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Final Reflection

Instructions: This is open book/open note/open student forums. This is NOT open
internet. Outside of the online materials/forums stay away from internet/WorldWideWeb
resources. Also integrity is key in ministry. Practice that integrity with the first three
questions in particular.
You have done a lot of work for the class exhibit some of the fruit of your labors! Time
suggestions at the end of the challenges/questions.

I initiated the final reflection on Sunday 10th at 4:46 p.m. finishing by 9:47
1. Have you completed ALL the required reading for the course? If not, what percent
HAVE you read?
1 min.
Yes. I completed all the required reading.
2. Have you listened to all lectures and filled in all note-taking guides. If not, which have
you not completed? 3 min.
Yes I did.
I left in blank or filled but I was not sure about if I wrote the correct word in about 5-10
spaces of the total of lectures.
When I dont understood the word usually I listening again and again in order to
3. Did you complete extra-credit devotional time? Give an exact accounting time per
day, percent of days achieved during period. 1 min.
Total Number of days Spiritual
Number of days spending > 1:40 hour
Number of days spending between 1:01 1:39 hour
Number of days spending < 1:00 hour









4. What were the three best lectures? What made them good? 30 min.
a. The Power of Relationships. I always have believed that Christianity and the
ministry are issues related to personal relationships. I believe that the best way to
share the gospel is through my own life style and how I relate with others. The way
that I treat others should have a more powerful effect than only my words, and if I
treat them with dignity, thinking that they are Gods image I dont have any doubt
that they could understand the Gods love reflected. To me was interesting that this

belief is supported by researches results, and sadly many times we underestimate it

and inclusive motivate new believers to cut radically from their non-Christian friends
or relatives, I understand that this could be necessary especially if there is a high
risk that ne converted being influenced negatively by these people, but if this dont
happen we should motivate them continue having relationships in order they can
share their testimony and be witnesses of Gods love. Evangelism is more than
words, is action.
b. Repenting from Being a Family. This lecture made me shake; made me reflect
about the purpose of the church. Honestly, I have always seen the church as a
family, as my own family, but when I listened and reading the lecture made me to
reflect about my assumption.
Today I continue reflecting on that, and precisely for this reason I consider this
lecture good. At this moment Im not totally agree with the lecture premise because
I think in many people that come to the church and that never had have or
experienced a family, at least a functional familiar environment. How can I tell them
that the church is not their family or they should not consider the church their
family? How they could understand that the key purpose is not being a family when
they found hope, a space, and acceptation into the family church?
By now Im not sure what could be the best way to handle both aspects adequately;
but again, for this reason I enjoyed the lecture because challenge me to consider
other perspectives than mine.
c. Compassionate Ministry/Cultural Evangelism with John Wesley. The England
description in Wesleys times really impressed me; but I was more impacted when
read the influence that Wesley and his followers made in their society. This lecture
gave me hope, encouraged me and made me to think that in the many times that
we, or better said I, have underestimated the transformational power of the Jesus
good news in our society.
To reading about England during the 18th century or the description of Dallas city
was like reading about Honduras today; the panorama is darkness, despair, and so
negative; but we have the same God that helped and used Wesley to bring hope,
purpose, and light to England society. So, it means that Honduras have hope, God
can use the church (us) to transform our country.
5. Why is evangelism good for the Christian? 30 min
It is a mandate that bring purpose to the Christian life. We were not being saved only to
gather into a building, we were saved to worship God and be witnesses of the Gods
love to humankind. Evangelism makes us actors/participants and not only spectators in
the kingdom. Evangelism also gives us the opportunity to use the spiritual gifts, talents
and abilities that God already gave us. Evangelism makes us servants and as
Bonheoffer said, the church is the only organization that not serves their members,
we are called to serve the world and the Evangelism let us does that. Finally,
Evangelism let us continually review ourselves, review our personal relationship with
Jesus, because we cant be effectives in Evangelism far from God.
6. What happens to a congregation when they dont take seriously the cause of
compassionate ministry? 30 min.
They lose the opportunity to growth. Their members dont have the opportunity to be
salt and light to their community. This church became unattractive and consequently

has the risk to disappear as group. Also dont have chance to impact the lives of
unbelievers, and although compassionate ministries havent the purpose to make
proselytism (because it will be manipulation) nobody that receive love, mercy and help
from the church is not without impact. When a church dont take it seriously is because
dont understand the call of Jesus. None church that really wants to glad Jesus cant be
indifferent to compassionate ministry, it something that will arise naturally, because it
is not another church program, is simply a spontaneous way to worship God. All
churches will be accountable about their compassion to the people, and churches that
dont demonstrated compassion will pay the price, Matthew 25:41-46.
7. Speed-read John Wesleys Sermon #98 On Visiting the Sick (Google it) and respond. Is this
works righteousness or a necessary dynamic of our salvation? 30 min.
We are saved only by grace; we dont need to do anything else, Jesus already made the
necessary sacrifice.
However we are continually growing in faith in order to become Christlikeness, Visiting sick
people (persons in need) is a way to grow and mature in Christian life. Maybe the difficult
point here is the consequence of does not do that, the condemnation words: Away with you,
you cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his demons. For me the
question here is: Would have these condemned people a close relationship with Jesus? To love
Jesus is to love our neighbors, is a natural consequence, when we love Jesus nobody should
force us to love or feel compassion for people; it is something that naturally will emerge from
a grateful heart. To serve others is something that we can do without expecting receive
rewards, inclusive salvation; is interesting that in the text the people who were welcome into
the kingdom dont know what was the reason because they received this prize.
So, to me compassionate deeds are not necessary for salvation but these will be a natural
and spontaneous consequences of a saved person.
8. Describe the ten best insights of the books/colleague posts. List the books in order of
their helpfulness. 30 min.
a. Prayer is primary. - Shift. - Brown, D.
b. The call to holiness is the call to Christlikeness. - Shift. - Brown, D.
c. Holy leaders know that its not about them. Its not about their agenda
or their opinions. Instead, its about Gods purposes. - Shift. - Brown, D.
d. People do not learn, then serve. They often learn by serving. - Shift. Brown, D.
e. Renewal is not something that occurs only once. God is continually in
the renewing business. - Shift. - Brown, D.
f. Jesus was directly defying contemporary norms and social practices. Good News, Good Works. - Sider, R.
g. Words and deeds must go together. - Good News, Good Works. - Sider, R.
h. Salvation is personal and communal, individual and corporate. - Good
News, Good Works. - Sider, R.
i. We must know and love a people before we can disciple them. Perspective on the World Christian Movement. - Winter, R.
j. World Christian prayer is not a matter of attending more prayer
meetings. It's a matter of getting your life set on a prayer mission.
Pastor Marshal Lillie, Forum 4 | Planting Churches That Make a Difference
Helpfulness order Books_

a. Shift. - Brown, D.
b. Good News, Good Works. - Sider, R.
c. Perspective on the World Christian Movement. - Winter, R.
9. Suggest what YOU need to get better at in order to be evangelistically effective. What
will you do starting this weekyou action plan. 30 min.
Well I need more pray, seek holiness (I have learned that Holiness is a daily close
relationship with God) and be more intentional in compassionate ministry.
I believe that the best that I can do in this week is to review my personal calling; I dont
have any doubt that God called me for something in His kingdom and it will be my best
platform to serve God and serve my neighbors. I really need listen God, could be easy
to mention a specific activity, because there are a lot of needs around me, but is not
only an activism issue, it is about invest my life where God wants to have me. It is a
crucial moment in my life, many changes are happening; Im looking for a job and I
remember that in The Cape Town Commitment mentioned about serving God
inclusive from our job, so something that Ill taking into account is not be motivated
only for the benefits but consider it as a place to serve and be witness of Gods love.

Best quote of the class book, professorial, classmate. 10 min.

Jesus expected the men He was with to obey Him. They were not required to be
smart, but they had to be loyal.1
The kingdom of God is not a concept, a doctrine, or a program subject to free
interpretation, but it is before all else a person with the face and name of Jesus of
Nazareth, the image of the invisible God. If the kingdom is separated from Jesus, it
is no longer the kingdom of God which he revealed. 2

Winter, Ralph; Steven Hawthorne (2013-07-21). Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (Kindle Location
4244). William Carey Library. Kindle Edition.

Sider, Ronald J. (1999-03-01). Good News and Good Works: A Theology for the Whole Gospel (p. 59). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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