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Does technology can really affect our behavior to the

environment? For better or worse, the technology

could be causing major havoc in relationships.

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Technology advances and is increasingly being introduced in our daily

lives.Internet, social networks, connectivity and mobile devices lead to
an increasingly connected world, which has caused a major shift in the
way we interact and communicate.
Using the Internet and video games since childhood has made new
generations with increasingly better technology that reach almost
instinctively use and manage a broad technological knowledge at an
early age. This phenomenon can be both positive and negative; positive
in the sense that the technology has become a contribution in education,
and negative for generating change in the way children and adolescents
have to build relationships with their peers, in addition to the high risks
involved in exposing much information on the net.
To see the impact of technology on interpersonal relationships, talk to
the child and adolescent psychologist Francisca Rodriguez, who believes
that technology can have good and bad influences on children and youth
in psychological matters. According to the professional, "is very positive
that young people know how to use technology, internet and social
networks, because they are channels that serve to communicate,
but parents have the responsibility to teach their children
the proper use of technological tools , in their use in their
favor, not against. "
According to the specialist, sometimes technology can very negatively
affect children and young way, because it can cause isolation from the
real world, because they spend many hours surfing the Internet, chatting
or playing video games, and lost significant time they could use doing
other activities with their peers. It also considers dangerous exposure to
high youth undergo online.
"I've had patients come to the consultation due to parental concern
because they relate to other children and youth. These patients are
generally only 'virtual friends' and can have more than 1,000 contacts in
your Facebook, but do not know any of them. " For Rodriguez this
problem generates that young people have different problems of social

behavior in the long term can lead to other personal problems such as
lack of communication with the real world.

What happens when you fall in internet addiction?

Another issue is the "Internet addiction" problem that arises when
people become completely dependent on internet connectivity and can
even lead them to have symptoms of distress, anxiety and violence if
they do not have access to the network and to generate brain

abnormalities similar to those generated by the addiction to

alcohol and drugs . According to experts, this addiction can lead

people to depression, nervousness, irritability, panic and little interest in

living with others.
While in Latin America this still is not an extreme problem in countries
like the US, China and England a lot of cases of Internet addicts
concentrates, which has even led to the opening of clinics specializing in
the subject.
The first case of Internet addiction was recognized in 2008 in China, and
then in the United States, where they opened the first clinic for this
condition in 2009.
In China it is the Beijing Treatment Center in charge of treating the large
number of Chinese who have this problem. It is estimated that the
country has about 2.5 million internet addicts, according to Dr. Tao Ran,
founder of the medical center.
In most patients aged between 18 and 36 years who are admitted by
their parents to cure this disorder. So far this clinic has about 1,500
patients and has a 70% success in their treatments, which consist of
physical training sessions and sports, plus relaxation sessions which are
coordinated by psychologists and psychiatrists.
The English are also addressing the problem by setting up a clinic for
children addicted to internet. This is an open clinic at Capio Nightingale
private hospital located in central London. At this clinic patients between
12 and 15 years are cared for, having personalized patient therapies.
The main goal of this treatment is to increase the confidence of
adolescents in actual encounters over the virtual. In addition, young
people are helped to manage energy and excitement caused by long
hours playing on the PC and consoles.
If there is something to remember is that technology properly used, can
have a lot of utilities, both educational and communicative, and even
closer to our family and / or friends who are elsewhere. However, if the

technology is not well used, it can cause isolation, lack of

communication and other serious problems.

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