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Introducing the most [Advanced] and [Intelligent] COC bot on the Market! ClashAuto v5.

After a month of information gathering and thanks to all of our members who have provided feedback...
We have released a bot that far outdoes anything we ever expected possible! With the implementation
of sophisticated algorithms and hard-core coding, ClashAuto is now performing beyond its capability
limit to deliver the best loot result for its paying members.
Thank you for your support. We could not have done this without you. We sincerely appreciate it.
[Whats New?]
One of the most requested changes: You will no longer need to open Bluestacks and ClashAuto before
starting the bot. With v5.0 you simply need to click start.. ClashAuto will open Bluestacks and do the
rest for you
1] New friendly-GUI across all features
2] Implementation of Smart Deployment (100% human-like)
3] Troops deployment on red line across NBM and DBM (Closer to the collectors)
4] Custom troop settings on barracks and dark barracks
5] Custom boost settings across all barracks and heroes
6] Custom time settings on "End Attack" (No loot after X period of time)
7] Auto "End Attack" after % of G/E/DE loot was stolen
8] Auto "Search" when troops reach % of set amount trained
9] Custom settings on trophies dropping
10] Heroes skill will be activated at 70% life bar
11] Disable heroes deployment option on DBM
12] Auto upgrade walls (free builder needed)
13] Added extra info on Statistic tab
14] Real-time Live view on "Log Window"
15] Added "Configuration Set" to Share with others / Save & Load settings easily
16] Added Intelligent Bluestacks crash detection (auto restart Bluestacks)
17] Fix Drop Trophies bug and Bluestacks stuck bug.
18] "Only Attack Dead Base" is back per request.
19] Deployment Speed can be slowed down to 15 now. (For those of you terrified of being banned.. Still
never happened

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Table of Contents
1. Loot performance tuning
2. Configuration Settings
3. Troop Settings
4. Search settings
5. Deployment Settings
6. Auto upgrade wall
7. Force safe start

1. How to adjust loot performance tuning

Start with the recommended default configuration for your Town Hall level / Troop level
Run several hours, check the statistics, if the profit is not good enough, then make a small adjustment to
the settings, or check the forum for a shared configuration, then check the profit and adjust. Every
account has something different about it.. Therefor your settings will also be slightly different. It is your
responsibility to find a good setting that works best for you.
Check the number of lost connection (In statistics)
- If you are disconnected more than two times every hour.. try to use VPN
Check the number of NBM and DBM, if DBM number is small, change your search condition. If you can't
loot all collectors from DBM, adjust your troops by adding giants or hog riders, or change the
deployment method completely.

2. Configuration Set
We Recommend using the default setting, just choose your Town Hall level and troop level
Example: if you are a TH9 but do not have lvl 6 troops, choose Th9 Lv5 settings

You can also import the configuration file from others found on the forum

3. Troop Settings
When dealing with troops.. it all depends on what kind of search mode used
(NBM+DBM or DBM only) [Normal Base Mode] [Dead Base Mode]

In each barracks: There can be three different types of troops trained.

- The training order is from left to right.
Start attack when troop capacity reaches X %, it will improve your profit per hour by increasing the
attacking times per hour.
Boosting: If you want to boost all the barracks = no need to locate
Specific Boosting: Locate them manually.
(Simply make them 0s again to reset at any time)
Note: Please make sure the map has been fully zoomed out before locating.
If you want to boost king or queen, just locate it, and check boost.

4. Search settings
Below is a typical setting for th10 non boost case:

Search condition
If you want to loot gold and elixir, please use mode one for both NBM and DBM.
Otherwise you can use mode two to be more specific or go after Dark Elixir

Defense filter
If you do not have max troops = Check All for best results
This will increase your overall loot by filtering out difficult bases.
Note: DBM, the defenses will be ignored.

Search option
Choose attack NBM and DBM mode or only DBM
If your troops are weak = only DBM recommended.
If you boost all barracks = NBM+DBM recommended.

The number of turn NBM to DBM

It is used to cut down NBM search condition to match NBM after X searches from the beginning of
search. With this function, it can avoid searching too much. If you search too long, the troops in the
barracks for the next attack will almost be ready, it is better to finish the current search quickly by
attacking a lower quality base.
Recommended Non Boost
Th10: 40-60
Th9: 80-200
Th8 and below: 120-200
Recommended When Boosting:
All THs: 15-40

Skip NBM if previous total X searches from the first search with G+E <= Y
Recommended Non boost
If choose attack NBM+DBM
Th10: X 30-50, Y 250000-300000
Th9: X 80-150, Y 500000-600000
Th8 and Below: X 120-150, Y 500000-600000
Recommended When Boosting
Disable this function, or put X as a small value (10-30)

5. Deployment
NBM Deployment
Smart deployment will put troops nearby the bases red lines by dropping turn by turn.
You can choose which troops to drop at the specified turn.
You can also choose the speed to drop the troops.
If your main goal is to keep trophies by winning the battle, check keep trophies option.
Note: the best way to win the NBM battle is by adding wall breakers and giants to a Barch Army.

DBM deployment
DBM will use the default smart deployment method to loot, it will drop troops nearby collectors, first 1
giant or hog rider, then several barbs and archers.
To make sure the collectors are destroyed, the attacking speed should be fast.
If you choose keep trophies in DBM mode, some troops will be used to attack by surrounded mode, so it
may fail to loot all the collectors, to improve this, uncheck keep trophies in DBM, if you have two
available heroes, enable 1 or 2 in DBM.
If searching mode is only DBM or trying best for DBM, enable your king and queen to DBM.
To quick end battle, please configure the resource condition to end battle when desired

6. Auto upgrade wall

Please select the wall to be upgraded and ensure you set the right condition.
Be sure to Leave some gold and elixir for searching and troop training!

7. Force safe start

This is used to solve some unexpected errors after analyzing log, if you do not have the problem, no
need to check this.

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