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Compare the representation of gender in two

fragrance adverts.

Gender is represented in a variety of ways in the two adverts I have
analysed, these are ...

Paragraph 1.
Choose one fragrance and make a point on how the female gender is
-POINT: In the J.Lo Sunkissed Glow advert females are represented as both
feminine and sultry.
State how the model appears in the advert using denotation.
-EVIDENCE: This is shown in the mise en scene and lighting in particular,
we see a mid long shot of J Lo in a bikini and with her arm behind her
head exposing her body. Behind her is a bamboo blind and palm leaves
with the sun shining through and casting golden beams of light across her
body and at the top of the fragrance bottle.
Explain how the denotation represents your point (feminine/sultry)
through connotation.

-EXPLANATION: The connotation of the bikini suggests the fragrance has

scents reminiscent of holidays and will create a notion of the tropical. This
is reinforced by the bamboo and palm leaf which connotes a hot or humid
environment as this is where that type of plant thrives. The mid long shot
reveals JLos athletic figure and there is a hint of sexual attractiveness in
the body language as with her hand behind her head her body is exposed
but also hidden by the light. Costume is used to show JLos curvy figure,
reinforcing Mulveys theory that advertising is viewed through the male
gaze. In the mise en scene the light also represents a warm climate, it
suggests a blazing sun and highlights the typography of the perfumes
name Glow.
Paragraph 2.
Link the paragraph by moving on to the connotation of the font style, size
and colour.
-POINT: The copy also connotes heat and a tropical climate though the
name and the colour.
State where the copy is and comment on the size and position.
-EVIDENCE: sunkissed is in a lower case font and Glow is central and
larger as this is links to the JLo brand of Glow fragrances. The colour is
orange with an outer glow of white.
Explain how the denotation of the copy links to the image and has a
connotation of femininity.
-EXPLANATION: The name of the fragrance, sunkissed Glow, suggests
that when wearing this you may have a holiday feel and look as sunkissed
is often used when someone has a light tan. Noticeably the light shining
behind the words reinforces the name as it literally glows through the
font. JLo is smaller, however it is in bold and at the top of the bottle,
which visually links both the product and the model. The colours are also
repeated in the bottle and costume and the green, yellow and orange all
connote a tropical paradise, therefore the audiences higher needs may be
met by the purchase of the fragrance as they can escape to this place
and feel beautiful.
Paragraph 3 same as 1 but with male fragrance
Paragraph 4 same as 3 but with male fragrance

Conclusion In both adverts common codes and conventions are used

such as image, copy, strap lines, however the way male a female
fragrance adverts target audiences are clearly different...(explain how in
the two adverts you have studied.

Copy, typography, image, Laura Mulvey,

representation, mise-en-scene, costume, low key
lighting, high key lighting, camera angles,
connotation, denotation, audience, text, setting,
race, ethnicity, gender, suggests, scent,
fragrance, analyse, text.

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