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32 Solutions for When You Can't


Its oh, I dont know, 3 oclock in the freaking morning, and Im lying in bed, staring at the
ceiling and wanting to cry with frustration. I'm trying to stay hopeful about my ability to
catch a few hours of shuteye before work the next morning, but Ive been up until 6 a.m.
(not by choice) enough times in my life to know the beast of insomnia cant always be

I'm certainly not alone. Insomnia is incredibly common in the U.S., with 30 to 40 percent
of American adults experiencing some symptoms of insomnia each year . So for all
those seasoned insomniacs out thereand for anyone who occasionally cant fall or
stay asleepweve rounded up some short- and long- term strategies for getting a good
nights rest. And if youre reading this at 3 a.m. because your mind wont stop
running, dont worry; we have tips for what you can do right now to improve the chances
of getting (at least some) sleep.

Sleep GapThe Need-to-Know

Insomnia is defined as the inability to fall asleep, remain asleep, or get the amount of
sleep an individual needs to wake up feeling rested. Its symptoms include difficulty
falling asleep, frequent wake-ups during the night, waking up too early in the morning,
daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, and irritability. Insomnia can be acute
(lasting one to several nights) or chronic (lasting from a month to years). Its also the
most common sleep complaint among Americans (especially women) .
Trouble sleeping is often a symptom of another disease or condition, such as
depression, chronic pain, medications, or stress, which might explain why its so
common . Most often, insomnia stems from a combination of factors, including medical
and psychological issues, scheduling issues, relationships conflicts, and behavioral
factors (poor bedtime routines, physical hyperactivity, watching TV right before bed,
etc.) .

Beyond Counting SheepYour Action Plan

1. Keep track. Record how much and when you sleep, fatigue levels throughout the
day, and any other symptoms. This serves two purposes: It can identify activities that
help or hurt the chances of a good nights rest, and its a useful tool for a doctor or
therapist, should you decide to see one. Digital programs like Zeo, YawnLog, and
a variety of apps can all make snooze-tracking easier.

2. Try therapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia is a pretty common

technique. Also called CBT-I, the therapy typically involves self-monitoring, mental
strategies (like developing positive thoughts about sleep), and creating an environment
that promotes sleepand its been shown to improve sleep quality . Learn these
strategies with the help of a therapist or with online guidance or booksboth are
equally effective ways of implementing CBT-I . Not into seeing a therapist? Check
out Sleepio, a digital program that helps users learn about and implement CBT
practices from the comfort of their own homes.

3. Establish a regular bedtime routine. Find activities that help you wind down
before bed, and stick to the same sleep-wake schedule, even on weekends.

4. Use the bed appropriately. Beds should be reserved for sleep and sexand
nothing else. Bringing work into the bedroom is a sure-fire way to discourage sleep

5. Choose the right mattress. Uncomfortable bedding has been linked to poorer
sleep quality, while acomfortable mattress can up the chances of a satisfying snooze .

6. Dont smoke. Need another reason to quit? Smokers commonly exhibit symptoms
of insomniapossibly because their bodies go into nicotine withdrawal during the night .

7. See a doctor. If youve tried everything and nothings worked, it might be time to
consult a professional. A doctor can help rule out any sleep disorders and identify
lifestyle factors or medications that might be getting in the way of a good nights rest.

8. Exercise early in the day. Studies find moderate aerobic activity can improve
insomniacs sleep quality. For best results, exercise at least three hours before bedtime
so the body has sufficient time to wind down before hitting the sack.

9. Schedule worry time during the day. Spend 15 minutes addressing problems
(journaling is a good way to start) so they dont sneak up when your head hits the pillow.
If a particular event or stressor is keeping you up at nightand it has a clear end date
the problem may resolve itself naturally.

10. Limit caffeine. Its tempting to reach for coffee when were tired after a poor
nights sleep, but drinking caffeine can make it harder for us to fall asleep at night,
creating a vicious cycle . Cant quit cold turkey? Try limiting caffeine intake to earlier in
the day so its out of your system by bedtime.

11. Nap the right way. Just 10 to 20 minutes of napping during the day can help us
feel rested (and improve our creativity and memory, to boot!) . But try to avoid napping
after 3:00 or 4:00pm, as this can make it harder to fall asleep at bedtime .

12. Get outside. Increasing natural light exposure during the day promotes healthy
melatonin balance, which can help us get to sleep later in the day.

13. Eat for sleep. Eat foods high in magnesium, like halibut, almonds, cashews, and
spinach, and foods high in vitamin B complex, like leafy green vegetables, nuts, and

legumes. Some experts also recommend taking supplements of taurine, vitamin B6, and

14. Try relaxation techniques. In one study, people who practiced meditation saw
improvements in total sleep time and sleep quality. Other relaxation strategieslike
yoga, deep breathing, and progressive relaxationare also effective tools for promoting
good sleep.

15. Avoid large meals late in the evening. Jumbo meals pre-bedtime have been
linked to trouble falling asleep .

16. Dim the lights two hours before bed. According to one study, exposure to
electrical lights between dusk and bedtime might negatively affect our chances at
quality sleep. Assuming you dont want to sit in the dark for hours, find the happy
medium by dimming the lights as bedtime draws near. Also considerchanging all light
bulbs to soft/warm varieties with a color temperature less than 3,000 kelvins, all of
which can reduce lights effects on our nervous systems.

17. Turn off the screens. The artificial (or blue) light emitted by screens can disrupt
our bodiespreparations for sleep by stimulating daytime hormones . Reduce exposure
by turning off TVs, phones, and computers at least one hour before bedtime. Cant give
up the Daily Show? At least dim a screens brightness, either manually or with the help
of automated programs.

18. Dont drink alcohol right before bed. Booze might seem like an obvious choice
for calming down pre-bedtime, but it can actually disrupt sleep cycles later in the night.
You dont have to give up the good stuff completely; just drink it with dinner (around 6
oclock) and skip the nightcap.

19. Dont use your brain before bed. Dont work, watch stimulating TV shows, read
complex material, or think too hardabout anythingbefore bedtime; working out the
brain keeps the body awake.

20. Have sex or masturbate before bed. Hey, anything for a good nights rest.
Getting our O face on pre-bedtime can help us fall asleep.

21. Keep it (dark and) cool. A dark, cool bedroom environment helps promote restful
sleep. Program the thermostat so the bedrooms temperature is between 60 and 75
degrees Fahrenheit (experiment to find what works best for you), and use heavy
curtains, blackout shades, or an eye mask to block lights. Also be sure to charge
phones and laptops outside the bedroomeven this tiny bit of light can disrupt sleep. If
you live in a studio or cant get away from blue lights for any reason, consider making a
(very small) investment in blue light blocking glasses.

22. Consider natural supplements. Valerian and melatonin are two of the most
highly recommended supplements (though their efficacy is still under review) . Some
other sleep aids can be effective, too.

23. Dont try to sleep unless youre sleepy. Yes, it sucks when its 2 a.m. and you
still dont feel tired, despite knowing you need rest. But climbing into bed when you dont
feel ready for sleep is setting yourself up for failure. Instead, engage in relaxing
activities (like gentle yoga and meditation or listening to soothing music) until you get
the strong urge to snooze. If sleep hasnt come within 20 minutes, get back out of bed
and try relaxing activities again until youre sleepy enough to give it another go.

24. Minimize disturbing noises. If external noises are beyond your control (a busy
street outside the window, a neighbors barking dog), cover them up with the sound of a
bedside fan, a white noise machine, or other sounds that help us sleep.

25. Vent stresses. If designated worry time earlier in the day didnt fully do the trick,
spend some extra time writing down anxieties. Loose-leaf paper works, but if you scrawl
your sorrows in a journal or notebook, you can literally close the book on your worries
(at least until morning).

26. Brew some chamomile tea. Studies find the humble herb can reduce anxieties,
getting us into a better head space for sleep.

27. Try a hot bath or shower. Stepping from warm water into that pre-cooled
bedroom will cause body temperatures to drop slightly, which can trigger sleepy
feelings by slowing down metabolic activity.

28. Sip some hot milk. Science doesnt necessarily back the idea that milk facilitates
snoozing, but conventional wisdom might be strong enough that our minds still believe
moo milk lulls us to sleep.

29. Do some leg exercises. We know; we told you not to exercise before bed. But
apparently some easyleg lifts, squats, or your leg exercise of choice can help divert
blood flow to the legs and away from the brain. This can help quiet the mind, making it
easier to slip into dreamland.

30. Seriously: Count some sheep. It might not work for everybody, but focusing on
one thing can help the brain settle down, making sleep more possible. Not a fan of our
wooly friends? Focusing on your breath (in, out, in, out) is also an effective way to chill
out. Or bust out some of those relaxation techniques you practiced earlier in the
eveningthey're just as good of a resource in the wee hours.

31. Visualize yourself asleep. Imagine yourself drifting in a blissful slumber while
practicing deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation . Starting at one end of the
body and working up or down, clench and then release each section of muscles for
instant all-over relaxation.

32. Accept insomnia for what it is. Judgments (I should be asleep), comparisons
(my BF/GF/roommate is sleeping; why cant I?), and catastrophic thinking (If I dont
get eight hours sleep tonight, Ill mess up that presentation tomorrow, lose my job, and

die tired and alone) dont do us any good. Make the night easier by accepting it for
what it is, letting go of judgments, and being gentle with yourself. The silver lining? You
just might get to see a glorious sunrise.

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