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Oddwerld. Title awful. Need new one. Might paint a cover if I ever finish this.

CHAPTER 1 - Gathering.
The grass was cool and heavy with dew and frost. The bright clear sun shone with
warmth, melting back some of the bitter cold. A calm stream edged with ice trickled
through the lush forested area Jan currently called home. It was peaceful here.
Other parts of the world were dominated by hate, violence, and greed. Here was
serenity. He did not care for wealth, power, or fame as many others tend to gravitate
towards. Jan just wanted to be happy.
He was a fairly average guy. Average height and build. Short brown hair, pale skin,
pointed jaw, gaunt cheeks, and stern brow shading his mostly colourless eyes. They
were kind eyes. Thats what Jan valued above all.
Mostly a hermits life in the forest, making infrequent trips to small towns and
occasionally moving about the world. Jan preferred to mostly be alone. People
werent good to him in the past and he was fine by himself, mostly. There were
pangs of loneliness, but even the most popular person got those. Thankfully Jan had
For the past six years Kat had been his sole companion. She loved him and he loved
her. There wasnt a day they werent together. They relied on each other and thrived
in each others company. She was his Puplar. Most kept pets in this part of the
world. Pets for combat, mundane work, and companionship. The majority choose by
strength, ferocity, and usefulness. Puplars werent regarded to fall under any of
these categories. They were fleshy insect creatures deemed to be weak and
worthless. They lack chitin to protect their soft bodies. Theyre slow without much
offensive capabilities. They did have some strengths, but most dont look hard
enough to find them. Jan didnt choose Kat for her strength or usefulness. He just
liked having this little friend who wanted to be around him.
Like many places in the north, Tasia suffered from harsh winters. People and
creatures that cannot cope travel south to warmer climates. Kat didnt. Jan never
found out why she hadnt, but in a way he was glad. He found her curled up on the
ground by a tree, cold and moving very slowly. Without his intervention she would
have frozen, been eaten by something more adaptive to the cold, or both. Thankfully
Jan was in the area and saw her. He was alone at the time as he had been most of
his life. He preferred it that way. When he saw her on the ground his nurturing side
picked her up and put her under his shirt against his chest. She was so cold and
weak. She warmed with him and stayed awake until he could return to his small
camp and get her under his furs. Jan knew that Puplar sustain themselves mostly on
sugar water, so he warmed some at his fire in his cooking pot and added some dried
fruit for sweetness. He tried to feed it to her but she was too weak. He did not know
why he had so much empathy for the common creature, but he wanted to save it. He
spent the night with a cloth soaked in the sugary water carefully dripping into the
Puplars mouth. He fell asleep despite trying not to in the middle of the night. When
he awoke Kat was moving and seemed strong enough to travel. Maybe even happy.
Jan named her after his mum.

Most collect many pets, but Jan was happy with just one. His Kat. He did not
condone violence of any kind, especially not with creatures. Some say that they
enjoy it, thrive with competition. No. Jan felt it was cruel and disgusting. Kat and him
would not fight for sport. Instead he did more mundane jobs to earn a living. Today
he was searching for herbs for potions. He studied alchemy at his home town and
knew how to make several common but useful potions. Healing, antidote, warmth.
He knew which plants were useful and how to extract their essence most effectively.
It was getting cold again and Jan did not enjoy the winter. He needed funds to
supply his trip south to warmer lands. Northern Tasia was wonderful in the rest of the
year, but the winter was brutal and best avoided if you did not have ties. The plan
was to finish collecting herbs soon, brew some potions, and sell or trade what he
could for food and clothing for the trip south.
He takes what he can find. A few patches of Thistle bloom, some Hyperion
mushroom, a bush of Ouro berries, and some Root weed. Not the best ingredients,
but they would be fine for his purposes. There were few people and little fauna in this
area this time of year. Jan encountered none and returned to his camp where Kat
waited for him.
He kindled his fire and put his cauldron on top of it boiling some water. With his
mortar and pestle he ground the ingredients into several different combinations of
paste. With a handful of ingredients and treatment he could make several useful
potions. He gathered his empty bottles and sealing wax. Inside he poured the pastes
and filled the remainder with the now boiled water. One of Puplars unique traits is
that they produce a thick sweet nutritional excrement from pores on their body. Kats
were damaged and Jan did not know if they would heal when he found her those six
years ago. They did, however, making her a vital contributor to his practice. He
scraped some of the gel from her happily willing body and added it to several of the
bottles before sealing.
With the cauldron now empty he tossed a few clumps of wax inside. After it melted,
he corked the finished potions and dipped them in the wax to create an air tight seal
and lock out any bacteria. They were done, and Jan and Kat were ready to head to
town to start their journey south. Anywhere south would be fine. Somewhere warm.
Jan could face any adventure with his Kat.

CHAPTER 2 - A fellow traveller.

After waking and packing up camp, a rare sight greet Jan and Kat. A traveller. He
looked relatively young, looked near Jans age of 22. A bit stockier, dressed in a
navy suit that looked very out of place this far north. His eyes looked cold and
determined. Warmth was what Jan sought from people and he did not expect to find
it from this man. Like Jan he walked with a long yew staff. At his side was a Vaish, a
four legged reptile. Spikey plates lined its head, shoulders, and spine. They were
fierce fighters and could survive winter climates due to fiery sacs that burned in their
chests. Matured ones could breath a little fire, but this one looked too young.
Jan greeted him warmly and asked where he was headed. The traveller hadnt
noticed him until then, lost in concentration of something else. Now he noticed Jan
and Kat. Not as a person it seemed, rather sizing him up. Clearly this was a battler.
Little reason else to have such an aggressive companion. Jan despised pet battles.
It was cruel. Fighting for sport where your friend could be severely injured or crippled
was not okay. If you were challenged to combat, you couldnt refuse. It was law. That
was one of the factors influencing Jans solitude. He didnt like putting Kat through
that. Still, she seemed to enjoy it in a way. A way to prove her value to her master.
Jan told her countless times that he didnt need that and she was more important
than anything to him, but she still liked to. She was a smart Pup and understood
most things he said, sometimes even before he said them by reading his emotions,
but she was stubborn also.
The traveller spit and locked eyes with Jan. He looked to be drunk on spitleaf, with
some greyish slime dripping from his mouth.
Fight me. Single pet. 1000.
Blunt. No Hi, how are you, just right to dirty business. It came from his mouth like it
had the familiarity of being said many times recently. Jan barely had 1000 and
couldnt really refuse to lose it if he still wanted to go south. Still, these two, although
a superior fighting breed, did not look very seasoned. He had the look of a city boy
who bought the most expensive pet he could afford looking to make it big in the
combat leagues. Jan and Kat had been together for years. Not much fighting over
that time, but the elements and survival in the wilderness strengthen.
Jan accepted the challenge, little choice he had. Getting an extra 1000 would put
them well above their supply budget and smooth out their trip. He hated the idea of
profiting on fighting, or fighting at all. This guy seemed like a cunt though. Cunt with
too much money.
The most common way of life in Tasia revolves around combat. If you do not fight,
you must have a valuable trade, but almost everyone fights. The rules, enforced only
by honor in the wilds permitted one to three pets to battle, being removed when
feinted or conceded. Continuing to attack someone after they concede is against
law, but hard to enforce outside of cities. Its safer to win in the wilds if you can help
it. Jan and Kat were good at winning.

They square off in the midst of the empty path they were travelling on. Kat leaves
her common resting place of Jans hood and places herself in front of him, bristling
her hair to appear more fierce. The Vaish did the same, but needed no help looking
fierce. Although it almost certainly couldnt create fire yet, it was still very dangerous.
If Kat was caught in its sharp claws or powerful jaws she was done. She would need
to be quick.
With that the battle started. Jan felt butterflies in his stomach. He hated violence.
There wasnt much he could do except watch. No commands needed to be given,
generally all but the dumbest creatures would know what to do better than their
masters. Their role was training them to be as strong as they could be. Jans part
was done, it was up to Kat.
The Vaish cockily charged forward, looking to end the fight quickly. It certainly would
have faced Puplar in the past. Being one of this regions most common and weakest
creatures, theyre used as easy training partners for combat pets. Kat wouldnt be so
easy though. As the Vaish closed the final distances, Kat leapt out of the way. The
reptile had too much momentum and couldnt turn in time. This allowed Kat the
chance to spit a thick sticky stream of webbing at its hind legs, slowing it and
causing it to lose its balance with a thud.
The traveller looked agitated, unsure if at his Vaish or Kat. Kat followed up before it
could break out. Although her webbing was strong, it was not unbreakable and the
Vaish was clawing and biting itself free. She leapt onto its thorny back, cutting her
soft belly on the hard spines. Bright green blood oozed out, but she did not mind.
Now she was in control of the situation as she had been many times before.
Powerful as it was, a Vaish could not reach its back without rolling over. Kat was
safe. From her vantage point she opened the secondary hole by her mouth and
sprayed a numbing sleep liquid. The Vaish tried to resist, but it was over. It dropped
and fell asleep after a few thrashing struggles.
Jan and Kat had won, with little cost. Kat had some cuts, but would heal quickly.
What seemed to be hurt most was the travellers pride. Losing to a Puplar. That cant
be easy for someone like him. Jan offered a handshake and told him his Vaish
fought well. Who doesnt like compliments? Whatever, Ill just get my money and get
back to town.
Ive got no money, I spent it all on this useless lizard. Cant even beat a damn
If there was anything Jan hated more than fighting, it was abuse of creatures. Vaish
dont need much emotional support, but nothing deserves to be treated cruelly. He
couldnt help it though. There was endless cruelty in the world. He was only one guy.
All he could do was lead by example.

He also knew he should have asked to see the funds first, but Jan liked to trust
others, probably too much. Maybe that would fade some day, but now he was still
Kat and I have been together for a long time. Bond more with your Vaish and you
will get stronger. Offering a fight without having the funds is against law. What would
you have me do?
Jan wasnt going to turn him in. He didnt really like authority. He felt like his moral
code was superior to that which was enforced. Still, he wanted something for his and
Kats troubles.
While the traveller thought he reached into his pack for one of the potions he made
earlier. He broke the wax seal and uncorked it, splashing some on the Vaish. A few
moments later it was awake. Sleeping antidote potion. Fairly basic, but useful. This
one wouldnt be funding his travels, but helping out a fellow traveller was worth more
than money.
Give me your spitleaf.
Jan hated spitleaf, but it seemed like the only thing of value the traveller had other
than the clothes on his back. He wasnt about to leave him naked. Grumbling, the
traveller tossed him his pouch. It looked to be worth only maybe 100. Still, there was
little else to be done. The traveller looked disgruntled, but knew he was getting off
fine and remained relatively calm. He waved to the traveller and continued down his
When he left the travellers sight on his way back to town, Jan dug a hole and buried
the spitleaf. 100 being helpful or not, he wasnt supporting this. He would rather be
hungry than know he was helping people hurt themselves. Spitleaf is very addictive,
the traveller would get more, but that didnt mean it had to be easy. Jan had seen
first hand what the substance did to people.
Tired and wanting to bandage up Kats cuts, they made camp shortly after.
Tomorrow theyd reach town and begin their journey to warmer places.

CHAPTER 3 - Awakening.
Kat would frequently sleep during the day in Jans hood or pack so she could stay up
at night and keep watch. No matter where you were in this world, night is a
dangerous time. Kat is a very intelligent creature, one of Jans favourite traits she
possessed. She could understand most things he said, know how he was feeling
without words. They were close. Kat wouldnt wake Jan unless there was danger,
and she definitely was trying to wake him with her mewing and burrowing into his
After a few moments he was alter, listening for the offensive sound. He heard it. Two
figures, walking through the trees near him. They were clumsy and loud, breaking
branches under foot, brushing against dry leaves. He reached in his pack for his
walking staff. It would not be much help but it was better than nothing.
They were large by the sounds, vision unable to help in the dark of night and glare of
his camp fires embers. Almost certainly grown men. They might just be passing by,
or looking to share Jans fire and food. This was a fairly common trail in the warmer
months, but infrequently travelled during the cold. He was happy to share his
supplies, he had enough. He worried for aggression however. Kat was still hurt from
her earlier fight and he did not care for it even when done in friendly competition. It
was not uncommon for cowards to attack others at night and steal their things, or
worse. Jan hoped for the best and called out to them, offering some food and a
warm place by the fire.
This got their attention judging by the sounds of their movement. They did not
answer back though. He heard one of them talking low. He could only make out a
few of the words. This.. the one. It sounded a lot like the traveller he faced earlier
and steeled the grip on his staff, looking to Kat for support. She was bandaged, sore,
but alert and ready to protect her master if she needed to. As they drew closer it was
certain they were two people, possibly wanting to hurt him. It was against the law to
attack someone not willing to engage combat, but of course this did not mean much
in the wilds or stop people. Jan and Kat readied themselves. They stepped away
from the fire into the darkness of the surrounding trees so they wouldnt be in clear
This turned out to be a mistake as this was exactly where a third member of their
party was waiting. Kicking Kats fleshy body away, she landed next to the fire, fresh
green blood oozing from her sutures. Jan caught the attacker in the throat with his
elbow and he dropped, winded. By this time the two others were done with stealth
and charging across Jans camp towards them. It was the suited traveller from
earlier with his Vaish and another he hadnt met. Similar look. Must be from his guild.
He was joined another Vaish. Must have been a sale at daddys store. Both reptiles
had their sights on the now recovered Kat. The men ignored her and charged at Jan.
He was fairly athletic and hardened by life in the wilds, but he couldnt hope to
defend himself from three people. He yelled for mercy, the same mercy he showed
his attacker when he had no money to pay after losing, and a potion for his Vaish.
They didnt let up. Fuck. If he was going to be beaten, hed at least leave some
damage on them. He raised his hiking boot and brought it down hard on the first

attackers still winded face. Crunch. Nose became flat. In that moment he wondered
if it was possible for the nose cartilage to go through the socket and impale the brain.
Hopefully, he thought coldly. Cowards do not deserve to live.
The other two were on him, Kat losing against the two more combat bred animals,
but he was helpless to help her. Raising his staff he brought it towards the travellers
kneecap. It connected soundly and he screamed. Not Jans favourite sound, but he
enjoyed hearing it in this moment of bloodlust. Pulling back and thrusting forward he
jabbed him again in the chest, knocking back. Not deadly, a wooden staff could steal
deal hefty damage. Jan took a moment to look for Kat. She was wounded and not
ready for a fight, much less against two targets. She was bleeding more and the first
Vaish had learned how to avoid her spittle and sleep spray. It was not looking
Taking advantage of his distraction, the third attacker was able to grab his staff from
his hands. Hope was dead. He couldnt win, his energy was leaving him. He raised
his arms to block the blow but he was too slow and knocked to the ground. The
traveller had recovered by now. He walked to Jans limp body and pulled his head up
by his hair to direct his view towards the fire. Kat. The first Vaish had her in his jaws.
Her eyes watered as she whimpered towards her master and friend. The man
nodded to it. Crunch. Its jaws closed, exploding in green blood. Large chunks of still
wriggling flesh fell to other size, organs flooding out. The other Vaish began to eat
with his mate. White hot rage filled Jan, clouded by despair and helplessness. Why
would someone do this? The men laughed. This was a joke to them. Killing Jans
friend. His best and only friend he had left. His mum. His dad. His brother and
sisters. Now his loyal and loving pet. All dead. Now him.
The traveller took a knife from his belt and drove it into Jans temple without
resistance. The world went black.

CHAPTER 4 Wake up.

Jan woke in a cold metal coffin. The lights flickered on dimly. He looked at himself in
eye level monitor. Much skinnier and pale than he remembered. It had been 6
months since he had seen himself, been outside the game. Although his bones were
not broken, the real pain that mattered remained. Kat was not real in the sense that
her flesh and blood existed. She was real only in his mind and the games servers.
What makes something real? She was more real than anything else. Now she was
dead. Jan wanted to be dead himself. He had nothing left.
Everything that could be felt in the real world could be felt in the game. Everything
and more. Happiness, hope, love. None of that existed in the real world for plebs.
Jan unhooked the tubes from his frail body. Nourishment, waste, and chemical. The
first two explained themselves. The third was mostly for serotonin. Youd get a slow
stream while online. When you did something of achievement youd get a boost. It
was artificial. Jan was aware of it most of the time. He still liked it. Feeling good is all
that matters. It doesnt matter how. He knew it was in place to keep plebs off the
street, safe away from public. Subdue them from rebelling. It worked. Jan had saved
up months of wage to afford to stay inside for so long. He didnt care that he was
being controlled.
He removed the mostly empty tubes sustaining his body, opened his polybox, and
got out. Blood rushed to his head and he felt a terrible dizziness, amplified by his
sadness. He fell and blacked out. When he woke there was blood on the ground
where his head hit the cement. Just a cut, it did not matter. Nothing matters. Ever.
Everything is shit. Everything dies. Nothing changes. Nothing is remembered or
improved. He entered the combination into the control panel on his box and checked
his supplies. The substance that he sustained himself on, googjuice, was almost out.
He had been getting messages on his UI in the game that he needed to refill for a
few days now, but Jan wanted to stay online. He liked online.
He hated the real world. It was even worse than the worst aspects of the fake one.
He also had no money. $8.50 was his grand total. That would get him maybe four
days of supplies. If he wanted to get back, and Jan honestly did not know if he did,
he would have to go back to some shit job. He had a university degree from the old
world, but little good that ever did anyone suckered into buying one. Far less now.
At one time Jan liked the real world. It seemed good. Fun. Happy. Things changed
as he got older and his naivety melted away. Things were never truly good here.
There was always immense evil, but thats what you get when society is ran by
humans. Humans are evil. If theyre good, theyre shit on and killed or used as
doormats. To win you must have no respect for others. Jan wouldnt go to their level
here, no matter what happens. He would be a doormat. He couldnt change the
world, no one can. Not any more. Why would he even try if he could? It would just
change back
He drained the last of his googjuice, put the canister in his pack and closed his

CHAPTER 5 Time to go.

The surplus of endorphins were leaving his body already, bringing him back to a
sober state of mind. Back to the mind of a cynical depressed boy with nothing who
hated the world and hated himself.
Looking at his shriveled body he was disgusted. Not going back to the flesh house
like this. Those times were done and his psyche had endured as much damage as it
could take. They wouldnt want him there anyways, with how he looked he would
starve. His anger and rage at what just happened wouldnt help either.
No, it was back to cleaning up, probably washing dishes for some rich fucking
shitlords. Jan couldnt look at a high class person and not be disgusted. What had
they done to get where they are? How many families did they kill and dreams they
shit on to get their large slice of life. Maybe theyre innocent and just inherited it. He
still hated them. It wasnt right.
Washing dishes. Boring work. Worst of all, it pays almost nothing. It would take
probably 2 months to be able to afford enough real world supplies to go back into his
preferred world for a month. Googjuice, although it tasted like shit, sustained the
body well enough to stay alive for up to a year inside the game. Yeah, youll get
weaker from not exercising, but youll live. The polybox was a fairly impressive
invention. It could act as life support. All it needed was a bit of power and a dry place
to lay. Jan got his for cheap. For some reason people kept leaving them,
disappearing. At the start Jan would try to make friends and keep up socializations in
and out of the game. After a while he just gave up. One day his polyneighbour would
be playing every day with him. The next he was gone, never seen again.
The company that makes it makes everything. They are the gods of this real world.
In the past there were strands of freedom, choice, an illusion of power being
presented to the people. Corporations did run the world, but in lazy secret. Now
there was no secret, just Googel. They control literally everything. Food, housing,
medicine, entertainment including the game, and even religion. Their sick fucking
religion. People flock to them. Literally seeing them as the gods they pretend to be.
If there was anything other than the wealthy that Jan hated, it was Googel. At least it
was before a few hours ago. Now it was the cowardly traveller he defeated
honorably, and his friends that attacked him in the night, killing the one thing he
loved, his Kat. He would kill them, in that world, or this. That thought was what lifted
his tired legs as he walked to the market. They will die for what they did. They will
die. They will die.
He went to the Googym. Fuck. He hated how every fucking thing was egotistically
named after their own gay company. Whatever, he needed to clean himself, and he
could do so here. A polybox can keep you clean in a way, disposing of your waste,
but 6 months was far longer of a time than designed. Jan stank. He was disgusted
with himself. No way he was getting work how he was now. It was early morning and
no one else was at the gym. Most of his fellow poor plebeians spent their time in the
game while they could. The real world was only for working to sustain themselves.

The game was fair. You could do well and enjoy yourself in it if you were skilled. This
was not true in the real world though. If youre born pleb you stay pleb. No skill,
education, hard work, or ingenuity can save you. Youre pleb for life and your kids if
youre stupid enough to have any are too. Thus the appeal of something different.
Some plebs dont figure this out and slave away trying to rise. Most are a bit smarter
and save themselves the effort and disappointment.
The gym was nothing special. Garbage and other waste littered everywhere. Broken
glass, used needles, spitleaf, human waste. Pretty standard affair. The showers
were still functional. Cold, dirty water, but better than nothing. There was actually
some soap, which cheered him up a little. After showering he felt a bit better.
Now he needed some clothes. His old outfit was thread worn and beyond salvaging.
He opened some shitheads locker. The locks didnt work too well here. One pull
even from someone as weak as him was all it took. Nothing. Checked another.
Bingo. Some spare clothes that looked like theyd fit him. Usually Jan was of pretty
high moral standards and stealing is a pretty shitty thing to do, especially from the
poor. Today is a bad day though. Bad is an understatement. Hes taking these
clothes. Fuck. He needs them.
Cleaned and dressed to a standard that isnt completely revolting, he looks in the
mirror. Skinny as death. Pale from not having sunlight in so long. Still looked terrible.
Like he might die at any second. He wouldnt though, there was no room for dying
yet, he had a job to do. Equality was coming with a vengeance.
First step was getting work.

CHAPTER 6 An old friend.

Jan left the gym. The air held a thick smog, as it always does. You dont forget
something like that. There was a time when it was bright blue and clear. Now it
shadows the planet, even in the middle of day. Fluorescent lights dimly light the filthy
streets. It stinks of human filth, even with such few people around. Slums like the
ones Jan and 99% of the population live in arent maintained. Only the rich people
get their land cared for. The plebs would care for it themselves but order wasnt
tolerated. If a community was doing well outside, the high class would stop it by
force. It was if they saw happiness as a finite resource. If others were having some,
there was less for them. They deserved it all. The only happiness that was okay for
plebs was found in a tube inside the polybox or at the end of a needle.
The worst is that it isnt odd to see dead bodies laying on the ground festering for
weeks. Few notice as most in these areas do not stay offline for longer than they
have to. It is a depressing place. Many plebs just opt out. Take their chances with
the next life. Or nothing.
Thankfully there were no dead bodies or people at all around as Jan walked towards
the markets. As he got closer, it started to become warmer. Although obstructed by
the perpetual smog, the sun still warmed the city. It did no wonders for the awful
smells, intensifying them. Weak, dizzy, sick of body, and sick of mind, Jan threw up.
What came out was pure green, due to his strict diet of googjuice. Fuck. Theres
more work I need to do. Supplies were hard to come by. There were no social
systems to help those that struggle. Plebs arent even seen as real people by the
upper class. Theyre on their own. They have to slave or steal to feed themselves.
Jan wasnt sure where his morality compass limited him today, but he was still
leaning towards honest work. He would not let anyone damage his morals too far.
Filled with despair, anger, and hatred, it was difficult, but Kat would want him to be
strong. Kat, although dead, still would live in his heart. Jan will live for both of them.
After a time, memories are all that remain.
When he arrived, there was not much happening. Most buildings lights were off. A
restaurant, if you could call it that, he worked at once was still lit up, so he
approached. It was more beaten than he remembered. The roof was patchy, the
windows cracked or missing, the door barely on its hinges. Still, Jan wasnt picky.
He entered after knocking and getting no response. It was even worse looking inside
and smelled like death. A large man he did not recognize was behind the counter.
Jan greeted him warmly but firmly. He got no response. He remembered the old
owners name, Riegl. He was an alright guy. Not kind, not a saint, not a visionary,
but fair. If you worked, you got googjuice, or money. Your choice. That was what
counted as good in this age. Jan asked if Riegl was around. At mention of the name
some emotion flashed in the large mans eyes. No response Jan began to feel
uneasy and consider leaving. This guy was fucked. Then the big asshole spoke.

Fuck. That is not what Jan was hoping to hear. Still, not unexpected. If you stick
around here and dont hide in your polybox you usually just die. Thats what you
have to look forward to as a pleb in this world. In older times death was romanticized
with stories of eternal afterlives, rebirth, and happiness if you were good in life. Now
the only religion and god that remains is Googel. There is no such afterlife promised
to good plebs. Only the upperclass. Still, Jan knew it was all bullshit. Some like that
more than what is offered here though. Who can judge or blame? If he could trick
himself into believing he might actually enjoy it better.
So what now. His likely one remaining contact was dead. The market seems mostly
deserted and this guy is one creepy and weird fuck. He probably has some juice
though. He was fat. Need something to sustain that luxurious position. Why would
anywhere else be better than with this sad creature?
Jan asks him the only question that seemed to matter.
Got work for juice? I can do anything.

CHAPTER 7 The work.

The large fleshy man shifted his weight. He was covered in thick brown hair
everywhere except for his head. Grease practically dripped from his skin. He wore a
dirty apron which could only be guessed at originally being white and a navy button
up shirt missing a few buttons. Jan doubted there was work but whats the worst that
can come from asking? He readied to leave, this guy was obviously fucked up on
something. Then flesh bag said something.
I do Not for pussies though.
Jan almost deserved the insult. He was almost dead from malnutrition. He was up
for it though.
What is it?
Clearly it wasnt going to be washing dishes, although there was enough dirt and
grime in this building to employ him for months. Maybe the food hed be paying him
would be a rat living here. At this point hed take it. No, the work would be something
A feds been causin trouble here. Stickin noses where they dont belong. Get rid of
im and Ill help you. You look hungry.
Get rid of a Fed. Yeah, okay, fuck face. How about I go assault the classies right
where they live? Kidnap one of their stupid $10,000 dogs. Thatd last me a while.
Guy is clearly into some bad shit, why else would Feds be around this dump?
How do I go about doing that?
Not my problem, kid. Not doing manicures around here anymore.
Jan rolled his eyes. They were never doing manicures around here. This guy was
such a douchey stereotype. I was working here before you.
What are you doing?
Not your type of game. Bye.
Fleshy nodded to the door. Jan left. He didnt want trouble or to be involved even if
he was capable. Hed find something a bit more mundane to do. He wasnt killing
any feds, christ. Before now he wouldnt even consider stealing a loaf of bread. Now
he was considering murder. Yeah, shitlords are shitlords, but theyre still people.
They didnt choose to be born upstate, he shouldnt judge them. He still did and
hated them though. All of them. They were the problem. Theres enough to share
and everyone to be happy if they didnt take so much they didnt need.

Well Where to go now? Jan didnt spend much time in the real world. There wasnt
much for him or people like him here. He didnt have many connections. He was
never very good at making friends. Wander around and look for something to pop
out. Always a good plan.
He was walking for over an hour. It stank like hot rotting garbage everywhere he
went. Probably because thats what was everywhere. No one cleaned this part of the
city. Garbage can live in garbage they say. Whatever. Garbage never hurt anyone.
He could be afraid. Last time he was awake this was a bad area. You could be killed
for your shoes. No one was around though and his shoes werent very nice. No one
except the dead body in front of him. What the fuck is that?
Around thirty feet ahead around the street corner was a trail of old blood and a
suited leg with bare feet. Im guessing he had nice shoes. Nice enough to die. Jan
decided to go check it out. He had to be careful though. Even with the classies not
caring about us, they still watch us. Cameras were in many places. Not much good
broken though. Jan checked if any he saw around were still live, but for better or
worse they werent. If something can be broken to piss someone higher up off, it will
be. Jan decided to go check out the body.
White guy. Probably early 30s. Probably was nicely dressed, but thats mostly gone
though. Just in a torn undershirt, fouled underwear, and ripped pants. Looks like he
was stabbed in the back and shit himself before he died. Wallet was beside him.
Cash gone. Everything else left. He checked the ID. #8326422. Middles dont have
traditional names. They serve the classies. After a long period of servitude they can
retire and live amongst them. Even then, never their equals, but far better than
plebs. After retiring they get a name. This guy didnt make it though. Looks like he
was a fed of all things. What a fucking joke. Jan took the ID, maybe this could work
for the meat bag back at Riegls. He might want more proof hes dead though.
Fucking gross. What else could he do? Whatever, already dead, I need this more
than you right now buddy. Jan put his foot on the guys head, grabbed his ear, and
pulled with both hands. Surprisingly easily the ear ripped right off. If there was
anything left in his stomach he would have puked. Luckily, if you could call it that, he
was empty.
Back to the market.

CHAPTER 8 The delivery.

The trip back was more or less the same. Same stink. Same pain in his legs and
feet, not used to exercising at all. Still, he had something. A chance. Jan had no
empathy for the middle. He was a different species. Sure he was still a human, but
class separated them so much from each other that he felt closer to the garbage on
the side of the road than number-boy. Maybe that was his depression speaking. No
use thinking about that though, maybe Googel got him into googheaven. Yep.
With a destination in mind he got back to Riegls in a faster time than leaving. It was
about 2 hours since their last meeting if Jans sense of time could still be trusted.
There were no clocks, the sun blocked by smog wasnt very reliable. Still, it didnt
matter much. Big lips might question how he cleaned up so fast or this might not
even be the right fed. Either way, Jan didnt care. He just wanted something to
happen. Right now it looked like there was nothing other than this.
He arrived at the building. Lights were still on, thats good. There was talking inside
though. Sounded like three voices. Jan considered waiting until later, but after a
minute or so he decided fuck it. Lets do this. He went inside.
Three people were there. Thankfully flesh lips mcdouchebag was one of them. Why
do I hate this guy? He didnt know if the guy was actually bad, but he seemed to be.
Still, hell remember him, so thats good. The two others were similar in appearance.
Pale, lanky, malnourished. One looked hard, the other scared. They seemed like
they were both like Jan. Gamers coming awake looking for funds. With the smog,
most people were pale. Hard to get a real tan these days. Those locked in their
polyboxes were easily separated though, their skin milky white, sometimes pale
enough to see veins if staying in long enough.
When Jan entered all three heads turned to him and the conversation stopped. Well,
what now? It seemed as if he interrupted something important. Maybe a little heated.
The two strangers seemed flustered, breathing a little faster than average, a bit
sweatier. Whatever, he came here for a reason. His lie might be caught, but who
cares? He went for it.
Walking up to the counter, he first placed the ID he took from the corpse, and then
the ear.
This the guy?
He didnt even exactly lie. The middle was probably killed by someone unrelated.
Someone looking for some quick cash and a nice pair of shoes. Everyone wants a
nice pair of shoes. The two strangers stood wordlessly, staring at the new items on
the counter. The fat man picked up the ID and gave it a long look. He put it down
and gave the same to Jan. Fuck this guy is creepy. Everyone is these days it seems
though and Im hungry. I want to get back to my world. To my mission. This little
distraction has been welcome, but I still have my priority. Kat will not be forgotten.
Fatty slowly began to speak.

Youre back fast. This is a fed. Dont know if its the one, but any dead fed is alright
with me. You kill him yourself?
Guh. Do I lie? Does he know? If I lie and he doesnt, I look useful and tough. If I lie
and he does do I look like a fuck up I still have morals. Easier to tell the truth. How
could I honestly kill a fed and come back in 2 hours?
No. Found him dead a ways away from here. One of yours get him?
Fatty let out a laugh. Oh yeah. Dead people. Hilarious.
One of mine? What the fuck do you think this is, a mafia? Im a store keep who sells
some sketch. I didnt expect you to actually kill anyone, hah. How long have you
been out, kid? Shit youre weird.
That must be what these two are here for. Spitleaf or something. Sad. Not that they
want it, but that they live in a world where they need it to be happy.
Six months. Ran out of juice. As I said I need some more, then I can get out of this
shit hole.
Fatty opened a gummy smile. The first sign of humanity from the guy. Ugly, but
Well, as I said, youre fucking weird. I can help you out though. Youll have to work
for it though, I think you can handle it. The names Mik.
Well. A name at least. Maybe if he got closer he could ask what happened to Riegl.
He didnt think he was buddy buddy with Mik yet enough to ask. Nor did he really
Jan. What do you need?
Deliver spitleaf for me for two weeks and you can have 2 months of juice. If youre
good, you can sleep here too. Maybe have something to eat. Cant have you dying in
the middle of a delivery.
Mik laughed. His own shitty jokes were apparently hilarious. That sounded easy
enough, though. With seemingly so few people around here it shouldnt take long at
Tonight you have six deliveries. You seem completely out of it. Let me get you a
Mik went into the back room. A few moments later he came back with six baggies
and a little device.

Heres the stuff and the mapscan. Ive put the destinations into it already. Just tap
the dots to let them know youre coming, deliver the stuff, get the money, and bring it
back. You dont come back or lose it? You die. Easy. These two are Mimmy and Sal.
You might get to know them later.
They nod in Jans direction, clearly not caring too much about him.
Theyre started out just like you. They stuck around though. Not everyone does. By
choice, or chosen for. Hopefully you wont come to that. Go now and get back before
Well. The ball was in his court now. It wasnt a very good ball, but he had some
control. That was a lot more than he had a couple hours ago.

CHAPTER 9 The beginning.

Jan left with the stuff in his bag. So much for being anti spitleaf less than a day ago.
What the fuck were morals against drugs anyways. You go to a pile of bones. You
ask, hey dead fucks. How important is honor and morality? What do you hear back?
Nothing. Not important. Lifes short. Do whatever the fuck you want. Especially if its
just spitleaf. No one ever died from spitleaf. Well, yeah. Lots, but theyd die anyways.
It wasnt as if he was murdering people. Just giving some fuckups a bit of happiness.
Its kind of like he was a saint. That actually makes me feel good. Changing my mind
sure is easy when I dont care at all.
So. Lets see how this mapscan works. Jan turns it on. There are 6 blips, some
moving a little, some still. He tapped the closest one. It lit up. Alright, well, lets go to
that one first. Seems simple enough. North east, maybe 25 minute walk from here.
He started walking. The sun was going down. Mapscan said it was 9:03. 5 hours to
deliver these. That university degree was coming in handy, he thought with a laugh.
Not hard. Getting darker though. Colder. Fuck these gym clothes suck. He wished
he had a sweater, but he was fine. Walking will warm me up.
The street still stank of garbage, but he was getting used to the scent. Two weeks.
Two weeks and I can go back, if I still want to. Not too long of a time. I think I still do.
That place brought me more happiness than anything out here has in years. Kat
wasnt even real though. She was just an AI in a game I played. Played a fucking lot.
Still What is real? Nothing is real. Nothing matters. The only thing thats real is
what I say is real. Kat was real to me when they took her. Shell stay real when I find
them and kill them. Im going back.
Jan kept walking. The streets still mostly empty, but started to get a bit busier. He
saw one young kid walking alone across from him. Staring at the sidewalk. Not
walking to attract attention. Reminds me of me. Nothing special about the kid. About
halfway to delivery number one. Maybe I should arm myself. Spitheads cant be too
trustworthy can they? Or anyone for that matter? Well. If I find anything Ill take it.
Why didnt damn Mik give me anything? Ive got a couple hundred of his stupid
drugs. He should value that at least. He thought about trying some. He actually
never had, but decided against it. He wanted to be sharp.
The lights were dim on the street but they illuminated it enough to see still. The
buildings here used to be a thing of beauty. 60 floors or more high, brilliant gleaming
bright glass that reflected the sun through the clear sky. Now they were all broken,
grimy, and clouded. Some even completely toppled over. Before the change he
couldnt think of a more beautiful place. Nature was wonderful, but cities were his
choice. No one would think this an area of beauty now. No one would want to be
here. Hence the lack of people.
Two minutes away from delivery number one. Should be around this corner. Jan
started hearing some voices. More than one guy. Sketch. Whatever. I can handle
myself. Kids just want their drugs. Take the edge off this shit life. He passed the

corner and saw them. Three people. Two guys, one girl. They saw him too. The
oldest looking guy spoke up.
Finally. Been waiting for forever, cunt.
Wow. Rude.
Sorry. Just got the delivery and started working half an hour ago. Take it up with Mik
if you have a problem.
Jan looked down at the mapscan. It gave him some information. The delivery was for
Sniv, baggy #2, $60.
One of you Sniv? $60.
Youre talking to him.
He handed out the greasy plastic bills. Plebs still used old world money. They didnt
have access to anything secure and stable enough. Jan kind of liked the money. It
reminded him of better times.
Thanks. Enjoy.
Enjoy? What the hell am I saying? Did I just give him some ice cream, or drugs?
Dont be late next time, or me and the boysll gut you like a fish.
Jan sighed when he was out of earshot. Fuck these kids were fucked. Did I not just
explain that I came immediately? Also, who the hell are the boys? Is he from a 90s
boy band? Leaf must really melt your brain. Or attract stupid people. Whatever. Five
more deliveries to go. Feels kind of sketchy carrying around enough money and
spitleaf to be killed over. He better get this done quick. Plus it was getting late. I dont
know why Mik wanted this done by 2, but thats kind of tight.
Jan looked back down at the mapscan. Three were close. The other two across
town. Guh this takes so long on foot. Lets save some time. Jan taps all three that
were close. They can come to me, Ill meet them in the middle. Jan began walking
again towards his destination. My legs are so sore. Polybox would keep your
muscles in some working condition. Prevent blood clots from killing you. Still doesnt
prepare you for walking for hours after being out of it for half a year. Toughen up
princess. Soon we can go sleep. Or we can just give up, take the money and leave.
He didnt feel like that was a good idea though.
Ten minutes away. Two of the groups started moving towards him. They must be
thirsty little spitheads. Jan changed course moving towards the lazy dick that wasnt.
He looked up their names and delivery amounts.

Three minutes. All three groups were close. He started moving towards the closest.
Best to not be delivering to all three at the same time. They might be friends, but
they still could hate each other and cause trouble. They can kill themselves when he
was gone.
The first guy. Franki. Alone. Good. Felt a bit safer and faster. He waved even. For a
spithead he seemed nice.
Hey Franki. $70.
Franki gave the money. Jan gave him the bag and off he went with another wave. If
only everyone could be Franki. What the hell was he thinking? His standards have
dropped this low so quickly? Gods He needed to sleep.
The other two blips seemed to have joined up together. They stopped though. Still
three minutes away. Alright, Ill walk to them. Hope theres no trouble. He started
hearing voices. Them obviously.
Katherine and Jimmy were the names on the mapscan. They came into view.
Standing near a fire barrel for warmth. It wasnt that cold, but warm is nice I guess.
Katherine was looking uncomfortable. Jimmy looked familiar and had a stupid grin
plastered to his ugly face. Jan walked up to them. Just the two.
Hey. Chilly night out, eh? $50 and $60.
Katherine gave him the money and said thanks. She knew how this worked. Jimmy,
however, gave him a dirty ass look. What the fuck, Im just delivering your drugs
shithead. You look like I just kicked your dog.
Here you go, boy. You look kind of familiar. You plug into the game ever?
Why would he ask that? Almost every pleb does
Yeah. More often than not. Trying to get some money so I can get back.
Katherine took her bag and left. Nothing more for her here, she clearly did not like
being around Jimmy. Jimmy looked kind of disappointed that she left, but shot back
to Jan. Insight, if you could call it that, flashed in his eyes.
I know who you are. Youre way skinnier and uglier offline, but its you. Was your
profile created a year ago? Damn. Me and my two mates jumped you earlier today
hahaha. You beat Bruno in a duel and he didnt like that shit. No one fucks with
Bruno. We found your little camp and ganked you good. Took all your herb crap,
prob could get a couple thousand for it. Dont care, we usually just PvP. Whyd you
choose such a shitty monster? Puplars are trash, dude Whatever, dead now ha.
Get a Vaish! You can join our guild! The only good attack Puplars have is ---
Crack. Even in Jans weakened state he could throw an alright hook. His hand hurt a
lot after connecting with Jimmys mouth. Almost certainly this guy was telling the

truth. The game was just a game to him. It was Jans life though. His only life, this
real one was nothing. That wasnt just some trash puplar. That was Kat. His best
friend in the world that they killed for laughs. Maybe he was crazy. Maybe he should
get real. Fuck it though. This guy ended something for him. He ended everything for
Jimmy was crouched on the ground bleeding through two broken teeth and a split
He was going to cause a scene if Jan let him. He wasnt going to let him. He looked
around. There was a broken window on the building near him. He broke off a shard.
It cut his hand but he didnt mind. Jimmy started to get up. Jan was quicker. He
brought the glass shard down across Jimmys neck. Slash. Blood erupted from his
jugular. A lot of it. Jan never saw someone die before, much less at his own hand.
What the fuck did he just do. Jimmy looked at him with horrified teary eyes. Blood
gurgling from his mouth. He tried to speak but couldnt. Then he was done. Nothing
left. Just a cooling pile of meat and bone. Jan did that. He had to though. He killed
his best friend. He had to. There wasnt a choice. He didnt even care. Did Jan care?
No. Jan felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just the adrenalin blocking his emotions. No
fear. No remorse. No happiness. No regret. Empty.
He took Jimmys wallet. $60. Thats all he took. The spitleaf price. He left the baggie.
Maybe people will think that someone else did this. No one would expect him. He
dropped the glass shard he used and left.
The only thing that remained was the cut on his hand from using the shard. It was
kind of deep. In his anger at seeing his friends killer he gripped it fairly hard and it
went to the bone. Jan tore a strip from his shirt and wrapped it up as best as he
could. Hed see if he could do something else later but that was the least of his
concerns. That was Jan. He just killed someone, and all he could think of was his cut
hand. What was happening to him?
The remaining two deliveries were done in a trance. He barely remembered doing
them at all. Still he must have. His conscious woke up when he got back to Miks. No
baggies left. All the lights on the mapscan dark. Full pocket of money. He did it. 1:12.
In time too.
With his consciousness back, he finally realized what he had done. He had killed a
boy. Killed a boy so similar to himself, for playing a game. It was a realistic game.
Super realistic. Usually it felt more real than the real world. But it was a game. Kat
had been his friend for six years and she was dead because of them. She was the
last thing he loved. They killed her despite him begging for mercy. All he wanted was
his Kat. Didnt that make her real? Didnt that make it right what he did? Jan didnt
know, but he felt worse than he had ever before in his life. Worse than when his
parents, brother, and sisters died. Worse than when society ended for the majority of
the world. He was empathetic, but he was selfish. It wasnt his fault. What had he

There was no use thinking about it, but he couldnt stop himself. He decided to
complete his mission. He should be used to feeling like shit by now. Like the demon
the classies treat him and every other pleb as. This was their fault. If they let them
live a real life he wouldnt have done that.
He approved Miks. The lights were still on but no he didnt hear any voices. He
entered. Mik was sitting down at the counter having a drink and something to eat. He
turned when he heard Jan come in. He glanced down at Jans cut and wrapped
How was the trip, green horn? Citys not quite what youre used to is it?
Jan had to be careful to control his emotions. He couldnt let Mik in on what had
happened. Hell probably find out anyways. Maybe he should just leave. He did his
job, he owed Mik nothing. Hell probably be dead when he finds out. The world of
Plebs was eye for an eye if it was anything. Maybe that would be better. He
deserved it. He had to reply before Mik got more suspicious. He choked back any
tears the best he could.
Okay, and no. More shit than I remember, but similar. Heres your money.
Mik gave it a quick count. All there. Then he asked Jan.
Whats up with the hand? That wasnt there when you went out. Run into some
trouble? Clearly nothing you couldnt handle, kid, so I dont care. You did good.
Does he seriously not care? What the fuck. That made Jan feel even worse, if it was
emotionally possible. This world was awful. He hated it even more than he hated
himself. Maybe Mik wouldnt even care if Jan flat out told him what he had just done.
He felt physically sick. Instead he just replied. He was a fake, hollow person, just like
everyone else.
Thanks. Ill see you tomorrow?
Yeah. Need a place to sleep? Theres room in the back. It isnt as disgusting as the
front or outside. We keep up appearances to keep unwelcomes out. Youre part of
the family now. Welcome any time, Jan.
Jan. The first time he said his name. It sounded like shit after what he had done. All
because of a fucking game. The adrenaline protecting his sanity and blocking his
emotions was completely gone now. There was no doubt in his mind. What he had
just done was the worst thing ever in his life, by far. It was just a fucking game. Just
an AI creature. Sure he thought it loved him, and he lover herno, it. They were just
kids playing a game. Kids the same as him. Wanting to escape some of this fucking
shit life and have some entertainment. Well, Jan helped him escape. For good.
Maybe there was something else after for Jimmy. There wouldnt be for Jan, not
after what he did. He wished that he had never been attacked that night. Still was

with Kat. Playing his little game. Hiding from the world. Nothing hurting him. Nothing
being hurt by him. Wishes dont come true though. He did this.
Jan went to the back room. It was pretty nice as Mik said. He couldnt appreciate it
though. He picked a bed in the corner. Jan always liked being on the outside. Close
to escape routes. It was just a bare mattress like the other 11 in the room, but it was
good. The rest were all empty. Soon Mik would probably join him. Maybe waiting
until 2 for any other delivery boys to come back. He went to sleep. His first time in a
real sleep in a lone time. This one would be full of nightmares though. He deserved
them. He quietly cried until he passed out. He didnt care if Mik saw him. This was a
world for tears.

CHAPTER 10 The discovery.

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