You are on page 1of 134

dingDialog.openprojectOtwrz inny projektOpen another project -med.

BluRayFormat.1080#Format wyj[ciowy Blu-ray (Full HD)Blu-ray Output (Full HD) id:Picturedu
ration:Czas trwania zdjcia:Pictureduration: 
id:DeleteSkasujDelete "med.CEncodeStatusDialog.uploading(pobie
)(Uploading video) med.KenBurnsEffectType.noneBez domy[lnego efektu KenBurnsNo default Ke
urns effect 2med.profile.format.avi.profile.normal.descriptionMo|na odtworzy na ka|dym PC
Is playable on normal PC hardware. id:Use credits as overlay"U|yj informacji w trybie na
kBadkiUse credits as overlay id:Select color
Srelect color +med.CAdjustSlideDurationDialog.PercentLongDBugoLong
&Dalej &>Next > ,med.CEncodeWizard.servicelogininvalid.titleNie mo|na zalogowaCould not lo
n 7med.CEditGraphicElementDialog.editsubtitle.descriptionAW tym oknie mo|esz edytowa czas
wy[wietlania elementw napisw.EIn this dialog you can edit the display times of a s
Keywords: ,med.credits.modules.scolling.musicwithcoverOpis muzyki z okBadkMusicdescriptio
with cover ' pliki wideo kompatybilne z Y
ouTube. (Dobra kompresja);Creates YouTube compatible video files. (Good compress
ion) $med.CTrackListBox.hint.snapsubtitle(Przeskocz do punktu pocztkowego napisu%Snap to
the startpoint of a subtitle
christmas -id:Use KenBurns effect for displaying images-U|yj efektu KenBurns do wy[wietl
ania obrazw*Use KenBurns effect for displaying images 0med.CStatusFrame.moviediscprogre
sstext.copyfile0Kopiowanie pliku %NAME% (%POSITON% z %MAXIMUM%)-Copying file %NA
ME% (%POSITON% of %MAXIMUM%) ,med.CNewProjectWizard.aspectpage.firsttitleUtwrz nowy proj
ektCreate new project med.file.Birthday.medtheme
Birthday med.file
Impreza2party2 7med.CCreditsWizard.CSelectBackgroundPage.example.lineR1e
|yser Director 7med.CCreditsWizard.CSelectBackgroundPage.example.line3

LOIotnahnderpdrdeoetjtaealcietl 7mmeedd..mCeCnrue.dliotasdWpirzoajredc.tCASaedloewcatnBiaeckpgrroojuenkdtPuage.example.line2
KomentarCzomment !med.CUploadStatusFrame.oneminutePozostaBa jedna minutaOne minute remaini
ng #med.CMovieEditorFrame.encodebutton&Produkuj film&Produce movie id:Creating fileTwor
likuCreating file 7med.CCreditsWizard.CSelectBackgroundPage.example.line4Czas trwania fi
lmu lub dataMovieduration or date $med.CEncodeWizard.estimated.minutes~ %MINUTES% minut~
%MINUTES% minutes id:4:34:34:3 med.kenburns.effect.zoomin
Zbli|eniZeoom in ,med.CAdjustSlideDurationDialog.PercentShortKrtkoShort )med.CMovieEdit
tBox.addmenuitemDodajAdd med.erroroccured?WystpiB bBd. Czy chcesz wysBa raport o bBdzie d
An error occured. Do you want to send an error report to Ashampoo? id:Copying files...Ko
piowanie plikw...Copying files... *med.profile.format.facebook.profile.hd720Format wyj[c
wy HD (720p)Hi-definition output (720p) #med.CMovieEditorFrame.addmoviehintProsz doda fil
zdjciaPlease add movies/pictures ,med.CMovieDetailEditorDialog.EndpointButtonUstal czas k

Set endtime id:Position (h:m:s,ms):Pozycja (h:m:s,ms):Position (h:m:s,ms): "med.file.Mu

ision.medthemeMuzycznaTelewizjaMusicTelevision %med.profile.format.avi.profile.hd720!Wys
oka rozdzielczo[ (HD) (720p)!Hi-definition (HD) output (720p) med.file.Action.medthemeAkc
ction &med.kenburns.effect.horizontalpan_topPionowe przej[cie (z gry)Horizontal pan (top
CreditsWizard.finishbutton&Twr&zCreate +med.CMoviediscEncodeStatusDialog.preparingprzygot
p reparing 6med.CEditPictureDurationDialog.pictureduration.title2;W tym oknie mo|esz ust
awi czas wy[wietlania tego zdjcia.AIn this window you can set the display duration of
this picture. 6med.CEditPictureDurationDialog.pictureduration.title1Czas trwania zdjciaP
cture duration !med.CKenBurnsDialog.switchfromto'ZamieD pocztkowe i koDcowe czworoktySwap
rt and end rectangles &med.CEncodeWizard.DirNotExist.Message1Katalog "%DIRECTORY%" nie
istnieje. Utworzy go?AThe directory "%DIRECTORY%"does not exist. Should it be cre
ated?  med.CCreditsWizard.cancelbutto%nAnulu&jCancel
leTwrz do plikuProduce to file 0med.CMovieEditorTransitionSettingsDialog.title1
Przej[cieTransition 0med.CMovieEditorTransitionSettingsDialog.title2=W tym oknie mo|esz z
modyfikowa przej[cie dla tego projektu.;In this window you modify the transition fo
r this project. med.file.Emo.medthemeEmoEmo /med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.defaultfile

Mj projekt
M yProject id:Worse qualityGorsza jako[Worse quality .med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogSplit.
rosz wybra punkt podziaBuPlease select a split time #med.CNewProjectWizard.finishbutton&N
BA&prsNepoaewjkceitpknrtgaoNtjeiwocs:t 7mimeded:d.A.fsCipSleleci.tdBrerasethaiokwi:EnPngrcNooepdwoesrW.cimjzead:rtdh.eMmoevWieadiosmco.[Dcisctitle.captionProsz wybra nazw dla
u.%Please select a title for your disc. med.credits.modules.directoRre|yser
L 768kbit

DSL 768kbit

DSL 768kbit 5med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.creatingpreviewstatus'Tworzenie podgldw: poz

staBo %COUNT%&Creating previews: %COUNT% items left =med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogCutAre
as.overlayhelp.startbutton&Prosz wybra czas pocztkowy obszaru(Please select the startt
ime of the area med.profile.format.youtubeKompatybilne z YouTube (.avi)YouTube compatible
Wy(b.iaevriz) pli$kmed.CMovieEncodeWizard.3.firstlabel

Select file !med.CNewProjectWizard.prevbutton

< &Cofni<j &Back 
i d:&Abort
P rz&rwij&Abort $med.CMovieEncodeWizard.4.firstlabelWybierz nagrywarkSelec
burner 5id:Creationdate (Is written by most digital cameras)CData utworzenia (jest zap
isywana w wikszo[ci cyfrowych aparatach)2Creationdate (Is written by most digital c
ameras) +med.CMovieDetailEditorDialog.searchnextcutwyszukiwanie nastpnego ciciasearching
next cut >med.CMoviediscEncodeStatusDialog.remainingtime.lessthanminutemniej ni| minutal
ess than a minute $med.CEncodeWizard.DirNotExist.TitleKatalog nie istniejeDirectory does
not exist  med.CKenBurnsEffectList.effectsEfektEyffects 'med.CTrackListBox.hint.snapedi
ng)Przeskocz do aktualnej klatki w edytorze$Snap to the current frame in editor 



P odgld: P review: 9id:Create multiple pages which will fade one in anot
her.;Twrz wiele stron, ktre bd [ciemnia si jedna w drug.6Create multiple pages which will
e one in another. med.file.Adventure.medtheme P rzygoda
Adventure 2med.profile.format.wmv.profile.hd1080.description&Mo|na odtworzy na zaawansowa
nych PC.%Is playable on high-end PCs hardware
artendnotset.title&Pocztkowy i koDcowy czas nie wybranyStart- and endtime not set
Internet&Moje Ashampoo

&MyAshampoo med.filetypes.allFilesWszystkie pliki

All files %med.profile.format.mpeg2.descriptionSMo|na odtworzy na komputerach z zainstalo
wanym kodekiem Mpeg-2. (Dobra kompresja)IIs playable on computers with Mpeg-2 co
dec installed. (Good compression) filmProduce movie med.
Wlyebierz plikChoose a file /med.CCreditsWizardEditModulesListParser.editme

Edytuj mniEedit me 4med.CSlideshowVideoEditorPanelEditor.edittransitionZmieD przej[cieChan

e Transition med.file.Wood.medthemeLasWood -med.CMoviediscEncodeStatusDialog.burnsucces
ie udaneburning successful ,med.CMovieEditorTracklistBox.deletemenuitemSkasujDelete +me
DetailEditorDialogCutAreas.titleWytnij obszary
Cut areas med.CEncodeWizard.finishbutton&Produkcja
&Produce id:Templates:Wzory:Templ
urnsDialog.starUtruchomStart &med.kenburns.effect.verticalpan_rightPoziome przej[cie (z pr
awej)Vertical pan (right) $med.CMovieEncodeWizard.2.firstlabelRozmiar pliku F ilesize
le.Star.medthemGewiazdaStar 7med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.erroropeningfiles.title BBd po
czas sprawdzania plikwError during filecheck ,med.CKenBurnsNameDialog.missingname.messag
eProsz wpisa nazw dla wzory.&Please enter a name for the template. 'med.CStatusFrame.movi
cprogresstextPrbuj %DECODER% na %PORT%Trying %DECODER% on %PORT% 4med.profile.format.mpe
profile.hd1080.description&Mo|na odtworzy na zaawansowanych PC.%Is playable on high
-end PC hardware. ,med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.BluRayFormat.720Format wyj[ciowy Blu-ray (
HD)Blu-ray Output (HD) 7med.CAdjustSlideDurationDialog.adjustnotpossible.title-Nie mo|na
wBczy automatycznego dopasowania$Could not enable automatic adaption 1med.CSlideshowVide

Rotate left 'med.profile.format.mpeg.profile.normalNormalny format wyj[ciowyNormal output

K oDczenieEnding 'med.profile.format.mpeg2.profile.hd720!Wysoka rozdzielczo[ (HD) (720p)!H
definition (HD) output (720p) &med.CSelectFileOrderDialog.firstlabel%Wybierz kolejno[ pli
kw do otwarciaSelect file order for opening 8med.CSelectSingleTransitionsDialog.notransi
tionselectedProsz wybra przej[cie.Please select a transition. id:Large scrolling pageDu|a
do przewijaniaLarge scrolling page id:(Smaller filesize)(Mniejszy rozmiar pliku)(Smaller
filesize) -med.CNewProjectWizard.aspectpage.secondtitle5Prosz wybra |dane proporcje dla s
go projektu.9Please select the desired aspect ratio for your project. id:secondsekundsye
conds id:Move UpPrzesuD w gMrove Up id:AddDodajAdd 
S zybko[:Speed: .med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogCutAreas.toplabel+Prosz wybra obszar, ktry c
iydc:iM.o)vPeleDaoswenPsrezlescutDtwhedaBreas you want to cut. 
Move Down +med.CSlideshowEditorFrame.addtheme.noitems_Dodawanie elementw jest tylko mo|l
iwe, je[li cho jedno zdjcie jest dodane do listy [cie|ek.RAdding themes is only possibl
e if at least one picture is added to the tracklist. ,med.CNewProjectWizardMovieeditor
.newprojectUtwrz nowy projektCreate a new movie project %med.kenburns.effect.verticalpan
leftPoziome przej[cie (z lewej)Vertical pan (left) (med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.4.firstlab
elWybierz nagrywarkSelect burner &med.CMovieEncodeWizard.1.1.firstlabelProfil docelowyTar
t Profile 4med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.autosaveload.captionZnajdz plik autozapisuFound
an autosave file med.file.Butterfly.medthemeMotyl
Butterfly 0med.CMoviediscEncodeStatusDialog.processabortedproces anulowanyprocess aborte
d med.file.Comic.medthemeKomiksComic med.file.Swirl.medthemeWirSwirl 'med.credits.mod

Opis muzykiMusicdescription -med.credits.modules.scolling.smallcentertextMaBy wycentrowan

y tekstSmall centered text id:Fade In-/Out VideoBlaknicie wideoFade In-/Out Video 

id:SettingsUstawienia S ettings 3med.CMovieEditorTracklistBox.startendpointmenuitem!E

dytuj czas pocztkowy i koDcowyEdit Start-/endtime $med.CEncodeStatusDialog.percenttext%PE
ENT%% przetworzono%PERCENT%% processed #med.CKenBurnsNameDialog.firstlabelEdytuj nazw wzo
uEdit template name #med.theme.CThemeCategories.unknown
N ieznanUynknown Amed.CSlid
EncodeWizard.BluRayFormat.1080.Caption.descriptionBTwrz i nagrywaj pokazy slajdw n
a Blu-ray w rozdzielczo[ci 1080pCProduce and burn your slideshow on a Blu-ray wit
h 1080p resolution

Pliki wideo

Video files "med.CSettingsReader.defaulttitlte

Mj film
My Movie med.file
Business .med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.statusdurationCzas trwania: %V
IDEODURATION%Duration: %VIDEODURATION% &med.profile.format.wmv.profile.normalNormalny fo
rmat wyj[ciowyNormal output format 

Quality: 5med.CCreditsWizard.CEditFadingPage.overwrite.message@Zm
kowaBe[ stron. Czy nadpisa elementy z wybranym wzorem?bYou have modified the page. Sho
nBirda:kDuijscalanbaezlw:a wzoruMi
ing templatename @med.CSelectSingleTransitionsDialog.selecttransition.description&Pros
z wybra nowe przej[cie z listy..Please select a new transition from the list. id:Delete t

Skasuj wzrDelete template 6med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.Moviedisc.DefaultDiscTitleMjPokaz


MySlideshow id:Transition
Przej[cieTransition med.CCreditsWizard.helpbutton&Pomoc&Help med.kenburns.effect.stillB
No effect %med.CSettingsDialog.hardware.captionInformacje

Information med.file.Spring.medthemeWiosnaSpring 5med.CCreditsWizard.CEditFadingPage.ov

captionNadpisz elementyOverwrite elements 
id:&Sav&eZapisz&Save id:DSL 128kbit

DSL 128kbit

DSL 128kbit /med.CSlideshowEditorFrame.edittransition.popupPrzedBu|ony...

Extended... id:DSL 384kbit

DSL 384kbit

DSL 384kbit )med.profile.format.myvideo.profile.hd720Format wyj[ciowy HD (720p)Hi-definit

ion output (720p) $med.CEncodeStatusDialog.closebutton
&Zamknij&Close %med.CSett
alog.hardware.messageQAby wBczy przy[pieszenie sprztowe grafiki, musisz uruchomi ponownie 
program.TIn order to apply the graphics hardware settings, you have to restart t
he programm. med.file.Bubbles.medthemeBaDkBiubbles med.file.Casino.medthemeKasynoCasino
sDialog.minuteremainingpozostaBa jedna minute remaining... id:16:916:916:9
elementElement napiswSubtitle element 3med.profile.format.m2ts.profile.hd1080.descripti
n&Mo|na odtworzy na zaawansowanych PC.%Is playable on high-end PCs hardware id:Transition
settingsUstawienia przej[Transition settings id:Bitrate calculatorKalkulator bitrateBitra
lculator "id:Number of times to loop music:Liczba powtrzeD muzyki:Number of times to loo
music: <id:NTSC (Choose if you have an American or Japanese TV Set)ONTSC (Wybierz je[li
posiadasz telewizor w systemie amerykaDskim lub japoDskim)9NTSC (Choose if you ha
ve an American or Japanese TV Set) &med.profile.format.avi.profile.hd1080"Wysoka rozdz
ielczo[ (HD) (1080p)"Hi-definition (HD) output (1080p) (
lfilesWszystkie pliki S ettings id:Select file

Select file 
i d:&Close
& Zamknij&Close med.filetypes.allWszy
giwane plikiAll supported files "med.CMovieEditorFrame.projectfileProjekt MovieEditorMovi
eEditor project 'med.CTrackListBoxVideoClipItem.unknown
n ieznanuenknown %med.CMovi
deWizard.2.secondlabel0Prosz wybra jako[ i rozmiar pliku dla filmu.5Please select the q
uality and filesize of the movie. med.credits.modules.actors3ObsadaCast $med.CMovieEnco
.1.firstlabelFormat docelowyTarget format  med.CKenBurnsDialog.secondlabel>W tym oknie m
o|esz zmienia opcje efektu KenBurns dla obrazu.@In this window you can adjust the K
enBurns effect of the image. ! *med.CNewPro
zardSlideshow.newproject#Utwrz nowy projekt pokazu slajdwCreate a new slideshow pro
ject med.credits.modules.actorsA2ktorzyActors id:Select random transitionsWybierz losowe
elect random transitions id:Overall progressOglny postpOverall progress id:Targetsize
ocelowy (MB):Targetsize (MB): med.CKenBurnsDialog.titleEdytuj efekt KenBurnsEdit KenBurns
effect -med.CTrackListBoxVideoClipItem.infotextshort%%FILENAME%
%ASPECT% #med.CSelectRandomTransitions.errorBBdError =med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogStart
ovietoshort.titleFilm zbyt krtkiMovie too short med.erroroccured.titleWystpiB bBdAn erro
MovieEditorFrame.savestateZapisywanie projektuSaving project -med.CSelectFileOrderDialo
g.readcreationdates&Odczytywanie dat utworzenia plikw...Reading image creation dat
Cezsa.s. t
iamleodg.pDruorfaitlieo.nformat.mpeg2Format Mpeg-2 (.mpg)Mpeg-2 format (.mpg)
System TV
T V-System 
id:Drive:Napd:Drive: -med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.searchprevcut!wyszukiwanie poprzedni
go ciciasearching for previous cut %med.CEditGraphicElementDialog.nofadebez blaknicia
no fading id:Current folder:Aktualny katalog:Current folder: 4med.CNewProjectWizardSlid
rstpage.firsttitleCo chciaBby[ zrobi?What would you like to do? (med.CMovieEditorFrame.ed
itle.captionEdytuj tytuB filmuEdit movie title (med.CEncodeStatusDialog.lessthanaminutepo
ostaBo mniej ni| minuta... less than a minute remaining... )med.CMovieDetailEditorDialog
.setEndPoint"Prosz wybra czas koDcowy filmu.(Please select the endtime in the movie. %med

Opis muzykiMusicdescription 
id:CommonZwykByCommon id:Select sortorderWybierz kolejno[ sortowaniaSelect sortorder me

id:Add menuDodaj menu A dd menu @med.CSlideshowEnc

.BluRayFormat.720.Caption.descriptionATwrz i nagrywaj pokazy slajdw na Blu-ray w r
ozdzielczo[ci 720pBProduce and burn your slideshow on a Blu-ray with 720p resolut
ion $med.profile.format.mpeg.descriptionLMo|na odtworzy na wszystkich nowoczesnych komput
erach. (Zrednia kompresja):Is playable on all modern computers. (Medium compressi

Split movie %med.CMovieEncodeWizard.1.secondlabel)Prosz wybra format docelowy dla filmu..

lease select a target format for this movie. &med.profile.format.wmv.profile.hd1080"Wy
soka rozdzielczo[ (HD) (1080p)"Hi-definition (HD) output (1080p) id:Number of files found
iczba znalezionych plikw:Number of files found: 
id:CancelAnulujCancel -med.credits.modules.scolling.largecentertextDu|y wycentrowany teks
arge centered text (med.CSlideshowEditorFrame.progresstitleAadowanie projektuLoading proj
WeBcctzciedn:iEenEanbalbeleshsahdaodwosws )med.CSlideshowEditorFrame.addpicturehintProsz doda obrazyPleas
pictures 5med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.closemodified.message>Wszystkie zmiany zostan u
tracone po zamkniciu. Kontynuowa?=All changes are lost after closing. Do you want to
continue? $med.CEncodeWizard.InvalidFile.TitleNazwa pliku niepoprawnaFilename invalid

A dd page 
mniej ni|
l ess than 'med.kenburns.effect.diagonalpan_bottomSko[ne przej[cie (z doBu)Diagonal pan (b
tom) <med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.creditsitemshortened.messagecTwj czas trwania info
rmacji zostaB zmieniony automatycznie na maksymalny mo|liwy %LENGTH% sekund.dYour 
creditsduration were changed automatically to the maximal possible length of %LE
WNyGbTiHe%rzsepcloinkds. (med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.3.firstlabel

Select file  med.file.Shooting Star.medthemeSpadajca gwiazdaShooting Star id:ProgressLa

ssLabel $med.credits.modules.fading.directoRre|yser
Director id:Random TransitionLoso
j[ciaRandom Transition med.openfiles.error.titleBBd podczas otwieraniaError while opening
eshowMovieEditorFrame.erroropeningfilesSNastpujce obrazy nie mogBy by otworzone i zosta
By usunite z list.

% FILENAMES%SThe folowing images could not be opened and were deleted in the list

% FILENAMES% med.contactsupport3Czy chcesz skontaktowa si ze wsparciem Ashmapoo?-Do you wa
to contact the Ashampoo support? 1med.CCreditsWizard.CEditScrollingPage.additemtopDoda
j wzr na wierzchAdd template on top
n Wideo YouTube z zawarto[ci HD YouTube HD video content med.file.fusion.medthemeFuzjafus
nBurnsDialog.endKoniecEnd 2med.CSelectRandomTransitions.notransitionselected$Prosz wybra
edno przej[cie.'Please select at least one transition. -med.CMoviediscEncodeStatusDialo
g.closebutton & Zamknij&Close %med.CEncodeWizard.FileExists.Message7Wprowadzony plik j
u| istnieje. Czy chcesz go nadpisa?GThe file you have entered already exists. Do yo
u want to overwrite it? 

Progress )med.CEncodeWizard.win7mp3warning.message Twj a ktualny
io zapewnia sBab jako[ audio. Aby uzyska lepsz jako[, zainstaluj inny kodek audio l ub napis
do wsparcia. Please note that your current audio codec could result in poor audio 
quality. For a better quality install another audio codec or refer to the suppor
t. med.file.Christmas 2.medthemeGwiazdka 2

Christmas 2 'med.CEncodeWizard.insertemptybluray.rwdMo|esz te| wBo|y zapisane BD-RE lub B

E DL (Dwuwarstwowe), ktre zostan wymazane automatycznie.fYou can also insert a non-
empty BD-RE or BD-RE DL (Double Layer), which will be erased automatically. med.profile
.format.m2tsPlik Blu-ray m2ts (.m2ts)Blu-ray m2ts file (.m2ts) 5med.profile.format.myvid
eo.profile.hd720.descriptionZawarto[ HD MyVideoMyVideo HD video content
emePapierPaper -med.CCreditsWizard.SelectPosition.firsttitleWybierz pozycjSelect position
nishedEncodingDialog.newprojectUtwrz nowy projektCreate a new Project id:Animation:
Animacja:Animation: %med.CMovieEncodeWizard.3.secondlabel.Prosz wybra docelow nazw pliku
lmu.7Please choose the destination filename for this movie. +med.profile.format.facebo
iodk:.CphreocfkilMee.!nSoprrmawldNzormnailen!y format wyj[ciowyNormal output format 
Check Me!
Contents ,med.CNewProjectWizardSlideshow.openexisting)Otwrz istniejcy pr
azu slajdw*Open an already created slideshow project 2med.CMovieDetailEditorTracklistBo
x.startpointflagCzas pocztkowy
Starttime ,med.CMoviediscEncodeStatusDialog.burnfailednagrywanie nieudaneburning failed
nable hardware graphics acceleration'WBcz sprztowe przy[pieszenie grafiki&Enable hardw
are graphics acceleration 1med.CMovieEditorFrame.newproject.message.messageYAktualnie 
nie ma obrazw/filmw na li[cie [cie|ek. Czy chcesz doda jakie[ obrazy/filmy?aCurrently th
ere are no pictures/movies in the tracklist. Do you like to add any pictures/mov
ies? +med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.statuscountLiczba obiektw: %COUNT%Itemcount: %COUNT
abelMoja etykietMayLabel med.openfiles.error.messageiNastpujce pliki nie mogBy by otworzon
o nie ma zainstalowanego kodeka albo plik jest uszkodzony.\Folowing files couldn
't be opened. Either no codec is installed or the file is erroneous.

 id:Select Random TransitionsWybierz losowe przej[ciaSelect Random Transitions '

at.m2ts.profile.hd1080"Wysoka rozdzielczo[ (HD) (1080p)"Hi-definition (HD) output (
1080p) (med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.1.firstlabelFormat docelowyTarget format med.file.Fa
edthemeKnajpa F astfood med.theme.inserttitle"Naci[nij tutaj aby edytowa tytuBClick here
edit title med.file.Frog.medtheme  {abaFrog
ion!Normalna zawarto[ wideo YouTubeNormal YouTube video content !med.CEncodeWizard.automa

Split movie !med.CEncodeWizard.SaveFile.titleProsz wybra plik docelowy.Please select a ta

Cturfrielnet. filied:
Cu$rmredn.tKefniBluerAnkstEufaflencytTpylpiek.randomeffectDowolny efekt KenBurnsRandom KenBurns e
ffect &med.CEncodeWizard.InvalidDisc.Message!Prosz wBo|y pusty dysk CD/DVD.$Please insert
empty CD/DVD disc. )med.CCreditsWizard.EditFading.firsttitleEdytuj stron informacjamiEdi
credits page 8med.CCreditsWizard.CSelectBackgroundPage.openfiledialogOtwrz plik obrazuO
aphicElementDialog.editsubtitleElement napiswSubtitle el
nt -med.CEncodeWizard.maxdurationreached.message}Maksymalny czas trwania %MINUTES% min
ut zostaB osignity dla tego formatu. Prosz skrci swj film, aby u|y tego formatu. The maxi
ation of %MINUTES% minutes has been reached for this format. Please shorten your
movie to use this outputformat. /med.CCreditsWizard.SelectPosition.seconddtitle5Prosz w
ybra jedn z pozycji dla twoich informacji.5Please select one of the positions for yo
ur credits. /med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.MoviediscSelectNorm
System TV
T V-System med.Error.TitleBBdError med.CEncodeWizard.cancelbutto%nAnulu&jCancel id:Multi
[ciemnianych stronMultiple fading pages (med.profile.format.facebook.description>Tworzy 
kompatybilne z Facebook pliki wideo. (Dobra kompresja)<Creates Facebook compatib
Nloewyvipdreojefkitles. (Good compression) med.CNewProjectWizard.title

New project med.CThemeList.objectOsbiektOybjects med.CEncodeWizard.prevbutton

< &Cofni<j &Back med.file.Modern Gold.medthemeNowoczesne zBoto

Modern Gold +med.credits.modules.scolling.centeredimageObraPzicture 

K odowanie
E ncoding  med.CSelectMusicDialog.FilePathZcie|ka pliku
File Path id:Delete pageSkasuj stron

Delete page )med.CMovieEditorFrame.edittitle.toplabel$Prosz wpisa swj tytuB tego filmu'P

e enter your title for this movie med.CMovieEditorFrame.zoomin
Zbli|eniZeoom in med.file.extra.medthemeEkstraextra %id:Adapt slideshow to music duratio
pokaz slajdw do czasu trwania muzyki"Adapt slideshow to music duration 'med.CMovieEnco
deWizard.MoviediscFormatWyj[ciowe DVDDVD Output
scription&Mo|na odtworzy na zaawansowanych PC.%Is playable on high-end PC hardware. id:De
ZcmenideijnsgzanieDescending id:,,, L anguage "med.CEncodeStat
ildi:zAoswcaennideinwgideo)(Analyzing video) id:Picture durationCzas trwania zdjciaPicture duration

Ascending med.file.Simple.medthemeProstySimple (med.CEncodeStatusDialog.encodingaborted
anulowaneencoding aborted "med.KenBurnsEffectType.someborderZbli|enie z obramowaniemZoom
with some border 'med.profile.format.myvideo.description*Tworzy pliki wideo kompatybil
ne z MyVideo'Creates MyVideo compatible video files *med.CMovieDetailEditorDialog.Dele

Remove area 1med.profile.format.avi.profile.hd720.description&Mo|na odtworzy na zaawansow

anych PC.%Is playable on high-end PC hardware. id:(Bigger filesize)(Wikszy rozmiar pliku)
igger filesize) id:::: (med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogSplit.titlePodziel wideo

Split video 8med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.newproject.message.title

Dodaj pliki
A dd files med.CTrackListBox.subtitleNapisy
Subtitle 7med.CNewProjectWizardMovieedito
stpage.secondtitleRMo|esz wybra pomidzy tworzeniem nowego projektu lub otwarciem ju| i
stniejcego.JYou can choose between creating a new project or opening an existing o
ne. (med.profile.format.mpeg2.profile.hd1080"Wysoka rozdzielczo[ (HD) (1080p)"Hi-definiti
on (HD) output (1080p) med.CVideoEditorPanel.cutabort%ESC% aby anulowa%ESC% to abort me
Pod.medthemeKomora lodowIace Pod 4med.profile.format.mpeg2.profile.normal.descriptionMo|n
a odtworzy na ka|dym PC.#Is playable on normal PC hardware. id:&Ok&Ok&Ok )med.CSlidesho

zchmainegDettehmeamte 'med.CMovieEncodeWizard.1.1.secondlabel(Prosz wybra format profilu dla filmu

-Please select a formatprofile for this movie .med.CSlideshowVi
New shape ;med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogCutAreas.overlayhelp.endbutton#Prosz wybra czas ko
owy obszaru&Please select the endtime of the area med.file.Diamonds.medtheme Diamenty
Diamonds id:Fade In-/Out Duration:Czas trwania blaknicia:Fade In-/Out Duration: id:Use
backgroundU|yj obrazu jako tBoUse an image as background id:Enable autosaveWBcz autozapi
autosave !med.theme.CTHemeCategories.themeTematTheme $med.CKenBurnsNameDialog.secondla
ym oknie mo|esz edytowa nazwy dla wzorw efektu KenBurns.HIn this window you can edit
the name for your KenBurns effect template. id:Split videoPodziel wideo

Split video id:&Browse

& Element
&Element id:Remember loginZapamit
emember login 6med.profile.format.myvideo.profile.normal.descriptionNormalny format wid
eo MyVideoNormal MyVideo video format (med.CCreditsWizardEditModulesList.pagesStronyPages
CCreditsWizardEditPagesList.pagenameStrona %NUMBER%Page %NUMBER% /med.CSlideshowMovieEdi
torFrame.wmp9error.titleWindows Media PlayerWindows Media Player &med.CAdjustSlideDurati
onDialog.title2`Ustaw czas trwania rcznie lub pozwl programowi automatycznie dopaso
wa go do dBugo[ci muzyki.gSpecify the durations manually or let the program automati
cally adapt them to the length of the music. +med.CSettingsDialo g.servicechannelcapti
onUstawienia kanaBw wiadomo[ciService Channel Settings &med.CAdjustSlideDurationDialog.t
e1Ustawienia przej[Transition settings id:Fade in-/outduration:Czas trwania blaknicia:Fad
utduration: id:SecondSsekundSyeconds 6med.CNewProjectWizardMovieeditor.firstpage.firsttit
ciaBby[ zrobi?What would you like to do? med.file.Smooth
 dirdi:vCereditsInformacjCeredits /id:PAL (Choose if you have an Europea
L (Wybierz je[li masz telewizor w systemie europejskim),PAL (Choose if you have a
n European TV Set) )med.kenburns.effect.horizontalpan_bottomPoziome przej[cie (z doBu)Hor
zontal pan (bottom) )id:Create or edit your starting credits..Twrz lub edytuj swoje inf
ormacje pocztkowe.&Create or edit your starting credits. 'med.CSlideshowEditorFrame.enco
debutton&Produkcja pokazu slajdw&Produce slideshow .med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.statu
positionPozycja: %VIDEOPOSITION%Position: %VIDEOPOSITION% 'med.CEncodeStatusDialog.uploa
dprogress-(%UPLOADED%mb z %FILESIZE%mb (%SPEED% kb/s)).(%UPLOADED%mb of %FILESIZ
E%mb (%SPEED% kb/s)) (med.CEncodeWizard.CantCreateDir.Message.Katalog "%DIRECTORY%" ni
e mo|e by utworzony..The directory "%DIRECTORY%"cannot be created. med.CSelectMusicDialog
Mtuistilcem1anager 'med.CUploadStatusFrame.lessthanaminutePozostaBo mniej ni| minutaLess than a
minute remaining med.CMovieDiscTheme.playbutton
OdtwarzajPlay med.CSelectMusicDialog.title26Prosz doda pliki tBa muzycznego dla pokazu sl
:Please add the background music files for your slideshow. med.file.rose.medthemeR|arose
vieEditorFrame.addtheme.noitems.titleDodanie niemo|liweAdding not possible  med.CEncodeWi
zard.filesizelabelRozmiar docelowy: %SIZEMB% mb Resulting filesize: %SIZEMB% mb med.file
.Sun.medthemeSBoDceSun 1med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogStartEndpoint.title1$Zdefiniuj czas p
cztkowy i koDcowyDefine start- / endtime 1med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogStartEndpoint.title
oProsz wybra czas pocztkowy i koDcowy. Tylko zaznaczony zakres zostanie u|yty do stworze
nia koDcowego filmu.gPlease select a start- and endtime. Only the selected range 
will be used for creating the final movie. id:Select Random TransitionWybierz losowe prz
ej[cieSelect Random Transition .med.CCreditsWizard.CSelectTypePage.firsttitle

Wybierz typ

Select type -med.CSlideshowEditorFrame.edittitle.toplabel1Prosz wpisa swj tytuB dla tego

azu slajdw+Please enter your title for this slideshow
ile.hd720.descriptionZawarto[ HD wideo FacebookFacebook HD video content id:Generate colo
rom imagesGeneruj kolo z obrazuGenerate color from images  med.CEncodeWizard.notitle.tit
leBrakujcy tytuBMissing title  id:Please insert an empty CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+
VD+RW, DVD+R DL (Double Layer), DVD-R DL (Double Layer) or DVD-RAM.}Prosz wBo|y pusty 
CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL (Dwuwarstwowy), DVD-R DL (Dw
uwarstwowy) lub DVD-RAM. Please insert an empty CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R,
DVD+RW, DVD+R DL (Double Layer), DVD-R DL (Double Layer) or DVD-RAM. (med.CSettingsDi
alog.autosaveeveryminute&Automatyczny zapis co %MINUTES% minut!Autosave every %M
es9 medi.dC:MouvsiecdmiasncaEgnecrodeStatusDialog.remainingtime.oneminutepozostaBa jedna mi
nutaone minute remaining 
id:Width:Szeroko[:Width: :med.CSelectSingleTransitionsDialog.selecttransition.titleWybier
rzej[cieSelect transition (med.credits.modules.scolling.actorlist1
Aktorzy 1
A ctors 1 (med.credits.modules.scolling.actorlist2
Aktorzy 2
A ctors 2 (med.credits.modules.scolling.actorlist3
Aktorzy 3
A ctors 3 med.error.loopcountTLiczba powtrzeD muzyki musi zawiera si pomi
OPMINVALUE% i %LOOPMAXVALUE%.bThe number of times the music should be looped mus
t be between %LOOPMINVALUE% and %LOOPMAXVALUE%. $med.CEncodeWizard.estimated.secondsMni
ej ni| minutaLess than a minute .med.CEncodeWizard.servicelogininvalid.messagerNie mo|na
poBczy z usBug. Serwer mo|e by niedostpny w tej chwili albo pomyliBe[ nazw u|ytkownika lub
an't connect to service. Either the server is not availiable at the moment or yo
u misspelled your username or password. med.file.Wedding.medthemeWeselWeedding med.CCred
d.okOKOk 2med.CMovieEditorFrame.editbuttonlabel.pictureeditEdycjaEdit .med.CNewProjectW
eeditor.openexisting Otwrz istniejcy projekt filmu&Open an already created movie pr
oject med.profile.format.aviFormat Mpeg-4 AVI (.avi)Mpeg-4 AVI format (.avi) 'med.CLoca
yDialog.status1update(Skopiowano plikw %CURRENT% z %MAXIMUM%$%CURRENT% of %MAXIMU
edmed.merdr.oCrU.pwlrooandgSvtaltuessFZrnaamlee.ztiotnloe nastpujce bBdy:!The following errors were fo
ovieEditorTracklistBox.copymenuitemKopiowanieCopy id:HelpPomocHelp med.credits.modules.a
yActors ;med.CMovieEncodeWizard.MoviediscFormat.Caption.descriptionProdukuj i nagraj fil
m na DVD%Produce and burn your movie on a DVD id:No transition

Bez przej[No transition med.CKenBurnsDialog.firstlabelEdytuj efekt KenBurnsEdit KenBurns

icdt:Username:Nazwa u|ytkownika:
Username: #med.CFinishedEncodingDialog.title2;Kodowanie zakoDczone poprawnie, Co chciaBb
y[ teraz zrobi?GThe encoding was finished successfully. What would you like to do n
ow? id:Duration (s):Czas trwania (s):Duration (s): #med.CFinishedEncodingDialog.title1Z
kodowanieFinished encoding med.error.errorBBdError 
i d:gooddobrygood med.profile.format
yVideoMyVideo compatible 6med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.nographicsadapter.hintjProsz spr
awdzi w instrukcji obsBugi karty graficznej jak zaktualizowa sterowniki do najnowszej
wersji.YPlease consult your manual on how to upgrade your graphics driver to th
e latest version. 

id:SorttypeTyp sortowania
S orttype )med.CEncodeStatusDialog.minutesremainingpozos
taBo %MINUTES% minut...%MINUTES% minutes remaining...  id:Use a gradient as backgroundU|y
gradientu jako tBaUse a gradient as background .med.CCreditsWizard.EditScrolling.second
dtitlegProsz edytowa swoj stron z informacjami. Bdzie ona przewijana z gry do doBu podczas
dtwarzania._Please edit your credits pages. This page will be scrolled from top 
er2tmseudb.tCiStllied#eNsahcoiw[VniidjeotEudtiatjoraPbayneeldEydtiotwoar.nraoptiastyeC.lricgkhthOebre twoperdaiwto
ubtitle &med.CSlideshowEditorFrame.projectfileProjekt SlideshowEditorSlideshowEditor pro
ject med.CEncodeWizard.helpbutton&Pomoc&Help  CMovieDiscPreviewDlg.MoreThemesPobierz wi
li+dmesdh.oCwMMoovviieedEidsictEonrcFordaemSet.awtmups9Deirarlorg.meersasaegdeisWciwnydmoaw|sdMyesdkia Player nie 
jest zainstalowany w systemie lub jest starszy ni| Windows Media Player 9. Prosz za
instalowa Windows Media Player 9 lub nowszy dla kodowania WMV. Windows Media Player 
is missing on your system or is older than Windows Media Player 9. Please instal
l at least Windows Media Player 9 for WMV encoding. med.CUploadStatusFrame.minutespozost
aBo %MINUTES% minut%MINUTES% minutes remaining 5med.CSlideshowEditorFrame.newproject.mes
sage.messageSAktualnie nie ma |adnych obrazw na li[cie [cie|ek. Czy chcesz doda jakie[ p
liki?PCurrently there are no pictures in the tracklist. Do you like to add any f
iles? "med.CEncodeWizard.notitle.message>Prosz wpisa poprawny tytuB dla wysyBanego pliku
serwisu.3Please enter a valid title for the service upload. id:Framerate:Framerate:Framer
ate: med.CMovieEditorFrame.zoomout
Z oom out +med.CMovieEditorTracklistBox.pastemenuitem
WklejaniePaste $med.CEncodeWizard.insertemptydvd.rwYMo|esz wBo|y zapisane DVD-RW, DVD+RW
DVD-RAM, ktre zostan wymazane automatycznie._You can also insert a non-empty DVD-R
W, DVD+RW or DVD-RAM, which will be erased automatically. #med.CEncodeWizard.FileExist
s.TitleNadpisa plikOverwrite file id:Displayduration:Czas wy[wietlania:Displayduration:
showMovieEditorFrame.searchnextcutwyszukiwanie nastpnego ciciasearching for next cut )med
lideshowEncodeWizard.3.secondlabel<Prosz wybra docelow nazw pliku dla tego pokazu slajdw.
;Please choose the destination filename for this slideshow. 7med.CSlideshowEncodeWizar
d.MoviediscSelectNorm.CaptionProsz wybra swj system TVPlease select your TV-System #med.
TitleDialog.notitle.titleBrakujcy tytuBMissing title[lij
t beta do AshampooSend Beta Report to Ashampoo id:16:9 WidescreenSzeroki ekran 16:916:9 W
descreen *med.CMovieEditorTracklistBox.editmenuitemEdycjaEdit 7med.profile.format.faceb
file.normal.description"Normalna zawarto[ wideo FacebookNormal Facebook video conten
t &med.CEncodeWizard.CantCreateDir.Title BBd podczas tworzenia kataloguError creating dir
ctory +med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.MoviediscFormatWyj[ciowe DVDDVD Output *med.profile.f
video.profile.normalNormalny format wyj[ciowyNormal output format 'med.CFinishedEncodingD
ialog.openfolderOtwrz katalog docelowyOpen the target folder 
Kolejno[Order  med.CSelectMusicDialog.addMusicAnalizowanie plikwAnalyzing files
port&Wy[lij raport o problemie do Ashampoo"Send a Problem Report to Ashampoo )med.CMovi
eeditorSelectMusicDialog.title25Prosz doda pliki tBa muzycznego dla swojego filmu.6Pl
ease add the background music files for your movie. (
fotextLNazwa pliku: %FILENAME%
Rozmiar wideo: %WIDTH%x%HEIGHT%
Proporcje: %ASPECT%GFilename: %FILENAME%
Videosize: %WIDTH%x%HEIGHT%
Aspectratio: %ASPECT% Cmed.CCreditsWizard.CSelectBackgroundPage.imagefilenotfound.mess
age"Prosz wybra poprawny obraz tBa.(Please select a valid background image. id:Select qua
y:Wybierz jako[:Select quality: med.file.Stag night.medthemeWieczr kawalerskiStag night

id:&Produce&Produkcja & Produce /id:Play backgroundmusic instead of clip sounds/Odtwa

rzaj muzyk w tle zamiast dzwikw klipw,Play backgroundmusic instead of clip sounds id:&O
lideshowEncodeWizard.4.secondlabelBProsz wybra nagrywark, ktra nagra wygenerowany pokaz
slajdw.FPlease choose a burner on which the encoded slideshow will be burned. id:Elemen
tduration:Czas trwania elementu:Elementduration: )id:Upload file to service after encodi
ng&Wy[lij film do serwisu po zakodowaniu&Upload file to service after encoding 4med.CSl
ideshowMovieEditorFrame.autosaveload.message;Znaleziono plik autozapisu.
Czy chcesz zaBadowa ten plik?:An autosavefile was found.
iDdo:Byeoguinwnainntgto lPooacdztehkis file? 
Beginning /med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.editelementmenuZmieD czas wy[wietlaniaChange di
play duration "med.CKenBurnsDialog.addtotemplateDodaj to wzorwAdd to templates /med.CS
ncodeWizard.Moviedisc.DisctitleUstawienia dyskuDisc settings 9med.CSlideshowMovieEditorF
rame.creditsitemtooshort.titleInformacje nie mog by dodaneCredits can't be added 8med.CMo
DetailEditorDialogCutAreas.timestampsnotvaliduAktualny obszar jest niepoprawny, 
poniewa| jest w innym zdefiniowanym obszarze lub nakBada si na istniejcy obszar.jThe c
urrent area is not valid, because it is inside an already defined area or overla
ps an existing area. *med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.1.1.firstlabelProfil docelowyTarget Pr
ofile /med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogSplit.movietoshort0Czas trwania obu filmw musi by min
mum 1 sek.4The duration of both movies have to be at least 1s. +med.CCreditsWizard.Edi
tFading.seconddtitleoProsz edytowa swoj stron z informacjami. Ta strona bdzie [ciemniana z
jednej w drug podczas odtwarzania.\Please edit your credits pages. These pages wil
l faded from one to another during playback. !med.CNewProjectWizard.helpbutton&Pomoc&Hel
p 3med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.closemodified.titleZamkn okno?Close window? id:DSL 25

DSL 256kbit

DSL 256kbit ) wyj[ciowy HD (720p)Hi-definit

ion output (720p) med.kenburns.effect.zoomout
Z oom out ;med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.creditsitemtooshort.message&T
iwdo:jReanidnofmoirzmeacje Lnoiseowmo[g by dodane.Your credits can't be added. 
Randomize id:Use selected colorU|yj wybranego koloruUse selected color
ieranie plikw...Opening files... %med.CMovieEncodeWizard.4.secondlabel6Prosz wybra nagry
ktra nagra utworzony film.BPlease choose a burner on which the encoded movie will
be burned. #med.CEncodeStatusDialog.secondpass(Tworzenie wideo)(Creating video) 2med.C
owVideoEditorPanelEditor.editkenburnsEdytuj efekt KenBurnsEdit KenBurns effect  med.them
e.CThemeCategories.logoLogoLogos 5med.CNewProjectWizardSlideshow.firstpage.secondtitleRM
o|esz wybra pomidzy tworzeniem nowego projektu lub otwarciem ju| istniejcego.JYou can ch
oose between creating a new project or opening an existing one. Amed.CSlideshowMovieEd
itorFrame.ImageProcessingFinish.checkstatusSprawdzanie %FILENAME%Checking %FILENAM
E% #med.profile.format.avi.descriptionZMo|na odtworzy na komputerach z zainstalowanym kod
ekiem Mpeg-4. (Bardzo dobra kompresja)NIs playable on computers with Mpeg-4 code
c installed. (Very good compression) med.file.Horror.medthemeHorrorHorror ?med.CSlidesh
Wizard.MoviediscFormat.Caption.description)Produkuj i nagrywaj pokaz slajdw na DV
D)Produce and burn your slideshow on a DVD +med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.1.1.secondlabel
0Prosz wybra format profilu dla pokazu slajdw1Please select a formatprofile for this 
slideshow 3med.profile.format.mpeg.profile.normal.descriptionMo|na odtworzy na ka|dym PC.
s playable on normal PC hardware. id:StatusText2Teskt statusu 2

StatusText2 &med.profile.format.avi.profile.normalNormalny format wyj

atN id:0Umseed.dCeSflaiudletsh(oCwhMoovsieEidfityooruFrdaomne'.tlokandopwroijfecytotuirtlTeVAaSdeotwasnuipepoprtosjePkAtLu or 
NTSC)RU|yj domy[lnych (Wybierz je[li nie wiesz jaki posiadasz system TV - PAL lub N
TSC)KUse default (Choose if you don't know if your TV Set supports PAL or NTSC) )med.C
SlideshowEncodeWizard.1.secondlabel7Prosz wybra format docelowy dla tego pokazu slaj
dw.2Please select a target format for this slideshow. med.profile.format.wmv$Format Wind
ows Media Video 9 (.wmv)$Windows Media Video 9 format (.wmv) id:StatusText3Teskt status
u 3

StatusText3 !med.CNewProjectWizard.nextbutton & Dalej &>Next >

.hd720!Wysoka rozdzielczo[ (HD) (720p)!Hi-definition (HD) output (720p) &med.CMovieEditor
Frame.editbuttonlabelCzas pocztkowy i koDcowyStart-/Endtime StartWXApp.NoaudioDevice.titl
Nie znaleziono urzdzenia audioNo audio device found $id:Use a single color as background"
U|yj pojedynczego koloru jako tBa!Use a single color as background .med.CMovieDetailEdit
orDialog.StartpointButtonUstal czas pocztkowySet starttime (med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.2.
irstlabelRozmiar pliku Filesize med.file.New year.medtheme N owy rok
New year
DN 65kbit

ISDN 65kbit

ISDN 65kbit Bmed.CAdjustSlideDurationDialog.adjustnotpossible.message.addmusictProsz dod

a cho jeden tytuB muzyki, aby wBczy automatyczne ustawienia.
Czy chcesz uruchomi okno wyboru muzyki?rPlease add at least a music title to enabl
e the auto adjustment.
Do you want to start the music selection dialog? 0med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.proje
icdt:fCiulteearreoarsWnyitenimjo|onbaszoadrcyzyta projektu xmlcould not read the project xml 
Cut areas ,med.CSlideshowEditorFrame.edittitle.captionEdytuj tytuB pokazu slajdwEdit sli
show title #med.credits.modules.fading.actors1ObsadaCast "med.CNewProjectWizard.openpro
istniejcy projektOpen existing project #med.credits.modules.fading.actors3ObsadaCast #
s.modules.fading.actors2ObsadaCast (med.profile.format.mpeg2.profile.normalNormalny forma
t wyj[ciowyNormal output format id:Transition:Przej[cie:

Transition: &med.CUploadStatusFrame.uploadprogress2%POSITION%mb z %MAXSIZE%mb pobrano 

(%SPEED% kb/s)4%POSITION%mb of %MAXSIZE%mb uploaded (%SPEED% kb/s) &med.profile.format
.m2ts.profile.hd720!Wysoka rozdzielczo[ (HD) (720p)!Hi-definition (HD) output (720p
) *med.CCreditsWizardEditModulesList.modulesModuBMyodules id:Better qualityLepsza jako[B
y )med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.2.secondlabel>Prosz wybra jako[ i rozmiar pliku dla tego po
slajdw.9Please select the quality and filesize of the slideshow. $med.CSlideshowEditor
Frame.savestateZapisywanie projektuSaving project )med.credits.modules.fading.largeands
mallDu|y i maBy tekstLarge and small text id:BitsPerPixel_Frame::BitsPerPixel_Frame::Bits

B itrate:
Bitrate: 'med.CMovieEncodeWizard.defaultfilename

Mj film
My movie id:badzBybad Bid:Adjust the slideshowduration to the length of
CDopasuj czas trwania pokazu slajdw do dBugo[ci wszystkich utworw?Adjust the slidesh
owduration to the length of all music items. .id:Alphanumeric (1, 10, 11, 2, 20, a, b,
...)-Alfanumeryczny (1, 10, 11, 2, 20, a, b, ...)+Alphanumeric (1, 10, 11, 2, 2
0, a, b, ...) 9med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.nographicsadapter.messageyTwoja karta gr
aficzna jest niekompatybilna z programem. Potrzebujesz chocia| karty graficznej z
obsBug Pixelshader 2.0.~Your graphics adapter is not compatible with this program.
You need at least a graphics adapter with pixelshader 2.0 support. 0med.CSlideshowMov
.rCo5Mjmoeevcdit.etCDiTetrtlaeciZklaLEpidsitzBoorpxTrVroiajdceekoltNiosVtaBloixd.TernadnpsoitnitofnlIatgem.hinttextBDBugo[ elementw
t zbyt krtka, aby utworzy tutaj przej[cie.;Element lengths are too short to create a
transition here. 1med.profile.format.wmv.profile.hd720.description&Mo|na odtworzy na zaa
wansowanych PC.$Is playable on high-end PC hardware ,med.CCreditsWizard.EditScrolling.
firsttitleEdytuj stron informacjamiEdit credits page med.CCreditsWizard.prevbutton
< &Cofni<j &Back med.filetypes.picturePliki obrazw

Image files .med.CSlideshowVideoEditorPanelEditor.newimageNowy obraz

New image +med.CMovieDetailEditorDialog.searchprevcut!wyszukiwanie poprzedniego ciciasear
ching for previous cut iid:You can also insert a non-empty CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW or DV
D-RAM, which will be erased automatically.fMo|e rwnie| wBo|y nagrany CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD
+RW lub DVD-RAM, ktry zostanie wymazany automatycznie.fYou can also insert a non-
empty CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW or DVD-RAM, which will be erased automatically. #med.CTrac
kListBox.hint.snapenditemPrzeskocz do koDca obiektu Snap to the endpoint of an ite
Bmrudniyd:m&eCtaanlce%lAnulu&jCancel med.file.Dirty Metal.medtheme

Dirty Metal )med.CSelectSingleTransitionsDialog.errorBBdError 3med.CMovieEncodeWizard.M

lectNorm.CaptionProsz wybra swj system TVPlease select your TV-System id:Estimated uploa
ajid:wDPersocdruicpetisolni:dOepsihso:w id:Finis
gZakoDczono kodowanieFinished encoding

Pliki audio

Audio files >med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogCutAreas.timestampsnotvalid.title Zdefiniowan

y obszar niepoprawnyDefined area not valid *
malny format wyj[ciowyNormal output format $med.kenburns.effect.diagonalpan_topSko[ne prz
j[cie (z gry)Diagonal pan (top) id:Slide duration:Czas trwania slajdu:Slide duration:
ileCopyDialog.status2update!Skopiowano %CURRENT% z %MAXIMUM%%CURRENT% of %MAXIMUM
% copied (med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.burndisc

Nagraj dysk

m&emde.df.iClEen.cBoudnetWeiWzuaerdf.eIln.vmaelditdhFeimleeB.BMyesszscazgceJWspzies[acniannyazwa pliku jest niepopraw
na. Prosz wpisa poprawn nazw pliku.GThe filename you have entered is invalid. Please set
a valid filename. #med.CNewProjectWizard.cancelbutto%nAnulu&jCancel
%PERCENTDONE%%) 'id:Create or edit your ending credits.%Twrz lub edytuj koDcowe informac
je.$Create or edit your ending credits. (med.CEncodeWizard.InvalidBluray.Message"Prosz w
Bo|y pusty dysk Blu-ray.%Please insert an empty Blu-ray disc. med.CEncodeWizard.title
E ncoding id:Enable backgroundcolorWBcz kolor tBaEnable backgroundcolor
btitles within the safe zone are assured to be displayed on most tvs.)Q(Tylko na
pisy w bezpiecznej strefie bd wy[wietlone na wikszo[ci telewizorach)O(Only subtitles wit
hin the safe zone are assured to be displayed on most tvs.) med.profile.format.mpegForma
t Mpeg-1 (.mpg)Mpeg-1 format (.mpg) +med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.defaultfilenameMj pokaz
Mlyajsdliwdeshow programie..A.bout.. !med.file.ElectricYellow.medthemeElektr
|BtyElectricYellow "med.CEncodeStatusDialog.filelabelTworzenie pliku "%FILENAME%"Creatin
ile "%FILENAME%" .med.CEditGraphicElementDialog.untilendofvideoA| skoDczy si wideoUntil e
of video med.file.Microphone.medtheme M ikrofonMicrophone 0med.CCreditsWizard.CSelectTyp
seconddtitle/Prosz wybra jeden z typw twoich informacji.1Please select one of the typ
es for your credits. $med.KenBurnsEffectType.zoomnoborderZbli|enie bez obramowaniaZoom wi
th no border 
i d:EditEdycjaEdit !med.CEncodeWizard.insertemptydvdpProsz wBo|y puste DVD-R
+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL (Dwuwarstwowe), DVD-R DL (Dwuwarstwowe) lub DVD-RAM.rPlease
insert an empty DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL (Double Layer), DVD-R DL
(Double Layer) or DVD-RAM. /id:Create a large page which will be scrolled.,Twrz du| str
ktra bdzie przewijana.,Create a large page which will be scrolled. 3med.profile.format.m
eg2.profile.hd720.description&Mo|na odtworzy na zaawansowanych PC.%Is playable on h
igh-end PC hardware. +med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.videoportalTwrz dla portalu wideoCr
ate for videoportal 'med.CMovieEditorApp.filesystem.windowWsindowWsindows -med.CSlideshow
EditorPanelEditor.newtextNowy tekst
N ew text Tid:Please select the transitions, th
at will be used for the random transition mode.HProsz wybra przej[cia, ktre zostan u|yte 
do losowego trybu przej[.QPlease select the transitions, that will be used for the 
random transition mode. .med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogSplit.descriptionUProsz wybra punkt
odziaBu, w ktrym twj film zostanie podzielony na dwie cz[ci.PPlease select a splitpoin
t on which your movie will be devided into two pieces. 
Niodr:mTailtnlye:4T:y3t4u:B3:TNiotrlmea:lmed.filei.dB:i& idU:r4o:d3ziNnoyrBmiarlth #med.profile.format
onQMo|na odtworzy za pomoc Windows Media Player 9 lub nowszego. (Dobra kompresja)]Is 
playable on computers with Windows Media Player 9 or higher installed. (Good com
pression) ;med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.ImageProcessingFinish.text1KoDczenie zadaniaFi
nishing task 2med.profile.format.m2ts.profile.hd720.description&Mo|na odtworzy na zaawans
owanych PC.$Is playable on high-end PC hardware med.CSelectMusicDialog.TitleTytuBTitle
ProjectWizard.newprojectUtwrz nowy projektCreate new project %med.CEditTitleDialog.notit
e.messageProsz wpisa tytuBPlease enter a title projekt jako.
project as... :med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.creditsitemshortened.title Zmiana czasu 
trwania informacjiCredits duration changed id:Adjust slideshow to music Dopasuj pokaz sl
ajdw do muzykiAdjust slideshow to music 6med.CCreditsWizard.CSelectBackgroundPage.second
dtitle.Prosz wybra styl tBa dla swoich informacji.@Please select the background style
MoyvoiuepSrteufdeirofor your credits. id:MovieStudio

MovieStudio !med.CKenBurnsDialog.makesamesize%Twrz tej samej wielko[ci prostoktyMake rec

Duration: med.CCreditsWizard.titleTwrz stron z informacjamiCreate credit pages )med.CM
itorDialogSplit.title1Podziel wideo

$&mmeedd..CCETnrcaocdkeLWisztaBrodx..Ihnivnatl.isdnDaipssct.aTritploeiBnrtaPkrzdeyskoucz do pocztku obiektu!Snap to t
he starttime of an item med.profile.format.facebookKompatybilny z Facebook (.avi)Facebook
compatible (.avi) 4med.CCreditsWizard.CSelectBackgroundPage.firsttitle

Wybierz tBoSelect background id:Transition duration:Czas trwania przej[cia:Transition dur

on:  id:Name:Nazwa:Name: /med.CMoviediscEncodeStatusDialog.remainingtimepozostaBo %MIN
ut%MINUTES% minutes remaining -med.CMoviediscEncodeStatusDialog.writingdiscniewBa[ciwy dy
wkriting disc +med.CEncodeWizard.maxdurationreached.title#Maksymalny czas trwania osignity
ximum duration limit reached med.CEncodeWizard.nextbutton
& Dalej &>Next > 2med.profi
rmat.wmv.profile.normal.descriptionMo|na odtworzy na ka|dym PC.'Is playable on any no
rmal PC hardware. 4med.CCreditsWizard.CEditScrollingPage.additembottomDodaj wzr od spodu
dd template on bottom 

id:PFaislsewdoartde:DHaatsaBop:liku F iledate 
C alculate med.CSettingsDialog.title2W tym oknie mo|esz zmodyfikowa domy[lny czas trwania
graficznych elementw jak napisw czy obrazw. Te ustawienia s stosowane tylko dla nowy
ch elementw.In this window you can modify the default durations for the graphical 
elements like subtitles or images. These settings are only default values for cr
eating a new element. -med.CMovieEditorTracklistBox.editelementmenuZmieD czas wy[wietlani
aChange display duration ,med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogCutAreas.title1Wytnij obszary
C ut areas &med.credits.modules.fading.actorlist3
Aktorzy 3
A ctors 3 1med.CSlideshowEditorFrame.addtheme.noitems.titleDodanie niemo
|liweAdding not possible (med.CFinishedEncodingDialog.openbrowser"Otwrz pobrany url w pr
egldarceOpen uploaded url in browser 2med.CMovieEncodeWizard.Moviedisc.DefaultDiscTitlMeyM
oviMeyMovie Cmed.CCreditsWizard.CSelectBackgroundPage.imagefilenotfound.caption Nie mo|n
a otworzy pliku obrazuCould not open image file id:Height:
Wysoko[H:eight: +med.CMovieDetailEditorDialog.setStartPoint%Prosz wybra czas pocztkowy fil
ease select the starttime in the movie. 5med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogSplit.movietoshor
t.titleFilm zbyt krtkiMovie too short 4med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogCutAreas.startendnots
t2Prosz wybra poprawny czas pocztkowy i koDcowy./Please select a valid start and endtim
e first. 
i d:RemoveUsuDRemove 7med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogStartEndpoint
ort+Czas trwania filmu musi by minimum 1 sek.1The duration of the movie has to be 
at least 1s. .id:Alphanumeric (1, 2, 10, 11, 20, a, b, ...)-Alfanumeryczny (1, 2, 10, 
11, 20, a, b, ...)+Alphanumeric (1, 2, 10, 11, 20, a, b, ...) id:Default KenBurns effec
t:Domy[lny efekt KenBurns:Default KenBurns effect: id:Fade In-/Out credits$Zciemnianie/ro
a[nianie informacjiFade In-/Out credits med.file.virus.medthemeWirusvirus med.file.Fog.
g *med.credits.modules.fading.musicwithcoverOpis muzyki z okBadkMusicdescription with cov
tWXApp.NoaudioDevice.message5Nie znaleziono urzdzenia audio. Zamykanie programu.2N
o audio device was found. Shutting down program. &med.credits.modules.scolling.directo
Rr e|yser D irectorURESFILElang2sk-SK

1 .0.0.184cmntT(Prelo~il: Milan Slovk, snalim@atlas.skxdidASH_LANG_AUTHORASH_LANG_CREATIO
MAILversSTMPdata $med.CEncodeWizard.insertemptybluray8Prosm vlo~te przdny BD-R ale
rstvov)6Please insert an empty BD-R or BD-R DL (Double Layer) )med.CEncodeWizard.win7mp
3warning.captionNjden zl audio dekderPoor audio decoder found &med.credits.modules.fa
torlistH2erci 2 Actors 2 &med.credits.modules.fading.actorlistH1erci 1 A ctors 1 med.Erro
oErrorVideo sa ned otvorieCould not open video file %med.CFinishedEncodingDialog.playfil
iedh:rFaielevnyatmveo:rNenzovisdeboorsu:borPlay the produced video file 
Filename: 4med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogSplit.noselection.titleChybaError 'med.CMovieEdi
e.addtheme.noitemsCPridanie tmy je mo~n len ak je pridan aspoH jeden film/obrzok.XAddi
ng themes is only possible if at least one movie/picture is added to the trackli
st. $med.theme.CThemeCategories.subtitle
S ubtitle 9med.CAdjustSlideDurationDialog.adjustnotpossible.messageUPro
sm pridajte aspoH dva obrzky a hudbu, aby bolo mo~n automatick prispsobenie.RPlease ad
at least two pictures and a music title to enable the auto adjustment. 'med.CSelectFi
leOrderDialog.secondlabelXV tomto okne si m~ete zvolie poradie sborov, ktor bud pridan
so vaaej prezentcie.TIn this window you can select the order of the files to be ad
ded to your slideshow. .med.CMovieEditorTracklistBox.cutareasmenuitemVystrihne oblasti
nCutzanryeansaum)ieds:tSnheonwiesapfoednzaodnpeissofvo&rShpolwacsianfgeszuobnteistlfeosr2Zpolbarcaiznige sbuebztpietles  med.CSelectMusi
ialog.AddMusicVybrae zvukov stopuSelect Soundtrack (med.CFinishedEncodingDialog.openproj
tOtvorie ala projektOpen another project -med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.BluRayFormat.1080Bl
vstup (Full HD)Blu-ray Output (Full HD) 
id:DeleteZmazaeDelete id:Pictureduration:Trvanie obrzka:Pictureduration:

&Zobrazenie&View "med.CEncodeStatusDialog.uploading(Odosielanie videa)(Uploading video)

urnsEffectType.none}iadny KenBurns efektNo default KenBurns effect 2med.profile.format.av
i.profile.normal.description%Je mo~n ho prehrae na normlnom PC.#Is playable on norma
l PC hardware. id:Use credits as overlayPou~ie titulky ako prekryvUse credits as overlay
tiodn:DSiealleocgt.PceorlcoerntLongDlhLong med.CCreditsWizard.nex
lej &>Next > ,med.CEncodeWizard.servicelogininvalid.titleNed sa prihlsieCould not login
GraphicElementDialog.editsubtitle.description:V tomto okne m~ete nastavie d:~ku zobra
zenia podnadpisu.EIn this dialog you can edit the display times of a subtitle el
oie vdm:eKnsetly.owvo
Keywords: ,med.credits.modules.scolling.musicwithcoverPopis hudby s obalomMusicdescripti
on with cover ' video sbory kompatibiln s
uTube. (Dobr kompresia);Creates YouTube compatible video files. (Good compression
christmas -id:Use KenBurns effect for displaying images.Pou~ie KenaBurns efekt na zobraz
enie obrzkov*Use KenBurns effect for displaying images 0med.CStatusFrame.moviediscprogr
esstext.copyfile2Koprovanie sboru %NAME% (%POSITON% z %MAXIMUM%)-Copying file %NAM
E% (%POSITON% of %MAXIMUM%) ,med.CNewProjectWizard.aspectpage.firsttitleVytvorie nov pro
ektCreate new project med.file.Birthday.medthemeNarodeniny
Birthday med.file.party2.
mePartyparty2 7med.CCreditsWizard.CSelectBackgroundPage.example.line1R~ia
tB7mamecedkd.g.mrCeoCnurune.ddlPioatagsdeWp.irezoxajremdcp.tlCNeSa.elliencet3BackgroundPage.example.line2 PoznmkCaomment !m
oadStatusFrame.oneminuteZostva jedna mintaOne minute remaining #med.CMovieEditorFrame.e
debutton&Vytvorie film&Produce movie id:Creating fileVytvranie sboruCreating file 7me
ard.CSelectBackgroundPage.example.line4Trvanie filmu alebo dtumMovieduration or dat
e $med.CEncodeWizard.estimated.minutes~ %MINUTES% mint~ %MINUTES% minutes id:4:34:34:3
aZevniZeoom in ,med.CAdjustSlideDurationDialog.PercentShortKrtkyShort )med.CMovieEditorTr
addmenuitemPridaeAdd med.erroroccured9Nastala chyba. Chcete poslae sprvu o chybe do Asha
?CAn error occured. Do you want to send an error report to Ashampoo? id:Copying files..
.Koprovanie sborov...Copying files... *med.profile.format.facebook.profile.hd720#Vstup
sokm rozlaenm (720p)Hi-definition output (720p) ,med.CMovieDetailEditorDialog.Endpoint

Set endtime #med.CMovieEditorFrame.addmoviehintProsm pridajte filmy/obrzkyPlease add mo

s/pictures id:Position (h:m:s,ms):Pozcia (h:m:s,ms):Position (h:m:s,ms): "med.file.Mus
on.medthemeHudobn kanlMusicTelevision %med.profile.format.avi.profile.hd720(Vstup s vy
ozlaenm (HD) (720p)!Hi-definition (HD) output (720p) med.file.Action.medthemeAkciaActio
urns.effect.horizontalpan_topHorizontlny posun (zhora)Horizontal pan (top)  med.CCredits
& Vytvori&eCreate +med.CMoviediscEncodeStatusDialog.preparing p rprava
preparing 6med.CEditPictureDurationDialog.pictureduration.title27V tomto okne m~ete nast
avie d:~ku zobrazenia obrzka.AIn this window you can set the display duration of thi
s picture. 6med.CEditPictureDurationDialog.pictureduration.title1Trvanie obrzkaPicture d
ration !med.CKenBurnsDialog.switchfromto&Vymenie atartovac a koncov obd:~nikSwap start
RY&%m"edn.eCeExnicsotduejWei.zaMrd.sDairvNyotvEoxriiset?.AMTehsesadgier4ePcrtioery "%DIRECTORY%"does not e
xist. Should it be created?  med.CCreditsWizard.cancelbutto&nZruai&eCancel +med.CSlidesho
ditorFrame.producefileVytvorie do sboruProduce to file 0med.CMovieEditorTransitionSettin
Dialog.titleP1rechodTransition 0med.CMovieEditorTransitionSettingsDialog.title24V tomto 
okne m~ete zmenie prechody tohto projektu.;In this window you modify the transition
for this project. med.file.Emo.medthemeEmoEmo /med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.defaultf

Mj projekt
M yProject id:Worse qualityHoraia kvalitaWorse quality .med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogSpli
vaho disku.%Please select a title for your disc. med.credits.modules.directorR~ia Dir
L 768kbit

DSL 768kbit

DSL 768kbit =med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogCutAreas.overlayhelp.startbutton%Prosm zvo>te z

aniasatoblasti(Please select the starttime of the area 5med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.crea
tingpreviewstatus.Vytvranie nh>adu: zostva %COUNT% polo~iek &Creating previews: %COUN
T% items left med.profile.format.youtubeKompatibiln s YouTube (.avi)YouTube compatible (

Select file !med.CNewProjectWizard.prevbutto<n &Sp<e &Back 

C&MU5okivodin:eCErnecaotdieoWnidzatred.(4I.sfiwrrsittltaebnelbVybmroasetndaipgai>toavla cameras):Dtum vytvorenia (z
apinaae dhiogivtlnych apartov)2Creationdate (Is written by most digital cameras) +med.CMovieD
ilEditorDialog.searchnextcuth>adanie alaieho strihusearching for next cut >med.CMoviedisc
codeStatusDialog.remainingtime.lessthanminutemenej ako mintaless than a minute $med.CEnc
idneoWkiznaeredx.iDsitruNjoetDEixriesctt.oTriytldeoPersienot exist  med.CKenBurnsEffectList.effectsEfektEyffects 'm
kListBox.hint.snapeditmarking&Pripojie k aktulnej snmke v editore$Snap to the curre
nt frame in editor 


D uration 

P reh>ad:
Preview: 9id:Create multiple pages which will fade one in
her.8Vytvorie viac strn, ktor sa prekryj jedna po druhej.6Create multiple pages whic
h will fade one in another. med.file.Adventure.medthemeDobrodru~stvo
Adventure 2med.profile.format.wmv.profile.hd1080.description$Je mo~n ho prehrae na highnd PC.%Is playable on high-end PCs hardware
iatasetnkzduanoatskeotn.ctaiSttlaer!tN-enansdtaevnedntime not set


&MyAshampoo med.filetypes.allFilesVaetky sbory

oActlhal sfinlaeisnata%lmoevda.nprmofMipleg.-f2orkmoadte.kmopme.g2(.DdoebsrcrikpotmiporneUsJiea)mIoI~snplhaoyapbrleehroane cnoampuoters with M
peg-2 codec installed. (Good compression) filmProduce movi
hoosefileVyberte sborChoose a file /med.CCreditsWizardEditModulesListParser.editme 
Uprav mEadit me 4med.CSlideshowVideoEditorPanelEditor.edittransitionZmenie prechodChange 
Transition med.file.Wood.medthemeDrevoWood -med.CMoviediscEncodeStatusDialog.burnsucces
ie speanburning successful ,med.CMovieEditorTracklistBox.deletemenuitemZmazaeDelete +
ilEditorDialogCutAreas.titleVystrihne oblasti
Cut areas med.CEncodeWizard.finishbutton
& Produce id:Templates:
.effect.verticalpan_rightVertiklny posun (sprava)Vertical pan (right) $med.CMovieEncodeW
zard.2.firstlabelVe>kose sboru F ilesize med.file.Star.medthemHeviezdaStar 7med.CSlidesh
o ,med.CKenBurnsNameDialog.missingname.message!Pr
sm zadajte nzov pre aablnu&Please enter a name for the template. '
scprogresstextSkaa sa %DECODER% na %PORT%Trying %DECODER% on %PORT% 4med.profile.format.
eg2.profile.hd1080.description$Je mo~n ho prehrae na high-end PC.%Is playable on hi
gh-end PC hardware. ,med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.BluRayFormat.720Blu-ray vstup (HD)Blu-ra
Output (HD) 7med.CAdjustSlideDurationDialog.adjustnotpossible.title/Nie je mo~n povolie
automatick prispsobenie$Could not enable automatic adaption 1med.CSlideshowVideoEditorP

Rotate left 'med.profile.format.mpeg.profile.normalNormlny vstupn formtNormal output

nZEvnedrieng 'med.profile.format.mpeg2.profile.hd720(Vstup s vysokm rozlaenm (HD) (720p)!
ion (HD) output (720p) &med.CSelectFileOrderDialog.firstlabel!Zvo>te poradie otvrania s
rovSelect file order for opening 8med.CSelectSingleTransitionsDialog.notransitionselect
edProsm zvo>te si prechod.Please select a transition. id:Large scrolling pageVe>k rolov
ranaLarge scrolling page id:(Smaller filesize)(Menaia ve>kose sboru)(Smaller filesize)
ectWizard.aspectpage.secondtitle.Prosm zvo>te si pomer strn pre va projekt.9Please se
Pl oescutntehehodreMesoivredUpas
r project. id:secondsseknsdeconds id:Move Up
R chlose:Speed: .med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogCutAreas.toplabel1Prosm vyberte oblasti, kt
Pihodcs:euMtnoevevydDsotlwrenihne.)Please select the areas you want to cut. 
Move Down +med.CSlideshowEditorFrame.addtheme.noitems>Pridanie tmy je mo~n len ak je pr
an aspoH jeden obrzok.RAdding themes is only possible if at least one picture is ad
ded to the tracklist. ,med.CNewProjectWizardMovieeditor.newprojectVytvorie nov filmov p
ektCreate a new movie project %med.kenburns.effect.verticalpan_leftVertiklny posun (z>av
t)& m
ed(.mCeMdo.vCiSelEindceosdheoWwiEznacrod.e1W.i1z.afridr.s4t.lfaibresltCliaeb>eolvVybprraoefinlaTpar>goevta Profile 4med
wMovieEditorFrame.autosaveload.caption"Njden automaticky ulo~en sborFound an autosave 
file med.file.Butterfly.medthemeMot>

Popis hudbyMusicdescription -med.credits.modules.scolling.smallcentertextMal centrovan

tSmall centered text id:Fade In-/Out VideoZobrazovanie/vyblednutie videaFade In-/Out Vide

id:SettingsNastavenie S ettings 3med.CMovieEditorTracklistBox.startendpointmenuitemUpr

iaaasvtikzeua/koncaEdit Start-/endtime $med.CEncodeStatusDialog.percenttextSpracovanch %PERCENT%
ERCENT%% processed #med.CKenBurnsNameDialog.firstlabelUpravie nzov aablnyEdit template
heme.CThemeCategories.unknowNneznmUynknown Amed.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.BluRayFormat.1080.
Caption.descriptionBVytvorie a naplie vaau prezentciu na Blu-ray s rozlaenm 1080pCProdu
e and burn your slideshow on a Blu-ray with 1080p resolution "med.CSettingsReader.defa
M j film
My Movie

Video files med.file.Business.medthemeBiznis Business .med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.

sdurationTrvanie: %VIDEODURATION%Duration: %VIDEODURATION% &med.profile.format.wmv.profi
le.normalNormlny vstupn formtNormal output format 

K valita:
Quality: 5med.CCreditsWizard.CEditFadingPage.overwrite
.messageLUpravili ste stranu. Maj sa prvky prepsae aablnou, ktor ste si vybrali?bYou h
ave modified the page. Should the elements be overwritten by the template you ha
ab,emle:d.CKenBurnsNameDialog.missingname.captionChbajci nzov aabln
mplatename @med.CSelectSingleTransitionsDialog.selecttransition.description*Prosm zvo>te
si nov prechod zo zoznamu..Please select a new transition from the list. id:Delete temp
lateZmazae aablnuDelete template 6med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.Moviedisc.DefaultDiscTitleM

MySlideshow id:TransitioPnrechodTransition med.CCreditsWizard.helpbutton&Pomoc&Help me

}tialdlny efekt
No effect %med.CSettingsDialog.hardware.captionInformcie

Information med.file.Spring.medthemeJarSpring 5med.CCreditsWizard.CEditFadingPage.overw

tionPrepsae prvkyOverwrite elements  i d:&Sav&eUlo~ie&Save id:DSL 128kbit

DSL 128kbit


Extended... id:DSL 384kbit

DSL 384kbit

DSL 384kbit )med.profile.format.myvideo.profile.hd720#Vstup s vysokm rozlaenm (720p)H

ition output (720p) $med.CEncodeStatusDialog.closebutton
&Zatvorie&Close %med.CSettingsDialog.hardware.messageRMuste program reatartovae, aby sa
ikovali nastavenia hardvrovej akcelercie.TIn order to apply the graphics hardware 
settings, you have to restart the programm. med.file.Bubbles.medthemBeublinByubbles med.f
ino.medthemeKasnoCasino (med.CEncodeStatusDialog.minuteremainingzostva jedna minta...o
te remaining... id:16:916:916:9 id:Subtitle element
PodnadpisSubtitle element 3med.profile.format.m2ts.profile.hd1080.description$Je mo~n ho
prehrae na high-end PC.%Is playable on high-end PCs hardware id:Transition settingsNastav
utl<oaitdlo:orNoKTpaSlCmku(slCiahco:oPsoe if you have an America
) 9oNrTSJCap(aCnheosoeseTVifSeyto)u;NhTaSvCe(aznvoA>mter,icaaknmorteJapmaenreiscekTValSeebto)j
ile.hd1080)Vstup s vysokm rozlaenm (HD) (1080p)"Hi-definition (HD) output (1080p) (me
deshowMovieEditorFrame.allfilesVaetky sbory
All files


S ettings id:Select fileVyberte sbor

Select file 
i d:&Close
& Zatvorie&Close 'med.CTrackListBoxVideoClipItem.unkno
wn "med.CMovieEditorFrame.projectfileMovieEditor projektMovieEditor project med.filetyp
ky podporovan sboryAll supported files %med.CMovieEncodeWizard.2.secondlabel1Prosm zvo
valitu a ve>kose sboru pre film.5Please select the quality and filesize of the movi
e. med.credits.modules.actors3
ObsadenieCast $med.CMovieEncodeWizard.1.firstlabelCie>ov formtTarget format  med.CKen
secondlabel8V tomto okne m~ete prispsobie KenBurns efekt obrzka.@In this window you c
an adjust the KenBurns effect of the image. !
t *med.CNewProjectWizardSlideshow.newproject%Vytvorie nov projekt s prezentciouCreate a
w slideshow project med.credits.modules.actors2HerciActors id:Select random transitions
dn prechodySelect random transitions id:Overall progressCelkov priebehOverall progress
e (MB):Cie>ov ve>kose (MB):Targetsize (MB): med.CKenBurnsDialog.titleUpravie KenBurns ef
KenBurns effect -med.CTrackListBoxVideoClipItem.infotextshort%%FILENAME%
%ASPECT% #med.CSelectRandomTransitions.errorChybaError =med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogSta
int.movietoshort.titlePrlia krtky filmMovie too short med.erroroccured.titleNastala chy
ror occured  med.CMovieEditorFrame.savestateUkladanie projektuSaving project -med.CSele

tanie dtumov vytvorenia obrzkov...Reading image creation dates..  med.CSelectMusicDial

Duration med.profile.format.mpeg2Mpeg-2 formt (.vob)Mpeg-2 format (.mpg)
TV systm
T V-System 
id:Drive:Mechanika:Drive: -med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.searchprevcut!h>adanie predchd
jceho strihusearching for previous cut %med.CEditGraphicElementDialog.nofadebez slabnuti
t 4fmoeld.eCrN:eSwProjectWizardSlideshow.firstpage.firsttitle

o chcete urobie?What would you like to do? (med.CMovieEditorFrame.edittitle.captionUpravi

nzov filmuEdit movie title (med.CEncodeStatusDialog.lessthanaminutezostva menej ako min
. less than a minute remaining... )med.CMovieDetailEditorDialog.setEndPoint"Prosm zvo>te
a s konca vo filme.(Please select the endtime in the movie. %med.credits.modules.fading.

Popis hudbyMusicdescription 
e msepd.smoebnut.rqiueidteKnoinaiSeclQeucitts

id:Add menu

nu@ med.CASdldidmesnhuow
Enmceodd.emWeinzua.rcdo.mBmlounRsaeytFtoirnmgast.720.CSappotlioon.descriptionAVytvorie a nap
aau prezentciu na Blu-ray s rozlaenm 720pBProduce and burn your slideshow on a Blu-ra
y with 720p resolution $med.profile.format.mpeg.descriptionBJe mo~n ho prehrae na vaetk
odernch PC. (Stredn kompresia):Is playable on all modern computers. (Medium compre
ssion) .med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogSplit.splitbuttonRozdelie film

Split movie %med.CMovieEncodeWizard.1.secondlabel-Prosm zvo>te cie>ov formt pre tento

.Please select a target format for this movie. &med.profile.format.wmv.profile.hd1080)
Vstup s vysokm rozlaenm (HD) (1080p)"Hi-definition (HD) output (1080p) id:Number of f
eutndn:Pjodench sborov:Number of files found: 
id:CancelZruaieCancel -med.credits.modules.scolling.largecentertextVe>k centrovan textL
toirdF:rEanmaeb.lperosghraedsoswtsiPtolveoNlaie tieneEnable shadows 5med.CSlide
. )Cmhecde.tCeSlpiodkersahowEditor
Frame.addpicturehintProsm pridajte obrzkyPlease add pictures $med.CEncodeWizard.Invalid
e.TitleNeplatn nzov sboruFilename invalid 

id:lAedsdsptahgaenPridae stranu
Add page 
menej ako
l ess than 'med.kenburns.effect.diagonalpan_bottomDiagonlny posun (zdola)Diagonal pan (bo
tom) <med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.creditsitemshortened.messageTTrvanie titulkov bol
o automaticky zmenen na maximlnu mo~n d:~ku %LENGTH% seknd.dYour creditsduration were c
hanged automatically to the maximal possible length of %LENGTH% seconds. (med.CSlidesh

Select file  med.file.Shooting Star.medthemeVystrelen hviezdaShooting Star id:Progress

ssLabel $med.credits.modules.fading.directorR~ia
D irector id:Random TransitionNho
ansition 1med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.erroropeningfilesNNasledujce obrzky sa nedali
tvorie a boli zmazan zo zoznamu.

%FILENAMES%SThe folowing images could not be opened and were deleted in the list

% FILENAMES% med.openfiles.error.titleChyba pri otvranError while opening med.contacts
kontaktovae Ashampoo podporu?-Do you want to contact the Ashampoo support? 1med.CCredi
ge5.maedd.iptreomftiolpeP.rfiodrameata.aybolutnuben.aprzoafile.hd720.descriptionYouTube HD
video obsahYouTube HD video content med.file.fusion.medthemeFusionfusion med.CKenBurnsD
niecEnd 2med.CSelectRandomTransitions.notransitionselected#Prosm zvo>te aspoH jeden prec
d.'Please select at least one transition. -med.CMoviediscEncodeStatusDialog.closebutto
& Zatvorie&Close %med.CEncodeWizard.FileExists.Message9Sbor, ktor ste zadali u~ existuje
cete ho prepsae?GThe file you have entered already exists. Do you want to overwrit
e it? 

aisdn:PraougdrieosPskroideebkehm~e viePsreogkrezslsej
 k)vmaeldi.tCeEnzcvoudkeuW.izNaaridn.awtianl7umjpt3ewasrinilnegp.amesksoadgekVpraeslepaiu kv
litu alebo kontaktujte podporu. P lease note that your current audio codec could re
sult in poor audio quality. For a better quality install another audio codec or 
refer to the support. med.file.Christmas 2.medtheme
Vianoce 2

Christmas 2 'med.CEncodeWizard.insertemptybluray.rwbM~ete tie~ vlo~ie zapsan BD-RE ale

E DL (dvojvrstvov), ktor bude automaticky vymazan.fYou can also insert a non-empty 
BD-RE or BD-RE DL (Double Layer), which will be erased automatically. med.profile.forma
t.m2tsBlu-ray m2ts sbor (.m2ts)Blu-ray m2ts file (.m2ts)
ile.hd720.descriptionMyVideo HD video obsahMyVideo HD video content med.file.Paper.medthe
mePapierPaper -med.CCreditsWizard.SelectPosition.firsttitleZvo>te pozciuSelect position
ishedEncodingDialog.newprojectVytvorie nov projektCreate a new Project id:Animation:
Animcia:Animation: %med.CMovieEncodeWizard.3.secondlabel4Prosm vyberte cie>ov nzov s
tento film.7Please choose the destination filename for this movie. +med.profile.format
i.df:aCcheebcokokM.ep!rSokfoinlter.onlourjmamlaN!ormlny vstupn formtNormal output format 
Check Me!
Contents ,med.CNewProjectWizardSlideshow.openexis
Otvorie existujci projekt s prezentciou*Open an already created slideshow project 2med.

Starttime ,med.CMoviediscEncodeStatusDialog.burnfailednapa>ovanie zlyhaloburning failed
able hardware graphics acceleration'Povolie hardvrov akcelerciu grafiky&Enable hardw
are graphics acceleration 1med.CMovieEditorFrame.newproject.message.messageFMomentlne n
ie s pridan ~iadne obrzky/filmy. Chcete nejak pridae?aCurrently there are no pictures/
movies in the tracklist. Do you like to add any pictures/movies? +med.CSlideshowMovieE
edtitpoorlFor~aimek.:st%aCtOuUsNcTo%uIntePmocount: %COUNT% id:MyLabeMlyLabeMlyLabel med.openfiles.error.messa
jce sbory sa nedali otvorie. Bu nie je nainatalovan kodek alebo je chybn sbor.\Folowin
files couldn't be opened. Either no codec is installed or the file is erroneous.

 id:Select Random TransitionsVyberte nhodn prechodySelect Random Transitions '

m2ts.profile.hd1080)Vstup s vysokm rozlaenm (HD) (1080p)"Hi-definition (HD) output (1
080p) (med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.1.firstlabelCie>ov formtTarget format med.file.Fast
F astfood
Fastfood med.theme.inserttitleKliknite sem na pravu nadpisuClick
ere to edit title med.file.Frog.medtheme}abaFrog
riptionNormlny YouTube video obsahNormal YouTube video content !med.CEncodeWizard.automa

a utomatic )med.CMovieEditorTracklistBox.cutmenuitemRozdelie film

Split movie !med.CEncodeWizard.SaveFile.titleProsm zvo>te cie>ov sborPlease select a t

re$nmtedf.iKlenABkutrunslEnfyfesctbToyrpe.randomeffectNhodn KenBurns efektRandom KenBurns ef
t &med.CEncodeWizard.InvalidDisc.MessageProsm vlo~te przdne CD/DVD.$Please insert an em
CD/DVD disc. )med.CCreditsWizard.EditFading.firsttitleUpravie stanu s titulkamiEdit cred
its page 8med.CCreditsWizard.CSelectBackgroundPage.openfiledialogOtvorie obrzokOpen imag
file +med.CEditGraphicElementDialog.editsubtitle
eimde:nGtotose naGoto -med.CEncodeWizard.maxdurationreached.message Bolo
e trvanie %MINUTES% mint pre tento formt. Prosm skrete va film, aby ste mohli pou~ie t
o vstupn formt. The maximum duration of %MINUTES% minutes has been reached for this f
ormat. Please shorten your movie to use this outputformat. /med.CCreditsWizard.SelectP
osition.seconddtitle3Prosm zvo>te si jednu z pozci pre vaae titulky.5Please select on
e of the positions for your credits. /med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.MoviediscSelectNorm
TV systm
T V-System med.Error.TitleChybaError med.CEncodeWizard.cancelbutto&nZruai&eCancel id:Mul
c prekrvajcich sa strnMultiple fading pages (med.profile.format.facebook.description@V
r video sbory kompatibiln s Facebook. (Dobr kompresia)<Creates Facebook compatible v
Niodveo pfrioljeesk.t(Good compression) med.CNewProjectWizard.title

New project med.CThemeList.objectOsbjektOybjects med.CEncodeWizard.prevbutto<n &Sp<e &Back

Gold.medthemeModern zlat

Modern Gold +med.credits.modules.scolling.centeredimagOebrzoPkicture 

K dovanie
E ncoding  med.CSelectMusicDialog.FilePathCesta k sboru
File Path id:Delete pageZmazae stranu

Delete page )med.CMovieEditorFrame.edittitle.toplabelProsm zadajte va nzov filmu'Pleas

er your title for this movie med.CMovieEditorFrame.zoomin
aZevniZeoom in med.file.extra.medthemeExtraextra %id:Adapt slideshow to music duration$Pri
entciu d:~ke hudby"Adapt slideshow to music duration 'med.CMovieEncodeWizard.MoviediscFo
matDVD vstupDVD Output 2med.profile.format.avi.profile.hd1080.description$Je mo~n ho pr
e na high-end PC.%Is playable on high-end PC hardware. id:Descending ZostupneDescendin
g id:,,,
L anguage "med.CEncodeStatusDialog.firstpa
iAdn:aAlsyczeindginvgideo) id:Picture durationTrvanie obrzkaPicture duration 
A scending med.file.Simple.medthemeJednoduchSimple (med.CEncodeStatusDialog.encodingabo
Ef'fmeecdt.Tpyrpoef.isloem.efbormdaetr.Zmvyvideo.description,Vytvor video
y kompatibiln s MyVideo'Creates MyVideo compatible video files *med.CMovieDetailEditorD
ialog.DeleteButtonZmazae oblase

Remove area 1med.profile.format.avi.profile.hd720.description$Je mo~n ho prehrae na high

aeinad vPeC>.k%oIsepslabyoarbul)e(Boinggheirghf-ielnedsiPzCe)ha

Split video 8med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.newproject.message.titlePridae sbory

Add files med.CTrackListBox.subtitle
S ubtitle 7med.CNewProjectWizardMovieeditor.firstpage.secondtitlePM~ete s
i vybrae medzi vytvorenm novho alebo otvorenm existujceho projektu.JYou can choose be
tween creating a new project or opening an existing one. (
file.hd1080)Vstup s vysokm rozlaenm (HD) (1080p)"Hi-definition (HD) output (1080p) me
rtm%eEdS.Cf%ilnea.IuckeonPod.medthemIede PoIdce Pod
mal.description%Je mo~n ho prehrae na normlnom PC.#Is playable on normal PC hardware
. )med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.themeundo

zchmaengie themmue id:&Ok&OK&Ok 'med.CMovieEncodeWizard.1.1.secondlabel,Prosm zvo>te formt

ento film-Please select a formatprofile for this movie .med.CS
Nov tvar
N ew shape ;med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogCutAreas.overlayhelp.endbutton"Prosm zvo>te konco
avs oblasti&Please select the endtime of the area med.file.Diamonds.medtheme D iamanty
Diamonds id:Fade In-/Out Duration:Doba zobrazovania/vyblednutia:Fade In-/Out Duration:
image as backgroundPou~ie obrzok ako pozadieUse an image as background id:Enable autosa
olie autoukladanie:Enable autosave !med.theme.CTHemeCategories.themeTmaTheme $med.CKen
alog.secondlabel?V tomto okne m~ete upravie nzov pre aablnu KenBurns efektu.HIn this w
indow you can edit the name for your KenBurns effect template. id:Split videoRozdelie v

Split video id:&Browse

&Element id:Remember loginZapamtae login
ile.format.myvideo.profile.normal.descriptionNormlny MyVideo video obsahNormal MyVi
deo video format (med.CCreditsWizardEditModulesList.pagesStranyPages )med.CCreditsWizar
gesList.pagenameStrana %NUMBER%Page %NUMBER% /med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.wmp9error.t
iiteletWrivnadnoiwes mMaenduialnPelaayleerbWoinidcohwsneMcehdaijatePlauyteorma
.gSpecify the durations manually or let the program automatically adapt them to 
the length of the music. +med.CSettingsDialo g.servicechannelcaptionNastavenie kanla slu
~iebService Channel Settings &med.CAdjustSlideDurationDialog.title1Nastavenie prechodovTr
nsition settings id:Fade in-/outduration:Doba zobrazovania/vyblednutia:Fade in-/outdurati
on: id:SecondsseknSdeconds 6med.CNewProjectWizardMovieeditor.firstpage.firsttitle

o chcete urobie?What would you like to do? med.file.Smoo

dridv:eCreditTsitulkCyredits /id:PAL (Choose if you have an European T
),(PzAvLo>(tCeh,ooaskemifteyoeurhapvsekyanTVEuproipjeamna TV Set) )med.kenburns.effect.horizontalpan_bottomH
orizontlny posun (zdola)Horizontal pan (bottom) )id:Create or edit your starting credits
.'Vytvorte alebo upravte vodn titulky.&Create or edit your starting credits. 'med.CSlid
showEditorFrame.encodebutton&Vytvorie prezentciu&Produce slideshow .med.CSlideshowMovieE
torFrame.statuspositionPozcia: %VIDEOPOSITION%Position: %VIDEOPOSITION% 'med.CEncodeStat
sDialog.uploadprogress-(%UPLOADED%Mb z %FILESIZE%Mb (%SPEED% kb/s)).(%UPLOADED%m
ib nokf "%%FDIILREESCITZOER%Ym%b"(n%eSmPE~EeD%bykeb/vsy)t)vore(nme.d.TChEencdoidreeWcitzoaryd."C%aDnItRCErCeTaOtReYD%i"rc.aMnensostagbee.Pcrrieated. me
og'.mteidt.lCeU1pMlaonad~StrathusdFbryame.lessthanaminuteZostva menej ako mintaLess than a m
te remaining med.CMovieDiscTheme.playbuttoPnrehraePlay med.CSelectMusicDialog.title2=Pro
e sbor s hudbou pozadia pre vaau prezentciu.:Please add the background music files 
for your slideshow. med.file.rose.medthemeRu~arose -med.CMovieEditorFrame.addtheme.noit
ridanie nie je mo~nAdding not possible  med.CEncodeWizard.filesizelabel%Vsledn ve>kose
%SIZEMB% MB Resulting filesize: %SIZEMB% mb 1med.CMovieDetailEditorDialogStartEndpoint
ia.astteikztualea1UkroncaDefine start- / endtime med.file.Sun.medthemeSlnkoSun 1med.CMovieDetailEdi
niatastrvkztyuaEtnvadoprkoeoinictea..tfiiNtlameuk2oabnPuerdoespmouz~viot>telen vybran rozsah.gPlease select a start- and endtime.
Only the selected range will be used for creating the final movie. id:Select Random Tr
ansitionVybrae nhodn prechodSelect Random Transition .med.CCreditsWizard.CSelectTypePag
rsttitleZvo>te typ

Select type -med.CSlideshowEditorFrame.edittitle.toplabel.Prosm zadajte va nzov pre t

zentciu+Please enter your title for this slideshow 6med.profile.format.facebook.profile
.hd720.descriptionFacebook HD video obsahFacebook HD video content id:Generate color from
imagesVytvorie farbu z obrzkovGenerate color from images  med.CEncodeWizard.notitle.tit
hbajci nadpisMissing title  i d:Please insert an empty CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R
D+RW, DVD+R DL (Double Layer), DVD-R DL (Double Layer) or DVD-RAM. Prosm vlo~te przdn
e CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL (dvojvrstvov), DVD-R DL (dv
ojvrstvov) alebo DVD-RAM. Please insert an empty CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R,
DVD+RW, DVD+R DL (Double Layer), DVD-R DL (Double Layer) or DVD-RAM. (med.CSettingsDi
alog.autosaveeveryminute+Automaticky ulo~ie ka~dch %MINUTES% mint!Autosave every %MIN
 9miedd:.MCuMsoivcimeadniasgceErnMcaondae~StrathusdDbiyalog.remainingtime.oneminutezostva jedna mint
e minute remaining 
i d:Width:`rka:Width: :med.CSelectSingleTransitionsDialog.selecttransition.titleZvo>te pr
odSelect transition (med.credits.modules.scolling.actorlistH1erci 1
Actors 1 (med.cre
modules.scolling.actorlistH2erci 2
A ctors 2 (med.credits.modules.scolling.actorli
estH3oeprackiov3an hudbAyctmours3by
emmeedd.zeirr%oLrO.OlPoMoIpNcVoAuLnUtEF%Poa %LOOPMAXVALUE%.bThe number of times
the music should be looped must be between %LOOPMINVALUE% and %LOOPMAXVALUE%. $med.CE
ncodeWizard.estimated.secondsMenej ako mintaLess than a minute .med.CEncodeWizard.servic
logininvalid.message{Ned sa pripojie k slu~be. Bu nie je server momentlne dostupn aleb
o ste nesprvne zadali vaae u~vate>sk meno a heslo.yCan't connect to service. Either th
e server is not availiable at the moment or you misspelled your username or pass
word. med.file.Wedding.medthemeSvadbWaedding med.CCreditsWizard.okOKOk 2med.CMovieEdit
label.pictureediUtpravieEdit .med.CNewProjectWizardMovieeditor.openexisting#Otvorie existu
jci filmov projekt&Open an already created movie project med.profile.format.aviMpeg-4 A
formt (.avi)Mpeg-4 AVI format (.avi) 'med.CLocalFileCopyDialog.status1update,Skoprovan
CURRENT% z %MAXIMUM% sborov$%CURRENT% of %MAXIMUM% files copied med.CUploadStatusFrame.t
iem.e.d..error.wrongvaluesNaali sa nasledovn chyby:!The following errors were fo
d: *med.CMovieEditorTracklistBox.copymenuitem
KoprovaeCopy id:HelpPomocHelp med.credits.modules.actorsHerciActors ;med.CMovieEncode
.Caption.description#Vytvorie a naplie va film na DVD%Produce and burn your movie on 
BaezDVpDrechiodd:uNNoottrraannssiittiioonn med.CKenBurnsDialog.firstlabelUpravie KenBurns efektEdit KenBur
ide:fUfseecrtname:U~vate>sk meno:
eUnse.rname: #med.CFinishedEncodingDialog.title29Kdovanie bolo speane dokon

o chcete robie teraz?GThe encoding was finished successfully. What would you like 
tilde:1gDookdodnobrgood med.profile.
yVideoMyVideo compatible 6med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.nographicsadapter.hintMPozrite
asniadnoakjunmoevnatiucivuerpzrieu.uYpPglreaadseegcroanfsiuclkthyoouorvlmadnaual on how to upgrade your graphics 
driver to the latest version. 

id:SorttypeSpsob triedenia
S orttype )med.CEncodeStatusDialog.minutesremainingzostva
%MINUTES% mint...%MINUTES% minutes remaining...  id:Use a gradient as backgroundPou~ie
dient ako pozadieUse a gradient as background .med.CCreditsWizard.EditScrolling.secondd
atsitplreeYhProvsanmiauproalvotveaevazaduolsatahnoures._tPilteualskeameid.itStyroaunra cbrueddeitpso pages. This page will be
scrolled from top to bottom during playback.
 med.theme.insertsubtitle"Kliknite sem na pravu podnadpisuClick here to edit
subtitle &med.CSlideshowEditorFrame.projectfileSlideshowEditor projektSlideshowEditor pr
oject med.CEncodeWizard.helpbutton&Pomoc&Help  CMovieDiscPreviewDlg.MoreThemesZskae vi
eardasMionrge dTihsecme
s.1.m.ed.C+Smleidd.eCsMhoovwiMeodviisecEdnictoodreFSrtamteu.swDmipa9leorgr.oer.amsesdsiasgcemaWziandioewsdiMsekduia Player chba
v systme alebo je stara ako Windows Media Player 9. Prosm nainatalujte aspoH Windows M
edia Player 9 pre kdovanie WMV. Windows Media Player is missing on your system or i
s older than Windows Media Player 9. Please install at least Windows Media Playe
r 9 for WMV encoding. med.CUploadStatusFrame.minuteszostva %MINUTES% mint%MINUTES% minu
remaining 5med.CSlideshowEditorFrame.newproject.message.message@Momentlne nie s pridan
dne obrzky. Chcete nejak pridae?PCurrently there are no pictures in the tracklist. 
Do you like to add any files? "med.CEncodeWizard.notitle.message,Prosm zadajte platn na
pis pre odoslanie.3Please enter a valid title for the service upload. id:Framerate:Frame
rate:Framerate: med.CMovieEditorFrame.zoomout
Z oom out +med.CMovieEditorTracklistBox.pastemenuitemVlo~iePaste $med.CE
rd.insertemptydvd.rwXM~ete tie~ vlo~ie zapsan DVD-RW, DVD+RW or DVD-RAM, ktor bude auto
aticky vymazan._You can also insert a non-empty DVD-RW, DVD+RW or DVD-RAM, which 
will be erased automatically. #med.CEncodeWizard.FileExists.TitlePrepsanie sboruOverwri
file id:Displayduration:Trvanie zobrazenia:Displayduration: -med.CSlideshowMovieEditor
archnextcuth>adanie alaieho strihusearching for next cut )
ndlabel9Prosm zvo>te cie>ov nzov sboru pre tto prezentciu.;Please choose the destinat
filename for this slideshow. 7med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.MoviediscSelectNorm.CaptionPr
osm zvo>te si va TV systmPlease select your TV-System #med.CEditTitleDialog.notitle.ti
i nadpisMissing title beta report do AshampooSend Bet
Report to Ashampoo id:16:9 Widescreen16:9 - airokouhl obrazovka16:9 Widescreen *med.CM
racklistBox.editmenuiteUmpravieEdit 7med.profile.format.facebook.profile.normal.descripti
onNormlny Facebook video obsahNormal Facebook video content &med.CEncodeWizard.CantCreat
iDnikra.ETrirtolreCchryebatipnrgi dviyrtevctroarny 
pr+imeed.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.MoviediscFormatDVD vstupDVD Out
profile.format.myvideo.profile.normalNormlny vstupn formtNormal output format 'med.CF
voriei dc:iOer>doevProrpardiieeOrder  med.CSelectMusicDialog.addMusicAnal
alyzing files sprvu o problme do Ashampoo"Send a Proble
eport to Ashampoo )med.CMovieeditorSelectMusicDialog.title25Prosm pridajte sbor s hudbo
pozadia pre va film.6Please add the background music files for your movie. (med.CTrackL
istBoxVideoClipItem.infotextONzov sboru: %FILENAME%
Rozmery videa: %WIDTH%x%HEIGHT%
Pomer strn: %ASPECT%GFilename: %FILENAME%
Videosize: %WIDTH%x%HEIGHT%
Aspectratio: %ASPECT% Cmed.CCreditsWizard.CSelectBackgroundPage.imagefilenotfound.mess
age'Prosm vyberte platn obrzok pozadia.(Please select a valid background image. id:Sel

& Vytvorie
& Produce id:&OK&OK&OK /id:Play backgroundmusic instead of clip sounds,P
dbu pozadia namiesto zvukov klipu,Play backgroundmusic instead of clip sounds )med.CSl
kiud,eskhtoowrEonucobduedWeizkardo.v4a.nsecpornedzleanbtelcFiParonsapmlzevno>.tFePlneaapsae>ocvhaoose a burner on which the encoded
slideshow will be burned. id:Elementduration:Trvanie prvku:Elementduration: )id:Upload
service after encodingOdoslae sbor po zakdovan&Upload file to service after encoding
CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.autosaveload.messageANaaiel sa automaticky ulo~en sbor.
Cthace?t:eAnteanuttoosavbeofrilnea was found.
iDdo:Byeoguinwnainntgtvoodlnoad this file? 
B eginning /med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.editelementmenuZmenie dobu zobrazeniaChange dis
play duration "med.CKenBurnsDialog.addtotemplatePridae k aablnamAdd to templates /med.
ncodeWizard.Moviedisc.DisctitleNastavenia diskuDisc settings 9med.CSlideshowMovieEditorF
rame.creditsitemtooshort.titleTitulky sa nedaj pridaeCredits can't be added 8med.CMovieD
ailEditorDialogCutAreas.timestampsnotvalidmAktulna oblase nie je platn, preto~e je v
o vntri u~ definovanej oblasti alebo prekrva existujcu oblase.jThe current area is no
t valid, because it is inside an already defined area or overlaps an existing ar
ea. *med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.1.1.firstlabelCie>ov profilTarget Profile /med.CMovieD
torDialogSplit.movietoshort/Trvanie oboch filmov mus bye aspoH 1 sekunda.4The durat
ion of both movies have to be at least 1s. +med.CCreditsWizard.EditFading.seconddtitle
adsPrporsehmruvparnaivateprveakarevsaterajneydnsatpiotudlrkuahmeij..\SPtlreaansyeseadibtudyoupro credits pages. These pages 
will faded from one to another during playback. !med.CNewProjectWizard.helpbutton&Pomoc&
Help 3med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.closemodified.titleZatvorie okno?Close window? id:

DSL 256kbit

DSL 256kbit ) s vysokm rozlaenm (720p)H

ition output (720p) med.kenburns.effect.zoomout
Z oom out ;med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.creditsitemtooshort.messageVaae
idt:iRtaunldkoymiszaNenheoddanje pridae.Your credits can't be added. 
R andomize id:Use selected colorPou~ie zvolen farbuUse selected color med.openfiles.sta
kus,bkotrorvo.u..bOupdeenikngdofvialnes.f.i.lm n%ampedl.eCnMo.vBiPelEenacsoedecWhiozoasred.a4.bsuercnoenrdloanbewlh?iPcrhosthmezevnoc>otdeednampoav>ioeva
will be burned. #med.CEncodeStatusDialog.secondpass(Vytvranie videa)(Creating video)
deshowVideoEditorPanelEditor.editkenburnsUpravie KenBurns efektEdit KenBurns effect  med.
theme.CThemeCategories.logoLogLogos 5med.CNewProjectWizardSlideshow.firstpage.secondtitl
PM~ete si vybrae medzi vytvorenm novho alebo otvorenm existujceho projektu.JYou can ch
ose between creating a new project or opening an existing one. Amed.CSlideshowMovieEdi
torFrame.ImageProcessingFinish.checkstatusKontrola %FILENAME%Checking %FILENAME%
ooctfhailse.nfaoirnmata.laovvia.ndemscMrpiepgt-i4onk[oJdeekmom~.n(Vheo>mpiredhorbarenkaompporesia)NIs playable on computers w
ith Mpeg-4 codec installed. (Very good compression) med.file.Horror.medthemeHororHorror
lideshowEncodeWizard.MoviediscFormat.Caption.description+Vytvorie a naplie vaau prez
entciu na DVD)Produce and burn your slideshow on a DVD +med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.1.1.
secondlabel3Prosm zvo>te formt profilu pre tto prezentciu.1Please select a formatprof
ile for this slideshow 3med.profile.format.mpeg.profile.normal.description%Je mo~n ho pr
ehrae na normlnom PC.#Is playable on normal PC hardware. id:StatusText2

StatusText2 &med.profile.format.avi.profile.normalNormly vstupn

0mNeidd.:CUSsleiddeesfhaouwlMtov(iCehEodoisteoriFfraymoeu.ldooand'ptrokjneocwttiftlyeoNuar TV Set supports PAL or 
iNTvSCa)NTPVoup~oidepopruejdenaPsAtLavaelnebo(zNvToS>Ct)eK,Usaek dnefvaiueltte,(Choose if you don't know if your TV 
Set supports PAL or NTSC) )med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.1.secondlabel3Prosm zvo>te cie>ov
rmt pre tto prezentciu.2Please select a target format for this slideshow. med.profile.
at.wmv$Windows Media Video 9 formt (.wmv)$Windows Media Video 9 format (.wmv) id:Status

StatusText3 !med.CNewProjectWizard.nextbutton & alej &>Next >

720(Vstup s vysokm rozlaenm (HD) (720p)!Hi-definition (HD) output (720p) &med.CMovieE

iaastkzua/koncaStart-/Endtime StartWXApp.NoaudioDevice.title#Nenaalo sa ~iadne audio zariaden

eNo audio device found $id:Use a single color as backgroundPou~ie jednu farbu ako pozadie
as( mbeadc.kCgSrloiudnedsh
Nov rok
New year id:ISDN 65kbit

ISDN 64kbit

ISDN 65kbit Bmed.CAdjustSlideDurationDialog.adjustnotpossible.message.addmusicmProsm pr

idajte aspoH hudbu, aby bolo mo~n automatick prispsobenie.
Chcete otvorie dialg na vber hudby?rPlease add at least a music title to enable the
auto adjustment.
D o you want to start the music selection dialog? 0med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.proje
ctafeilxemelrrporo!jNekdtaul.ocosualdprneot read the project xml ,med.CSlideshowEditorFrame.edittitle.cap
iodn:UCpurtavaireeansVzyosvtrpirhenzeentobcliaesEtdit slideshow title 
Cut areas #med.credits.modules.fading.actors1
ObsadenieCast "med.CNewProjectWizard.openprojectOtvorie existujci projektOpen existing p
ect #med.credits.modules.fading.actors3
ObsadenieCast #med.credits.modules.fading.actors2
ObsadenieCast (med.profile.format.mpeg2.profile.normalNormlny vstupn formtNormal outp
t id:Transition:

Transition: &med.CUploadStatusFrame.uploadprogress6%POSITION%Mb of %MAXSIZE%Mb odoslanc

h (%SPEED% kb/s)4%POSITION%mb of %MAXSIZE%mb uploaded (%SPEED% kb/s) &med.profile.form
at.m2ts.profile.hd720(Vstup s vysokm rozlaenm (HD) (720p)!Hi-definition (HD) output (
720p) *med.CCreditsWizardEditModulesList.modulesModulMyodules id:Better qualityLepaia kv
ter quality )med.CSlideshowEncodeWizard.2.secondlabel4Prosm zvo>te kvalitu prezentcie a
e>kose sboru.9Please select the quality and filesize of the slideshow. $med.CSlideshowEd
torFrame.savestateUkladanie projektuSaving project )med.credits.modules.fading.largeand
smallVe>k a mal textLarge and small text id:BitsPerPixel_Frame::BitsPerPixel_Frame::Bit

B itrate:
Bitrate: 'med.CMovieEncodeWizard.defaultfilename

Mj film
My movie id:badzlbad Bid:Adjust the slideshowduration to the length of
Prispsobte trvanie prezentcie d:~ke vaetkch hudobnch polo~iek.?Adjust the slideshowdura
ion to the length of all music items. .id:Alphanumeric (1, 10, 11, 2, 20, a, b, ...),A
lfanumericky (1, 10, 11, 2, 20, a, b, ...)+Alphanumeric (1, 10, 11, 2, 20, a, b,
...) 9med.CSlideshowMovieEditorFrame.nographicsadapter.message{Va grafick adaptr nie
ompatibiln s tmto programom. Potrebujete aspoH grafick adaptr s podporou pixelshader 
2.0.~Your graphics adapter is not compatible with this program. You need at leas
t a graphics adapter with pixelshader 2.0 support. 0med.CMovieDetailEditorTracklistBox

e 5
me0dm.eCdT.rCaSclkiLdiesthBoowxMVoivdieoENdoiVtaolriFdrTarmaen.siatvieopnrIotjemc.thtinttlteeUxltoC~Di:e~kpyrojedkntotlivch prv
ov s prlia krtke na vytvorenie prechodu.;Element lengths are too short to create a t
ransition here. 1med.profile.format.wmv.profile.hd720.description$Je mo~n ho prehrae na
igh-end PC.$Is playable on high-end PC hardware ,med.CCreditsWizard.EditScrolling.firs
ttitleUpravie stanu s titulkamiEdit credits page med.CCreditsWizard.prevbutto<n &Sp<e &Bac
ypes.pictureObrzkov sbory
New image +med.CMovieDetailEditorDialog.searchprevcut!h>adanie predchdzajceho strihusea
ing for previous cut iid:You can also insert a non-empty CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW or DVD-
RAM, which will be erased automatically._M~ete tie~ vlo~ie zapsan CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW
or DVD-RAM, ktor bude automaticky vymazan.fYou can also insert a non-empty CD-RW,
DVD-RW, DVD+RW or DVD-RAM, which will be erased automatically. #med.CTrackListBox.hin
t.snapenditemPripojie ku koncu polo~ky Snap to the endpoint of an item id:&Cance&lZruai&eCa
l med.file.Dirty Metal.medtheme

`pinav kov

Dirty Metal )med.CSelectSingleTransitionsDialog.errorChybaError 3med.CMovieEncodeWizard

iscSelectNorm.CaptionProsm zvo>te si va TV systmPlease select your TV-System id:Estima
ytivdo:rDieescprriepzteinotn:cPioupPirso:duce slideshow id:Finishe

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