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birthday: 1988.8.10
home: Aichi prefecture, close to Gifu
When I go back home, the scent of the earth instantly calms me.
blood type: A
occupation: SCANDAL's vocals & guitar.
fab time: 21:00
Work is over, I'm back home,
And my favorite drama is airing (laughs).
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q1. What did you think when you heard you were to do a 100 Q&A?
Are you serious !!!!!
Q2. Please picture this. What's one thing that you want to say when waking up in the morning?
I'm hungry!!!
Q3. Do you have a daily routine?
One coffee a day
Q4. Please give yourself a catchphrase.
I look like a kid, but I'm 23 inside.
Q5. Do you have any jinxes (superstitions)?
If I wish for it, I get it! I say what I wish for out loud!
Q6. Do you believe in fate?
Fate is fundamental!
Q7. Who is your hero?
Namie Amuro-san!
Q8. Did you have any nicknames when you were a kid?
My mama called me "Haruru."
Q9. What is your "charisma"?
A lazy person's charisma!
Against this laziness, when I get something out I leave it out. A bit of a slouch, I'm a woman that can't
tidy up (laughs). This year, seriously, I think I will become a woman that can tidy up!
Q10. What is your favorite season and why?
Summer! I like wearing t-shirts and shorts! And because I become sociable!

Q11. Is there an event you particularly like?

Q12. Self-analysis: What do you think you were in your previous life?
Some kind of rat
Q13. Self-analysis: Please indicate the percentage of your character strength.
Q14. Self-analysis: Please indicate the percentage of your love strength.
Q15. What do you think is your selling point?
Having made up my mind to do something, I act on it at once!
Q16. What do you think is your charm point?
My ears. I have a feeling they get a lot of praise.
Q17. Please tell us your positive.
I work without worrying too much about details.
Q18. Please tell us your negative.
I don't worry enough about the details.
Q19. Who do you want to meet the most right now? What would you do once you met them?
My old self. Regain my sparkling!
I want to meet my 6th grade 12-year-old self. I aimed at this world in earnest just 10 years ago when
I was 12. I had admired Namie Amuro-san since I was in kindergarten, and when I was 12 I
remember in a fashion magazine seeing a notice about an audition for a school. I put in a
submission, which then became the chance to form SCANDAL. "I'm really going to become a
singer!" At that time, I honestly believed that and didn't doubt it. I'd want to meet the me who didn't
think entirely about superfluous things.
Q20. Conversely, who do you not want to meet the most? Please tell us why.
A ghost. Well, I'm just freaked out by them.
Q21. How would you spend a sleepless night? What would you do to make yourself fall asleep?
Lying down while looking at my cell phone, and before I know it I'm asleep.
Q22. Please tell us an excuse you're likely to use for being late on mornings you can't wake up.
The street was crowded. But...I probably wouldn't use an excuse.
Q23. Please expose a secret of yours that you've never told anyone until now.
When I get up in the mornings...fufufufu.
Q24. If you turned into a boy for just one day, what would you want to do?
That. That.
Q25. Right now, if you thought, "I want to shout out my love somewhere!", where would it be, and

what would you shout out?

On the rooftop of a school; I'd yell out, "Love me "
Q26. If there was a time machine, where would you want to go: Past or future?
Right now, I can't help but want to go back to my sparkling self 10 years ago. Back then, first, I had a
longing to take lessons at school. The teachers and rivals were pursuing the same dream as I was...
"I have no choice but to do it. I'll do it!" I got into a fighting spirit and overflowed with it. The first time I
took a lesson, I was really moved. Now, after 3 years, that dream has been fufilled. Little by little, I
have a feeling that because I'm getting used to various things, I have strong feelings of wanting to be
reminded of my first love.
Q27. What advice would you give yourself from 10 years ago?
Be more sociable!
Q28. Please think about this realistically. What would you say if you stepped on a thumbtack? What
would be your reaction?
I'd say "OWWWWWwwwwwww!" while trying to take it out immediately.
Q29. Please think about this realistically. What would you do if in Shibuya someone came up to you
and said, "Yumiko!" while crying and clinging to you?
Calmly say, "I think you have the wrong person."
Q30. Please think about this realistically. If you received a love letter from a classmate that's kind of
your type, where would you read it?
The bathroom
Q31. Even if you know about it, do you have an incurable habit?
Being sarcastic.
Q32. What would you say makes you the most happy?
"I admire you"; straightforwardly, that makes me happy.
Q33. MAMI is running for governor of Tokyo. Please make her a campaign speech.
The future definitely is an adventure! I promise every day will be exciting!
Q34. TOMOMI is running for governor of Tokyo. Please make her a campaign speech.
Though it'll be hard, we'll be able to do it! It'll be oka y! TOMOMI's here!
Q35. RINA is running for governor of Tokyo. Please make her a campaign speech.
The wind of Kansai is in Tokyo too! Leave the new era up to RINA!
Q36. You want to make your friends laugh no matter what. What do you do?
Keep staring at them.
Q37. You had an unpleasant fight with your friend...what kind of reconciliation strategy would you
Go out for drinks for the time being.

Q38. When your mood is at its maximum worst...if something involuntarily clears up your
mood...what would it be?
Simply being treated kindly clears it up.
Q39. Please tell us what you'd do if a nanpa suddenly started following you.
If that person came out of a limousine, then I'd go with them. Maybe.
Q40. The moment you can't help but want to fall in love is when?
When I hear someone's love story.
Q41. When something very good happens to you, if you had to shout out a name of a vegetable or
animal, which would it be?
Give that cat over there a carrot present !!!!!
Did I actually write that? This is bad; I don't remember it at all (laughs). ...probably, when I'm happy,
they're feelings I wouldn't understand. But basically I like dogs (laughs). A vegetable I like is
tomatoes (laughs). Really...I wonder why I wrote this...
Q42. If the prefectures in Japan merged into one, what would the prefecture name be?
Shinshikyo-ken (a new prefecture)
Q43. Please make up the title of a movie you'd like to see.
Wizard and Witch
It's embarrassing, but I want to become a wizard. That's been a dream of mine since I was really
little (laughs). I love "Kiki's Delivery Service," and I also like the "Harry Potter" series. I want to go to
a wizarding school, study magic, and one day fly in the sky on a broom.
Q44. Please make up the title of a song you'd like to hear.
Jeongmal Sarang Haeyo
'Jeongmal' means "very," and 'sarang' means "I LOVE YOU." Since it didn't occur to me at all, if I
answer by arranging Hangul, I think it makes me want to listen to it...
Q45. Please make up the title of a TV program you'd like to see.
The Urban Legends of the World
I'd unintentionally start watching this. It's not like I myself can talk to everyone that has an urban
legend, and I have an interest in stories that I don't know about. It unexpectedly tends to be like
having a dream.
Q46. Please make up a menu item you would like to order.
My mom's meat and potato stew
Q47. Suppose you started a ramen shop. What would it be called?
HARUNA's Pavilion
Q48. Please tell us what scene makes you involuntarily smile.
Meat grilling at a yakiniku shop.
Q49. What kind of thing do you think is a luxury?
Non-rotating sushi!

Q50. What would you try to do on your next holiday?

I want to travel!
Q51. You have collected all of the Dragon Balls. What would you wish for?
Grow taller.
Q52. Please tell us something personal that has made you happy recently.
When I was about to pay when I had worn a mask and had ridden in a taxi, the driver told me,
"Beautiful people wearing masks don't have to pay "
Even though I didn't have any makeup on (laughs). But it made me happy.
Q53. Please tell us something personal that has ticked you off recently.
Currently, the typing manager on my computer is broken, and the screen is hard to look at.
Q54. Please tell us a romantic story that you have experienced.
In my first year of high school at the entrance ceremony, several days later I confessed to this boy
that I liked at first glance. But, for some reason we didn't go out.
On the day of the entrance ceremony, I saw this boy with a bandage on his nose. As soon as I saw
him, I thought, "Uwa, he's cool." But after that, I couldn't find that person. Afterward, "Ah, you're that
person," I realized, but looking at them, they were kind of different (laughs).
Q55. Please tell us a dramatic story that you have experienced.
The other day I unexpectedly met that person in Tokyo! I was surprised!
I was out shopping normally at Don Quijote when I heard, "Uwaa!" I wondered if he was a SCANDAL
fan, the Q54 person. It was regrettable that I had band activities; it seemed that he's also on the
entertainment road, and on his way to Tokyo to study acting (laughs). However, on that day, that's all
that we had been able to say. I haven't gotten in touch with him after that, but he excessively speaks
in Nagoya-ben. I was surprised that that's his hometown.
Q56. Lately, have you been interested in something that you weren't interested in before?
Q57. Please tell us what kind of feeling you get from your room.
I'll leave that to your imagination...
Right now, since my mom came over, it's really clean. That's why now I can show it off to everyone!
I'll do my best to keep it clean!
Q58. Please brag about something valued by you.
Please brag !
I don't really have anything I can brag about... If I have to say something, well, I've said it often, but I
can move my ears (laughs).
Q59. Please tell us a failure story.
There's a high chance I'll mess up the lyrics to "Space Ranger" during a live (laughs).
Q60. Please introduce a peculiar, valued person close to you.
The mothers of the members are unusually dark characters.
Q61. Please select a person. You can be with the person you like. Which member would you consult

Q62. Please select a person. Please tell us a member's back episode.
MAMI often falls unexpectedly.
Q63. Please select a person. Please tell us which member has "changed," so to speak.
It's impossible for me to understand RINA's luxury fetishes (laughs).
Q64. Say you find a boy of a member's liking around town. Whose type would you have confidence
in finding?
It's easy to understand what TOMO likes. Someone with stern eyes, someone that plays sports,
someone that doesn't have long hair. When I find that kind of person, "Hey, isn't that your type?" I
ask her, and I'm usually right. By the way, it seems like RINA wrote, "There are a lot of boys in
Shibuya that are HARUNA's type" , though there surprisingly aren't. Somehow it's attached to
thegyaru man-eater image, but that's not how it is.
Q65. What would you say if you were to confess to the person you like?
The usual "I like you..."
Q66. What would you want the person you like to say to you?
The usual "I like you..." is fine.
Q67. What do you think is the difference between love (koi) and love (ai)?
Love (koi) is exciting; love (ai) is trusting in each other.
Q68. Please tell us your ideal first date.
Shopping in Shibuya, then a meal, followed by saying bye.
Q69. Say you had a lover. What kind of situation would you feel the most jealous in?
When I'd see him talking with another girl that he's close with.
Q70. Say there's a SCANDAL mixer. Who would most likely be the most popular?
Q71. Please picture each member's role and situation at that mixer.
MAMI Calm, and disappearing to check drinks.
TOMOMI Enjoying chit-chatting.
RINA Set on eating.
Q72. Current lover, best friend, unforgettable first love; Which categories would each
member be in?
Current loverMAMI
Best friendTOMOMI
Unforgettable first loveRINA
Q73. If you were to go solo, what would the title of your solo debut song be?
"Don't leave me on my own"

Since I haven't really thought about a solo debut, my mental state for the time being is "Please don't
leave me alone now." If SCANDAL had been after a solo song then I could imagine it, but SCANDAL
disbanding is something that I cannot imagine at all.
Q74. Please picture your solo career image.
One that's like Aikawa Nanase-san's might be good. A rock girl.
Q75. If you were to appear in a movie, what kind of role would you want to do?
I'd want to try doing an action movie. But a normal heroine in love would be okay too.
Q76. If you had been born a foreigner, what name would you like?
Q77. A big-shot senior calls your name wrong...what would you do?
I'd brush it off the first time, but after the second time, I'd tell them that they're wrong.
Q78. Please tell us one instance of a bittersweet episode where you "laughed it off" that you have
experienced thus far.
When "Haruka" went on sale, since the name had been gotten wrong a number of times, I decided
to just keep smiling.
Q79. Please be honest. Right now you want to say one word to someone. To whom and what would
you say?
The air conditioner! It's cold!
Q80. What do you think is the difference between children and adults?
One gets emotional; the other doesn't
Q81. Please tell us your favorite color.
Black, white, pink
Q82. Please tell us your least favorite color.
Q83. Suppose a small boy shouted, "It's SCANDAL!" and touched your butt. What would your
reaction be?
If he's cute then I might forgive him.
Q84. Suppose you farted accidentally during a live broadcast. What would your reaction be?
First of all, laugh.
Q85. Suppose five minutes before going on stage, your spirits are really low. What would you do to
get yourself excited?
Move around with reckless abandon.
Q86. What's an awkward compliment for MAMI?
MAMI-chan is so cute so cute
Q87. What's an awkward compliment for TOMOMI?

TOMO-chan is the best the best

Q88. What's an awkward compliment for RINA?
RINA-chan works so hard works so hard
Q89. You must change the name of the band. Please give a new one.
I didn't think of it at all; I tried arranging the first initials of the members.
Q90. What do you think of SCANDAL if you look at the band objectively?
Not calm.
Q91. What do you think of yourself if you look at yourself in SCANDAL objectively?
Q92. "I can't lose to anyone at ___!" Please tell us what would it be.
Can you dance bandman!
Q93. Please tell us your most memorable happening while in SCANDAL.
The tour in America. In many ways, it was a game!
America was, in any case, shocking. It was before our debut, and it was the first time I had gone
overseas. I was amazed that we were able to do lives overseas, and surprisingly I got addicted to
the climate in Los Angeles as well as the extent of freedom we had, so much so that I didn't want to
go back (laughs). I felt like we were drowning in lives, but we threw away the idea that we had to
play lives properly. First was to move our bodies, just as we thought, and the importance of
performances sunk deeply into our minds. For me it was a good experience, and it was the land
where we thought we wouldn't overcome that barrier and move forward.
Q94. Please tell us your personal, most memorable experience.
The day that SCANDAL formed.
Q95. Please tell us the ambitions that SCANDAL wants to achieve.
It has to be playing at Osaka-Jou Hall.
Q96. "That's exactly what we wanted to do this time!" Your burning desire is for what sort of song?
Disco-like, yet rock!
Q97. What exactly is BABY ACTION?
Our third album. It's packed with our "What do we want to do" thoughts.
Q98. What exactly is SCANDAL? Please answer in a haiku.
Right here in SCANDAL - this year everyone will all - become adults; yes
Q99. What exactly is rock? Please answer in a haiku.
It's about feelings - and staying true to yourself - and you must shout out
Q100. Lastly, which question do you think was the most useless?
All of them (laughs)

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