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1. First post: Each integrant of the group (post your name) must post the following
information in a table by giving a clear description of the experience and the positive and
negative effects that it caused on you....

o A good experience that changed your life for the better

When I started to work as a preschool teacher totally changed my life because I started to
earn my own money and then I bought my personal things without continue to rely on my
This experience had in my life the following negative effects:
- My parents are very strict with me because Im eldest daughter, when I was studying at
school I received punishments when I didn't my tasks alone but, with my brother they were
flexible because requirement never was the same. And now they have many troubles with him
because he doesn't like study neither work and I should help to him economy.
- Still I havent yet a better work and earn more money because need to study and work its
hard besides at university when Im studying each subject is very expensive but I must get my
degree bachelor in foreign language and could had a different life. This will be a long way.
- Now I had a life more busy hardly ever I can go to dance or drinking beers with my friends
and my boyfriend always Im doing things of my work and my university I hate that but is
necessary to achieving goals.
- I would like to study in a public university but I dont have time for this because I need to
This experience had in my life the following positive effects
- I started to earn my own money and then I bought my personal things without continue to
rely on my parents.
- My parents cant pay me a university then I must study and work as a preschool teacher and
pay my studies in a private university.
- I can support to my parents in household expenses.
- Because I started working very young I know what is the meaning of get things with the
sweat of my brow.

o A bad experience that changed your life for the worse:

I dont have this kind of experience since the moment but, a friend broke her leg when she was
driving after having had a few beers and she could not walk again
This experience had in friends life the following negative effects:
- She could not walk again, when she had car accident was very hard and her car atrophied
- She had pay much money because drove after having had a few beers.
- The other person of other car was seriously hurt because were many days in intensive care
and to my friend had pay hospital expenses.

This experience had in friends life the following positive effects:

- After of this serious car accident with many effects my friend reflected and start attend to
Alcoholics Anonymous talks.
- Then of finish her process in alcoholics anonymous, she created a company with her own
money where offers talks about of the terrible effects when you drive drunk. Talk about her
- Her family support to her in all recovery process and now they do plans activities together.

o A bad experience that changed your life for the better

When I started my relationship with my boyfriend I was very jealous and then we had many
problems for that also broke up in many occasions.
This experience had in my life the following positive effects:
- We learned to rely more on each other, achieving havent more silly troubles.
- For that experience we start to do more plan together but, respecting the space of other.
- After this bad experience we know much more of defects and qualities of the other.
This experience had in my life the following negative effects:
- I met my boyfriend when I had 15 years old and still continue our relationship then now I
see bad effects of had a relationship long term because the monatomic is constant and must
be constantly changing plans to not get bored.
- In someone occasion he wants to have to me in a bubble to everyone don't see me or don't
talk me, then when I want to go out with my friends he regularly invited some plan together

and then I cant go out with them but I tell him I also I have a right to my space and you
shouldnt be angry for that.

By Diana Lucia Rendn Gutierrez

CAU NEIVA. student of bachelor in foreign language.

1. First post: each integrant of the group (post your name) must post the following
information in a table by giving a clear description of the experiences and the positive and
negative effects that it caused on you...
A good experience that changed your life for the better
When I was teenager, I didn't like the English but I want to be a polis officer so I had to study
English to enter like polis officer however I studied English very hard because it was a
requirement I mean the more important requirement to be polis officer, when I started to study
English I really liked it much.
This experience had in my life the following negative effects.
When I finish high school my father told to me that I have to work to help him with the the
bills and with the food for my family so I started working to help them I was working for three
long years and in those years I wasn't studying anything because I though that the money was
the more important in the life so I started to study English late because I was working all the
This experience had in my life the following positive effects.
I had a beautiful girlfriend I mean she was extremely beautiful but there was a big problem
with her, the problem was that she doesn't love me and she was flirtting to others men I loved
her very much but my friends told to me tha my girlfriend doesn't love me and she has other
boyfriend I never beleved them I was only thinking about her all tha time I was a stupid but
with the time I broke up with her and in this moment I have a girlfriend tha loves me too much
and I love her too and we are so happy.
A bad experience that changed your life for the worse
In my life I will never forget when a friend died in my hands... we were swimming in the river
and we were in a tall tree to throw us into the river when my frien fall down on a rock and hit
his head when I went where he was, he told to me help me, help me, help me and he died in
my hands those days I couldn't sleep I was only thinking about that moment it was so bad to
me I will never forget him, he was my best friend.
this experience had in friend's life the following negative effects

I never go to swim to a river with nobody and for one year I don't have much friends maybe it
was a problem for me and for my other friends that I had.
I didn't talk a lot with my friend and with my family fro some days.
I don't like to go with nobody to the riverbecause I remember that day.
This experience had in friend's life the following positive effects
Now I spend more time with friend in other places like university or We play soccer every
I am nice person with everybody and I like to help them all the time.
A bad experience that changed your life for the better
Before that I had beautiful girlfriend, I had two or three girlfriends but after my beutiful
girlfriend cheat to me I never have two or three girlfriend anymore.
This experience had in my life the following positive effects
Well actually now I am very faithful with my girlfriend because it is important to be with only
one person and the more omportan is tha she loves me and I love her.
I never tell lies because I don't like that tell lies remember You should be nice person with
your boyfriend or your girlfriend.


My better experience is I had like boyfriend to Alejandro, Alejandro is someone who I loved.
We meet in art course, we talked a lot of our likes, He was very sweet with me.
I was studying english and he was studying accountancy.

The positive effects that it caused on me

This experience it has caused I learn to love without interest to a person, due to, he had not
money, Actually he had not money for the calls.
The negative effects that it caused on me
I don't know, he left a loneliness, he left a empty, although he didn't love me, because he loved
another person, I get used its presence.


This bad experience is I lost my house, I mean I changed my house by other, My life turn

The positive effects that it caused on me

This experience caused positive effects, so we live nearby to the church, we go to the
church every on sundays. My mother and I sing in the mass.

The negative effects that it caused on me

This experience caused that my friends never came back to check. Nowadays my friends live
far away of me.


I didn't end my career of engineer of chemistry, and I went to live in Ocaa.

The positive effects that it caused on me

It caused positive effects, due to I am studying bachelor of english, I love to study english.

The negative effects that it caused on me

This bad experience caused my coworkers never came back to check, I reconnect on web



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