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Marks: 1
What do beta cells secrete?
Choose one answer.
a. Glucagon
b. Amylase
c. Insulin
d. Lipase
Question 2
Marks: 1
What is GLUCAGON response and subsequent glucose action to Ramadhan Fasting?
Choose one answer.
a. receptor tyrosine kinase
b. beta cells of pancreatic islets
c. intermixed
d. increase
Question 3
Marks: 1
What stimulates glucagon release?
Choose one answer.
a. lower blood glucose levels
b. counter regulatory hormone
c. oral medications and diet
d. increased plasma osmolarity and thirst
Question 4
Marks: 1
Polysaccharides are digested into........
which are absorbed by the........
and released into the...........
Choose one answer.
a. monosaccharides
large intestine
b. monosaccharides
large intestine
c. disaccharides
large intestine
d. monosaccharides
small intestine
Question 5
Marks: 1
Without a glucose supply, cells use glycogen and fat as fuels.

Choose one answer.

a. true
b. false
c. I don't know
d. both
Question 6
Marks: 1
The liver breaks down glycogen to fatty acid.
Choose one answer.
a. true
b. false
c. I don't know
d. both
Question 7
Marks: 1
Insulin has a variety of importance physiological effects on different organ systems. Which of
the following is a mismatch?
Choose one answer.
a. Adipose, decrease triglyceride storage
b. Liver, increased storage of glucose
c. Muscle, stimulates protein synthesis
d. Muscle, stimulates glycogen synthesis
Question 8
Marks: 1
Insulin causes the blood glucose levels to fall, but glucagon causes those levels to rise. The
relationship between the two hormones would be said to be....
Choose one answer.
a. synergistic
b. permissive
c. expressive
d. antagonistic
Question 9
Marks: 1
The risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus include....
Choose one answer.
a. All of the options listed are correct.
b. family history
c. being a member of a high-risk population
d. being overweight
Question 10
Marks: 1
Type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed through....

Choose one answer.

a. lifestyle interventions
b. weight loss
c. exercise
d. All of the options listed are correct.
Question 11
Marks: 1
Having a high blood glucose level is called....
Choose one answer.
a. hyperglycemia
b. diabetic ketoacidosis
c. hypoglycemia
d. macrosomia
Question 12
Marks: 1
What is the important effects of physical exercise in insulin performance?
Choose one answer.
a. Alpha and delta cells are downstream from beta cells
b. Increased apparently insulin sensitivity to internalize glucose
c. Maternal glucose levels
d. Work against actions of insulin and elevate blood glucose
Question 13
Marks: 1
After a meal, blood glucose levels increase and stimulate the secretion of which hormone?
Choose one answer.
a. glucagon
b. glycogen
c. pancreatisome
d. insulin
Question 14
Marks: 1
Midmorning, blood glucose levels fall and stimulate the secretion of which hormone?
Choose one answer.
a. glycogen
b. glucagon
c. insulin
d. pancreatisome
Question 15
Marks: 1
Long-term complications of diabetes include...
Choose one answer.

a. impaired sensation in the hands and feet

b. increased risk for high blood pressure and atherosclerosis
c. increased risk for kidney failure
d. All the complications listed are correct.
Question 16
Marks: 1
Which hormone is produced in the Beta cells of the islets of Langerhans:
Choose one answer.
a. Melatonin
b. Glucagon
c. Insulin
d. Calcitonin
Question 17
Marks: 1
Choose the pair of hormones that have antagonistic effects on blood sugar levels.
Choose one answer.
a. Calcitonin and PTH
b. Adrenalin and Noradrenalin
c. Glucocorticoids and Insulin
d. ADH and Aldosterone
Question 18
Marks: 1
The Pancreas produces which 2 hormones
Choose one answer.
a. Epinephrine and Insulin
b. Melatonin and Glucagon
c. Insulin and Glucagon
d. Glucagon and Norepinephrine
Question 19
Marks: 1
Non-insulin- dependent diabetes; due to insulin resistance or reduced insulin sensitivity,
combined with reduced insulin secretion
Choose one answer.
a. Diabetes Mellitus type 1
b. Diabetes Mellitus type 2
c. Diabetes Mellitus type 3
d. Untreatable diabetes
Question 20
Marks: 1
What is the primary defect of insulin resistance?
Choose one answer.

a. No insulin being made (beta cells gone)

b. No responsiveness to insulin
c. Acute exercise will drive insulin down
d. Well response to insulin
Question 21
Marks: 1
What does insulin normally do to control blood glucose?
Choose one answer.
a. blocks hepatic glucose production and moves glucose into cells, lowering blood
b. alpha cells of pancreatic islets
c. close K membrane channels and stimulate insulin secretion
d. All above are correct
Question 22
Marks: 1
What is the clinical significance of hypoglycemia?
Choose one answer.
a. feeling happy
b. feeling exhausted
c. brain nutrition compromised, causing dizziness, fainting, unconsciousness
d. late in pregnancy
Question 23
Marks: 1
What are the symptoms of excess insulin administration?
Choose one answer.
a. eat more before, then reduce insulin dosage
b. receptor tyrosine kinase
c. decrease
d. fainting, dizziness, a coma
Question 24
Marks: 1
What is the trigger for insulin release?
Choose one answer.
a. Intermixed
b. Fasting
c. Increase
d. Increased blood glucose
Question 25
Marks: 1
How does insulin decrease blood glucose?
Choose one answer.
a. GIP and GLP-1

b. appetite will rise and body weight will be low

c. hyperglycemic
d. increase glucose uptake into heart, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue
Question 26
Marks: 1
What do glucose counter regulatory hormones do?
Choose one answer.
a. Work against actions of insulin and elevate blood glucose
b. Stimulate insulin secretion
c. Decrease blood glucose
d. Damage to cells, nerves, growth and development hampered

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