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Of This History, of All Love, I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFONRIA was very nearly murdered by a set of whoring lines.

Many of the Participants of the Peripheral Exchange were of

Government Issues who went to what are called Femurs. One, a Blonde Agent of San Francisco, who tried to rape the Exchange Itself and all of My work for his Girlfriend, who is Not Myself, and
The Other a Hispanic Female Basic Cop who attempted Theft of the Entire by way of Femurs. Of the Two Lines, who are of St. RAPHAEL and Nick [Early History, a Save Mart Youthful Bagger
who was beset by a Godship to try to Steal the Entire History], The SET, who are Called Sets by the Establishment [Satanics] very nearly raped my Physical for a Short, Criminal Problem, who
was never touched, at all, by My Person, named Mark [Simms], who is a Murderer/Harbinger in the Preternatural Physical. [No Literal Association with Earth, some of the Preternaturals of this
History, are not nice. They tried to rape My Physical for their Basics, and I Told Them No. They also tied to marry to a Murderer, which is illegal, My Person, as I Told Mark [Simms] No in the
Earth Physical, and Have Never Touched He, He is Physically abhorrent to Myself and has always been Physically abhorrent to Myself. He knows that and still tries to rape in the Preternatural
Physical. They need to condemn Him to Diana, to whom Hes Married[Mark/Diana;They have a Son Together, Preternatural Physical]. He wont Ever, Not Ever, be Near, of, He is Not Myself,
He wont Ever Marry, at all, My Person. Ive Told Him To Die. In the End, He Must Die to History, I do not want Mark [Simms] in My Pantheonic Exchange, which is that of REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, who is TheASTARITEFAITH.
Also, Michael, who is a short being, of the Top of TheARCHANGEL ST. MICHAEL, previously known as The Sword, and is No Longer, but still, He is Condemned to Hell in the Afterlife for
Crimes Against Humanity, Crimes Against The Structure, and Crimes Against The Establishment: He is Not Myself, Im a TYPE Separate from He. HE and Mark [Simms] very nearly murdered
the Entire Exchange, as Mark would murder if He did not get what He wanted. He was Told No. The Blonde Agent Also was a Party to the Problems, for a Female in San Francisco who wanted
to take a Ride on My History and Physical, as the Femurs are what are called Raping Majors on Earths Surface [Called the Floor in the Preternatural Physical] What I have to Say to the General
Public, and to the Government Issues is This, and It must be Understood to be Exact Truth and Heeded by My Congregation and General Public, as well as the Entire BODY of HUMANKIND:
On 1.8.2014, when I made My Way to San Francisco to Talk to the US FBI Office about My History, My Pantheonic Exchange, and the Problems that Have been Occurring by the Raping Majors
on the Earths Surface, who are known as Earth Physicals Mark [Simms], Deirdre [Mulvihill], Dottie [Mulvihill], The Olive Street Hispanic Female, The Mia [Hispanic Officer of May 2, 2014,
Modesto], who have all been party to a very large Catholic Problem, in which My Faith and Faith Structure was very nearly raped by Preternatural Physicals associated with the Above Listed Earth
Physicals. I made 7 [Seven] Appointments to see an Agent, Any Agent, although the Blonde Agent I Call David, whom I met a while back, was the Expectation as He Knows the History. I should
not have been sitting on the Streets for Two Days waiting in the Manner in Which I had to. The Preternaturals have Raped My Physical and My Work for a Very long time, they would have raped
My Faith and Faith Structure from My Physical, and it is only Recently, since I took the Issue to U.S. Court, that My FAITH and FAITH STRUCTURE are so Cemented onto My Physical that I
can Work Differently. Also, My Appointment had to do with the Still Existing Problem of My Missing Persons and Most Wanted Work, as I wished for They to Review the Cases that are My
Work [The Are Not Misses M], which Involves only Eight of My Missing Persons Cases and 1 Most Wanted [Approximately $299,995.00]. Ill be sending They a Map of 20 Satanic Crime Rings in
the United States, as I put Down Heinous Crimes, Satanic Crime Rings [The WATTHAL SLOUGH CRIMES is My Work, Outright], and I bring Home Missing Persons. IN the Preternatural, it
is a Truth that if they show Those of My Original Work [the Eight, They are called] the Misses M or Others, They Do Not Know Them. I did the Work, and I Expect that They Will Up and
Understand it, outright. I Expected to Prove My Work Outright to Time in the Earth Physical, Right in Front of Them. I have continued My Work to Assist, and I Asked for only Eight for a
Purpose: I wished to Continue Bring in Home Missing Persons, and did not wish to Rape our Government at all, Im not a Greed Problem. Im a True Physical, and Im of the WORK, it is My
Work, I Physically put Myself on the Line [And Gracefully, I Love My Work] for Those I Rescue and Assist, and PhysicallyCare, beyond Care, for What I chose to do in Work as the Only PLACE
LOCATION EXPERT in History. The preets abuse My Physical, to work in as if fashion: They are Not Allowed, at all, to do so. My Methodry and Work is under Full U.S. Copyright, and Ill
Take them to U.S. Court over it. Im It, Im the WORK, for both MY FAITH, TheASTARITE FAITH [Including Platonic Solids and the Natural Universe [Also, My New Text GRACE]: Michael
Starbird needs to travel to California to see Me, Its My Work. ] Mia is Not a Place Location Expert, and if You put out the Femurs, Mia [And Mia is Not Myself] Could not Place Locate if She
Tried. Mia, a Hispanic Female officer, who is also of Many Female Officers and Agents in the Preternatural Physical, is a Basic. Her Work Record as an Officer before May 2, 2014, and I want to
See It in Court, and talk to the Entire Officer, They All Know Me, to Resolve the Issue. Mia Must Be Put Down.
I have been a Working ARTIST, and successful at that, for a Long Time Now, on a Very Small Venue, meaning just to Survive, which is what it took to Maintain M What I hoped for they to
Understand was that they needed to record and to physically hear and document My History, that they needed to be Physically Aware of My Work, which is Physical, and which they cannot refute
when I finally show them the Work, which is My Work, Not of Preternatural Influence. Someone Should Have Showed Up, and This is a Statement of Truth. My Phone call to the Agent on Duty
should have been Responded to. They avoided seeing the Actual Work, in order to place up the Filth Structs known as the Mia, the Michelle, the Diana, and The Whoring Lines of Misses M
and the Red Whores, who are Beings of Rape in the Structure. I believe Ill have Officers view the Work, sign as witnesses, and send a Copy to Them to Put Them into a Proper Perspective. Mia
is not, Shes Not the Work, Shes Not the History. She is a Basic Whoring Line who tried to Rape History. I returned to Stockton to Cement My FAITH and FAITH STRUCTURES Physical
Structure and Put Them Down. The Godships are Not, and They of Nick and That Problem must Die to History.
To the Agents, who Willfully did what The Did in History: I wont be Raped for Whoring Lines or False Godships to Be, Nor the Satanics of Mia, as Mia is Satans Own. All of the Females of
that History are Errant in their Raping, and I also will not be raped by an Agent/SFGirlfriend of Misses M. Both the Female and the Blonde Agent I call David, who is a David of some Kind, are
putdown into their Negative State, which is the actual Earth Physical State for that Female of Ill Repute, who raped My Physical and that of My Daughter to Whore Herself upon the Blonde Male,
and at the Expense of My Entire Exchange. She is Not Myself, and never Will, and, Thus, No, David. You will Not Marry that SF Female with a Problem that includes My Physical, it is Against
the LAW. Both of You should be Shame Itself, for Raping Innocents to be Whoring problems in the Preternatural, and, David, for the Last Time, Mark [Simms] is Told No. Michael is Told No.
They have very nearly physically Raped Almost Everything about History, and the Exchange of GREAT GOOD, which is My Own.
And for the Last Time, I divorced Michael Long Ago. The Government Preternaturals need to Stop Putting Up Amalgams in Rape of Earth Physical History. Zachary and Isabel Gray, 12 and 9
years old Earth, in the Preternatural Physical have been Severely raped by Mark [Simms] and also by Femurs and Others who place their Physicals at the bottoms of Raping Whoring Exchanges
simply because They Register as Innocence. It is a Sickness of the Whoring Lines that Physicals, who should be decent Earth Physicals, seem to think that they can get away with rape of Earth
Physical History simply due a Money Involved or Government Involved Issue. They are Going to have to Face Me in U.S/ Court, which is Imminent. I have taken The Problems to Court, as it
is, just to Protect My FAITH, FAITH STRUCTURE, and My Own Physical.
As Well: If I dont See the SF FBI Office Start to take responsibility for the Crimes of Law Enforcement Problems in the Preternatural Physical, there is going to be a Problem. The History is not
going to be Their Own as they state it, as a God, A Goddess, or Anything Else: Mia is a Dead Satanic Structure in History who raped everyone to try to do what She did in the Preternatural
Physical. She and Misses M, as well as the Dark Females, are Told No. I told Them No to Their Problems. No Matter How the Preternaturals try to M.O. onto My Portrait, My Work, and
And there will be:
No Separate Pantheonic Exchanges: Im It. The U.S. Government is going to have to Put Down the Preternaturals, as they are Told to Do. Misses M is Not It, Nor the Mia, Nor the Deirdre, Nor
Nick, and Not One Catholic. This is TheASTARITEFAITH, not a Catholic Foray into Theft by Rape. Although I do not state the Problems, Generally, of Government Issue, They are Told That
They Will Not Be My Faith, Nor The Whores, Nor the Preternaturals of Large Stature who tried to rape Earth Physical History for their Earth Physical Whoring Lines.
The General Public is Told that I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA am the ONLY, The ORIGIN and the ORIGINAL, and am TheUNIVERSAL ONE, and can PROVE IT, by Meeting, by Conversation, by Work and all Variables Necessary to Prove It. This is Why, I Gather, the U.S. Government doesn't Wish to Meet, possibly. Also, if They have Preternaturals who have
tried to Steal History from Within Their Walls . I was very nearly raped by the Preternatural Whoring of History. I have stated it, The US FBI and The President and His by whoring, I gather that
would also be a Problem. As It Is, Michelle and Barak Obama have heard Me [They have been kind in their appearances in My History], and the Law Enforcement, and They, are Aware that a True
Physical Natural History cannot be Raped for Earth Physicals, who are Not Myself, and who are of Ill Repute or of Catholic Problem. Mia and Nick are not, Mark [Simms] and The Michael are
Not, the Godships are Not, They Must Fade to History. Ive Asked All to Stop Raping My Physical and My History, and I Hope that the Wake Up Call will be Enough to Make It Clear THAT Im

Of This History, of All Love, I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFONRIA was very nearly murdered by a set of whoring lines. Many of the Participants of the Peripheral Exchange were of
Government Issues who went to what are called Femurs. One, a Blonde Agent of San Francisco, who tried to rape the Exchange Itself and all of My work for his Girlfriend, who is Not Myself,
and The Other a Hispanic Female Basic Cop who attempted Theft of the Entire by way of Femurs. Of the Two Lines, who are of St. RAPHAEL and Nick [Early History, a Save Mart Youthful
Bagger who was beset by a Godship to try to Steal the Entire History], The SET, who are Called Sets by the Establishment [Satanics] very nearly raped my Physical for a Short, Criminal Problem,
who was never touched, at all, by My Person, named Mark [Simms], who is a Murderer/Harbinger in the Preternatural Physical. [No Literal Association with Earth, some of the Preternaturals of
this History, are not nice. They tried to rape My Physical for their Basics, and I Told Them No. They also tied to marry to a Murderer, which is illegal, My Person, as I Told Mark [Simms] No in
the Earth Physical, and Have Never Touched He, He is Physically abhorrent to Myself and has always been Physically abhorrent to Myself. He knows that and still tries to rape in the Preternatural
Physical. They need to condemn Him to Diana, to whom Hes Married[Mark/Diana;They have a Son Together, Preternatural Physical]. He wont Ever, Not Ever, be Near, of, He is Not Myself,
He wont Ever Marry, at all, My Person. Ive Told Him To Die. In the End, He Must Die to History, I do not want Mark [Simms] in My Pantheonic Exchange, which is that of REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, who is TheASTARITEFAITH.
Also, Michael, who is a short being, of the Top of TheARCHANGEL ST. MICHAEL, previously known as The Sword, and is No Longer, but still, He is Condemned to Hell in the Afterlife for
Crimes Against Humanity, Crimes Against The Structure, and Crimes Against The Establishment: He is Not Myself, Im a TYPE Separate from He. HE and Mark [Simms] very nearly murdered
the Entire Exchange, as Mark would murder if He did not get what He wanted. He was Told No. The Blonde Agent Also was a Party to the Problems, for a Female in San Francisco who
wanted to take a Ride on My History and Physical, as the Femurs are what are called Raping Majors on Earths Surface [Called the Floor in the Preternatural Physical] What I have to Say to the
General Public, and to the Government Issues is This, and It must be Understood to be Exact Truth and Heeded by My Congregation and General Public, as well as the Entire BODY of HUMANKIND:
On 1.8.2014, when I made My Way to San Francisco to Talk to the US FBI Office about My History, My Pantheonic Exchange, and the Problems that Have been Occurring by the Raping Majors
on the Earths Surface, who are known as Earth Physicals Mark [Simms], Deirdre [Mulvihill], Dottie [Mulvihill], The Olive Street Hispanic Female, The Mia [Hispanic Officer of May 2, 2014,
Modesto], who have all been party to a very large Catholic Problem, in which My Faith and Faith Structure was very nearly raped by Preternatural Physicals associated with the Above Listed Earth
Physicals. I made 7 [Seven] Appointments to see an Agent, Any Agent, although the Blonde Agent I Call David, whom I met a while back, was the Expectation as He Knows the History. I
should not have been sitting on the Streets for Two Days waiting in the Manner in Which I had to. The Preternaturals have Raped My Physical and My Work for a Very long time, they would
have raped My Faith and Faith Structure from My Physical, and it is only Recently, since I took the Issue to U.S. Court, that My FAITH and FAITH STRUCTURE are so Cemented onto My
Physical that I can Work Differently. Also, My Appointment had to do with the Still Existing Problem of My Missing Persons and Most Wanted Work, as I wished for They to Review the Cases
that are My Work [The Are Not Misses M], which Involves only Eight of My Missing Persons Cases and 1 Most Wanted [Approximately $299,995.00]. Ill be sending They a Map of 20 Satanic
Crime Rings in the United States, as I put Down Heinous Crimes, Satanic Crime Rings [The WATTHAL SLOUGH CRIMES is My Work, Outright], and I bring Home Missing Persons. IN the
Preternatural, it is a Truth that if they show Those of My Original Work [the Eight, They are called] the Misses M or Others, They Do Not Know Them. I did the Work, and I Expect that They
Will Up and Understand it, outright. I Expected to Prove My Work Outright to Time in the Earth Physical, Right in Front of Them. I have continued My Work to Assist, and I Asked for only
Eight for a Purpose: I wished to Continue Bring in Home Missing Persons, and did not wish to Rape our Government at all, Im not a Greed Problem. Im a True Physical, and Im of the
WORK, it is My Work, I Physically put Myself on the Line [And Gracefully, I Love My Work] for Those I Rescue and Assist, and PhysicallyCare, beyond Care, for What I chose to do in Work as
the Only PLACE LOCATION EXPERT in History. The preets abuse My Physical, to work in as if fashion: They are Not Allowed, at all, to do so. My Methodry and Work is under Full U.S.
Copyright, and Ill Take them to U.S. Court over it. Im It, Im the WORK, for both MY FAITH, TheASTARITE FAITH [Including Platonic Solids and the Natural Universe [Also, My New Text
GRACE]: Michael Starbird needs to travel to California to see Me, Its My Work. ] Mia is Not a Place Location Expert, and if You put out the Femurs, Mia [And Mia is Not Myself] Could not
Place Locate if She Tried. Mia, a Hispanic Female officer, who is also of Many Female Officers and Agents in the Preternatural Physical, is a Basic. Her Work Record as an Officer before May 2,
2014, and I want to See It in Court, and talk to the Entire Officer, They All Know Me, to Resolve the Issue. Mia Must Be Put Down.
I have been a Working ARTIST, and successful at that, for a Long Time Now, on a Very Small Venue, meaning just to Survive, which is what it took to Maintain M What I hoped for they to
Understand was that they needed to record and to physically hear and document My History, that they needed to be Physically Aware of My Work, which is Physical, and which they cannot refute
when I finally show them the Work, which is My Work, Not of Preternatural Influence. Someone Should Have Showed Up, and This is a Statement of Truth. My Phone call to the Agent on Duty
should have been Responded to. They avoided seeing the Actual Work, in order to place up the Filth Structs known as the Mia, the Michelle, the Diana, and The Whoring Lines of Misses M
and the Red Whores, who are Beings of Rape in the Structure. I believe Ill have Officers view the Work, sign as witnesses, and send a Copy to Them to Put Them into a Proper Perspective.
Mia is not, Shes Not the Work, Shes Not the History. She is a Basic Whoring Line who tried to Rape History. I returned to Stockton to Cement My FAITH and FAITH STRUCTURES Physical Structure and Put Them Down. The Godships are Not, and They of Nick and That Problem must Die to History.
To the Agents, who Willfully did what The Did in History: I wont be Raped for Whoring Lines or False Godships to Be, Nor the Satanics of Mia, as Mia is Satans Own. All of the Females of
that History are Errant in their Raping, and I also will not be raped by an Agent/SFGirlfriend of Misses M. Both the Female and the Blonde Agent I call David, who is a David of some Kind, are
putdown into their Negative State, which is the actual Earth Physical State for that Female of Ill Repute, who raped My Physical and that of My Daughter to Whore Herself upon the Blonde Male,
and at the Expense of My Entire Exchange. She is Not Myself, and never Will, and, Thus, No, David. You will Not Marry that SF Female with a Problem that includes My Physical, it is Against
the LAW. Both of You should be Shame Itself, for Raping Innocents to be Whoring problems in the Preternatural, and, David, for the Last Time, Mark [Simms] is Told No. Michael is Told
No. They have very nearly physically Raped Almost Everything about History, and the Exchange of GREAT GOOD, which is My Own.
And for the Last Time, I divorced Michael Long Ago. The Government Preternaturals need to Stop Putting Up Amalgams in Rape of Earth Physical History. Zachary and Isabel Gray, 12 and 9
years old Earth, in the Preternatural Physical have been Severely raped by Mark [Simms] and also by Femurs and Others who place their Physicals at the bottoms of Raping Whoring Exchanges
simply because They Register as Innocence. It is a Sickness of the Whoring Lines that Physicals, who should be decent Earth Physicals, seem to think that they can get away with rape of Earth
Physical History simply due a Money Involved or Government Involved Issue. They are Going to have to Face Me in U.S/ Court, which is Imminent. I have taken The Problems to Court, as
it is, just to Protect My FAITH, FAITH STRUCTURE, and My Own Physical.
As Well: If I dont See the SF FBI Office Start to take responsibility for the Crimes of Law Enforcement Problems in the Preternatural Physical, there is going to be a Problem. The History is not
going to be Their Own as they state it, as a God, A Goddess, or Anything Else: Mia is a Dead Satanic Structure in History who raped everyone to try to do what She did in the Preternatural
Physical. She and Misses M, as well as the Dark Females, are Told No. I told Them No to Their Problems. No Matter How the Preternaturals try to M.O. onto My Portrait, My Work, and
And there will be:
No Separate Pantheonic Exchanges: Im It. The U.S. Government is going to have to Put Down the Preternaturals, as they are Told to Do. Misses M is Not It, Nor the Mia, Nor the Deirdre,
Nor Nick, and Not One Catholic. This is TheASTARITEFAITH, not a Catholic Foray into Theft by Rape. Although I do not state the Problems, Generally, of Government Issue, They are Told
That They Will Not Be My Faith, Nor The Whores, Nor the Preternaturals of Large Stature who tried to rape Earth Physical History for their Earth Physical Whoring Lines.
The General Public is Told that I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA am the ONLY, The ORIGIN and the ORIGINAL, and am TheUNIVERSAL ONE, and can PROVE IT, by
Meeting, by Conversation, by Work and all Variables Necessary to Prove It. This is Why, I Gather, the U.S. Government doesn't Wish to Meet, possibly. Also, if They have Preternaturals who
have tried to Steal History from Within Their Walls . I was very nearly raped by the Preternatural Whoring of History. I have stated it, The US FBI and The President and His by whoring, I gather
that would also be a Problem. As It Is, Michelle and Barak Obama have heard Me [They have been kind in their appearances in My History], and the Law Enforcement, and They, are Aware that a
True Physical Natural History cannot be Raped for Earth Physicals, who are Not Myself, and who are of Ill Repute or of Catholic Problem. Mia and Nick are not, Mark [Simms] and The
Michael are Not, the Godships are Not, They Must Fade to History. Ive Asked All to Stop Raping My Physical and My History, and I Hope that the Wake Up Call will be Enough to Make It

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