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The Hindu Tantric

Scriptures have
listed a Yakshni
known as the Laxmi
Yakshini. She is
described as being a
young and beautiful
girl of about 18 to
19 years old, of fair
complexion and;
Harinikshi [ DowEyed]. She holds a
Lotus Flower in
both the hands. If
she is pleased with
the Sadhak she
showers all kinds of wealth upon him and if angry makes him poor.
Today I will explain how the Sadhak can invoke her through a
secretive Mantra Sadhana.
During the period of the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra [Latter
Beautiful Foot] the Sadhak has to prepare an Ashtadhatu Murti [an
idol prepared from an alloy of eight different metals] of the Laxmi
Yakshini; resembling the description given above.
The Sadhana is commenced in the morning at 4.00 AM. The place
where the Sadhana is to be performed has to be extremely clean and
pure; it should not be frequented by any person with malefic
intentions or any woman having her Monthly Periods. It has to be
washed and Dhoop of Sandalwood Incense has to be rotated over
the place.
The Murti has to be installed by washing it with Ganga Jal. Then a
Tilak of Kesar and Kasturi has to be applied of the forehead of the
idol. The Sadhak has to be seated on a Kusha Grass Sitting Mat. He
has to wear Pitambari Colored Clothes [a darkish yellow shade]. A
Tulsi Bead Mala has to be used for the purpose of counting the
Mantra Chants.
Then the Sadhak has to install a mental image of the Laxmi Yakshini
Murti in his heart and chant the Mantra 108 times. He has to keep a
few Ladoos made from Bhang [Cannabis] in front of him. This entire
Sadhana has to be followed everyday for 31 days.
If the Sadhak succeeds in invoking the Laxmi Yakshini; before her
Laxmi Yakshini Mantra
arrival there is Pomp and Fanfare; like that which precedes the arrival
of a Queen. When she manifests, there is total silence. As it is
impossible to visualize the Laxmi Yakshini with the human senses;
she gives the Sadhak her Darshan in his dream and blesses him.

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