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1. A : What do you think of this?

B : Not bad.
A : Would you come to my party?
B : Thanks for the support
A : No way.
B : Its Ok. I understand.
A : You have beautiful hari.
B : Thank you.
A : Happy birthday.
B : Thank you.
The teacher gives the conversation in the text above mention the expression
giving opinion!
2. Can you open the door, please?
From the statement above give the response of that expression!
3. Expressing symphaty and encouragement.
Ani : Its long time no see Fulan.
Betty : Its been a week. Anyone knows?
Cici : I dont know. Yesterday I sent him a text message. But no response.
Dell : I heard that his grandma passed away.
: Really? Im sorry to hear that.
: Hey, look. Fulan is coming. Betty : Hi, Fulan. Whats up?
Fula : Sorry, guys. I had been in Surabaya for a week.
: I heard that your grandmother passed away.
Fulan : Yes, thats true. She passed away last week. I went to her house in Surabaya
and stayed for a week.
Della : Im sorry to hear that.
: You must be very sad. Youll soon be out.
: Yes, never mind. We are with you.

Fulan : Thank you for your attention. I feel happy now.

Betty : What did you do there for a week?
Fulan : I helped my grandfather preparing meal for guests.
Cici : Why didnt you reply my message?
Fulan : Im sorry,
Cici : I forgot to bring my mobile phone. I was in hurry when my grandfather told
that my grandma passed away.
Cici : I see. Thats no problem
Della : Are you okay now?
Fulan : Yes, Im okay. I felt down, but now Im okay.
: The bell has rung. Lets go to the class.
From the conversation above, mention the expression in there!
4. Receptionist : Your room is number 20 and here is the key. Peter, help him
Mr.Lukman : No, thanks. I can do it myself.
The following can be used to complete the dialogue above with
the expression!
5. Manager
: We should open a new branch In Bandung because our
clients get higher.
: I agree with you. Sir. Futhermore, we have to improve our
service our service.
Supervisor :
: Yes, Sir. That is our commitment.
Mention the appropriate expression delivered by supervisor!
6. A: Can you get me any corn to feed the chicken ?
Give the response of the conversation above!

From the picture above give the expression!

8. The teacher instruct the student to explain the picture above!

9. Make a conversation about expression in the picture above!
10.Although dogs are only animals, they are very useful and help men a lot.
For example, certain dogs help farmers to look after their sheep. Some
dogs are used for hunting and others help to rescue people. Even now
policemen use dogs when they are looking for thieves and criminals. Men
also teach dogs to race, and dog racing is a sport which many people like.
All dogs like eating meat very much and like bones best of all.
After that the teacher asked the students to write a similar
paragraph, using the notes given by the teacher.
11. Ask the students to rewrite the story above with the expression!
12. Helen is a bilingual secretary. She has a good job with a large
corporation. Last year she worked in Los Angels, but this year she is working
in her companys Washington office. Her time in California was fun; she
enjoyed going to the beach often. She has many good memories of that year.
She likes the change to Washington, D.C., though. There is a lot to do in D.C.:
theaters, concerts, shopping.
Explain the expression of the paragraph above!

A : .........................the way to the post office?

B : Walk straight forward.Take the first turn to the left. The post office is

the second buiding on your right.

Explain the expression of the conversation above!


Make a sentence about expression from the picture above!

15. Make a conversation about expression from the picture above!

A : Ani, could you help me to water the flowers, ...?

B : All right, mom. Ill do it now
Give the response of the conversation above!

Bongo the Orangutan
There is an orangutan in the Bandung zoo. People call her bongo. She comes
from a dense forest on the island of Kalimantan.
She has physical features similar to a human. Bongo has brownish fur, and
walks with two feet. Bongo is almost as big as a human. She is a mammal, that
means she gives birth to her children and breast feed them.
Give the response of the paragraph above!
18. The teacher gives the conversation in the text above mention the expression giving



Give the response of the paragraph above!

20. what do you think about the picture!

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