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Learn to Love the Folders

December 8, 2006 9:28 pm 10 Comments Marian Crkon

I love the folders in Oracle Applications 11i. They are a great way to modify the forms without
customizing them. It is too bad they are so poorly advertised or documented. As a result, only few
users actually understand and use them. If you havent learned yet how to love the folders, this
article is for you.
What is a Folder?
First of all, how do you even know the window you are using is a folder form? Folders are
provided only with the core Oracle application forms. They allow you to change the form layout
and content, define and run queries, export data to Excel without customizing the forms. Look for
the yellow folder icon in the upper-left corner of the screen:

How to Define a Folder

When you open a folder form, the Folder option on the application top menu is enabled. You can
use this option to configure the layout and settings of the folder. The Folder Tools option will give
you a floating menu, from which you can execute some of the folder tasks. A default folder with
default settings and seeded columns appears.

Creating a New Folder Version

To create a new folder, or update an existing one, use the options from the folder menu (not from
the main applications menu. You can save a new folder as private, or public (other users can see
it) version. Each public version must have a unique name! After you created your new folder, hide
the columns you dont need, show the ones you do, change column titles and size, and more.
Hit Save As in the Folder Menu. The Save Folder options will be displayed. Here are few tips on
how to set these options.

Make sure to select Never (unless you want to save your existing query the data you currently
see in the window). If you do save this query, make sure you reflect that in the folder name and
dont make this folder your default folder.
Open as Default
Do you want the current folder to be the folder that opens as default when you come back? If this
flag is enabled, then this will be the default. It is a good idea to save the seeded folder first before
your customized folder as default. Otherwise, youd lose the seeded folder and cant use it again.
If enabled then the folder version can be used by other users with access to this form, not only
the user who created the folder.
Customizing a Folder
You create or update versions of a folder by changing the following options as appropriate:

What fields are displayed

Size of fields

Order fields are displayed

This can be done from the Folder menu or by using the Folder tools. When you are satisfied with
the appearance of the folder, save the definition. Hide all the fields you do not need. This will
dramatically improve the performance of the data queries and exports in your folder.
Defining a Folder Query
To update the query run by the folder, enter and run the required query and then save the folder.
It is possible to view the new query by going to Folder > View Query. The query can be reset to
the default by Folder > Reset Query.

For more complex queries it is possible to use a Clever Query. To do this:

Put the folder in query mode

Enter :a in any displayed field

Run the query

This will display a query/where window. Enter the Where Clause you want to execute in the
window. You can reference any field associated with the folder, not just those displayed. To check
available fields use Help > Tools > Examine, then Block = FOLDER] and [Field = Use pick list to
display available fields.
Folder Administration
Folders can be administered using the System Administrator responsibility. Navigate Application >
Administer Folders > Find Default Folders.
From here you can determine which folders are used as default by users and responsibilities.
When a folder is created and set as default, it is set for all responsibilities of that user. This can be
changed so that different responsibilities, under the same user will invoke different default folders.
The custom folder definitions are referenced under a Folder Set. It is possible to change the
owner of a folder and set folder options, such as Autoquery. This is very useful when you save as
default a folder with a query, which now prevents you from selecting other data in the form.
Folder versions and details are stored in the tables FND_FOLDERS and
FND_FOLDER_COLUMNS. see (7 TABLE DEFINITIONS). When a user invokes a folder, the
user_name on the table FND_USERS is compared to the Created_by column in the
FND_FOLDERS table. This will determine what folder versions are available.
Enhancement Tip:
It would be a great benefit to users if the applications came seeded with meaningful folders
reflecting actual transaction workflows. The required columns should be displayed on the left
(unlike in AP Payment Batches); the columns that do not make business sense together should
not be displayed in the same folders (e.g. Revenue and Invoice Amounts for indirect projects).
When exporting, it would be great to be able to export directly into Excel (instead of having to
save the file first). Providing more logical choices to the users will encourage a wider use of this
great application functionality.

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