of dressing. It takes at least 5 boxes of
each style to succeed.
Natural + Cute = Girly
Vivid + Sexy = Wild
Active + Vivid = Sporty
Sexy + Cute = Little Devil
Cute + Chic = Older Sister (lol guess who like this)
Chic + Vivid = Mod (modern)
Dressing higher level of styles will please the guys more. For example, Ruka
likes Girly > Ultra Natural > Natural.
If your fashion level reaches level 5, Karen will give you special items each
playthrough. These items are carried over to your next playthrough.
First time - Bright red onepiece (If you wear this with other clothes, it will
improves the style to ultra. You have to be at level 2 first,
Second time - Headband (It helps you raise fitness easier.)
Third time - Perfume (If you put this on when you go on a date, date disturber
will definitely show up.)
Forth time - Santa Dress (Every guy and girl you know will come to greet you
at the Christmas party even their affections are low.)
Fifth time - Queen training suit
Here's the information from gahtzuah on how Queen training suit works:

You want to put on the suit as soon as possible (April 4, first year) and then
not take it off for an entire year (April 4, second year). That means no
yukata, kimono, swim suit, etc. But you can layer clothes with it to get
different styles on dates and such.
When you're wearing it, your stats go up really really slowly and your stress
goes up extremely fast. You can't date much because you'll probably be sleeping
every Sunday (even sleep lowers stress by only 6, and if you get sick it takes
2 weeks instead of 1 to recover).
By April 4 second year, your stats will be pretty low. Once you take it off
April 5 though, your stats will be multiplied by I think around 2.5 times.
So your sucky stats will all of a sudden shoot to become amazing by the
beginning of second year and winning Rose Queen will be a breeze. It's an easy
way to fail the tests and then all of a sudden start getting number 1 if you're
going Oosako-sensei route.
<Thanks, gahtzuah, for this information.>
In order to level up your fashion level, simply go shopping alone. On your way
back, you will meet Karen. She is the one providing level up. You can only do
this once a month.
If you dress up according to GORO and Himeko webpage before you go shopping,
Karen will compliment you. And your fashion level will go up faster.
When you phone Karen and ask about the guys' favorite fashion, Karen will give
you more information if you have higher fashion level.
level 1 - Karen will tell you the guys' favorite style.
level 2 - You get to know the style that they hate.
level 3 - You get a full detail of the guys' opinions on each style. Plus,
their favorite level 3 styles and colors.
Here is the short list for each guy.
Ruka - Like : Natural
Hate : Vivid
Level 3 : Girly
Color : Aquablue
Kouichi - Like : Vivid
Hate : Cute
Level 3 : Wild
Color : Orange
Arashi - Like : Active
Hate : Chic
Level 3 : Sporty
Color : Blue
Junpei - Like : Sexy
Hate : Natural
Level 3 : Little Devil

Color : Pink
Tamao - Like : Cute
Hate : Sexy
Level 3 : Older Sister
Color : Green
Seiji - Like : Chic
Hate : Active
Level 3 : Mod
Color : Purple
In TMGS3, there are some clothes that match the guys' clothes. Wearing them
will increase their affection toward you. They will be happy that you like the
same brands as them. And if both of you happen to wear those matching clothes
on the same day, they will be even happier. XD
There are some clothes that will trigger special conversation as well. They
are different for each guy. So enjoy looking for them. XD
You can only shop at two shops per day. Here's the list of shops you can go.
Mall -

Boutique Pamela
Jewelry Whip (Open June 1st year)
Antique Cocotte (Open September 1st year)
Second Hand Shop: Candy Cane (Open July 2nd year)

Park Street - Boutique Sophia

- General Store Simon
- Flea Market (Only on the last Sunday of each season)
Shopping Mall - Boutique Jess
- Boutique nenne
- Jenne Jewelry (Open September 2nd year)
At second hand shop and flea market, the items are random. But you get to buy
them at the lower prize from the usual shops.
In order to shop, first, choose the store. Once inside, drag the clothes you
want into the basket or simply double touch them.
Your current money

Leave the shop

Look at the other parts
Shopping Window
Total Cost




You can look at the clothes that you're going to buy by touching the basket. If
you change your mind just drag them back to the store or double touch them.
Once you're decided just choose to pay.

Keep in mind you can't wear tops, outer or bottoms alone. But you can pair them
up or even wear them with the total.
Once you finish paying, you will be given the stamps up to the amount you buy.
You get one stamp every three rich. If you collect enough of them, you can get
a discount.
To use your discount card, choose the card then choose how many stamps you want
to use. You should make sure you get everything you want before you pay.
Because once you pay, the card effect will be gone.
The clothes that you've bought during your past playthrough will always show up
at the shops, and will be marked.
Each shop has their own style; however, not all the clothes in that shop are
that style. Here is the list of where to find the styles you want.
Cute - Boutique Sophia
Vivid - Boutique nenne
Natural - Boutique Jess
Sexy - Boutique nenne
Active - Boutique Pamela
Chic - Boutique Jess
Sometimes, there will be a big sale at the shop. So make sure to check your
mails and website.
On your way back home, usually you will meet Karen, but sometimes you will meet
someone else. And trigger the optional conversation. They're fun to watch. XD
Fixed Events
Here are the basic events that you will experience in all of your playthrough.
Birthday - You will be given an option to give birthday present to your friends
the guys (first option) or just ignore them (second option). Then
you get to choose what you want to give them.
On your birthday, you will receive presents from the guy and the
girl that has highest affection (at least :)).
Exams - It will be marked with paper and pencil sign on your calendar. The
result depends on your parameters.
Oosako's Skinship Lesson - It's on May 1st of the first year. You can learn
about skinship from Oosako-sensei. You can also
access to this through bonus option at the title
screen. It's so cute and awkward. lol
Sports Day - It's on the second Saturday of June every year. You can choose to
participate (1st) or don't (2nd).
If you choose to participate, you can choose between three games
(Rolling the ball, Three legs race and Ball Fight).
You play rolling the ball alone. But you team up with the guy that

has the highest affection if you choose the latter two. If you win
the guy's affection will increases, but if you lose, it goes down.
At the end of the day, there will be a folk dance. You will get to
dance with the three guys that have the highest affection.
Culture Festival - It's on the second Saturday of November every year. If you
are in a non-sport club you can choose between your class
and your club.
On the third year (or second year if Tamao's or Seiji's
affection is higher than :D), you will have an option to
participate in the school play. You will get to play the
lead role with the guy that have the highest affection (at
least :D). If no guy is above :D, you will play with Miyo
and Karen instead.
Two weeks before the festival, you can do the culture
festival preparation command. It raises all of your
parameters. I suggest that you devote yourself to it.
Because if you don't you will fail miserably in the culture
festival, and you might miss some CGs.
Ruka - Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Kouichi - Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Arashi - Shinsengumi
Junpei - Little Red Riding Hood (I really love this one. XD)
Tamao - Mark Twain's The Prince and the Pauper
Seiji - Chekhov's The Seagull
Taira - Cinderella
Miyo & Karen - Cinderella
Also, on the third year, there will be rose queen event. To
win this events you need following conditions.
- All of your parameter exceed 130.
- No guy is bombing you.
- The sum of everyone's affection toward you is not low.
For example, it's okay to have a guy hate you (not bomb)
as long as the other guys'/girls' affections are high.
<Thanks, Light, for reminding me.>
Everyone you know will come and congratulate you. You'll
also be rewarded with a rose queen set.
Winning rose queen event is required for some secret
characters' routes.
Chritmas Party - It's on December 24th every year. A day before that you will
go to buy the present for exchanging during the party.
If you wear dress to the party, the girl with highest
affection and all the guys that are above :) will compliment
you. They will like you more.
During the party, the Santa will let you cheat (lol). You can
choose whom you want to exchange your present with. If you
bought the right present, he will like you more. He believes
that it must be destiny. XD
New Year - It's on January 1st every year. You will receive new year cards from

your close friends, guys and Oosako-sensei.

After that if the guy likes you enough, he will ask you to go to the
shrine together.
If you reject him or no guy ask you out, you can choose to call a
guy or go alone.
If the guy you call reject you or you choose to go alone, Karen and
Miyo will go with you.
At the shrine, if the guy likes you enough, he will ask to hold your
hand. XD
You can choose what you want to wish for.
- Love (You will get to choose the guy you want to boost his
- Health (Decreases stress.)
- Study (Increase intelligence)
After that, you can choose whether you want your fortune told or
not. If it turns out good it decreases your stress, but if it's bad
your stress increases. It's still fun to see the guy's response to
the fortune telling anyway (especially Ruka XD).
Valentine - It's on February 13th of 1st year and on 14th of 2nd and 3rd year.
A day or two before that you will get to buy and make the chocolate
for the guys.
In TMGS3, you can give chocolates up to three guys! So if you want
to give all three, choose the first option to buy chocolate. Buy
both expensive and cheap ones. When you return home choose the
first option again to make chocolate.
On valentine day, you will be given option to give the guys
chocolate in the order (cheap-expensive-hand made).
Each guy likes different kinds of chocolate and different kinds of
the last part you put in.
Ruka - Natural, Cute
- Dolphin, Love Plate, Girl, Whipped Cream
Kouichi - Pop, Wild
- Candy Cane, Whisky Bonbon, Love Plate, Girl
Arashi - Cool, Wild
- Love Plate, Medal Cookie, Girl, Strawberry
Junpei - Cute, Funky
- Love Plate, Bear, Girl, Gilt
Tamao - Natural, Cute
- Konpeitou, Love Plate, Cupid Plate, Girl
Seiji - Cool, Smart
- Music Note, Whisky Bonbon, Love Plate, Girl
White Day - It's on March 13th of 1st year and 14th of 2nd year. You will
recieve presents from the guys that you give chocolates to on

Valentine day.
The presents you will get depends on how much the guys like you.
School Trip - It's on September 13th to 18th of the second year. In TMGS3, you
go to Hokkaido.
You will be asked to tag along by the guy that has the highest
affection. You can go with him, reject him then go with other
guy, or with Miyo and Karen.
The next two day, there will be a pillow fight. You can choose
to participate or don't.
If you participate in the pillow fight, after the fight, you will
have to hide from the teacher. You get to choose between under
the table, under the futon or inside the cupboard. You will
either end up hiding in the same place as your girl friend or one
of the guys.
Consultation Day - It's on April 4th of the third year. You will be asked what
you want to do in the future.
- University
- Management
- See what your friends and the guys want to do
Oosako-sensei will comment depends on your parameters.
Deciding Your Future - You will get to finally decide what you want to do once
you graduate.
- The one that you choose on consultation day
- Another one
- Special option (Depends on your club/job)
If you choose university or management, you will get to
choose the rate of the university you want to apply for.
After Schools
During school days, sometimes, you will meet someone after school. You can
choose to ask him/her to go together or ignore him/her.
If you touch the box at the bottom of screen you can change the way you call
him/her. He/She will like it or not depends on his/her affection.
If you ask him/her to go together, and he/she accept, You can choose to just
walk home together, or go drink some tea together.
If you walk home together, it's an automatic conversation about usual stuffs.
If you decide to go and drink some tea in the cafe, you will get to know more
about what him/her. Here's the list of things you can ask.

Favorite TV programs
Favorite Foods
Favorite Sports
Favorite Music
Middle School Life

- Future
- Type of person he/she likes
- Love
For the guys, if you ask them about love, on your next date, they will try to
confess their feeling to you. But they will fail to do so. XD
If the love mode is not activated, you can ask these questions at the end of
the dates, too, while extending the dates. They continue from each other.
If your friends or the guys like you enough, sometimes, they will be the ones
who ask you to go with them. You still get to choose what you want to do, but
you won't have an option to change the way you call them.
Sometimes, they come in pairs! The conversation and the questions will be
different, too. Unlike the normal conversation topics, they don't come in

Favorite Foods
Favorite Sports
Middle School Life
About two of them
Guys' Thoughts
Types of persons they like
Being Girlish
Friendship between guys
Friendship between guys and girls
Are you in love?
When their hearts beat faster

However, some of these conversations are limited to guys. For Miyo and Karen,
there are extra topics as well. They're about fortune-telling and fashion.
If you're on best friend mode, your conversation topic with your best friend
will also change.

Guys' Thoughts
Type of person he like
When his heart beat faster
Being Girlish
Unrequited Love (OMG! How dense can you be...)
Are you in love?
Friendship between guys and girls

Tokimeki Panel
You can access to Tokimeki Panel by calling Miyo on weekends or holidays. Then
choose the first option.
In this page you can see the guys' and girls' affections toward you. They are
ranked from >o :( :l :) :D XD. These are the signs I'm going to used in my

If you've done enough skinship with the guy, he will have a crown on his head.
It will make his affection rise even you don't date him.
You can also check which guy is bombing you here. There will be a bomb next to
his face on the left screen. If a guy bombs you, Miyo will call and tell you so
there's no need to check that often.
To get rid of a bomb, you simply call that guy and ask for a date. It doesn't
matter that the date happens or not. The bomb will go away with just a call.
In TMGS3, you won't get any bombs from the guys you never date on that
playthrough. So you shouldn't ask the guys you're not after out on a date. Even
one date can make them bomb you later if you neglect them for too long.
You really shouldn't let the bomb explode. It will decrease everyone's
affections a lot. I think you have about 2-3 weeks before it explodes so get
rid of it ASAP. XD
As you might have already known, in TMGS3, you can have a three persons
relationship. You can also view the current condition of your 3P relationship
If you're aiming for the 3P endings, your objective is to make them get closer
to each other and to you. To do this, you need to go on the 3P dates, but no
2P dates. Going on a 2P date will make the other guy move away from you two.
On the other hand, if you want to activate Pride Vs Pride mode, you need to go
on 2P dates with one guy a lot. The other guy will continue to move away. If he
reach the white line at the side, he will get in danger condition. Then you
activate it by triggering the required event. You can activate PVP mode from
June of the third year onwards.
If you're in PVP mode, you can check both of the guys' pride condition here,
The best friend mode from the previous game is still here. You can check
on it at this page as well.
To get the guys' ending, you have to go on a lot of dates with them. This
section will help you prepare yourself for the dates!
First, prepare the clothes. Ask Karen what he likes. Check your mails and web
for new shops. Check GORO & Himeko column. Then go shopping! XD
You should buy the clothes in the style or color that he likes, the ones that
are currently popular (according to GORO & Himeko colum), or even the ones that
match his clothes.
If you're going to watch fireworks, buy a Yukata. If you're going to the sea,

buy a swimsuit.
Second, check your website for new date spots.
Then, pick up your phone and call him! XD
You will get to choose the date first. Choose the day that both you and he are
available. You shouldn't choose the day that you have club activity or the day
that he has part time job.
Then you will get to choose the date spot. It's a good idea to choose the place
he likes, if you want to raise his affection quickly.
If you cannot read Japanese, you can tell whether he decides to go with you or
not by looking at heroine's dialogue. If she repeat the date and the date spot,
that means he accept.
If the guy is above :D, he will start asking you out. :)
Also it's a common sense that you shouldn't ask him to date you at the same
place twice in a row, or wear the same clothes as last time. He'll get bored.
And don't miss the date! Unless you want to lower his affection since this is
by far the most effective way of lowering it. XD
Date Spots
Here's the list of date spot you can choose from. Some of them are only
available on certain date or period. I will also tell you the meeting place for
each part of the town. If you have two or more dates coming up, you will be ask
where the meeting place this time is.
Habataki Mountain (Bus stop)
Zoo - normal
- Wan Nyan House (Open 1st April 2nd year)
- Alpaca Ranch (Open 1st April 3rd year) You can touch Alpaca at the
background in skinship mode after you choose your dialogue. Each guy
has an alpaca that looks like them. lol
Habataki Mountain - Ski (20th December to the end of February)
- Autumn Leaves (15th October to 15th November)
Amusement Park -

Roller Coaster
Ferris Wheel
Merry Go Round
Haunted House (1st July to 31st August)
Night Parade (1st August to 31st August) You will have an
option to stay and view the night parade at the end of the
date. So you can get extra points from this. XD

Habataki Castle - Exhibition Corner

- Heaven Guard Pavilion
Pasture (Open 1st November 1st year)

Downtown District (Station Square)

Live House
Bowling Alley - Bowling
- Darts (Open 1st April 2nd year)
Game Center
Karaoke BOX
Cinema - The movies they show change every season. (Common School Story,
USHIRO Ox Prison, Large Meteorite, Pixy Boushi, Lethal Magician 2,
HEAVY METAL COBRA, White Town, Season of Hug, Red Tracer 7000,
Chelsea's Troubles, Drifted Ice Story - Lost Young Seal, Great
Mall - Shopping
Forest Park (Park Entrance)
Forest Park - Forest Park (Spring, Autumn, Winter)
- Flower viewing (15th March to 15th April not on 1st year)
- Fountain (Summer)
Heated Pool
Skate Rink (20th December to the end of February)
Botanical Garden
Museum -

Vintage Bike Exhibition (1st September to 31th December of 1st year)
Jewelry Exhibition (1st January to 30th April of 2nd year)
Impressionist Paintings (1st May to 31st August of 2nd year)
Primary Colors Exhibition (1st September to 31st December of 2nd

Park Street - Shopping

Free Market (Last Sunday at the end of every season)
Waterfront District (Habataki Station)
Seaside Park - Brick Road
- Sightseeing Boat (Open 1st December 1st year)
- Wharf (Open 1st January 2nd year) - ring the bell
- don't ring the bell
Aquarium - Normal
- Dolphin Show (Open 1st June 2nd year)
- Water Tunnel (Open 1st June 3rd year)
Event Hall -

KCH Symphony (April, October)

Pixy Bose (May, November)
Habataki Rockfesta (July)
Comedy Giant (August, December)

- Cirque de Ryun (September, March)

- TRAN-SPARK (February)
Planetarium (Open 1st January 1st year)
Sea - Swimming (20th July to 31st August)
- Blue Grotto (20th July to 31st August)
- Beach Walk (1st December to the end of February)
Fireworks (1st August of every year)
Shopping Mall - Shopping
- Food Court (Open 1st September 2nd year)
Other Places - Guy's room (He's the one who ask you out if he like you enough.)
You can touch the background during skinship to navigate his
room. XD
Get Dressed
When you go out on a date, first, you will get to choose what you want to wear.
It's a good idea to wear what he likes. For example:

Style of clothes he likes, the higher style level, the better

Color he likes
Trendy items (You'll get even more boost if you meet more criteria.)
Clothes that match his clothes (More boost if you two wear them on the
same date)
- Accessory he gives you on your birthday (You'll only get this if he has
high affection)
- Some clothes/accessory will trigger special conversation as well.
You can combine these conditions together for even higher boost of affection.
Enjoy dressing! :)
Date Disturbers
Sometimes, date disturbers will show up when you're waiting for your guy. It's
a good things, however. Because the guy will show up and protect you. XD
You'll even get a lot of extra skinship from this. XD
But if you touch him too much, he will get annoyed. :P
But also keep in mind that the guy will not compliment your clothes if the date
disturbers show up. So all the efforts you did to get dressed are in vain. lol
There are three types of date disturbers.
- The salesman, he shows up at bus stop and station square. He will try to
persuade, or should I say deceive, you to become a model.
- The blonde-haired guy, he shows up at park entrance and Habataki station. He

is hitting on you.
- The hairy guy (He's so funny. lol), he shows up at the beach. He's also
hitting on you.
Each guy has different ways of protecting you, and they're fun to watch. lol
If want the date disturber to definitely show up, simply put on the perfume.
During the Date
During the date you will get to do a lot of skinships. Here is the basic

At the meeting place

In front of the date spot/ Before the show starts
After you've chosen your dialogue
At the end of the date
Before you extend the date/ Before he send you home (above :))
In front of your house (above :))

His responses to your skinship vary for each person and each affection level.
Your skinship is quite limited if his affection is low. But if his affection is
high, you can pretty much touch anywhere.
Also, if you choose the wrong dialogue during the date, you shouldn't touch
him afterwards (the 3rd and 4th ones, after that are fine). He won't like it.
During the date, you will get to choose between three dialogues about the show,
scenery or whatever depends on where you're dating.
If you choose right, the guy's affection will go up. If you choose wrong, it's
the opposite.
If you're dating at the place he doesn't like, there might not be a good
dialogue at all. So choose the date spot well.
The dialogues change each time you date. There are three sets per place. On the
the third time, there will be a special option that can trigger a deep
conversation between you and him if his affection is above :D. They're pretty
sweet so I recommend you try triggering them.
For the shopping date, the guy will recommend clothes for you. You have to
pay attention to the tone of his voice whether he really means it or not.
If he sounds serious, you should say that it's good. If he sounds like he's
teasing you, then say that it's bad.
Some dialogues require parameters to turn out good. For example, you shouldn't
say that you're good at swimming/skiing if your fitness is low.
After the Date
After the date, if the guy is at :l or lower, you go separate way. If he is at

:), he will send you home. If he is at :D or higher, he will ask if you want to
go somewhere else. Choose the first option if you want to extend the date.
On the first date after he turned :D, at the end of the date, he will ask if he
could call you by your first name. How cute! XD
If he's just turned :D or you didn't do well on your date, but you still get
the option to extend your date, both of you will take a walk on the beach
You will get to ask him the same conversation topics as you get to do so after
Sometimes, even if you did well on your date, you still end up here
anyway. It will help you get to the last topic that will make him try to
confess to you faster. XD
Other than that, you get the love mode. You will get to touch him according to
the heart signs. I think the in-game tutorial explain things pretty well even
if you can't read Japanese.
Touch/hold/rub only red or pink hearts. The blue ones will lower his
If you manage to get enough points in time, you will proceed to the next level.
The background will be night time. You do the same things on this level. And if
you pass, you will get to touch wherever you want in the end. But of course if
you touch him too much, he will get mad at you. lol
After the love mode, if you didn't make him mad, you two will have a little
talk. I believe what you choose doesn't really matter here. So enjoy. XD
If you manage to make him mad at least 6 times during the last part of love
mode, when you can freely touch any where, you can touch his non-lips parts
during his confession ending.
If you did really bad on your date, sometimes, the guy won't even send you home
despite how much he loves you. He will call to apologize later though.
Doing the skinship in the right way will makes the guys like you faster. You
can do the skinship mostly during the dates and CGs.
You can pretty much touch anywhere in the CGs. There is no penalty to it. It
does affects the dialogue a little depends on where you touch.
In TMGS3, there are three kinds of move you can do with your stylus (touch,
hold, rub).
The part you touch are divided into areas (hair, eyes, lips, arms/hands,
Different kinds of move at the different areas are interpreted in different

Hair - Look at his head/hair.
Eyes - Look at his eyes.
Lips - Look at his lips to make it easier to know what he is speaking.
Arms/Hands - Look at his arm.
Torso - Look at his body.
Hair - Touch his head gently.
Eyes - Look deep into his eyes.
Lips - Look at his lips with an intension to kiss him. (Not yet. lol)
Arms/Hands - Hold his hand.
Torso - Lean against him.
Hair - Chop him.
Eyes - Tease him at his eyes.
Lips - Tease him at his lips.
Arms/Hands - Pulling his arm.
Torso - Tickle him.
You can practice skinship with Oosako-sensei on 1st May of the first year, or
access to it anytime by choosing the last option in the bonus menu from the
title screen.
At first, when the guys are not familiar with you, pretty much you can do is
look. But, after you get closer, you can do anything. He rarely gets angry
about it. XD
Best Friend Mode
Just like TMGS1 and TMGS2, this mode is still here. To activate this mode,
first, you must have two guys at :) or above.
Then you date the guy you don't want to be best friend with 2 times with less
than eight days interval.
The other guy will wait for you in front of your home after you come back from
the second date.
He won't say much, but he will call you later. You have two options to choose.
- Explain the misunderstanding. Best friend mode will not be activated.
- Tell him that you think of him as a friend. Best friend mode will be
activated, and he will become your best friend.
If the best friend mode is activated and his affection is higher than :), his
affection will drop to :). There will also be changes in tokimeki panel to
remind you that he is your best friend.
The conversation topics between you and him will change. He will not ask you
out on a date no matter how high his affection is. Also, no more love mode for
him. You still can extend the date and do conversation, though.
This mode can be activated from May of the second year onwards.

3P Mode
This is a brand new feature added in TMGS3. You get to date two guys at the
same time. The pairs are limited to these.
- Ruka + Kouichi
- Arashi + Junpei
- Tamao + Seiji
This mode can be activated from June of the second year onwards. You can only
go into one 3P Mode at a time.
First, you need both of the guys to be at least :), and you must have dated
each of them at least once.
After June of the second year, they will call you and ask for a 3P date on
Sunday that you're free. If you accept, the 3P mode begins.
You can check 3P mode status by calling Miyo and choose the first option.
From now on you have the options to choose between 2P and 3P date when you
call the guys that you're in 3P relation with. Choose wisely because it effects
the ending you'll get.
When you go on a 3P date, the guy that like your fashion style more will be the
one that compliment you. Only style matters. He won't compliment on your
trends, accessory, matching clothes or whatever.
You won't get to choose any dialogue or do any skinship here.
At the end of the date, both of them will send you home. But, sometimes, you
will get a 3P love mode!
Unfortunately, you can't touch both of them at the same time. You can change
the one you begin with by touching the switch icon at the beginning of this
The rule are pretty much the same as normal love mode. Except there are special
commands that pop up. As the mode progresses, sometimes, you will see the star
icon with "!" mark. Quickly touch it will open the special command roulette.
Touch the screen again to stop the roulette. These commands will allow you to
have more time with them, talk to them, or make them switch.
Here's the list for each command in the roulette.
Eye = Look at him.
Hand = Touch him.
"..." = Normal conversation.
Heart = Special conversation.
Bomb = Annoy him.
As time pass, if you can't get the switch command, they will switch by
The 3P love mode ends when you run out of time, one guy's affection is going
too high, or both of their affections reach maximum. You can tell by their
Once 3P mode begins, the guys will start to ask you out despite their low

affections. Sometimes, they might ask for 2P dates. You can go or reject him
depends on what ending you want. So plan well.
If you're aiming for the ending CG of 3P mode, you really shouldn't go out on
2P dates ever, once you have started 3P mode.
There are three ways to get out of 3P mode.
- Don't go on 3P date for a long period of time.
- Neglect one guy while you're not in the condition to activate the PVP mode.
- Activate PVP mode.
Pride Vs Pride
This is a mode where two guys from 3P mode fight over you. Note that if you
trigger this mode, you will not get the CG ending of 3P mode.
This mode can be triggered from June of the third year onwards. Both of them
must be :D or higher, and the three of you must be pretty close to each other.
This can be done by going on 3P dates a lot. If not, when you try to activate
PVP mode by neglecting one guy, the 3P relationship will be gone instead.
To activate this mode, you must be in 3P mode. Then you go to 2P date with
only one guy again and again, leaving the other guy alone. That guy will start
to feel lonely and jealous.
You can check in Tokimeki panel. He will start moving away from you and the
other guy. Once he reaches the white borderline at the side, he will go into
danger state.
Then you do a certain activity to activate it.
Ruka + Kouichi = It happens on normal school day. Just doing your daily
routine will trigger it.
Arashi + Junpei = Club command.
Tamao + Seiji = 3P date.
You will get different events and CGs depending on who has higher affection for
Ruka and Kouichi.
Once you activated it, you can check its status from Miyo. You'll see each
guy's heart and pride. The mode will end when both guys' prides are all gone.
When the mode ends, the guy with less heart will give up on you. And you'll get
confession ending 2 from the guy with more heart if you fulfill his parameter
If you manage to end it when they have the same amount of heart, you'll get
back into 3P mode. And you'll get 3P ending 1 instead.
If your game ends while you're still in PVP mode, it's girl ending 1 for you.
When you're in PVP mode, there will be three-choice events. The choices you
choose will affect guys' hearts and prides.

These events happen randomly after dates, after school and during normal school
days. You can only trigger three after date events and three other events for
each guy.
Whatever choice you choose will always lower one's or both guys' prides. While
their hearts will increase, decrease or remain the same depending on the
choices you choose.
So manage both their hearts and their prides well depending on which ending you
Unlike the previous games, you finally have some good female friends that will
not go into the rival mode with you. XD
Yeah, there is no rival mode in TMGS3.
This time your gal friends play a big part in your success. They will help you
throughout your game. You have two friends this time, Karen and Miyo.
Asides from providing you information about the guys, if they are above :),
they will start asking you out. This will make you get closer to them. And at
the end of the date, you will be given a present that will increase your
parameter or even lower your stress.
There's more! Just like the previous games, sometimes, they ask you out on the
double date.
You will go to amusement park with one of your gal friends and two guys. You
will get to choose whom you want to play with. You can choose three times as
there are three things to play (Roller Coaster, Merry Go Round, Ferris Wheel).
It will increase the affections of the persons you play with. :)
That's not all. If you're in good term with both Karen and Miyo, they will
invite you to a pajamas party. XD
In short, it's a sleep over. lol
You and Miyo will sleep over at Karen's place. They will ask you whether you
have the guy you like or not.
- Yes, I have.
- No, I don't.
- It's embarrassing, so... (You're not gonna tell them. XD)
If you answer "Yes, I have.", there will be a list of guys for you to pick.
The last one is "someone else".
If you tell them whom you like, they will secretly do something about it. On
the next Sunday, that guy will send you a message. It's something like "What
did you tell Karen and Miyo about me? Well...never mind".
It's not that he's annoyed or anything. He's just happy to know that you told
your friends about him. So his affection increases. XD

Karen and Miyo will go out with you on New Year day or the school trip if you
don't go out with any guys. Also, if you're not in good term with any guy you
will get do the school play with them.
They will also help you with the Valentine chocolates.
They will be the ones who remind you of the rose queen events and other special
They are very good friends. Cherish them! XD
Sakurai Ruka
Birthday: 1st July
Horoscope: Cancer
Blood Group: O
Height: 178/179/180 cm
Weight: 64/64/65 kg
Part-time Job: Flower shop Anneri
Club: none
Favorite Style: Girly, Natural
Favorite Color: Aquablue
Voice Actor: Sugita Tomokazu - Gintama = Gintoki (lol)
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya = Kyon
You can call him: :l and above - Ruka-kun, Ruka
:) and above - Ruka-chan, Ruu
:D and above - Ruka-tan, Darling
Never call him: Sakurai Otouto (Sakurai younger brother), Sakurai-kun, Ouji
Meeting criteria: none - You meet him from the start.
Ending parameters requirement: intelligence 150, fitness 150, style 150,
social 150
Favorite chocolates: - Natural, Cute
- Dolphin, Love Plate, Girl, Whipped Cream
Favorite birthday presents: 1st year - Antarctic photo gallery
2nd year - Miniature dolphin model
3rd year - The boys choir CD
Favorite Christmas presents: 1 Rich - Santa-boots-shaped candy heap
10 Rich - Christmas wreath
He gives you:
Birthday presents: Photo of dolphin swimming in the ocean
Angel motif keychain

The primrose charm ring (:D and above)

Christmas presents: Opened lid Maple syrup (not sure what this is XD)
Angel snow dome
Hymn Collection
Whiteday presents: Dancing angel music box
Old hymn collection
Skinship: Low affection - Look at his head/lips/arm.
High affection - Anything's fine.
Favorite date spots: Zoo (normal)
Habataki Mountain (Ski)
Amusement Park (Roller Coaster, Ferris Wheel, Go-kart,
Haunted House, Night Parade)
Habataki Castle (Heaven Guard Pavilion)
Live House
Bowling Alley (Darts)
Game Center
Forest Park (Flower Viewing, Fountain)
Botanical Garden
Shopping Mall (Food Court)
Seaside Park (Sightseeing Boat)
Aquarium (Dolphin Show)
Sea (Blue Grotto)
Museum (Vintage Bike Exhibition, Jewelry Exhibition)
Event Hall (KCH Symphony, Pixy Bose, Habataki Rockfesta,
Cirque de Ryun)
His Place
Date spots he hates: Zoo (Wan Nyan House)
Seaside Park (Wharf-don't ring the bell)
Sea (Beach Walk)
Museum (Normal)
Cinema (Common School Story, Large Meteorite, White Town,
Season of Hug)
Event Hall (Comedy Giant)
Let's see... unlike the usual main guys, Ruka is not perfect. He doesn't
top the school exam, he even gets the red mark sometimes, and he gets into a
lot of fights. But, yeah, he is still popular with girls. XD
He's always playing around, hiding his sadness behind his smile. He wants
to be a hero so Kouichi won't have to protect him. He cares deeply for the
heroine since their childhoods. His specialty is pancake, and he likes high
Despite his imperfection, he's a very funny and generous guy. He always
does and says something hilarious. XD I like how he always says that he's
better than Kou in every way, but he'll have to keep quiet about it or Kou will
cry. lol Their 3P route is also hilarious. I really love that. XD

He really does deserve his position as the main guy! XD

Sakurai Kouichi
Birthday: 19th May
Horoscope: Taurus
Blood Group: A
Height: 189/190/190 cm
Weight: 73/73/73 kg
Part-time Job: Stallion Oil
Club: none
Favorite Style: Wild, Vivid
Favorite Color: Orange
Voice Actor: Suwabe Junichi -

Bleach = Grimmjow Jeagerjaques

Prince of Tennis = Keigo Atobe
o7 Ghost = Frau
Vampire Knight = Akatsuki Kain
Final Fantasy X = Seymour Guado

You can call him: :l and above - Kouichi-kun, Kou-kun

:) and above - Kou, Kouichi
:D and above - Kou-chan, Aniki (Like gangsters calling their
boss lol), Danna (Husband)
Never call him: Sakurai-kun, Sakurai older brother
Meeting criteria: none - You meet him from the start.
Ending parameters requirement: arts 150, fitness 150, social 150, charm 70
Favorite chocolates: - Pop, Wild
- Candy Cane, Whisky Bonbon, Love Plate, Girl
Favorite birthday presents: 1st year - SR400 plastic model
2nd year - Vintage bike emblem
3rd year - Vintage mini-car
Favorite Christmas presents: 1 Rich - LED keychain
10 Rich - Antique Radio
<Thanks, CatMuto, for your correction.>
He gives you:
Birthday presents: The Oldies CD
Vintage milk glass mug
The primrose seven treasures ring (XD only)
Christmas presents: Six angel lunch set
SR400 logo keychain
The Oldies SP
Whiteday presents: Vintage bike photo gallery
The Oldies picture record.
Skinship: Low affection - Look at his arm/body.
High affection - Anything's fine.

Favorite date spots: Habataki Mountain (Ski, Autumn Leaves)

Amusement Park (Go-kart, Night Parade)
Bowling Alley (Bowling, Darts)
Forest Park (Flower Viewing)
Sea (Beach Walk)
Museum (Vintage Bike Exhibition)
Cinema (Common School Story, HEAVY METAL COBRA, Red Tracer
Event Hall (Pixy Bose)
His Place
Date spots he hates: Amusement Park (Ferris Wheel, Merry Go Round, Haunted
Game Center
Karaoke BOX
Seaside Park (Wharf-don't ring the bell)
Cinema (USHIRO Ox Prison, Season of Hug, Drifted Ice Story
- Lost Young Seal, Great Wizard)
Event Hall (KCH Symphony, Habataki Rockfesta, Comedy
for both
and Ruka
roll and

Ruka's older brother who always watches over Ruka. He cares deeply
heroine and him. His face is a bit scary, but he's just shy. Both you
seem to enjoy teasing him a lot. XD His favorites are bikes, rock n'
old American songs.

He's like an honest, kind and warm big bro you can have. And just like
Ruka, he gets into fights a lot.
The heroine always holds a very special place in his heart since their
childhoods. He always puts on a scary face, but he will smile just for you! XD
Fujiyama Arashi
Birthday: 8th September
Horoscope: Virgo
Blood Group: AB
Height: 177/177/178 cm
Weight: 70/70/70 kg
Part-time Job: Pool Lifeguard
Club: Judo Club
Favorite Style: Sporty, Active
Favorite Color: Blue
Voice Actor: Miyashita Eiji - Princess Princess = Takahiro Tadasu
You can call him: :l and above - Fujiyama-kun, Fujiyama
:) and above - Arashi-kun, Arashi-san
:D and above - Arashi, Anata (Japanese way of calling your
Never call him: Yamaarashi, Judo-kun (lol)

Meeting criteria: - Exercise command (Your fitness must be above 55. May needs
more as the game progresses.)
- Work part time at the pool.
Ending parameters requirement: fitness 200, social 150
Favorite chocolates: - Cool, Wild
- Love Plate, Medal Cookie, Girl, Strawberry
Favorite birthday presents: 1st year - Fluffy towel
2nd year - Dry mesh T-shirt
3rd year - Branded sports bag
Favorite Christmas presents: 1 Rich - Stuffed Alpaca
10 Rich - High class protein
He gives you:
Birthday presents: Bear skull strap
Three star sports mini boston
Iolite pendant (:) and above)
Christmas presents: Yoga rhythm DVD
Tokanai type fluffy cushion
Snowman beads cushion
Whiteday presents: Bottle of Chupa-Chups <Thanks, Mitosi.>
Heart pouch
Skinship: Low affection - You can play safe by just looking at his body, but
looking anywhere is usually fine.
High affection - Anything's fine.
Favorite date spots: Zoo (Normail, Wan Nyan House)
Amusement Park (Roller Coaster, Go-kart)
Habataki Castle (Heaven Guard Pavilion)
Bowling Alley (Bowling)
Forest Park (Spring, Autumn, Flower Viewing)
Heated Pool
Shopping Mall (Food Court)
Aquarium (Dolphin Show)
Museum (Jewelry Exhibition, Impressionist Paintings)
Event Hall (KCH Symphony, Pixy Bose, Cirque de Ryun)
His Place
Date spots he hates: Amusement Park (Ferris Wheel, Merry Go Round)
Live House
Bowling Alley (Darts)
Botanical Garden
Cinema (Large Meteorite, White Town, Season of Hug,
Chelsea's Troubles)
Event Hall (Habataki Rockfesta)

This guy, all he ever cares about are Judo and foods... and umm, maybe, you.
He's straight forward and reliable. He always says what he thinks which makes
him so sweet. XD
He's a passionate guy who runs after his dream with all his might. His firm
athletic body holds the beyond human strength. lol
He first thinks of you as a friend, but little by little, that feeling will
grow into something special even himself doesn't realize it! XD
Niina Junpei
Birthday: 25th November
Horoscope: Sagittarius
Blood Group: B
Height: 173/175/176 cm
Weight: 58/59/61 kg
Part-time Job: Convenience Store
Club: none/Judo Club (If you are in Judo club)
Favorite Style: Little Devil, Sexy
Favorite Color: Pink
Voice Actor: Kisaichi Atsushi - Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone = Durant
- Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion = Shougo
You can call him: :l and above - Niina-kun, Niina
:) and above - Jun, Junpei
:D and above - Junpei-kun, Pei, Pei-chan
Never call him: Jun-chan, Niina-san
Meeting criteria: - If you've met him at least once on the first year, you'll
meet him automatically at the beginning of the second year.
To meet him on the
55 (May needs more
shopping alone. On
he's not available
second year

first year, your style must be at least

as the game progresses.). Then, go
your way back, you'll meet him. However,
for you until the beginning of the

- From the second year onwards, if your style is high (I

can't remember the exact number.), use read magazines
- Work at the convenience store.
Ending parameters requirement: intelligence 150, style 200
Favorite chocolates: - Cute, Funky
- Love Plate, Bear, Girl, Gilt
Favorite birthday presents: 1st year - You can't give him anything.
2nd year - COOL coin case
3rd year - Art silver clay kit

Favorite Christmas presents: 1 Rich - Glittering strap

10 Rich - Gorgeous lava light
He gives you:
Birthday presents: Designers' mini-tooto (It's a kind of small bags. I don't
know what it's called in English. Sorry. XD)
Rose quartz lariat
Christmas presents: Glittering nail polish set
Art Nouveau style interior lamp
Whiteday presents: Music box with merry go round
Skinship: Low affection - Looking at his eyes/arm.
High affection - Anything's fine.
Favorite date spots: Habataki Mountain (Ski)
Live House
Forest Park (Flower Viewing)
Heated Pool
Seaside Park (Wharf-don't ring the bell)
Sea (Swimming, Beach Walk)
Museum (Jewelry Exhibition)
Cinema (Season of Hug)
Event Hall (TRAN-SPARK)
His Place
Date spots he hates: Habataki Castle (Exhibition Corner, Heaven Guard Pavilion)
Event Hall (KCH Symphony, Habataki Rockfesta)
This guy is a date disturber! Just kidding. lol He's one year younger than
you, and has a complex over that fact. He's a very cheerful easy-going guy who
is good at everything. He's very fashionable and a big fan of Hazuki Kei from
He's usually playing around like a kid, but tries to act cool in front of
you. lol He's doing his best to make you think of him as a man not a junior.
He randomly hits on you at first, but he's serious!
He's funny, romantic, cool and adorable! XD
Konno Tamao
Birthday: 19th January
Horoscope: Capricorns
Blood Group: O
Height: 181/181/181 cm
Weight: 65/65/65 kg
Part-time Job: none

Club: Student Council

Favorite Style: Older Sister, Cute
Favorite Color: Green
Voice Actor: Chiba Susumu - Hikaru no Go = Fujiwara-no-Sai
- 07 Ghost = Castor
- Vampire Knight = Takuma Ichijo
- Valkyria Chronicles = Welkin Gunther
You can call him: :l and above - Konno-senpai, Tamao-senpai, Kaichou
:) and above - Tamao-san
:D and above - Tama-chan, Tamao-kun
Never call him: Tamao-, Otama-san (lol), Tama
Meeting criteria: - Study command (Your intelligence must be above 55. May need
more as the game progresses.)
- Join the student council.
Ending parameters requirement: intelligence 200, social 150
Favorite chocolates: - Natural, Cute
- Konpeitou, Love Plate, Cupid Plate, Girl
Favorite birthday presents: 1st year - Stations and trains photo album
2nd year - All railway station manuals
3rd year - Stylish ski cap
Favorite Christmas presents: 1 Rich - Melody alarm clock
10 Rich - Habataki castle model
He gives you:
Birthday presents: Stripe kitchen mitten
Landscape scenery photo book
Natural stone triplet bracelet
Christmas presents: Snowman pin badge
Snow rabbit card stand
Whiteday presents: Station name keychain
Pottery cruet
Skinship: Low affection - Looking at his head/arm.
High affection - Anything's fine.
Favorite date spots: Habataki Mountain (Ski)
Amusement Park (Roller Coaster)
Forest Park (Flower Viewing)
Seaside Park (Wharf-don't ring the bell)
Sea (Blue Grotto, Beach Walk)
Museum (Normal, Jewelry Exhibition, Impressionist
Paintings, Primary Colors Exhibition)
Cinema (Common School Story, Lethal Magician 2)
Event Hall (Comedy Giant, Cirque de Ryun)
His Place

Date spots he hates: Karaoke BOX

Heated Pool
Cinema (HEAVY METAL COBRA, White Town, Season of Hug,
Chelsea's Troubles)
Event Hall (Pixy Bose, Habataki Rockfesta, TRAN-SPARK)
He's the student council president and one year higher than you. He is also
the younger brother of Konno Tamami from TMGS1, and he really is afraid of her.
Tamao-senpai is kind, reliable, and always cares for the others. He also
has a super handsome face when he takes off his glasses. XD He's a hard-working
man who always does his best to make everyone happy.
He only thinks of you as a junior, but if you want this ideally nice guy
to be by your side, he is within your grasp! XD
Shitara Seiji
Birthday: 17th February
Horoscope: Aquarius
Blood Group: A
Height: 170/171/173 cm
Weight: 53/54/55 kg
Part-time Job: none
Club: none (But he does help you in the school band practices.)
Favorite Style: Mod, Chic
Favorite Color: Purple
Voice Actor: Tachibana Shinnosuke - Kuroshitsuji = Asman Gadal (Soma)
- Infinite Undiscovery = Capell
You can call him: :l and above - Shitara-senpai, Shitara-san
:) and above - Seiji-senpai
:D and above - Seiji-san, Seiji, Seiji-kun
Never call him: Darling, Sei-chan, Shindou (Genius)
Meeting criteria: - Paint command (Your arts must be above 55. May need more as
the game progresses.)
Ending parameters requirement: arts 200, charm 150
Favorite chocolates: - Cool, Smart
- Music Note, Whisky Bonbon, Love Plate, Girl
Favorite birthday presents: 1st year - Handmade beaded straps
2nd year - Pygmy hippopotamus pin badge
3rd year - Magic lamp style teapot
Favorite Christmas presents: 1 Rich - Theremin toy
10 Rich - Sand picture
He gives you:

Birthday presents: Silk satin handkerchief

Nume leather passcase
Pink gold anklet
Christmas presents: Sugar craft star
Flower sugar pot
Whiteday presents: Seven-colored macaroons
Blue compact mirror
Skinship: Low affection - Looking at his lips/arm/head.
High affection - Anything's fine.
Favorite date spots: Zoo (Alpaca Ranch)
Habataki Mountain (Autumn Leaves)
Forest Park (Spring, Autumn)
Botanical Garden
Flea Market
Aquarium (Water Tunnel)
Museum (Normal, Vintage Bike Exhibition, Impressionist
Paintings, Primary Colors Exhibition)
Cinema (USHIRO Ox Prison)
Event Hall (Cirque de Ryun)
His Place
Date spots he hates: Habataki Mountain (Ski)
Amusement Park (Go-kart, Merry Go Round)
Bowling Alley (Bowling, Darts)
Game Center
Karaoke BOX
Forest Park (Winter)
Heated Pool
Sea (Swimming, Beach Walk)
Cinema (Common School Story, Pixy Boushi?, Lethal
Magician 2, Red Tracer 7000)
Event Hall (KCH Symphony, Pixy Bose, Comedy Giant)
Seiji-senpai is a genius when it comes to piano. But on the usual
occasions, he's spoiled, rich and full of himself. He's like a young master
who lives in a wealthy house and doesn't know how normal people live.
Despite all that, once you get to know him, he's a kind, sweet and innocent
guy. He's trying his best to be able to do something other than playing the
His personality is so cute, that you won't stop loving him! XD
Kasuga Taiyou
Birthday: 17th March
Horoscope: Pisces

Blood Group: B
Height: 158 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Club : Baseball Club
Voice Actor: Iguchi Yuuichi - Durarara!! = Kanazawa
- Hourou Musuko = Makoto Ariga
He's two years younger than you! XD You only get to meet him if you're in
the baseball club. He has taken the liking to you since the time he came to
sightsee Habataki baseball club. He was still in middle school and you were in
your second year. So he decided to enroll at Habataki high school just to meet
you! XD
He's a cute, shy and passionate young boy. But, yeah, he's brave enough to
love you. XD He's not talented, but he always tries hard. He loves your
kind and caring traits. He always tries his best to help you.
He's so adorable! XD
Kasuga Taiyou's Route
*In order to get the secret characters' endings, you must not meet the ending
requirements for the normal characters (affection above :D, parameters).
*If you meet more than one secret character's ending requirements, you will
get Taiyou > Aizawa > Taira > Oosako.
Since he's one of the secret characters, you cannot get his ending by the
usual methods. You need to trigger all of his events to get his ending. So just
follow my guide. XD
First, join the baseball club! XD and don't ever quit it. And try to use the
baseball club command as much as you can, just to be safe.
1. Meeting for the First Time
Use the baseball club command during 27th to 30th September of your
second year. Taiyou, who's still in middle school, will come to sightsee the
You two will bump into each other. You will offer to help him get up, but
he will refuse. Then he will introduce himself. Choose the first option,
"I am ...", to introduce yourself. Because of your kindness, he thinks that
you're a wonderful person. XD
2. Watching You from Afar
Keep using the baseball club command. There are five mini-events in total.
You can trigger these events until March of the second year.
He will secretly help you with your works. You will catch a glimpse of him
on the last event. He will drop his hat when he escapes. XD
3. Joining Habataki Baseball Club (Happens automatically.)

On 5th April of the third year, Taiyou will finally join the club. He will
ask if you remember him or not. Choose the first option, "Of course, I
Then you will tell him that you know that he's the one who secretly helped
you in the past few months, and give back his hat. He will be fond of you even
more because you kept his hat for him. XD
4. Need Some Help?
Keep using the baseball club command. During the break, Taiyou will ask if
he could help you with your work. But you'll tell him that it's important for
him to rest. You can choose to educate him gently (1st option) or strictly (2nd
5. Talent
Keep using the baseball club command. You have until the practice game in
June to trigger this. Taiyou will try to help you work again. He will get
teased by the others because he isn't talented. You will encourage him. Any
choices are fine.
6. Practice Game (CG Event)
Use the club command on the third Sunday of June. There will be a practice
game for the first year players. But it doesn't turn out well. At the end of
the game, he will try to act tough and carry all the bags.
There is a conversation event during the weekday after this. He's feeling
down so you encourage him.
7. Sunday Practice
Keep using the club command. Because of Taiyou the match went well, but
he got injured in the process. You will be the one tending his wound. Any
options are fine. 1st - Be careful next time. 2nd - Take good care of your ass.
8. Training
On 1st September of the third year, it's time for the third years to leave
the club into the hands of the second years.
Taiyou will say that you haven't seen the cool side of him yet so he want
you to help him with his practice until the next match. Choose the first
option to accept. You will think of a practicing routine for him.
9. Thank You
Keep using the club command. Taiyou will thank you for your help. He will
ask you out on a date. You can choose between skate (1st option) and heated
pool (2nd option).
The date happens automatically next Sunday. You won't get to choose what
to wear, however. The skate one is funny and sweet, but the heated pool one is
hilarious! XD
You have until 3rd December to trigger this event.
10. The Match (CG Event) (Happens automatically.)

On 18th December, you will go to see his match. Though he's not the
starting member, he's the one who turns the tide of the game! His efforts
finally come to fruition. XD
11. Starting Member
On 1st February, he will come to see you at your classroom (And everyone
seem to have fun teasing him. lol). He will tell you that he got chosen to be
the starting member for the first time, and he want you to be the first person
to know.
If you've come this far, you will get his save icon. Now, you can take your
time until the ending ceremony, and enjoy his ending! XD
Aizawa Shugo
Birthday: 29th October
Horoscope: Scorpio
Blood Group: O
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Voice Actor: Kusao Takeshi - Dragon Ball Z = Future Trunks
- Slam Dunk = Hanamichi Sakuragi
- Tales of Phantasia = Cless Alvein
He's a famous novelist who's out of motivation. You're his big fan who runs
into him by chance while buying his novel. You get to play his niece who've
come to visit him. So he can use that as an excuse for delaying his work. XD
You're like a little angel who get him back into shape. He tries to think
of you as his little niece. But no matter how hard he lies to himself, deep
inside, he knows that you're more than that! XD
Aizawa Shugo's Route
*In order to get the secret characters' endings, you must not meet the ending
requirements for the normal characters (affection above :D, parameters).
*If you meet more than one secret character's ending requirements, you will
get Taiyou > Aizawa > Taira > Oosako.
Here's the road to his ending. :)
1. Road to First Love
During October to December of the second year, read the article NO.19 (the
October one) on the website. It will say that the sequel of the famous love
novel has hit the store.
Then, use the shopping command to go out alone. You need to choose any

shops in the mall area (upper left) as your last shop. So just choose your
first shop, come back out, choose any shops in the mall. Or choose a shop in
the mall then choose to go back home.
On your way back, you will go to the bookstore to check on that novel.
Choose the first option to buy it. Someone will come and ask you why you would
buy it since there are many other books to choose from. Then he just leaves.
Next week, you will read the novel when the class ends. Since you seem so
absorbed in it, Miyo becomes interested in it, too. You say that you will lend
it to her once you finished. Then you two notice that there is the writer's
profile and picture inside the book. It's the guy you met at the bookstore!
2. Be My Niece
During February to March of the second year, read the article NO.23 (the
February one) on the website. Then go shopping alone, and make it end in the
mall area like the first time.
On your way back, you'll meet him. You will ask for his autograph. He's
about to refuse, but he suddenly thinks of something, and tells you to wait.
Then he comes back with his editor, Satou, and tells her that you're his niece
that he has to take care of today!
With that as an excuse, Satou let him off the hook for not working. He
then asks for your name so he can sign the book for you. You realize later that
you forgot to thank him.
3. Be My Niece One More Time (Happens automatically.)
A few weeks after the previous event, afterschool, since you want to thank
him properly, you decide to go to the park again. There's a chance that he
could be there, and he really is!
After seeing your uniform, he tells you that he also graduated from
Habataki high school. Before he leaves, he asks if you could be his niece again.
Choose the first option to accept. Then he will tell you to come here next
Next Sunday, you will run into Satou on your way to the park. She will
take you to his place. You will overheard that he won't hand over the third
sequel to her, and won't let it be published. You decide to go back alone.
4. Cake
On the next weekend, use the shopping command. Choose the second option to
go see him. They're still at it. XD Choose the first option to greet him. He
will use you as an excuse again.
You will take him to the bakery to make him feel better. But,
unfortunately, two girls are talking about his novel there. They say something
like "The content doesn't matter, just let the 3rd one out already!". Any
options are fine, 1st - scold them, 2nd - keep quiet.
5. Bar
During April to June of the third year, afterschool, refuse your friends'/
guys' invitation to walk home together. You will meet him on your way home.
He will take you to a bar (Himuro-sensei's friend's). It's still closed so
it's okay. The master teases him a little.

Then Himuro-sensei comes in! So the master hides you away. Himuro-sensei
asks him if there are any of his customers that are still in highschool. He
replies that it's hard to tell the age just from the face. For example, the guy
over there might still be in high school. But Himuro-sensei remembers Aizawa,
and says that he's already graduated.
After Himuro-sensei left, they make fun of him (They call him "Android"
lol). Then they talk about the school's legend.
6. Hot Coffee (CG Event)
From now on, there will be Aizawa command during weekends and holidays.
You need to use it at least six times within time limit of eight weeks.
On the first time, he will say that he only knows three kinds of coffee,
the one he made for himself, the one he made for the others (Not sure about
this, I accidentally pressed too fast. XD), and the one you made for him. He
likes the last one most! XD He will also tell you that he decides to do the
third sequel of the novel "Time of First Love".
On the fifth time, you will get the CG event. After that, you will fall
asleep while waiting for him. He will talk to himself while carrying you. He
says that you're heavy, but that relieves him because you're not the real
angel. In the end, he will wake you up and tell you to go home because it's
already late.
On the sixth time, he will tell you that the sequel is finished. He didn't
want to do it at first, but because of you he's changed. Then he tells you not
to come see him again. Maybe, it's just that he wants to protect you.
7. Bitter Chocolate Cake
(May needs intelligence to be at least 80. I'm not sure about this.)
In September, on the second week, you will get a mail from Miyo saying
that there's new bitter chocolate cake at the bakery. Use the shopping command
to go out alone. Choose the first option to go to the park. You'll think of
the time you spent with him.
8. Autumn Book Fair
In October, you will get a mail from the bookstore saying that the "Time
of First Love" is out. Use the shopping command, then choose the first option.
At the shop, you will notice that there will be an autograph session next
month. Choose the first option that you want his autograph.
9. Autograph Session (Happens automatically.)
On 19th November, any options are fine. 1st - You want to see him no
matter what. 2nd - Turn back.
10. Prize (CG Event)
On 28th January, Miyo will return the novel she borrowed from you. But you
already have another one that Aizawa signed for you anyway.
On your way back home, you will see Aizawa on the TV screen at the
station. His novel won the prize and he's being interviewed. During his speech
he thanks an angel that brought the heart back to him, and says sorry.

When the interviewer asks him who that angel is, he replies that it is
his cute niece.
After this event, you will get his save icon. That concludes his route. Sit
back and enjoy his ending. :)
Oosako Chikara
Birthday: 3rd April
Horoscope: Aries
Blood Group: A
Height: 161/161/161 cm
Weight: 53/53/53 kg
Voice Actor: Ichiki Mitsuhiro - Kaichou wa Maid-sama! = Shirakawa Naoya
- Angel Beats! = Takeyama
He's your homeroom teacher! He's super cheerful and full of power. You will
get fired up just by watching him. lol
Oosako-chan is a great teacher who has both his cute side and his mature
side. You will be in his care for the whole three years and will continue to be
in the future! XD
Oosako Chikara's Route
*In order to get the secret characters' endings, you must not meet the ending
requirements for the normal characters (affection above :D, parameters).
*If you meet more than one secret character's ending requirements, you will
get Taiyou > Aizawa > Taira > Oosako.
To get the ending that Oosako accepts your love, you need to win the rose queen
event. You need all of your parameters (intelligence, arts, fitness, social,
style, charm) to be above 130. So raise them well. Also, in order to increase
the sum of everyone's affection in a safe way, focus on being good friend with
Miyo or Karen instead of guys. If possible, you shouldn't date any guys at all.
It'll help keep you away from bomb, or getting other guy's ending instead of
Plus, two weeks before the culture festival, you must use the culture festival
preparation command every day, including Sunday and holidays to get one of his
events. And you need to do so all three years.
Also, you need to trigger all of his events to get his good ending. If you
don't, he will reject you at the end.
These following events may not happen in order.
1. Remedial Session
(You need to trigger this in order to trigger most of his events.)

You need to get a remedial session to trigger this. It's easiest to do so

on your first exam in July so you will have plenty of time left to raise your
parameters for the rose queen event. You have until the exam on March of the
first year to trigger this.
In order to get a remedial session, you need to fail (get the red marks)
at least three subjects. Simply rest a lot so your parameters will drop. Or
choose the room that will give you low initial intelligence, then focus on
raising fitness which will lower your intelligence in the process. If your
intelligence is below 30, you will pretty much fail most of the subjects. It
also helps if you choose a part time job that lower your intelligence.
He will encourage you, and try to make you love studying. He believes that
you can do it if you try hard enough. And he wants you to do your best in
everything, not just the study.
2. Stress
After the first event, just do your best on increasing your parameters
without resting. When your stress exceeds 50, Oosako will come talk to you.
You have until December of the third year to trigger this.
He will lend you a book that once gave him strength and will power. Your
stress will be reduced.
3. Do Your Best in Culture Festival
On the first year, when the preparation of the culture festival starts,
use the culture festival preparation command everyday including Sunday and
holidays. He will help you and praise you for that.
4. Be the First in the Sports Day Game
On the second year, win the first place in the sports day game. It can be
any games, just win. He will come and praise you.
5. Top the Exam
Top one of the school exam, then Oosako will congratulate and praise you.
You have until the exam on December of the third year to trigger this.
6. Don't Participate in the Pillow Fight
During school trip on the second year, DO NOT participate in the pillow
fight. You will go to take a bath instead. On your way back to your room, you
will meet Oosako.
7. Do Your Best in Culture Festival Part 2
On the second year, when the preparation of the culture festival starts,
use the culture festival preparation command everyday including Sunday and
holidays. He will praise you for that again.
8. Be the First in the Sports Day Game Part 2
On the third year, win the first place in the sports day game. It can be
any games, just win. He will come and praise you.
9. Oosako-sensei (CG Event)

On your way back home from the third year sports day, you will run into
Oosako at the beach.
He's running along the beach so you decide to run with him. You will trip
and injured your foot. He will tell you not to push yourself too hard, and
carry you home. You will realize that your heart is beating so fast. Choose
the first option, "I...Oosako-sensei".
10. Do Your Best in Culture Festival Part 3
On the third year, when the preparation of the culture festival starts,
use the culture festival preparation command everyday including Sunday and
holidays. He will praise you for that again.
11. Rose Queen
Win the rose queen event during the third year's culture festival. To win
this, you need all of your parameters above 130. Also, make sure that no guy is
bombing you, and the sum of everyone's affection is not low. He will come to
congratulate and praise you. Note that if you've got Taira's school play event,
you will not get Oosako's event.
Once you get all of his events, you will get his save icon. That means you've
cleared his route.
Taira Kenta
Birthday: 8th August
Horoscope: Leo
Blood Group: A
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Voice Actor: Suganuma Hisayoshi - Kuroshitsuji = Fred Abberline
- Otometeki Koi Kakumei Love Revo!! = Souta
Description :
He's your classmate. He's a normal average student who falls for you at
first sight. He always tries his best to approach you. Unfortunately, everyone
seems to enjoy getting in his way.
He's simple, kind and friendly. He always looks out for you, and tries to
encourage you. His straightforward lines will charm you in no time! XD
Taira Kenta's Route
*In order to get the secret characters' endings, you must not meet the ending
requirements for the normal characters (affection above :D, parameters).
*If you meet more than one secret character's ending requirements, you will
get Taiyou > Aizawa > Taira > Oosako.

Unlike other secret characters, going after Taira is like playing hide and
seek. You have to touch him, who is hiding in the background, every time that
he is available. One miss and it's over for you. So save often and in the
different files.
When you touch him, a red heart will pop out.
To get his ending your parameters must be high enough to trigger the pre-rose
queen event. You need at least 100 of intelligence, arts, fitness, social,
style and charm by February of the second year.
I suggest that you avoid using L button during his required events, just to be
1. On The First Day
On 4th April of the first year (your first day at school), after the
entrance ceremony, you'll be in your classroom. He's on the right (the only one
whom you can see his face). Touch him before you touch anything else on the
screen. This happens before Oosako-sensei introduces himself.
After Oosako-sensei introduces himself, touch him again. His friends will
ask if he knows you. He says that he doesn't. Then, his friends tease him that
he has fallen for you. XD After that, Kenta introduces himself.
2. Folk Dance
On sports day of the first year, after the folk dance, you'll see him in
the middle of right screen. Touch him. He picked something you dropped so he
gives it back to you, but it's already broken. Then Oosako-sensei tells him to
get back to works.
3. Exam (Happens automatically.)
On Monday of the week of exam in December, he seems to forget writing
equipments. So you lend him a pen.
On the next Monday, he comes to give it back and thank you. You ask how he
fared on the exam. He answers that, as usual, he maintained the amount of
scores so they wouldn't be too high or too low. You say that he's interesting.
He's happy to hear that.
After that, Karen calls you to hurry or the lunch break is going to end
before you get to eat anything. He tells you that next time if you forget
anything, feel free to tell him. He'll be happy to lend you anything.
4. Valentine
On 13th February of the first year, in the evening, you'll run into him.
He's at the right of the screen.
His friends are teasing him for he never gets any chocolates. Touch him.
He'll mistakenly think that you'll give one to him. But you crush his hope with
that clueless face of yours. XD
5. Same Class Again (Happens automatically.)
On 5th April of the second year, you and Kenta are in the same class

6. Folk Dance Part 2

On sports day of the second year, after folk dance, he's at the same place
as last year. Touch him.
Just like last year, Oosako-sensei asks him to go back to works. But this
time, he asks if you can dance with Kenta afterwards as a reward for him. His
wish is soon crushed because Oosako-sensei says that he's just kidding. XD
7. School Trip
Before you depart for the school trip, you'll see him standing in the
middle of the right screen in front of the bus. Touch him before you touch
anything else on the screen.
He asks if he could take a picture with you. Then Karen shows up so he
asks her to take it for him. But Karen says that she wants to take a picture
with you, too. Kenta decides to take one for you and Karen first. Then Karen
calls Miyo to join in, too. After that, it's you and Kenta's turn. But his
friends show up and get in the way. Before he can take another one, it's time
to go. XD Poor Kenta.
8. Walk Home Together (Happens automatically.)
In October of the second year, you'll run into him after school. He will
ask you to walk home together. Choose the 1st option to accept.
He'll say that after one year and a half, he finally gets to walk home
with you. XD Because there're always many people surrounding you, it's hard to
call out to you.
Before you two even leave the school gate, you run into Ruka, who is very
hungry. Kenta offers him some bread. In the end, you three walk home together.
After Ruka leaves, Kenta asks if you and Ruka know each other. You answer that
you and Ruka are childhood friends. He says that it's amazing to be your
friend, he even gets to talk to the famous Ruka.
9. Walk Home Together Part 2 (Happens automatically.)
In December of the second year, he'll ask you to walk home together again.
Choose the 1st option to accept. Though he says that it's a coincidence, it's
pretty obvious that he's waiting for you.
You two run into Kouichi this time. He asks if Kenta is the one who saved
Ruka's life. lol He asks if Kenta needs something, just says it. He'll return
the favor. After that, he's chased by Oosako-sensei so he runs away.
Kenta asks if you and Kouichi know each other. You answer that he's your
childhood friend, just like Ruka. He says that it's amazing to be your friend
again, this time, even Kouichi thanks him.
10. Walk Home Together Part 3 (Happens automatically.)
In January of the second year, after school, choose the 1st option to ask
him to walk home together. He's really happy. XD
This time, he's being super careful in front of the gate. He's afraid that
someone will show up again. lol He gives you the photos from the school trip.
Though there're a lot of other people in it, he's still happy to be in the same
photo as you.

11. Regarding Rose Queen Event (Require at least 100 of intelligence, arts,
fitness, social, style and charm.)
In February of the second year, Karen and Miyo will tell you that you have
a chance of winning the rose queen event this year. After they left, Kenta will
tell you that he thinks so, too.
12. Same Class Again Part 2 (Happens automatically.)
On 4th April
says that, unlike
in the same class
of what he means.

of the third year, you two are in the same class again. He
the previous years, he'll try his best this year. He's been
with you for three years after all. However, you're clueless

13. Folk Dance Part 3

On sports day of the third year, after folk dance, he's standing at the
same place as always. Touch him. He feels a bit sad that he never gets to dance
with you all this three years.
14. Cinderella (Happens automatically.)
Two weeks before the culture festival, Oosako-sensei will tell you that
you are chosen to star as the heroine in the school play. You'll try to refuse,
but Kenta stands up and says that you'll be fine. So you decide to accept.
Use culture festival preparation command as many times as you can. On the
following week, Oosako-sensei will announce that the one, who's supposed to
play the hero, has some problems and can't make it. So he asks if someone wants
to replace him. Kenta bravely volunteers this time! XD
He's pretty good at it. He even helps you practice your role, and
encourages you. He tells you that he's good because he always watches you
practise. So he remembers all the script. He even secretly mimics it at home.
Then, he takes you to the church. He says that it's the perfect place for
practising because of the church's legend about a princess waiting for the
prince to come back to her.
On culture festival day, just before the play starts, he helps calming you
down. Then, you star in Cinderella with him. He wears the same costume as
Hazuki Kei in TMGS1. XD He praises your performance after the play finished.
There will be an extra event if you win the rose queen event. While you're
looking for him, you hear some girls say that Kenta doesn't fit to be the
prince. Kenta hears this, too, so he runs away. You follow him. He tells you
that maybe he got a bit carried away. Then he runs away again.
15. Difference
In December, you haven't talked to Kenta since the culture festival day.
Oosako-sensei comes to encourage everyone about the upcoming entrance exam. In
the evening, you'll see him again. Touch him.
He'll tell you to stop talking to him. He says that it's not your fault
because he's the one who chose to star as the prince himself. He's now realized
that he doesn't deserve to be by your side. Because you're kind, that's why you
always call out to him. But he gets too carried away, he's sorry for that.

If you manage to come this far, you'll get his save icon. That's it. Enjoy the
rest of the game and his ending. :)
Ugajin Miyo
Birthday: 20th October
Horoscope: Libra
Blood Group: O
Height: 152/152/153 cm
Weight: It's a secret. lol
Part-time Job: Anastasia Bakery
Club: Art Club
Voice Actor: Gotou Saori - Galaxy Angle X = Chitose Karasuma
- Tokimeki Memorial Only Love = Ayame Shiina
- Ar tonelico II = Amarie Jerhad
You can call her: :l and above - Ugajin-san, Miyo
:) and above - Mii-chan, Mii
:D and above - Miyo-chan, Miyo-tan
Never call her: Ugajin, Ugamiyo, Fushigi-chan (Mystery-chan)
Meeting criteria: none - You meet her on your first day at school.
Favorite birthday presents: 1st year - AAA class power stone
2nd year - Portable celestial globe
3rd year - AAA class power stone
She gives you:
Birthday presents: Fortune aroma candle
Bath Planetarium
Original sun catcher
She's your cute and adorable friend. Her hobby is fortune-telling. Her
another hobby is collecting the guys' information for you. XD You will get to
see her on her duty on your way back from shopping sometimes. :)
Despite her cute appearance, she doesn't like being mistaken for a child.
So don't upset her!
Hanatsubaki Karen [HNK]
Birthday: 16th July
Horoscope: Cancer

Blood Group: B
Height: 170/170/170 cm
Weight: It's a secret.
Part-time Job: Simon General Store
Club: Volleyball Club
Voice Actor: Koshimizu Ami - Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion = Kallen
- School Rumble = Tenma Tsukamoto
- Persona 4 = Yukiko Amagi
You can call her: :l and above - Karen-san, Hanatsubaki-san, Karen
:D and above - Karen-chan, Ojou (Young Lady)
Never call her: Karen-sama, Hanatsubaki, Kameria, Ojou-sama
Meeting criteria: none - You meet her on your first day at school.
Favorite birthday presents: 1st year - Frill-fulled scrunchy
2nd year - Antique needle lace
3rd year - Camellia Corsage
She gives you:
Birthday presents: Raspberry shower gel
Sakura fragrance good night bear
Hand made bambi mascot
Karen will be the one who helps you with fashion in this game. She's the
daughter of the famous Hanatsubaki family which is well-known in fashion world.
But she wants the others to accept her as an individual, not the family name.
She's a kind, cheerful and sporty girl. She has a habit of naming people
after the animals. Sometimes, on your way back home from shopping, you will get
to see her naming the guys you know after some weird animals. lol
Other Characters
Himuro Reiichi
He's the heroine's homeroom teacher in TMGS1. He's datable in TMGS1. So if
you're interested, go and grab him! (You might have done so already.) XD
Amanohashi Ikkaku
He's been Habataki high school's principal since TMGS1. He's also one of
the datable guys in TMGS1!
CG Events
Sakurai Ruka

School-Related CGs
1. First Appearance
Available: At the beginning of the game.
Affection: none
Conditions: none
What happens: You meet him at the church when you're lost on the first day.
"I do remember. Maybe, since that day, it's the primrose that brought us
together. It's so strange."
2. The West Beach
Available: October of the first year, after school.
Affection: none
Conditions: none
Description: He asks you to go with him. He will take you to his place. It's
an old restaurant near the sea. He lives there together with Kou.
"We could clearly see the sea from here. Sometimes, it feels so nostalgic."
3. Jumping from the second floor
Available: The third week of April on the first year, at school.
Affection: none
Conditions: none
Description: At school, Ruka jumps from the second floor to get away from
his fan club. He says that since he's a hero, he's fine, though his legs are
hurt a litte. XD
"Well, hero always appears from the high place, doesn't he? My feet? It's
hurt a little though."
4. Figthing with Yotakado Students
Available: Winter clothes, after school.
Affection: :l
Conditions: You must have walked home with Ruka at least once.
Description: Ruka will ask you to walk home together. At the station, both
of you will run into Yotakado students (Ruka's old friends or maybe...gang).
They will taunt Ruka. Ruka will tells you to go back first because he's
having a meeting with his old friends. So you go. But since you're worried,
you run back to check on him. He's smashing them! XD You stop the fight,
then Ruka walks you home saying he will never do that again if you're with
him. You will tell him that he shouldn't fight at all, no matter you're with
him or not.
"Ah--It's here. I wonder how they are doing right now."
5. On the Roof
Available: Summer clothes, at school.
Affection: :) only
Conditions: none
Description: Ruka will be walking on the roof. He loses his balance and
jumps down. You will scold him because it's dangerous. It seems like he

doesn't understand why you're so angry, but he apologizes any way. Then
Kouichi will come and take him away.
"A- this is bad. Something like this is no good, right?. Umm...really, I'm
6. Romeo and Juliet
Available: Culture Festival, the third year.
Affection: :) and above, Ruka's affection is the highest among guys.
Conditions: - Kouichi's affection must be :) or lower.
- If you're in 3P mode with Kouichi and Ruka, Kouichi's
affection must be :l or lower.
- You must not be in PVP mode with Kouichi and Ruka.
- You choose to participate in the school play, and practice
Description: You star in Romeo and Juliet with Ruka. He seems so happy to
hear the words "I love you" from you. XD
"Please say 'I love you' one more time. No. Do it right now."
7. School Trip
Available: School Trip, the second year.
Affection: :D and above, Ruka's affection must be higher than Kouichi's.
Conditions: Choose to go with him and Kouichi during the school trip.
Description: Ruka tells you that he used to live there in Hokkaido.
"Let's go there again sometimes. There are still more places I want to see."
8. Winter Tea
Available: Winter clothes, after school.
Affection: none
Conditions: Asks him to go and drink some tea together, and he accepts.
Description: You chat with Ruka.
9. Summer Tea
Available: Summer clothes, after school.
Affection: none
Conditions: Asks him to go and drink some tea together, and he accepts.
Description: The summer version of 8.
Dates-related CGs
1. Flower Ring
Available: Spring, except 15th March to 15th April.
Affection: :) and above
Conditions: Date him at forest park (Spring).
<Thanks, Mitosi, for your correction.>
Description: Ruka notices that the primroses bloom here as well. He tells
you about the flower's legend, the same one he told you long time ago, but
you don't seem to remember. Then he makes a primrose ring for you.
"Do you know how to make a ring? Next time, let's do it together."

2. Hero Mask
Available: The first Sunday of summer.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Date him at fireworks.
Description: Ruka buys a toy mask of the color ranger. He used to play with
Kouichi when they were young. Ruka was red. Kouichi was black who always
came up when red was in troubles.
"The mask? I still have it. It's a hero that made a good memory for me after
3. Onigiri
Available: Autumn.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Date him at amusement park.
Description: Ruka is hungry so you two eat onigiri (rice ball) together.
Then he says he want to eat this, and kiss your cheek. XD
"I want to eat it again. Please cook the onigiri. Yeah, right now.
Not possible?"
4. At the sea
Available: May.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Date him anywhere in the downtown district.
Description: After the date, both of you will go to the sea. You get to see
Ruka naked top.
"What a nice body! Who's this? ... A- it's me."
5. Christopher
Available: Winter.
Affection: :l and above
Conditions: Date him at pasture.
Description: Ruka introduces his friend, Christopher, to you. Unfortunately,
he's not the one from TMGS2. He's a horse. lol
"Christopher likes you a lot. Let's go see him again."
6. Hospitalized
Available: January of the third year.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: - You must not be in best friend mode with Kouichi.
- You must not be in triangle relationship with Kouichi and
- You have dated Ruka more than five times.
- During the third year's culture festival, you did the school
plays with Ruka.
- If you did the school plays with both Ruka and Kouichi, Ruka
must have talked to you behind the stage.
- You must have seen dates-related CG 8.
Note: If you get this CG, you won't be able to get Kouichi's ending because
his affection will be fixed to :).
Description: You visited Ruka at the hospital.

"The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was your sad face. I made you
worried. I'm really sorry."
7. Chocolate
Available: Valentine, the third year.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: - You've seen dates-related CG 6.
- Choose to give chocolate to Ruka.
Description: You bring chocolate to Ruka at the hospital. You meet him on
the roof. He hugs you. XD
"When I hold you, I can feel the light. Even now."
8. Goodbye Juliet
Available: January of the third year.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: - During the third year culture festival, you did the school
plays with Ruka.
- If you did the school plays with both Ruka and Kouichi, Ruka
must have talked to you behind the stage.
- You must have seen an event where Ruka protected you from his
old friends. It happened early in January of the third year.
Note: If you get this CG, you won't get Kouichi's school related CG 5 and 6.
Description: Ruka asks you to come out at night. He's waiting in front of
your home. He says that he's going to end all the fighting so you won't
have to worry about him anymore. Both of you replay the school play's script
where Romeo was about to leave. You say goodbye to him without realizing
what's going to happen after that...
"The face I love so much, the one who clouded it was me. I'm sorry, Juliet."
9. Christmas
Available: Christmas party, the third year.
Affection: :D and above. Ruka's affection is the highest among guys.
Conditions: - During the third year's culture festival, you did the school
play with Ruka. (school-related CGs 6.)
- If you did the play with both Kouichi and Ruka, Ruka must have
talked to you behind the stage.
Description: Ruka will take you the church when he's sending you home. He
will tell you about his family.
"I didn't like Christmas because it made me think of that time. But from now
on and always, you are with me. So I'm fine."
-Spoilers End-

Ending-related CGs
1. Confession
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Fulfill his ending parameters
Description: Ruka confesses his feeling to you.
2. Primrose
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Accept his confession.
Description: Ruka gives you a primrose.
3. Primrose part 2
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Accept his confession.
Description: A close up of ending-related CG 2.
4. A Kiss
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Accept his confession.
Description: A kiss between Ruka and heroine. XD
"From now on, let's look at each other like those two on the stain glass. I
love you."
5. Best Friend
Available: Graduation
Affection: none
Conditions: Fulfill his best friend ending requirements.
6. Together
Available: Ending
Affection: none
Conditions: Get his ending.
Description: You and Ruka are painting something together. XD
"The primrose finally brought us together as I've always been praying for
that all this time."
Sakurai Kouichi
School-Related CGs

1. First Appearance
Available: 4th April, the first year.
Affection: none
Condition: none
Description: You bump into him in front of your house when you're going to
2. High School Debute
Available: 1st May, the first year, at school.
Affection: none
Condition: none
Description: Kouichi is being threatened by the seniors. But in the end, he
uses his scary face and big body to scare the hell out of them instead.
3. Yotakado Students
Available: Winter clothes, the second year, after school.
Affection: :l and above
Conditions: Ask him to walk home together.
Description: You forget something and tell him to wait. When you come back,
he's already gone. Then you see him with two Yotakado students. It seems
pretty bad so you threaten to call the teacher if they don't leave Kouichi
alone. They decide to leave in the end. After that, Kouichi walks you home,
and asks you to keep what happens today a secret from Ruka.
4. In Front of the Church
Available: Summer clothes, after school.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: none
Description: You run into him when you're about to go home. He's watering
the primroses in front of the church. He seems very embarrassed and says
that he only does this from time to time. After that, he walks you home.
5. At the Park
Available: January, the third year.
Affection: :D and above
Conditons: - You must not be in best friend mode with Ruka.
- You must not be in triangle relationship with Ruka and Kouichi.
- You must have dated Kouichi more than five times.
Note: If you get this CG, you won't get Ruka's date-related CG 6 and 8.
Description: Kou got into a fight and got injured a little. He's taking a
rest at the park where you run into him.
6. The Police
Available: January, the third year.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: You get the school-related CG 5.
Description: Kou is taken in by the police. He doesn't resist at all in
order to cover Ruka.
7. Romeo and Juliet
Available: Culture Festival, the third year.
Affection: :) and above, Kouichi's affection is the highest among guys.
Conditions: - Ruka's affection must be :) or lower.

- If you're in 3P mode with Kouichi and Ruka, Ruka's affection

must be :l or lower.
- You must not be in PVP mode with Kouichi and Ruka.
- You choose to participate in the school play, and practice
Description: You star in Romeo and Juliet with Kouichi. Unfortunately, he's
not Romeo since that role is reserved for Ruka. XD He looks pretty cool in
8. Our Photos
Available: School trip, the second year.
Affection: :D and above, Kouichi's affection must be higher than Ruka's.
Conditions: Choose to go with him and Ruka during the school trip.
Description: You ask the nearby person to take a photo of you two. It takes
a little effort to make him smile.
9. Winter Tea
Available: Winter clothes, after school.
Affection: none
Conditions: Asks him to go and drink some tea together, and he accepts.
Description: You chat with Kouichi.
10. Summer Tea
Available: Summer clothes, after school.
Affection: none
Conditions: Asks him to go and drink some tea together, and he accepts.
Description: The summer version of school-related CG 9.
Dates-related CGs
1. Planetarium
Available: Spring.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Date him at planetarium.
Description: You watch the planetarium with him, and chat a little.
2. Haunted Kouichi
Available: August.
Affection: :) and above
Conditions: Date him at amusement park (haunted house).
Description: Kouichi scares you inside the haunted house.
3. Number One
Available: Autumn.
Affecion: :l and above
Conditions: Date him at game center.
Description: Kouichi is aiming for the highest score which currently belongs
to Ruka. He totally ignores you.
4. Weak Point

Available: 20th December to the end of February.

Affection: :D and above
Conditions: - Date him at skate rink for the first time.
- You must not ever date him at skate rink before.
Description: He can't skate. XD
5. In the Cave
Available: 20th July to 31st August.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Date him at sea (swimming).
Description: It suddenly rains so both of you decide to take a cover inside
a cave. The lightning scares you. So he tells you to scold it back to get
rid of the fear. It looks pretty awkward. lol
6. Smile
Available: Work part time at the gasoline stand.
Affection: :) and above
Conditions: none
Description: You tell him to smile so he won't scare the customers. He says
that it's impossible, and unconsciously smiles to you. When he realizes
that, he puts on an even scarier face.
7. Christmas
Available: Chirstmas party, the third year.
Affecion: :D and above, Kouichi's affection is the highest among guys.
Conditions: none
Description: He walks you home. He wonders if it's really okay for you to be
with him while holding you in his arms.
Ending-related CGs
1. Confession
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Fulfill his ending parameters
Description: Kouichi confesses his feeling to you.
2. Primrose
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Accept his confession.
Description: Kouichi gives you a primrose.
3. Primrose part 2
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Accept his confession.
Description: A close up of ending-related CG 2.
4. A Kiss

Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Accept his confession.
Description: A kiss between Kouichi and heroine. XD
5. Best Friend
Available: Graduation
Affection: none
Conditions: Fulfill his best friend ending requirements.
6. Together
Available: Ending
Affection: none
Conditions: Get his ending.
Description: Kouichi comes to pick you up with a car.
Ruka & Kouichi
1. Bike
Available: 1st June, the first year.
Affection: none
Conditions: none
Description: You are late. On your way to school, you run into both of them.
They ride the bike to school from time to time. Since it can hold only two
persons, they decide to leave you there. XD
2. Family Restaurant
Available: March to April.
Affection: Ruka is :D or higher. Kouichi is :) or lower.
Conditions: 3P date anywhere in downtown area.
Description: You're hungry so the three of you decide to stop by a family
restaurant to eat something. You and Ruka are enjoying a lot of sweets and
desserts, making Kouichi feel jealous.
3. Kou's Cooking
Available: Spring.
Affection: Ruka is :) or lower. Kouichi is :D or higher.
Conditions: 3P date anywhere in forest park area except at the forest park.
Description: You're hungry. The three of you decide to go to their place so
Kouichi can cook something. You help Kouichi out, making Ruka feel a bit
jealous. He calls you and Kouichi mama and papa in the process. XD
4. Ruka's Prank
Available: Winter.
Affection: Ruka is :D or higher.
Conditions: Date Ruka at his place.
Description: Ruka plays a prank on Kouichi while he's sleeping. This is
hilarious! XD

5. Kouichi's Prank
Available: Winter.
Affecion: Kouichi is :D or higher.
Conditions: Date Kouichi at his place.
Description: Kouichi plays a prank on Ruka while he's sleeping. Ruka is
pretty cute here before you and Kouichi turn him into something...
6. Fireworks
Available: 7th August, the third year.
Affection: Ruka and Kouichi are :D or higher.
Conditions: - 3P date at fireworks.
- You must not 3P date them at fireworks on the second year.
Description: They will call to cancel the date saying something's up. You
will go to the fireworks alone, and run into them there. They working at a
shop there because someone they know asks them a favor. In the end, the
three of you watch the fireworks together.
7. Run
Available: Sports day.
Affection: Ruka and Kouichi are :) or higher.
Conditions: Choose to do something other than the three legs race.
Description: Ruka and Kouichi are tricked into a race by Oosako-sensei. He
tells them to show their good sides to you, and they take it so seriously.
8. Crab
Available: School trip, the second year.
Affection: Ruka or Kouichi or both are :D or higher.
Conditions: none
Description: Ruka and Kouichi are about to sneak out to eat some crabs when
you see them. So they decide to take you along. Ruka makes fun of Kouichi a
little. XD On the way back, Himuro is waiting to ambush you. lol
9. Two Shot
Available: Culture festival, the third year.
Affection: Ruka and Kouichi are :) or higher.
Conditions: Your charm must be at least 100.
Description: Some random guy is asking for a two shot photo with you. Ruka
and Kouichi pass by and tell him to take a two shot of them instead. It's a
super scary one. lol
10. Brothers' Fight
Available: Culture festival, the third year.
Affection: - If you're not in 3P relationship with them, Ruka and Kouichi
must be :D or higher.
- If you're in 3P relationship with them, Ruka and Kouichi must
be :) or higher.
- Affection doesn't matter if they're in PVP mode. It'll happen
- Ruka's and Kou's affections are the highest among guys.
Conditions: You choose to participate in the school play, and practice
Description: You, Ruka and Kouichi star in Romeo and Juliet. Ruka doesn't
play according to the script, and attacks Kouichi out of the blue.

11. Brothers' Fight Part 2

Available: Culture festival, the third year.
Affection: - If you're not in 3P relationship with them, Ruka and Kouichi
must be :D or higher.
- If you're in 3P relationship with them, Ruka and Kouichi must
be :) or higher.
- Affection doesn't matter if they're in PVP mode. It'll happen
- Ruka's or Kou's affection is the highest among guys.
Conditions: You choose to participate in the school play, and practice
Description: The continuation of 10.
12. Our Christmas
Available: Chrismas party, the third year.
Affection: Ruka or Kouichi is :D or higher.
Conditions: none
Description: After Habataki Christmas party, Ruka and Kouichi take you to
their place to hold a small party together. Since there aren't anything to
eat at all, Ruka decide to cook some pancakes. While you are helping Ruka,
Kouichi goes out to buy some drinks. When he gets back, Ruka has already
cooked a lot of pancakes, maybe too many! XD Since Ruka says he will eat
half of them so it's fine.
13. Broken Relationship; Winter Version
Available: October, the third year, school days.
Affection: Ruka's affection is higer than Kouichi's.
Conditions: Fulfill their PVP mode triggering requirments.
Description: After school, you head over to their place because you
promised Ruka that you will bring him a cake. When you get there you
overhear them fighting. Ruka is angry because he finds out that Kouichi
loves you all this time. But he always holds back because he knows that
Ruka loves you, too. And that makes Ruka feel so pathetic. In the end,
Kouichi says that he's not going to hold back anymore. Then, they realize
that you are listening. You decide to run away.
14. Broken Relationship; Summer Version
Available: June to September, the third year, school days.
Affection: Ruka's affection is higer than Kouichi's.
Conditions: Fulfill their PVP mode triggering requirments.
Description: The summer version of 13.
15. A Punch; Winter Version
Available: October, the third year, school days.
Affection: Kouichi's affecion is higher than Ruka's.
Conditions: Fulfill their PVP mode triggering requirements.
Description: After school, you're about to go home. Then you heard a
sound from one of the classroom. It seems like someone are fighting. The
contents are pretty much the same as 13. and 14. with different dialogues.
16. A Punch; Summer Version
Available: June to September, the third year, school days.
Affection: Kouichi's affecion is higher than Ruka's.
Conditions: Fulfill their PVP mode triggering requirements.

Description: The summer version of 16.

17. Three of Us
Available: Graduation.
Affection: Ruka and Kouichi are :D or higher.
Conditions: Fulfill 3P 2nd ending requirements.
Description: They abduct you to the West Beach. XD
Fujiyama Arashi
School-Related CGs
1. Hundred Persons Challenge
Available: Culture festival, the first year.
Affection: :l and above
Conditions: You must have used Judo club command a lot until you saw an
event that you got the club room.
Description: In order to promote the club, Arashi challenges hundred persons
to beat him in Judo. He only gets as far as 29 persons, however.
2. Hundred Persons Challenge Part 2
Available: Culture festival, the first year.
Affection: :l and above
Conditions: You must have used Judo club command a lot until you saw an
event that you got the club room.
Desciption: The continuation of school-related CG 1.
3. First Match
Available: You have until June of the third year to trigger this.
Affection: :) and above
Conditions: - Use Judo club command on Sunday or holidays.
- You must have been using Judo club command a lot.
Description: A match between Arashi and a guy from another school.
4. Meal
Available: Winter clothes.
Affection: :l and above
Conditions: Use study command during school days.
Description: You see Arashi having his meal in Oosako-sensei class. You're
looking at him, and forget to open your note book. You get scolded by
Oosako-sensei in the process. Arashi notices and laughs at you. He sure eats
a lot of meal in one day. lol
5. Collecting Data
Available: April of the second year to July of the third year.
Affection: :) only
Conditions: Use Judo club command during school days.
Description: Arashi is practising Judo by watching Judo match video, and

thinks of the move he will use if he's the one fighting.

6. Transfer
Available: Winter, the
Affection: none
Conditions: - Use Judo
- You must
- You must

second year.
club command during school days.
have seen dates-related CG 3.
have been using Judo club command a lot up until now.

Description: The other school offers him a transfer. He's been thinking
about that for quite some time now. If he transfers, he will be able to
pursue his dream more easier. In the end, he refuses because he's the one
who started the club here so he wants to see it through to the end. And
you're here with him.
7. Massage
Available: February of the second year to April of the third year.
Affection: If Junpei is in the club, Arashi's affection must be higher than
Conditions: Use Judo club command on Sunday or holidays.
Description: You give him a massage. Then he falls as sleep.
8. Shinsengumi
Available: Culture festival, the third year.
Affection: :) and above, Arashi's affection is the highest among guys.
Conditions: You choose to participate in the school play, and practice
Description: You stars in Shinsengumi with Arashi. You're injured so he
carries you instead of leaving you behind.
9. A Couple
Available: School trip, the second year.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Choose to go with him during the school trip.
Description: You two have lunch together. He asks you to refill the rice for
him. When you do so, he says that you and he look like a couple. XD
10. Winter Tea
Available: Winter clothes, after school.
Affection: none
Conditions: Asks him to go and drink some tea together, and he accepts.
Description: You chat with Arashi.
11. Summer Tea
Available: Summer clothes, after school.
Affection: none
Conditions: Asks him to go and drink some tea together, and he accepts.
Description: The summer version of school-related CG 10.
Dates-related CGs
1. Arm Wrestling

Available: Spring.
Affection: :l and above
Conditions: Date him at game center.
Description: You ask him to play an arm wrestling game with the machine. He
refuses at first, but when you taunt him, he decides to play. He chooses the
highest level. Then BANG!... he breaks the machine. XD
2. Firefly
Available: Summer.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Date him at Habataki castle.
Description: After the date, he tells you that there's a place he wants you
to go with him. Then he takes you to a place where there are a lot of
fireflies. He says that he used to come to this place a lot when he's down.
3. Ponder
Available: Autumn, the second year only.
Affection: :) and above
Conditions: Date him at cinema.
Description: He doesn't pay attention to the movie at all. It seems like
he's thinking seriously about something.
4. A Throw
Available: Winter.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Date him at sea (beach walk).
Description: You ask for a Judo match with him. He spaces out when looking
at your face. So you attack him by surprise, and he throws you down by
reflex. XD He feels really sorry that he didn't hold back.
5. Rescue
Available: Work part time at the pool.
Affection: :l and above
Condtions: You must be quite experienced in your work.
Description: There's man who's going to drown so you and Arashi save his
6. Christmas
Available: Christmas party, the third year.
Affection: :D and above, Arashi's affection is the highest among guys.
Conditions: none
Description: Arashi walks you home after the party. You two stop by the
park, and sit side by side.
Ending-related CGs
1. Confession
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Fulfill his ending parameters

Description: Arashi confesses his feeling to you.

2. Confession 2
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Accept his confession.
Description: Another post of ending-related CG 1.
3. A Kiss
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Accept his confession.
Description: A kiss between Arashi and heroine. XD
4. Best Friend
Available: Graduation
Affection: none
Conditions: Fulfill his best friend ending requirements.
5. Together
Available: Ending
Affection: none
Conditions: Get his ending.
Description: Arashi's doing a winning post toward you.
Niina Junpei
School-Related CGs
1. Cleaning
Available: Summer clothes, the second year, at school.
Affection: :l and above
Conditions: none
Description: Junpei's playing samurai with his friends while cleaning. The
girl in their class is mad at them so they decide to run away. He notices
that you're watching, and blushes. His friends ask him who you are to him.
He answers that you're something like that, then runs away, leaving you and
his friends with wrong idea. XD
2. Junior
Available: Winter clothes, the second or the third year.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Get into a remedial session (have at least three red marks on
an exam).
Description: He visits you during your remedial session, and offers to help
you with your study. But you say that he can't because he's a junior. Since
he already have had a complex over this, he feels so disappointed and angry.
So he leaves.

3. My Girl
Available: During culture festival preparation, the third year.
Affection: :l only
Conditions: Junpei must not be in Judo club.
Description: Junpei takes you to his class exhibition that he designs by
himself. When his friends ask about you, he tells them that you're his
girlfriend. XD
4. Excursion
Available: September, the third year.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: none
Description: Junpei's going on the school trip. He sends a picture to your
phone during your class. You watch it, and get caught by Oosako-sensei.
5. After a Judo Practice
Available: February of the second year to April of the third year.
Affection: :D and above, Junpei's affection is higher than Arashi's.
Conditions: Use Judo club command on Sunday.
Description: Junpei teases you a little at the end of the practice. It is
interrupted by his stomach groaning.
6. Little Red Riding Hood
Available: Culture festival, the third year.
Affection: :) and above, Junpei's affection is the highest among guys.
Conditions: You choose to participate in the school play, and practice
Description: You stars in Little Red Riding Hood with Junpei. He's the wolf.
For some reasons, the script really sounds like the wolf is confessing his
love to the girl. Unlike the script, he's going to eat you for real!
7. Winter Tea
Available: Winter clothes, after school.
Affection: none
Conditions: Asks him to go and drink some tea together, and he accepts.
Description: You chat with Junpei.
8. Summer Tea
Available: Summer clothes, after school.
Affection: none
Conditions: Asks him to go and drink some tea together, and he accepts.
Description: The summer version of school-related CG 7.
Dates-related CGs
1. Fishing
Available: 15th March to 15th April on the second or the third year.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: - You must have asked him about his hobby in the after
school/date conversation.

- Date him at forest park (flower veiwing).

<Thanks, Chiifon.>
Description: He tells you that he lied about his hobby when you asked. His
true hobby is fishing. But he didn't tell you because it doesn't sound so
2. At the beach
Available: 20th July to 31st August.
Affection: :) only
<Thanks, gahtzuah.>
Conditions: Date him at the sea (swimming).
Description: You injure your foot so he looks at it for you.
3. Halloween
Available: 31st October of the second year or 30th October of the third
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Date him at amusement park.
Description: There is a fancy dressing event at the amusement park today
because of Halloween. Both of you change. Junpei changes into a mage because
he thinks that you will change into a princess so he will be the mage that
protect you. But, unfortunately, you also change into a mage.
4. Snowboard
Available: 20th December to the end of February.
Affection: :l and :)
Conditions: Date him at Habataki mountain (ski) for the second time.
Description: He shows you how good he's at snowboard.
5. Hazuki Kei
Available: School days.
Affection: :) and above
Conditions: none
Description: You see him reading a magazine in his class after school. He
tells you that he really admires Hazuki Kei. Then he asks you to go shopping
with him because they're selling the same design of the clothes that Hazuki
Kei used to wear. At the shopping mall, he changes. It makes you feel like
you're a boyfriend who accompanies his girlfriend's shopping.
6. Maybe Love
Available: Winter, the first year, on your fourth encounter with him.
Affection: none
Conditions: - You must have met him for the first time when you go shopping
alone. (Your charm must be above 55 which may needs more as
the game progresses.)
- You must have met him for the second time when you go on a
date with a guy. A date disturber will hit on you while you're
waiting for your guy. Another date disturber will show up and
save you. Yeah, that's him. Note that using the perfume won't
work with this one. Just reload if he doesn't show up.
- You must have met hem for the third time when you go shopping
alone after triggering the second event.
- To meet him for the fourth time, go shopping alone in winter.
Description: This time, you two finally go on a proper date at the seaside

park (sightseeing boat). The boat hits something, and you fall into his
arms making his heart race so fast.
7. Convenience Store
Available: Work part time at the convenience store.
Affection: :) and above
Conditions: You must be quite experienced with your work.
Description: He helps you during your work when you accidentally hit the
shelf making the goods fall down.
8. Christmas
Available: Christmas party, the third year.
Affection: :D and above, Junpei's affection is the highest among guys.
Conditions: none
Description: Junpei takes you to a place that students are not allowed to go
in, in order to spend some time alone with you.
Ending-related CGs
1. Confession
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Fulfill his ending parameters
Description: Junpei confesses his feeling to you.
2. Confession 2
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Accept his confession.
Description: Another post of ending-related CG 1.
3. A Kiss
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Accept his confession.
Description: A kiss between Junpei and heroine. XD
4. Best Friend
Available: Graduation
Affection: none
Conditions: Fulfill his best friend ending requirements.
5. Together
Available: Ending
Affection: none
Conditions: Get his ending.
Description: You two go shopping together.

Arashi & Junpei
1. Judo Club; Winter Version
Available: Winter clothes, April to January of the second year.
Affection: none
Conditions: - Junpei must be available.
- You must be in Judo club.
Description: You and Arashi trick Junpei into joining the club. XD
2. Judo Club; Summer Version
Available: Summer clothes, the second year.
Affection: none
Conditions: - Junpei must be available.
- You must be in Judo club.
Description: The summer version of 1.
3. Run Away
Available: Winter
Affection: none
Conditions: 3P date at bowling alley or karaoke.
Description: The three of you run into some bad people so the three of you
decide to run away in the separate ways to make fun of them.
4. Alpaca
Available: Spring and autumn after 10th April of the third year.
Affection: Arashi is :D or higher. Junpei is :) or lower.
Conditions: 3P date at zoo.
Description: The three of you try to have a three shot photo, but Arashi is
(intentionally) so bad at taking the picture. When Junpei walks away, Arashi
quickly takes a two shot photo with you, and tells you to keep this a secret
from Junpei. XD
5. Curry
Available: Club camp in August of the third year.
Affection: Arashi and Junpei are :) or higher.
Conditions: - You must have heard about the club camp from Arashi during
Judo club command.
- Your social must be higher than 30.
Description: Arashi and Junpei are fighting over the curry you cooked.
6. After School
Available: Summer clothes, the second year, after school.
Affection: Arashi and Junpei are :) or higher.
Conditions: - Use Judo club command.
- You must have been using Judo club command a lot up until
Description: On the way back from school, they talk about Judo and their
7. Pool
Available: Club camp in August of the third year.
Affection: Arashi is :) or higher. Arashi's affection is higher than

Conditions: - You must have heard about the club camp from Arashi during
Judo club command.
- Your social must be higher than 30.
Description: On the last day of the camp, Arashi and Junpei close your eyes
and take you to a pool. Arashi secretly holds your hand there.
8. Fireworks
Available: Club camp in August of the third year.
Affection: Junpei is :) or higher. Junpei's affection is higher than
Conditions: - You must have heard about the club camp from Arashi during
Judo club command.
- Your social must be higher than 30.
Description: On the last day of the camp, the three of you watch the
fireworks together. Junpei secretly tells you that Arashi is his rival.
9. Shower
Available: Summer, school days.
Affection: Arashi is :) or lower. Junpei is :) or higher. Junpei's affection
is higher than Arashi's.
Conditions: Use Judo club command.
Description: Junpei teases you after he comes back from a shower. Arashi
scolds him for that.
10. Retire
Available: September to October, the third year.
Affection: none
Conditions: - Use Judo club command.
- You must have been using Judo club command a lot up until
Description: A match between Arashi and Junpei before Arashi leaves the
club in Junpei's hands.
11. A Fight; Winter Version
Available: October, the third year, school days.
Affection: none
Conditions: - Fulfill their PVP mode triggering requirements.
- Use Judo club command.
Description: Junpei asks if you really don't know Arashi's and his
feelings, and try to force an answer out of you. Arashi rushes in to stop
him, and they fight.
12. A Fight; Summer Version
Available: June to September, the third year, school days.
Affection: none
Conditions: - Fulfill their PVP mode triggering requirements.
- Use Judo club command.
Description: The summer version of 11.
13. Three of Us
Available: Graduation.
Affection: Arashi and Junpei are :D or higher.
Conditions: Fulfill 3P 2nd ending requirements.

Description: Junpei gives a speech during your graduation ceremony. It

starts out beautifully at first, but it starts to sound weird halfway
through. He says that he won't let you graduate, and want you to stay by
his side instead! XD Then Arashi stands up and protests saying that you
will graduate with him! It starts to become quite a mess. lol In the end,
They both agree to a term that they won't let you get away from them no
matter what. XD
Konno Tamao
School-Related CGs
1. Snooze
Available: June to September, the first or the second year.
Affection: :) and above
Conditions: You must be in student council.
Description: The student council is having a meeting today. You go there
earlier than usual, and see Tamao snoozing in the student council room.
2. Bicycle
Available: June to September, the first or the second year, after school.
Affection: :) and above
Conditions: none
Description: Tamao sends you home with his bicycle. He says that he usually
goes to school by train. But sometimes, he wants to ride his bicycle to let
the wind reset all his thoughts.
3. After the Festival
Available: Culture festival, the second year.
Affection: :) and above
Condtions: You must have triggered an event when Tamao announced about the
band, Super Charger, and apologized that he failed to bring them
to the festival.
Description: After the festival, you and Tamao watch the other students burn
the garbage together. Tamao feels a bit sad that he couldn't bring the band
to the festival, and let everyone down.
4. Uniform Check
Available: Winter clothes, the first year or the second year (before he
graduated), school days.
Affection: :l and above
Conditions: You must not be in the student council.
Description: You see Tamao-senpai at work as the student council president.
He tells you that this is supposed to be a secret from other students. But
he trusts you, so it's fine.
5. Graduation Ceremony
Available: Graduation ceremony, the second year.
Affection: :) and above
Conditions: You must have seen school-related CG 3.

Description: Tamao gives a speech as the student council president during

his graduation ceremony.
6. Christmas
Available: Christmas party, the second year.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: You must have seen school-related CG 3.
Description: Because of Tamao's hard works, the lead singer of the famous
band, Super Charger, decides to come to sing in the Christmas party. And he
wants everyone to be grateful of Tamao who arranges his coming today.
7. The Prince and the Pauper
Available: Culture festival, the second year.
Affection: :) and above, Tamao's affection is higher than Seiji's.
Conditions: You choose to participate in the school play, and practise
Description: You star in The Prince and the Pauper with Tamao-senpai. You
will get to see his super-handsome face without his glasses. He really looks
like the real prince here. XD
8. Graduation
Available: Graduation day, the second year.
Affection: :D and above, Tamao's affection is higher than Seiji's.
Conditions: none
Description: Tamao-senpai finally graduates. You two talk a bit, before his
friends take him away. He says that he will phone you later.
9. Winter Tea
Available: Winter clothes, after school.
Affection: none
Conditions: Asks him to go and drink some tea together, and he accepts.
Description: You chat with Tamao-senpai.
10. Summer Tea
Available: Summer clothes, after school.
Affection: none
Conditions: Asks him to go and drink some tea together, and he accepts.
Description: The summer version of school-related CG 9.
Dates-related CGs
1. Study
Available: April to May, the third year.
Affection: none
Conditions: - Date him anywhere. Then choose to extend the date.
- You must have chosen the first rate university as your future
aspiration on the consultation day at the beginning of the
third year.
- He must have asked you to go to his place at least once. It
doesn't matter whether you accepted or not.

Description: Tamao-senpai helps you with your study because he wants you to
go to the same university as him. He takes you to his home. At first, no one
is home. But when they come back, they sure have fun teasing him. XD
2. Young Wife
Available: The first Sunday of August.
Affection: :) and above
Conditions: Date him at fireworks.
Description: You and Tamao find a lost child. Tamao picks him up. An old
lady, who passes by, mistakes two of you for a couple, and says that he has
such a young wife. XD After that, the child's mother comes and thanks both
of you.
3. Change
Available: Autumn.
Affection: :l and above
Conditions: Date him at shopping mall (shopping).
Description: Tamao is asked to participate in a TV program. They change him
into modern clothes and remove his glasses. They change his hair style a
bit, too. XD
4. Sister
Available: Winter.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Date him anywhere in downtown area.
Description: You and Tamao hide from his sister, Konno Tamami. XD
5. University Life
Available: April to May, the third year.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Use the shopping command to go out alone.
Description: You run into Tamao. He's on his way to the university so he
asks you to come along. He is teased by his seniors a lot.
6. Back to School
Available: Culture festival, the third year.
Affection: :D and above, Tamao's affection is the highest among guys.
Conditions: none
Description: Tamao comes back to Habataki high school to take a look around
the culture festival with you. He says that he didn't get to enjoy the
festival much when he was the student council president. So he's going to
just relax and enjoy it with you this time.
7. Santa Claus Couple
Available: Christmas Eve, the third year.
Affection: :D and above, Tamao's affection is the highest among guys.
Conditions: - Get his invitation.
- You must not be in 3P mode with Seiji and Tamao.
Description: You and Tamao spend your Christmas Eve dressing as Santa Claus,
and give presents to the children at the hospital. They're very happy, and
thank Santa Claus and his girlfriend.

Ending-related CGs
1. Confession
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Fulfill his ending parameters
Description: Tamao-senpai confesses his feeling to you.
2. Confession 2
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Accept his confession.
Description: Another post of ending-related CG 1.
3. A Kiss
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Accept his confession.
Description: A kiss between Tamao-senpai and heroine. XD
4. Best Friend
Available: Graduation
Affection: none
Conditions: Fulfill his best friend ending requirements.
5. Together
Available: Ending
Affection: none
Conditions: Get his ending.
Description: You hang out with Tamao-senpai. He no longer wears glasses! XD
Shitara Seiji
School-Related CGs
1. First Appearance
Available: From the beginning of the game to February of the second year,
school days.
Affection: none
Conditions: Use paint command when your art is higher than 55 (may needs
more as the game progresses).
Description: You hear someone play the piano so beautifully.
your class say that it's Shitara Seiji-senpai. You decide to
look. When he notices you, he stops playing. He asks who you
if you like his music. You tell him that you like it, but he
hates it.

The girls in
go and have a
are, then asks
says that he

2. Mobile Email
Available: Winter clothes, June of the first year to February of the second
year, school days.
Affection: :l and above
Conditions: Use study command.
Description: Seiji's learning how to send an email with his mobile phone.
You notice him, and try to greet him which startles him, and makes all of
his efforts gone to waste. He gets mad, and tells you to teach him.
3. Eraser
Available: School days, you have until February of the second year to
trigger this.
Affecton: :) only
Conditions: none
Description: Seiji doesn't know the proper way to clean the blackboard
erasers! XD
4. Our hands
Available: Winter clothes, after school, you have until February of the
second year to trigger this.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Ask him to go drink some tea together after school.
Description: You and Seiji compare the size of hands. Seiji's hand is bigger
and longer as expected from a pianist. He ends up holding your hand in the
5. Nursery School Kids
Available: June to July, the first or the second year, school days.
Affection: :) and above
Conditions: - Use band club command.
- You must be in band club.
Description: The kids from nursery school love his music.
6. Evening
Available: October, the second year, school days.
Affection: :) and above
Conditions: none
Description: Seiji-senpai tells you that he stopped participating in piano
contest because he was afraid to lose. He had nothing else but piano. If he
lost, there would be nothing left for him. So when he encountered a strong
opponent during autumn of his second year in middle school, he decided to
ran away. But thanks to
you, he won't run away anymore.
7. The Seagull
Available: Culture festival, the second year.
Affection: :) and above, Seiji's affection is higher than Tamao's.
Conditions: You choose to participate in the school play, and practise
Description: You stars in The Seagull with Seiji-senpai. He changes the
script a little.
8. Graduation
Available: 1st March, the second year.

Affection: :D and above, Seiji's affection is higher than Tamao's.

Conditions: none
Description: In Japan, on the graduation day, the boy will give his second
button on his uniform, which is the closest to his heart, to the girl he
loves. For a famous person like Seiji, many girls are after his button.
Since he doesn't know the tradition, he finds it's so annoying. So he
decides to take all of his out, and pretends that he's already gave them
all. When he meets you, he asks why the girls want his button so badly. Once
you explain the tradition to him, he gives you all of his button because he
can't remember which one is the second. XD
9. Winter Tea
Available: Winter clothes, after school.
Affection: none
Conditions: Asks him to go and drink some tea together, and he accepts.
Description: You chat with Seiji-senpai.
10. Summer Tea
Available: Summer clothes, after school.
Affection: none
Conditions: Asks him to go and drink some tea together, and he accepts.
Description: The summer version of school-related CG 9.
Dates-related CGs
1. Dandelion
Available: 1st March to 14th March and 16th April to 31st May.
Affection: :) and above
Conditions: Date him at forest park (spring).
Description: Seiji's afraid of dandelion. It seems like someone fooled him
when he was young.
2. Rain
Available: Summer.
Affection: :l and above
Conditions: Date him at seaside park (brick road).
Description: It suddenly rains during the date. You and Seiji seek cover
under a tree. It seems like he's trying to cover you, but maybe, he's shy.
He's so hot here. XD
3. Dance
Available: Autumn.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Date him. (If the event does not occur, try changing the place.)
Description: Before you leave for the date, Seiji-senpai phone you that he
wants to change the date's location. He takes you to a dance party instead.
It seems like his father is busy so he has to go in his place. His mother,
who is supposed to be his pair, also couldn't make it. She was planning to
choose someone to go in her place, but Seiji said that he will be the one
who choose. It's a cute scene of you dancing with him. People are laughing
at you because you're bad at it. But Seiji says that you shouldn't care

about them because you're the one whom he choose.

4. Takoyaki
Available: Winter.
Affection: :) only
Conditions: Date him at mall in downtown district.
Description: Seiji eats Takoyaki for the first time. He says that it's quite
good. He'll ask the chef at his home to learn cooking it.
5. Contest
Available: Autumn, the third year.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: - You must have triggered school-related CG 6.
- It's on Sunday/holiday that you're free, you have a date with
him, or you use shopping command to go out alone.
Description: You go to watch him play the piano in a contest.
6. Disguise
Available: Culture festival, the third year.
Affection: :) and above, Seiji's affection is higher than Tamao's.
Conditions: Seiji and Tamao must not be :) both, or you'll get another CG
Description: Seiji tries to disguise himself when he comes to the festival.
But it is so obvious and stands out that everyone notices him at the first
glance. lol
7. Christmas Date
Available: Christmas Eve, the third year.
Affection: :D and above, Seiji's affection is the highest among guys.
Conditions: - Get his invitation.
- You must not be in 3P mode with Seiji and Tamao.
Description: You and Seiji spend Christmas Eve together.
Ending-related CGs
1. Confession
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Fulfill his ending parameters
Description: Seiji-senpai confesses his feeling to you.
2. Confession 2
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Accept his confession.
Description: Another post of ending-related CG 1.
3. A Kiss
Available: Graduation
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: Accept his confession.

Description: A kiss between Seiji-senpai and heroine. XD

4. Best Friend
Available: Graduation
Affection: none
Conditions: Fulfill his best friend ending requirements.
5. Together
Available: Ending
Affection: none
Conditions: Get his ending.
Description: You and Seiji eat Okonomiyaki together.
Tamao & Seiji
1. Dolphin Show
Available: Summer.
Affection: none
Conditions: 3P date at aquarium.
Description: The three of you go to watch dolphin show together. There are
empty seats on the front row. Tamao says that people usually don't sit there
because the water splash may wet the seats when the dolphins jump. Seiji
wants to sit there anyway. In the end, they're all wet. Tamao is so cute
when he's upset. XD
2. Jet Coaster
Available: Spring.
Affection: Both Tamao and Seiji are :) or higher.
Conditions: 3P date at amusement park.
Description: Since only two persons can sit in the front and you want to sit
there, Seiji and Tamao are hesitating about who will be the one that sits
beside you. But they're too slow, someone else has already sat there. In the
end, they're the ones who sit side by side. XD
3. Ski Accident
Available: Winter.
Affection: Tamao is :D or higher. Seiji is :) or lower.
Conditions: 3P date at Habataki mountain (ski).
Description: You lose your balance while skiing. Tamao sees you falling so
he tries to protect you. He ends up piling on you though. Seiji (with a bit
of jealousy) makes fun of him and says that it'd be nice if he brought a
camera. When both of you get up, Tamao's still worried about you. Seiji
tells him that people are watching, and it's really hot today. (He said it
was cold at the beginning of the date. lol)
4. Autumn Leaves
Available: Autumn.
Affection: Tamao is :) or lower. Seiji is :D or higher.
Condtions: 3P date at Habataki mountain (autumn leaves).

Description: The three of you walk along the mountain path. Seiji gets tired
after walking for fifteen minutes so Tamao says that he'll go buy him a
drink. You and Seiji are left together. You laugh at Seiji because there are
leaves on his hair, and that makes him look cute. Seiji's upset, and starts
spreading some leaves on your hair, too. So the leaves war begins. When
Tamao gets back, he's soooo jealous to see you two having fun. lol He's
being super sarcastic here. XD
5. Graduation Trip
Available: Summer clothes, the second year, school days.
Affection: Both Tamao and Seiji are :) and above.
Conditions: none
Description: Tamao is enthusiastically looking at a traveling pamphlet while
Seiji is so bored that he's going to fall asleep. Tamao is searching for a
place to go on his graduation trip. It seems that they can't come to an
6. Study in the Library
Available: Summer clothes, before the exam, the second year, school days.
Affeciton: Tamao is :) or higher. Seiji is :) or lower.
Conditions: none
Description: Tamao tutors you and Seiji. Seiji really doesn't like studying.
So you and Tamao tell him that if he doesn't study now, he will have to be
in a remedial session and lose his summer holidays. Seiji says that you and
Tamao remind him of his parents. He even calls Tamao "father". XD
7. Chess Graffiti
Available: Autumn to winter, the second year.
Affection: Tamao is :) or lower. Seiji is :D or higher.
Conditions: none
Description: Seiji is teaching Tamao the chess' rules by drawing graffiti on
the ground. Tamao became interested in it when he watched movies on the
other day. Seiji says that since you don't know how to play it, he'll teach
you, too. Tamao teases him because when he asked Seiji to teach him, Seiji
sounded like it was a big pain. But now, he even offers to teach you. Seiji
answers that one or two person doesn't make much difference.
8. Walk Away
Available: 1st March of the second year.
Affection: Both Tamao and Seiji are :) or higher.
Conditions: none
Description: You run into Tamao and Seiji at the school gate in the evening.
This is probably the last time the three of you walk home together. Tamao
and Seiji say that they'll still contact you even after they enter the
9. Reminisce
Available: Culture festival, the third year.
Affection: Both Tamao and Seiji are :) only.
Conditions: none
Description: Tamao and Seiji come back to visit you during the culture
festival. The three of you run away from their fans to the rooftop, and
watch the activity on the school ground from there together. It reminds them
of last year culture festival.

10. Party in the Car

Available: Christmas Eve, the third year.
Affection: Both Tamao and Seiji are :) or higher.
Conditions: Tamao and Seiji must not be in PVP mode.
Description: The three of you do a Christmas party in Seiji's luxurious
11. Three of Us
Available: Graduation.
Affection: Both Tamao and Seiji are :D or higher.
Conditions: Fulfill 3P 2nd ending requirements.
Description: You meet Tamao and Seiji in front of the church. They come to
congratulate you. They say that this maybe the last time they come here
because if you're no longer here, they don't have a reason to come back.
After that, you all go to your classroom. You say that when you all sit in
the same classroom like this, it really does feels like they're your
classmate. Tamao says that it'd be nice if it's true because he could be
with you all three years. Then, Seiji says that you should've been born one
year faster. After that, they start talking about the probability of
excluding one another. XD They say that from this day onwards, being senior
and junior doesn't matter anymore. Then the three of you plan to celebrate
at the tea shop together. It's been a long time since you three went there
together anyway. Congratulation on your graduation!
Kasuga Taiyou
*See Guys section for more info.
1. Practice Game
2. The Match
3. Confession
4. A Kiss (from you) XD
Aizawa Shugo
*See Guys section for more info.
1. Hot Coffee
2. Prize
3. Confession
4. A Kiss
Oosako Chikara

*See Guys section for more info.

1. Oosako-sensei
2. Confession (from you) lol
3. A Hug (from you as well) XD
Taira Kenta
*See Guys section for more info.
1. Cinderella
2. Confession
3. A Kiss
Ugajin Miyo
1. Fortune-telling
Available: Culture festival.
Affection: :) and above
Conditions: none
Description: You peek Miyo at her fortune-telling shop in the culture
2. Thank You, Bambi
Available: Sports day.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: none
Description: You participate in item borrowing race. It's the race that you
run midway, then you'll have to randomly pick a piece of paper that has the
thing you need to borrow written on it. Then you go find it, and come back
to continue running to the finishing line. This time, "Friend" is written on
it. You go and grab Miyo, then run to the finishing line. You didn't win the
race though. When you explain things to Miyo, she's really happy that you
choose her.
3. Pyjamas Party 1
Available: Saturday night on the week that you're free on Sunday.
Affection: Karen and Miyo are :) and above.
Conditions: none
Description: Karen invites you and Miyo to sleep over at her place. You talk
about a lot of things including your love. They'll ask you if you have
someone you like. You can answer that you do(1st), you don't(2nd), and you
won't tell them(3rd). If you tell them that you do, you will get to choose
whom you like. There'll be a list of the guys you know. The last one is
"someone Miyo and Karen don't know". Karen and Miyo will secretly tell
something to the guy you choose. He'll send you a message next Sunday

evening, and his affection will go up.

4. Pyjamas Party 2
Available: Saturday night on the week that you're free on Sunday.
Affection: Karen and Miyo are :) and above.
Conditions: none
Description: Same as 3.
5. Pyjamas Party 3
Available: Saturday night on the week that you're free on Sunday.
Affection: Karen and Miyo are :) and above.
Conditions: none
Description: Same as 3.
Hanatsubaki Karen [CHK]
1. Volleyball
Available: School days.
Affection: :) and above
Conditions: none
Description: A lot of fans surround Karen after she finished her volleyball
club training. Karen sees you so she uses you as an excuse to escape her
2. Talking to Myself
Available: Winter clothes, school days.
Affection: :D and above
Conditions: none
Description: Karen tells you how she doesn't like being special. She
pretends that she's talking to herself so you pretend that you're not there.
In the end, she thanks you for listening. The two of you walk home together.
3. Pyjamas Party 1
Available: Saturday night on the week that you're free on Sunday.
Affection: Karen and Miyo are :) and above.
Conditions: none
Description: Karen invites you and Miyo to sleep over at her place. You talk
about a lot of things including your love. They'll ask you if you have
someone you like. You can answer that you do(1st), you don't(2nd), and you
won't tell them(3rd). If you tell them that you do, you will get to choose
whom you like. There'll be a list of the guys you know. The last one is
"someone Miyo and Karen don't know". Karen and Miyo will secretly tell
something to the guy you choose. He'll send you a message next Sunday
evening, and his affection will go up.
4. Pyjamas Party 2
Available: Saturday night on the week that you're free on Sunday.
Affection: Karen and Miyo are :) and above.
Conditions: none
Description: Same as 3.

5. Pyjamas Party 3
Available: Saturday night on the week that you're free on Sunday.
Affection: Karen and Miyo are :) and above.
Conditions: none
Description: Same as 3.
ADV Events
Sakurai Ruka
1. Hide and Seek - Primrose - Her
Condition: You get it automatically after the opening.
2. Tightrope
Condition: Get school-related CG 5.
3. Family Scene - Ruka
Condition: Get Ruka's school related CG 7 during school trip.
4. Hero 1
Condition: - Get Ruka's date-related CG 2.
- Don't trigger PVP mode between Ruka and Kouichi.
5. Romeo and Juliet
Condition: - Get Ruka's date-related CG 8.
- Not in 3P mode with Ruka and Kouichi.
- Not in best friend mode with Kouichi.
6. Older Brother 1
Condition: - Get Kouichi's school-related CG 6.
- Not in 3P mode with Ruka and Kouichi.
- NOt in best friend mode with Ruka.
7. Older Brother 2
Condition: - Inside 3P mode or PVP mode with Ruka and Kouichi or be in best
friend mode with Ruka.
- Kouichi's affection is higher than Ruka's.
- Get Kouichi's school-related CG 6.
- Both Ruka and Kouichi are hospitalized.
8. Hero 2
Condition: - Inside 3P mode or PVP mode with Ruka and Kouichi or be in best
friend mode with Kouichi.
- Ruka's affection is higher than Kouichi's.
- Get Ruka's date-related CG 8.
- Both Ruka and Kouichi are hospitalized.
9. Place in the Sun
Condition: - Get Ruka's Romeo and Juliet ADV event.
- Get Ruka's date-related CG 7.

Condition: Get Ruka's confession ending 1.

Sakurai Kouichi
1. At West Beach
Condition: Get Ruka's school related CG 2.
2. Children 1
Condition: Get Kouichi's school related CG 3.
3. The Person Who Laughs, Even If It's a Lie
Condition: Get Kouichi's school related CG 8.
4. The Way Back
Conditon: - Kouichi's affection is :D or higher.
- On the third year, date him for the third time at fireworks.
Then choose the special dialogue saying "because it's the third
year so it's the third time".
5. Children 2
Condition: - Get Kouichi's school-related CG 6.
- Not in 3P mode with Ruka and Kouichi.
- Not in best friend mode with Ruka.
6. Family Scene
Condition: -

- Kou
Get Kouichi's school-related CG 6.
Not in 3P mode with Ruka and Kouichi.
Not in best friend mode with Ruka.

7. Younger Brother 1
Condition: - Get Ruka's date-related CG 8.
- Not in 3P mode with Ruka and Kouichi.
- Not in best friend mode with Kouichi.
8. Younger Brother 2
Condition: - Inside 3P mode or PVP mode with Ruka and Kouichi or be in best
friend mode with Ruka.
- Kouichi's affection is higher than Ruka's.
- Get Kouichi's school related CG 6.
- Both Ruka and Kouichi are hospitalized.
9. Primrose
Condition: Get Kouichi's school-related CG 4.
10. At West Beach Again
Condition: Get Kouichi's confession ending 1.
Fujiyama Arashi
1. Day of Beginning
Condition: Use Judo club command a lot until Arashi talks about the hundred
persons challenge, and Oosako-sensei becomes the adviser of Judo club.
2. I Won't Go

Condition: Get Arashi's school-related CG 6.

3. Father and Son
Condition: - Arashi's affection is :) or higher.
- See an event about career counseling on 1st September of the
second year.
- See an event about future on the first week of the third year.
After school, he'll ask you to go drink some tea with him.
He'll ask what you think about a child who does everything as
his parents say. It seems like he's in doubt about what he
should do after he graduate since his parents are against him
playing Judo.
- See an event that he tells you that he'll confront his
parents about continuing Judo on 1st June of the third year.
4. Road to the Future
Condition: Get Arashi's confession ending 1.
5. Nostalgia
Condition: Junpei joins the Judo club.
6. Effective Use of Smile
Condition: A month after Junpei joins the Judo club.
7. Twinkle Light
Condition: - Arashi's affection is :D or higher.
- Need at least 300 fitness.
- There's no event. You get this automatically after all
conditions are met.
8. Go to See a Strong Guy
Condition: - Arashi's affection is :) or higher.
- Walk home with him at the beginning of September in the second
year and listen to him talk about a strong guy. You must
trigger this before going to the school trip.
- Don't go with him during the school trip.
9. Sun and Moon
Condition: - Activate PVP mode between Arashi and Junpei. Then after going
on a date with one of them for the first time, use Judo club
command. Junpei will ask for a match with Arashi.
- Arashi's hearts in PVP mode status must be less than Junpei's.
If they're equal, Arashi's pride must be lower.
10. The Die is Cast
Condition: Activate PVP mode.
Niina Junpei
1. You Don't Get Eggplants From a Gourd Vine
Condition: Date him at his place.
2. Seeing Others Appear, Running Me
Condition: - Not in Judo club.
- Work part time at the convenience store.
- Junpei's affection is :l or :).
- There'll be an event about him wanting to ditch his part time

job for a day.

3. Trap Strom
Condition: Read Arashi's ADV event "Effective Use of Smile" while you're in
the game (not from bonus option in the title screen). You can do
it by opening the save menu, then touch the small square next to
the save file that have the mentioned ADV event. Read it, then
save again. You'll get this ADV event.
4. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Condition: Get Arashi & Junpei 3P CG 10.
5. Fun Luck is My Motto
Condition: - Meet Junpei at least 3 times on the first year.
- You'll get this after you meet him again on the first day of
your second year.
6. What You are Thinking Right Now
Condition: - Junpei must be :D or higher before you go to the school trip on
your second year. He'll phone you while you're on the trip.
- This one is hard. In order to raise his affection in time, on
your first year, you should meet him 4 times, raise a lot of
style and intelligence, raise fashion level, buy a lot of
clothes and accessories, and join Judo club.
- On the second year, work part time at convenience store. Then
use all of your holidays and weekends to ask him out on a date,
and date him. Make sure you dress in the style he likes with
the clothes that are currently poplular. Date him at the places
he likes, and always choose the best answer. Try to date him
where you can get extra points like night parade or fireworks.
Get his CGs as many as possible. Ask him to drink some tea with
you after school as many times as you can. With all this,
you'll probably get him to :D before the school trip.
- You'll get this after you get Junpei's school-related CG 4 on
September of the third year.
7. Moon and Sun
Condition: - Activate PVP mode between Arashi and Junpei. Then after going
on a date with one of them for the first time, use Judo club
command. Junpei will ask for a match with Arashi.
- Junpei's hearts in PVP mode status must be less than Arashi.
If they're equal, Junpei's pride must be lower.
8. Youth is Also Not That Bad
Condition: - Junpei must be in Judo club before the first match. It doesn't
matter whether the first match is Junpei's or Arashi's. It's
not the match you get Arashi's school-related CG 3, but it's
the first match that you see mini Junpei or Arashi on the left
- To trigger the match, you must have been using a lot of Judo
club command. Then use Judo club command on Sunday.
9. Let Me Listen to Your Voice
Condition: - You must not be in Judo club.
- Work part time at convenience store.
- Junpei's affection is higher than :D.
- Got Junpei's ADV event "Seeing Others Appear, Running Me".
- Got an event that you're depressed about your part time job,
and he phoned you. (Junpei's affection must be higher than :).)
- You'll get this ADV event at the beginning of the third year.

10. She's a Friend

Condition: Be in best friend mode with Junpei. Then ask him to drink some
tea together after school. Any conversation topic is fine.
Konno Tamao
1. Leader's Capacity
Condition: You get this one week later after you got Tamao's school-related
CG 3.
2. Run into an Old Friend By Chance
Condition: - First year only.
- Ask him about his middle life after school or after the date.
3. Weak Senior
Condition: - See an event that Tamao greets you and other students at
school gate in the morning.
- Maybe random.
4. Reset 1
Condition: Get Tamao's school-related CG 2.
5. The Reason I'm Good at Skiing
Condition: Date Tamao at Habataki mountain (Ski) for the second time.
6. Get Well
Condition: Get sick by increase your stress over 100. If Tamao likes you
enough he'll come to visit you.
7. 1st Year, Spring (Konno)
Condition: - See random event with Tamao and Seiji in the library for the
3rd time. You can reload if you get an unrelated event.
- You have until the end of February of the second year to
trigger this.
8. Graduation Trip
Condition: Get Tamao & Seiji 3P CG 5.
9. Awkward Silence
Condition: Activate PVP mode between Tamao and Seiji.
10. Reset 2
Condition: Get Tamao's confession ending 1.
Shitara Seiji
1. Teacher
Condition: Get Seiji's school-related CG 6.
2. The Reason I Play Piano at Shool
Condition: Date at his place for the second time.
3. Party Sequel

Condition: Get Seiji's date-related CG 3.

4. Rival?
Condition: Date him at event hall (KCH symphony).
5. Class Exhibition
Condition: - Don't be in school band club.
- Don't participate in school play.
- Walk home with Seiji just before the culture festival, and
listen to him talk about the culture festival.
6. Landscape I Want to Show You
Condition: Date him at botanical garden for the first time.
7. 1st Year, Spring
Condition: - See random event with Tamao and Seiji in the library for the
3rd time. You can reload if you get an unrelated event.
- You have until the end of February of the second year to
trigger this.
8. Futile Conversation
Condition: You'll get this when both Tamao's and Seiji's affections become
9. Current Status Maintenance
Condition: Activate PVP mode between Tamao and Seiji.
10. Her Presence
Condition: Get Seiji's confession ending 1.
For normal guys, there are six endings in total.
Confession Ending 1

Fulfill his parameter requirements.

Dated him more than five times.
He's at :D or above.
Not currently in 3P relationship with him.
You can touch the dialogue normally, touch his lips, or touch non-lips parts
to alter his response.
- You can touch his non-lips parts only if you've made him mad in the last part
of love mode at least 6 times.
<Thanks, Chiifon, for confirming this.>
Confession Ending 2
- Fulfill his parameter requirements.
- Triggered 3P mode, then PVP mode, then the other guy back down.
- You can touch the dialogue normally, touch his lips, or touch non-lips parts
to alter his response.
- You can touch his non-lips parts only if you've made him mad in the last part

of love mode at least 6 times.

3P Ending 1
- Currently in 3P mode.
- If you didn't trigger PVP mode, don't fulfill the guys' parameter
- If you triggered PVP mode, dissolve it back to 3P mode.
- There is no CG for this ending.
3P Ending 2

Currently in 3P mode.
Didn't trigger PVP mode.
Fulfill both of the guys' parameter requirements.
Both of them are :D or above.
The three of you must be very close. (Check with Miyo, in 3P relationship
status page, they must be blushing.)
- Dated each of them at least 5 times.
Best Friend Ending

Currently in best friend mode with him.

Asked him all of the best friend conversation topics.
Fulfill the other guy's parameter requirements.
Your best friend's affection should be max.
Dated him a lot after he becomes your best friend.
Refuse the other guy's confession.

There are 2 types of best friend ending, the one you refuse the other guy then
go to your best friend, and the one that your best friend comes to you first.
If both of their affections are max you'll probably get the first one. If your
best friend's affection is higher you'll probably get the latter.
Friend Ending

Currently in best friend mode with him.

Didn't ask him all of the best friend conversation topics.
Dated him more than 3 times after he became your best friend.
His heart should be max, or you might get his confession ending 1 or the
girls' endings instead.
- There is no CG for this ending.
For secret characters, there is only one ending for each guy. Except for
Oosako-sensei, if you fail to fulfill his reqiurements, you might get an ending
where he rejects your love.
There are three girls' endings in total.

Girl Ending 1 (Default)
- You didn't fulfill any guys' ending requirements.
- You didn't fulfill Miyo's or Karen's ending requirements.
- You are still in PVP mode at the end of the game without fulfilling any other
ending requirements.
- This is the default ending. You get this when you fail to fulfill the
requirements for other endings.
- You end up with Miyo and Karen.
- Miyo's and Karen's albums will not be voiced.
Girl Ending 2 (3P Ending)

You didn't fulfill any guys' ending requirements.

Both Miyo and Karen are :D and above.
Use both Miyo and Karen command a lot.
Fulfill both Miyo's and Karen's ending parameter requirements.
Miyo - arts 120 and intelligence 60
Karen - style 120 and charm 60
- Both Miyo's and Karen's albums will be voiced.
Girl Ending 3 (Miyo or Karen)
- You didn't fulfill any guys' ending requirements.
- You only fulfill Miyo's or Karen's ending requirements.
(Parameters, :D and above, use her command a lot.)
- Miyo's or Karen's album will be voiced (depending on whose ending you get).
Future Aspiration
This section will cover what heroine and each guy/girl do after they graduated.
What you choose to do affect those paragraphs that tell the story in the
ending. For example, if you go to the same place as the persons you get the
ending with, it'll turn out to be happy. But it's not bad to go to different
places so don't worry.
You choose it on February of the third year, during a week before the
graduation. Basically, you can choose between university and management.
1st rate university requires 150 intelligence and arts.
2nd rate university requires 135 intelligence and arts.
And 3rd rate university requires 120 intelligence and arts.
Management requires extra 100 charm and style.
For 1st rate management,
you need 150 intelligence, 150 arts, 100 charm and 100 style


2nd rate
need 135
3rd rate
need 120

intelligence, 135 arts, 100 charm and 100 style.
intelligence, 120 arts, 100 charm and 100 style.

The third option depends on your club activity and part time job. The club
ending takes priority and is harder to get anyway.
To get club ending, you need to become a club master. You need to success in
club activity more than 400 times. It's even harder than the previous games.
Here's the list for each club.
Baseball - 1st rate sport university
Tennis - Professional tennis player
Volleyball - 1st rate sport university
Cheerleader - Join the circus (Cirque de Ryun)
Judo - 1st rate sport university
Band - 1st rate music university
Arts - 1st rate arts university
Handicraft - Fashion designer
Student council - 1st rate university (recommended student)
For 1st rate sport university, you also need at least 200 fitness.
For all 1st rate universities, including sports, arts, music, and management,
I think that they're at the same place.
As for the same place as Arashi, you won't get it if you fulfill part time
job's ending requirement by working there for a long time. You will get part
time job's option instead of 1st rate sport university.
For part time job ending, you will become the job master of the place you do
the part time job at. To get it, just work there for a long time. Then the
shop's owner will ask if you want to work there after you graduate.
If you choose the aspiration that you didn't fullfil its paramiter
requirements. Your future will depend on your highest paramiter, which should
be more than 120.
Intelligence - Professional school
Arts - Illustrator
Fitness - Athlete
Social - Nurse
Style - Media-related work
Charm - Showbiz
If all of your parameters are lower than 120, it depends on the aspiration you
University - Preparatory school student
Others - Freeter
Ruka - He doesn't go to the university this year, but he plans to enter the 1st
rate university next year.

Kouichi - He works with his dad's business.

Arashi - He goes to 1st rate sport university.
Junpei - He becomes a 3rd year student at Habataki high school.
Tamao - He goes to 1st rate university.
Seiji - He goes to 1st rate music university.
Taiyou - He becomes a 2nd year student at Habataki high school.
Aizawa - He continues to be a novelist.
Oosako - He's still teaching at Habataki high school.
Taira - He goes to 2nd rate university.
Miyo - She goes to 2nd rate university.
Karen - She goes to study fashion in New York.
Titles are what the other students in Habataki high school call you. You can
get them by increasing the certain amount of one of your parameters. The amount
required increases as the game progresses.
The guy, whose affection is the highest, will come to tell you that he's heard
rumor about you lately. The title you'll get depends on your parameter and the
guy that tells you. It has no effect to any ending though. It's fun to see the
guy's response for your popularity.
There are three titles for each parameter. You'll get the first one first.
Then, if you continue to raise that parameter, you'll get the second and the
third one afterwards.
You can get multiple titles in the same playthrough, but you cannot check which
titles you've already had. All you'll get from obtaining a title is an event
that you got it anyway.
Here's the list. (These are only the basic ideas for each title. The detials
maybe different for each guy.)
- Habataki's talented princess
- Future's Dr. Genuis
- Shining star of study
- Promising student painter
- Promising artist
- Successor of three primary colors, Professional-liked artist
- Habataki's Kunoichi, First rank Kunoichi
- Future's medalist
- Japan's sport's ace to be
- Everyone's sister
- Habataki's mother
- The number one woman everyone want to marry, Social queen
- Habataki's style antennas, Habataki's fashion icon
- Hanatsubaki Karen's favorite pupil

- Future's charisma model

- Habataki's idol
- The number one girl everyone want as a girlfriend
- Habataki's goddess, Habataki's Venus, Habataki's princess
Rolling the Ball
This one is hard, and it depends of your fitness. Your objective is to roll the
ball to the goal by sliding your stylus in circle. The bigger and the faster
you draw, the faster the ball goes. I'm really bad at this myself so I really
don't know how to advice you. XD I usually choose to play the other two during
sports day since they are a lot easier to win.
Three Legs Race
This one is still the same as TMGS1 and TMGS2. You pair up with the guy who has
the highest affection. Your objective is to run to the goal by touching left
and right bubble. If you touch at the wrong time, you and your partner will
fall. The pace will get faster if you continue to press at the right time.
Ball Fight
You team up with the guy who has the highest affection, and fight with one of
your girl friends and another guy. Your objective is to have the white ball in
your basket more than your opponents' when the time is up. You also throw the
ball at them to stun them, but I recommend that you focus on throwing the white
ball into the basket instead. Also note that throwing the red ball into your
basket won't increase the score.
First, touch on the ball to pick it up. If you are under the basket, move away
from there since you can't throw the ball into the basket if you're under it.
To move, touch the ground where you want to move to. Then slide up to throw the
ball into the basket. How fast you slide affects how far the ball goes. To
throw the ball to the other side, slide to the left.
Cooking Chocolate
How you cook chocolate affects the style outcome of it. More ingredients will
be available up to your parameters.
First, you choose your base chocolate. After that, you choose three dressing.
At the end you choose one special decoration.
Each guy likes different styles and different special decorations.

Ruka - Natural, Cute

- Dolphin, Love Plate, Girl, Whipped Cream
Kouichi - Pop, Wild
- Candy Cane, Whisky Bonbon, Love Plate, Girl
Arashi - Cool, Wild
- Love Plate, Medal Cookie, Girl, Strawberry
Junpei - Cute, Funky
- Love Plate, Bear, Girl, Gilt
Tamao - Natural, Cute
- Konpeitou, Love Plate, Cupid Plate, Girl
Seiji - Cool, Smart
- Music Note, Whisky Bonbon, Love Plate, Girl
The number or the gauge at the top of screen indicates how many/much of that
ingredient you have left. If you think you've put in enough simply press OK at
the bottom right to move on to the next ingredient.
You can have up to four tries in total.
Pillow Fight
This one is also the same as TMGS1 and TMGS2. You pair up with guy who has the
highest affection, and fight against one of your girl friends and another guy.
Your objective is to get rid of the pillows on your side. You'll win if you
manage to throw all the pillows to the other side before the time is up. If the
time is up, the side that has less pillows win.
Touch the pillow to pick it up. Then touch yourself to throw the pillow. You
can move around by touching the place you want to move to. You can catch the
pillow thrown at you by touching your character at the right time. Your fitness
affects how fast you move around and how far your pillow goes.
While you're holding a pillow, if you touch and hold at yourself, you'll be
able to charge. Once it is full, you will be able to unleash the special move
by touching yourself once more. Club you are in affects the move you'll get.
Each guy and girl also has his/her own unique special move as well. For Junpei,
Tamao and Seiji you can only play with them from bonus option at the title

Save often! You shouldn't waste your day asking a guy out if he refuses. XD
Save in different files. The game gives you 36 files in total. Abuse them!
Rest on Sunday or holidays, you will lose less parameter that way.
If your guy's affection is already max, and you still need more parameters
for his ending. Use Sunday and holiday to raise your parameters as well, they
increase a lot more than during the weekdays. Let the guy be the one who asks
you out on a date.

- To get heroine's last CG, you need to get at least one ending from every
<Thanks, Chiifon, for your correction.>
That's it! I will add more if I figure something out. XD
This guide is written and translated by MarianPlum.
I got most of the information from Japanese wiki site.
For information on voice actors:
Thank you Luna for your correction on the parameter requirements.
Thank you Chiifon for your correction on heroine's last CG, Junpei's CG and
all of your suggestions. Also, thank you for your confirmation about touching
the non-lips parts in the confession ending.
Thank you Light for information on Rose Queen Event.
Thank you gahtzuah for information on Queen training suit and Junpei's CG
Thank you Mitosi for Ruka's CG correction and information on Arashi's White Day
Thank you CatMuto for Kouichi's Christmas presents correction.
Special thanks to fireylight. Her faq guides me through TMGS1 and TMGS2. So it
gives me the basic ideas how to play this game and some of the tricks as well.
Thank you, Konami for creating such a wonderful game. XD
Thank you, GameFAQs for letting me post my guide.
And thank you everyone for reading my guide and supporting me! XD
Please feel free to contact me. :)
Any corrections/information/questions/comments are appreciated. XD
Have a good time!
Copyright 2010 Passorn Ratanaphruthakul

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