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next year we'l have been in existence for 20 year, and at a recent meeting it was decided that we should

hold a special event to celebrate this achivement .we're now looking for proposal as to what kind of
even to hoold.have you got a good idea for a special event to celebrate our 20th anniverary?we'll
consider all the proposals at meeting next month.(Testul 1 Q3)
have you bought a nex product recently, or had one bought for you? maybe you've just got a new gadge
or piece of technology or equipment. it could be somnth for work or leisure. we'd like to hear what you
think of it for our Reader's Reviews Page.Described the product for readers and give your opinions on it.
do you recommand it? if so, why?if no, why no?send your reviwe to the adress below.(Testul1 Q2)
Have you seen someone perform live who you had previously only heard on recordings or seen on tv or
in film? we'd like you to send us reviwes of concerts by bands you'd never seen live before or actors
you'd never seen on stage. describe the performance in detail. what did yu think and what did the rest
of the audience think? compare the live performance with how the same person/people perform in
recordings ot on tv or in films. were they not so good live, or did you prefer them live? did your opinion
of the change? sendour your reviws to the adress below(Testul 2 Q3)
as part of exchange programme , you recently spend a week staying in another country whit someone
who had previously stayed with you as part of the same exchange programme. you have been asked to
write a report on your experience. your report should include where you went and who you stayed with
, and what you did during your visit. it should also include a comparison between your visit and the
person's previous stay with you, as well as any points you wish to make about the exchange
programmne in general.(Testul2 Q4)
the local council have create a new fund to [provide financial assistance to people setting up new small
businesses.Anyone wishing to set up a business but luking the fund to do so is invited to send a proposal
to theirbusiness to the relevant departament of the council, giving details of what it would involve, how
it would be set up and what the funds would be used for.
Testul 3 Q2
you have just returned from a trip during which you rented an apartament for a week. you were very
pleasant with the accomodation and you have dicided to write a review of it for a travel website. in your
review, describe your eperience of renting the apartament, say what the appartament was like , and
explain why you enjoyed your stay there.


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