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By Andrew King of the Lemurs Miller

A parody of Pandemic, by Matt Leacock
A.K.A. if Pandemic was a microgame about lemurs.
1 Map card
1 Reference card
2 Reversible Role cards
1 Tracking card
Components provided by player:
2 Standard D6 dice
Disease Cubes (Red, Black, and Blue - from Pandemic)
Pawns (Purple, Orange, Brown, and White - from
In Microdemic, you and your fellow player are members of a disease control team of sorts. Actually,
youre a ragtag group of people with varying levels
of idealism and questionable ethics who are trying to
save the lemurs.
You must work together to develop cures and prevent
disease outbreaks, before 2 deadly diseases (Black
and Red) contaminate the lemur population in Madagascar, and forever deprive the world of the cutest
and fuzziest little fuzzy adorable tiny winy little
fuzzy...*clear throat*
Microdemic is a cooperative experience. The players
win or lose as a team. You either save the lemurs, or
watch them die in horrible agony. Poor fuzzy creatures.
Microdemic may also be played solo (see solo section).
The goal is to discover cures for both lemur diseases.
The players lose (and the lemurs DIE) if:
8 outbreaks of disease occur (Too much publicity!
nationwide panic happens, and people start killing
lemurs, afraid of mad lemur disease)
Each player has a specific role with special abilities
to improve the teams chances of saving the fuzzy,
adorable population.
1. Set out the board and pieces
Place the board near both players. Put the disease
cubes nearby. Separate the cubes by color into 3
piles, or try to stack them as tall as you can. Im

sure the lemurs will be very impressed with your

mad cube stacking skillz, and wont mind at all that
youre wasting time instead of treating their diseases.
2. Place outbreaks and turn markers
Place a blue cube on the 0 space of the Outbreaks
Track. This is the Outbreaks Marker. Place a blue
cube on the left-most space on the Turns Track. This
is the Turn Marker.
3. Place infection rate marker and infect 3 cities
Place a blue cube on the left-most 2 space of the
Infection Rate Track. This is the Infection Rate
marker. Roll one die. Put 3 disease cubes of the
matching color on the city with the matching number. Roll another die: put 2 disease cubes on this city.
Roll another die: put 1 disease cube on this city. (You
will place a total of 6 disease cubes, each matching
the color of the city) Re-roll any doubles.
4. Give each player cards and a pawn
Players share a reference card. Select roles and place
one role card in front of each player, with the desired
role face-up. Place the matching colored pawns for
these roles in Antsiranana. Roll dice to form their
initial hands. Roll two dice per player, placing blue
cubes on the role cards, in the numbered spaces
matching the numbers rolled. Doubles are allowed.
5. Begin play
Roll dice to determine who goes first. Re-roll any
ties. If any lemurs happen to be playing, lemurs always get the first turn, due to cute.
6. OPTIONAL: if playing with lemurs, be sensitive
to their feelings. This might be a difficult game for
them to play, so prepare yourself with lighthearted
music and reassuring snacks so they dont get to
wrapped up in this sad narrative. Remember, this
game is based on the most tragic challenge in the history of lemurdom. Bear this in mind.
Each player turn is dived into 4 parts:
1. Do 4 actions.
2. Roll to add cubes to the players role card.
3. Perform an Lemurdemic roll if required, and advance turn marker.
4. Infect cities.
After a player is done infecting cities (and lemurs),
the other player begins their turn.
Players should freely give each other advice, offering
opinions and ideas. However, the player whose turn
it is decides what to do.

You may do up to 4 actions each turn.
Select any combination of the actions listed below.
You may do the same action several times, each time
counting as 1 action. Your roles special abilities may
change how an action is done.
+Drive (Or ride in a litter, carried by grateful lemurs)
Move to a city connected by a white line to the one
you are in.
+Treat Disease (give drugs to lemurs)
Remove 1 disease cube from the city you are in,
placing it in the cube supply next to the board. If this
disease color has been cured (see Discover a Cure
below), remove all cubes of that color from the city
you are in.
If the last cube of a cured disease is removed from
the board, this disease is eradicated. Place a second
cube of the matching color on the Tracking card.
+Share Knowledge (Hey, look at this sick lemur!)
You can do this action in two ways:
Give a cube from the numbered space that matches
the city you are in to the other player, or take cube
from the numbered space that matches the city you
are in from another player.
The other player must be in the city with you, and
both of you need to agree to do this.
If the player who gets the card now has more than 7
cubes on his role card, that player must immediately
remove a cube from his role card, placing it in the
supply next to the board.
+Discover a Cure (IVE SAVED THE LEMURS!)
At the research station in Antsiranana (indicated by
the research station icon on the board), discard 5
cubes of the same number from your hand to cure
the disease of the matching color. Each number
has a matching color, indicated by the color of the
numbered spaces on your role card, and also by the
matching citys color. Place 1 cube of the disease to
cover the picture of the disease on the Tracking card
to indicate that the disease is cured.
If no cubes of this color are on the board, this disease
is now eradicated. In this case, place another cube
over the (\) symbol to indicate that it has been eradicated.
After doing 4 actions, roll two dice. Add blue cubes
to the matching numbers on your role card.

If you ever have more than 7 cubes on your role card,
remove cubes until you have 7 cubes on your role
If there is no marker on the No lemurdemic box on
the Tracking card, you must roll an die to determine
if there is an lemurdemic. If you roll a 2-6, there is no
lemurdemic this turn. If you roll a 1, place a marker
on the No lemurdemic box, and immediately do
the following steps in order:
1. Increase (The lemurs are forgetting to wash their
Move the infection rate marker forward 1 space on
the Infection Rate Track.
2. Infect (Lemurs are forgetting to cover their sneezes!)
Roll a die. Unless the disease color of the city matching the rolled number has been eradicated, put 3
disease cubes of that color on
the named city. If the city already has cubes of this
color, do not add 3 cubes to it. Instead, add just
enough cubes so that it has 3 cubes of this color and
then an outbreak of this disease occurs in the city
(see Outbreaks below).
If the Turn marker is at the end of the Turn track and
there is no marker in the No lemurdemic box, and
lemurdemic triggers automatically.
This does not happen on the turn where the turn
marker is moved into the right-most space on the turn
track, but the following turn.
If the Turn marker is at the end of the turn track and
there is a marker in the No lemurdemic box, then
remove the marker from the No lemurdemic box,
and place the Turn marker on the left-most space on
the Turn track.
Either way, after resolving any lemurdemics, the
Turn marker must be placed on the left-most space
on the Turn track, and the No lemurdemic box
should not have a marker in it.
The No lemurdemic box does not count as a space
in the Turn track.
Roll as many dice, one at a time, as the
current infection rate. This number is below the
space of the Infection Rate Track that has the Infection Rate cube. Roll these dice one at a time, infecting the city named on each card.
To infect a city, place 1 disease cube matching its

color onto the city, unless this disease has been eradicated. If the city already has 3 cubes of this color,
do not place a 4th cube. Instead, an outbreak of this
disease occurs in the city (see Outbreaks below).
OUTBREAKS (Lemurs are sharing toothbrushes!
When a disease outbreak occurs, move the outbreaks
marker forward 1 space on the Outbreaks Track.
Then, place 1 cube of the disease color on every city
connected to the city. If any of them already has 3
cubes of the disease color, do not place a 4th cube in
those cities. Instead, in each of them, a chain reaction
outbreak occurs after the current outbreak is done.
When a chain reaction outbreak occurs, first move
the outbreaks marker forward 1 space. Then, place
cubes as above, except do not add a cube to cities
that have already had an outbreak (or a chain reaction
outbreak) as part of resolving the current Infection
As a result of outbreaks, a city may have disease
cubes of multiple colors on it; up to 3 cubes of each
color. This does not affect infections. If the outbreaks
marker reaches the last space of the Outbreaks Track,
the game ends and your team has lost!
After infecting cities, your turn is over. The other
player begins their turn.
The players win as soon as cures to both diseases are
The players lose if 8 outbreaks occur all the lemurs
perish in terrible agony, and youre left in a terrible,
lemur-less world.
Solo lemur
Microdemic also may be played as a solo game. This
does not alter the rules in any way, and the player
must take turns with each role as normal, going
through all of the required steps before beginning
a turn with the other role. The colors on the turn
tracker found on the Tracking card will aid the player
in tracking the alternating turns.

Thank you for playing microdemic! If
you would like to let me know what
you thought, head over here:
If you would like more free games via
e-mail, hop over here:
If you want to give me more info
on your playthrough of the game, or
work with me, or just say hi, head
over here:
or find me on Twitter
I run all of this myself, and Id love to
have a conversation with you! :-)
- AndHeDrew

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