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2010-2013 - Pontifcia Universidade Catlica, So Paulo, Brazil

Bachelor of Arts and Communication in Theater and Performance Art
2009 - Faculdade Csper Lbero, So Paulo, SP, Brazil
One year coursed in Advertising School
Language Skills
Portuguese (native), English (fluent), Spanish (Intermediate), German*
2008 - * German Proficiency Certificate - Deutsch Sprachdiplom 2 (C1 Level)
Other Skills
Computer: Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe
InDesign and Sony Vegas Movie Studio.
Theater Experience
2014 - FUNARTE - Play: Catlise (Direction: Murillo Basso), So
Paulo, Brazil
Lighting Operator
Operate the light during the play. Help to adapt the lighting concept to the
2013 - Risco Group - Show: Zone 5 (Orientation: Miriam Rinaldi),
So Paulo, Brazil
Actress and Producer
Take part in the site-specific play, that happened in So Paulo downtown
performing, producing and developing it.
2012 - 2014 - Jujubinhas Theater Group (8-10 year old kids)/ Johann
Gauss School
So Paulo, Brazil - Teacher: Pedro Garrafa
Assistant Theater Teacher
Help to prepare classes with the teacher. Replace teacher in his absence.
Instruct some

exercises to the kids during class. Assist in the direction of plays. Operate the
sound during plays.
2011 - 2014 - Blackout Theater Group (10-12-year-old kids)/
Benjamin Constant School
So Paulo, Brazil - Teacher: Fernanda Roman
Assistant Theater Teacher
Help to prepare classes with the teacher. Suggest exercicies and instruct the kids
during classes. Assist in the direction of plays. Operate the sound during plays.
2010 - La Fura dels Baus - Show Cielo Arte in Latin American
Memorial, So Paulo, Brazil
Perform in the show Cielo Arte in two different acts, having been trained by
Amadis de Murga.
2010 - 2014 - Estalo Theater Group (12-18 years old teenagers)/
Benjamin Constant School
So Paulo, Brazil - Teacher: Pedro Garrafa
Assistant Theater Teacher
Go to all classes and substitute teacher in his absence. Assist in the direction of
plays. Help the group to earn money for the show. Write reports about the class.
Instruct exercises to teenagers students during class. Operate the sound during
2009-2011 - Coceira Theater Group - Directors: Flavia Garrafa and
Pedro Garrafa
Act in both company plays: Caixa Preta/Black Box (2010) and Enquanto o
Mundo Explode/ While the World Explodes (2011).
2011 - H2E Productions/ Play: Devassa, created by Cia. Dos Atores
(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Production Intern
Get in touch with restaurants to have support for actors meals during their stay
in So Paulo. Research hotels near the theater and negotiate a support for the
play. Write a guest list for the performance every day. Buy items that are
missing on the show.

Film Experience
2013 - 2014 - Concept and editing of three different ads (The Ultimate Design,
The Backpack and The Real American Football) for Doritos Crush The Super
Bowl contest and of the short movie Between Rails for The Walkers (Johnnie
Walker contest).
2014 Prego Design
Assistant Producer
Search for actors in the profile and select them. Budget all the objects used
during Brastemp ad. Create an actors database for the company.
2006-2007 - Roger Photo and Video
Video editor
Edit events videos, such as weddings and birthdays.
Writing Experience
2014 One drama (H Spot) and one comedy script (My Ex is Back) written,
besides two Modern Family spec scripts (The Green Pullover and Valentines for
Others). Unfortunately, they werent broadcasted.
2013 Script masterclass with Alan Kingsberg.
Performance Art Experience
2013 - Participation on the Encuentro from Hemispheric Institute in So Paulo;
2011 -How I became fragile (E assim, me tornei frgil) - Tucarena Theater;
2011 - Integrao/Action So Paulo:Qubec - Sesc Pinheiros

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