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Sub Initialize()

' Of the four optional nozzles, we only want the second products:
ActiveObject.Feeds1Name = "Feed"
ActiveObject.Products1Name = "Dry Product"
ActiveObject.Feeds2Name = "Inactive Feed"
ActiveObject.Feeds2Active = False
ActiveObject.Products2Name = "Water Product"
ActiveObject.Products2Active = True
ActiveObject.EnergyFeedsName = "Inactive Energy In"
ActiveObject.EnergyFeedsActive = False
ActiveObject.EnergyProductsName = "Inactive EnergyOut"
ActiveObject.EnergyProductsActive = False
End Sub
Sub Execute()
On Error GoTo EarlyExit
' get the feed stream
Dim feed As Object
Set feed = ActiveObject.Feeds1.Item(0)
If feed Is Nothing Then GoTo EarlyExit
' get the dry product stream
Dim prod As Object
Set prod = ActiveObject.Products1.Item(0)
If prod Is Nothing Then GoTo EarlyExit
' get the water product stream
Dim wtr As Object
Set wtr = ActiveObject.Products2.Item(0)
If wtr Is Nothing Then GoTo EarlyExit
' find the position of water in the current Fluid Package's component list
Dim theComps As Object
Set theComps = ActiveObject.Flowsheet.FluidPackage.Components
waterPosn = theComps.index("H2O")
' get the array of component molar flows from the feed stream
Dim CMFs As Variant
CMFs = feed.ComponentMolarFlowValue
WaterFlow = CMFs(waterPosn)
DryFlow = feed.MolarFlowValue - WaterFlow
' calculate the Temperature, Pressure, and Flow of the water product strem
' remove the water from the CMF array
CMFs(waterPosn) = 0.0
' calculate Temperature, Pressure, and ComponentMolarFlows of the dry stream
' calculate the composition of the dry stream
For i = 0 To theComps.Count - 1
CMFs(i) = CMFs(i) / DryFlow
Next i
' calculate the composition of the water stream (pure water)
For i = 0 To theComps.Count - 1
CMFs(i) = 0.0
Next i
CMFs(waterPosn) = 1.0

' tell the Solver we're done
' (this will remove the "Not Solved" status message)
Exit Sub
' not enough info to calculate
End Sub
Sub StatusQuery()
On Error GoTo ThatsAll
Dim GotOne As Boolean
GotOne = False
If ActiveObject.Feeds1.Count = 0 Then
GotOne = True
ActiveObject.AddStatusCondition(slMissingRequiredInformation, 1, "Feed Stream Re
End If
If ActiveObject.Products1.Count = 0 Then
GotOne = True
ActiveObject.AddStatusCondition(slMissingRequiredInformation, 2, "Dry Product St
ream Required")
End If
If ActiveObject.Products2.Count = 0 Then
GotOne = True
ActiveObject.AddStatusCondition(slMissingRequiredInformation, 3, "Water Product
Stream Required")
End If
' If we're missing an attachment, don't bother checking for any other problems
If GotOne = True Then GoTo ThatsAll
On Error GoTo NoWater
waterPosn =ActiveObject.Flowsheet.FluidPackage.Components.index("H2O")
GoTo AfterWaterCheck
GotOne = True
ActiveObject.AddStatusCondition(slError, 11, "No Water in Current Fluid Package"
On Error GoTo ThatsAll
Dim feed As Object
Set feed = ActiveObject.Feeds1.Item(0)
If Not feed.Temperature.IsKnown Then
ActiveObject.AddStatusCondition(slMissingOptionalInformation, 12, "Feed Temperat
ure Unknown")
GotOne = True
End If
If Not feed.Pressure.IsKnown Then
ActiveObject.AddStatusCondition(slMissingOptionalInformation, 13, "Feed Pressure
GotOne = True
End If
If Not feed.MolarFlow.IsKnown Then
ActiveObject.AddStatusCondition(slMissingOptionalInformation, 14, "Feed Flow Unk
GotOne = True
End If
' The composition's IsKnown will return a Variant containing an array of Boolean

' We must make a variable containing the array before we attempt to Access a dat
' member.
' (i.e., "feed.ComponentMolarFraction.IsKnown(0)" will probably not work)
CMFsKnown = feed.ComponentMolarFraction.IsKnown
If Not CMFsKnown(0) Then
ActiveObject.AddStatusCondition(slMissingOptionalInformation, 15, "Feed Composit
ion Unknown")
GotOne = True
End If
If GotOne = True Then GoTo ThatsAll
If ActiveObject.Feeds1.Count > 1 Then
GotOne = True
ActiveObject.AddStatusCondition(slWarning, 20, "Additional Feed Stream(s) Ignore
End If
If ActiveObject.Products1.Count > 1 Then
GotOne = True
ActiveObject.AddStatusCondition(slWarning, 21, "Additional Dry Product Stream(s)
End If
If ActiveObject.Products2.Count > 1 Then
GotOne = True
ActiveObject.AddStatusCondition(slWarning, 22, "Additional Water Product Stream(
s) Ignored")
End If
Dim BogusCnxn As Boolean
BogusCnxn = False
If ActiveObject.Feeds2.Count > 0 Then
BogusCnxn = True
ElseIf ActiveObject.EnergyFeeds.Count > 0 Then
BogusCnxn = True
ElseIf ActiveObject.EnergyProducts.Count > 0 Then
BogusCnxn = True
End If
If BogusCnxn = True Then
GotOne = True
ActiveObject.AddStatusCondition(slWarning, 7, "Connection(s) to Inactive Nozzles
End If
End Sub

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