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Superstitions around the world

Superstitions are something which we tend to believe in even though we are not
supposed to. MYTHS which bind our mental framework and our mind starts
functioning according to that. Certain superstitious beliefs have a scientific base too.
Even though people are unaware of the scientific cause label it under a superstition.
There are certain bizarre or what we might call weird superstitions all across the world
and I would like to list a few of them here.


In Japan there are three bad luck numbers: 4, 9 and 2. The number four is
pronounced as shi which means dead in Japanese. Number nine is pronounced ku
and since that rimes with kutsuu which means pain, the Japanese associate them.
The numbers four and two together are pronounced shi-ni which means die, thats
why the number 42 is of bad luck. Also the number 24, pronounced ni-shi is of bad
luck since it means double dead.
Another strong superstition in Japan is that, when you walk through a cemetery you
must put your tombs inside your jeans pocket. This is because the word tomb in
Japanese is literally traduced as parent-finger, so when you hide it you are protecting
your parents from dead.


In Russia it is believed that a bird pooping over you, your house or your car is a sign of
good luck.
Step over someone elses foot can happen to anybody, well in Russia when someone
steps over other persons foot, that person must do the same to him. Its believed that
if he or she doesnt those 2 people will end up fighting or arguing.
If a single woman sits at the corner of the table it means that she wont get married in
the next five years.
If you take out the trash after six p.m. or whistle inside your house it means that in that
home there will be big economic problems. Unlike other countries, a broken plate can
be a sign of good luck.
Also you cant leave empty bottles over the table since that means that the table wiil
be continually empty of food.


The indian wives in the old indian world were burned with their husbands after they
died. This costum was mostly a preventive action to stop the women from falling in the
temptation of poisoning her husband in case she met another man.
By studying the stars the astrologists get to decide the first letter of the name that
parents must give to their baby to bring good luck, what career should he or she study,
who he or she must marry and which day should the wedding be celebrated. Its
believed that if somebody tries to go against his horoscope, he or she will fail and just a
miracle can make his life work again.

According to the indian astrology, the manglik, cursed for marriage can marry just
another manglik. By challenging their fate they can be victims of a sudden widowhood.


According to the French when a toast is made you must always look at the person
youre toasting with in the eyes of youll have 7 years with bad or without sex.
Is pretty bad luck to hurt a ladybug. This insect is very dear to many adults and
children and the French call her la bte du bon Dieu (the beast of good God). Also is a
ladybug stays in your arm you must not scare her away, instead, wait for it to fly away
and make a wish.


Never walk beneath a ladder.

Never cross a black cat's path.
If you drop a tortilla, you will have lots of company or an undesirable visit.
If you cut a baby's fingernails before the age of one year, the child will have impaired
Tuesday is unlucky; never start a journey or anything important on this day
Find a penny, pick it up and all day long, you'll have good luck. This might also be a
spin-off of another old rhyme, "See a pin, pick it up/ and all day long you'll have good
luck/ See a pin, let it lay/ and your luck will pass away."
Beginner's luck is the idea that newbies are unusually likely to win when they try out a
sport, game or activity for the first time.
Three sixes in a row give some people the chills. It is often interpreted as the mark of
Satan and a sign of the end times.
We all have some weird beliefs, such as some of us specially like the number
3,some feel that a particular pen might be special for them, some others believe that
a particular color turns out to be lucky for them. I mean we all have something around
us which works in a different way and even if it doesnt then we have a situational myth
attached to it.

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