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Coconut (Cocos nucifera)

The coconut tree is often called the Tree of Life because of the endliess list of products and byproducts derived from its various parts, like food, shelter, fuel, etc. The coconut provides a nutritious
source of meat, milk, oil and juice that has often been used repeatedly for a variety of things. Coconut is
highly nutritious and rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals. The coconut meat can be use to make coco
flour, dessicated coconut, coconut milk (which is a good source of protein), coconut chips, candies,
bukayo or local sweetened shredded coconut meat, latik copra and animal feeds. Coconut oil is the most
readily digested fats in the world because it furnishes 9,500 calories of energy per kilogram. It retards
aging and counteracts heart, colon, pancreatic and liver tumor inducers. It is also plays an important role
in the detergent industry because of its high saponification value. Other products from its oil are soap,
lard, coco chemicals, crude oil, pomade, shampoo, margarine, butter and cooking oil. The leaves produce
good quality paper, brooms, hats and mats, fruit trays, waste baskets, fans, and other handicrafts. The fruit
is often use for salad, halo-halo, sweets and pastries. The coconut water is also called liquid endosperm
and can be made into nata de coco. The coconut husk has an abundant supply of fiber, which makes it a
good and stable supply for cottage industries to make brushes, doormats, carpets, bags, ropes, yarn fishing
nets and mattresses. Out of its pith, one can produce coco pickles, guinatan and lumpia.The shell has a
variety of uses for fashion and for other household products.

Coffee (Coffea arabica)

Coffee is an evergreen, glabrous shrub or small tree, up to 5 m tall when unpruned. The leaves are
opposite, dark green, glossy, elliptical, acuminate-tipped, short-petioled, 5-20 cm long, measuring up to
1.5-7.5 cm broad, usually 10-15 cm long and 6 cm broad. The flowers are white, fragrant, in axillary
clusters, opening simultaneously 8-12 days after wetting, with its corolla that is tubular in shape and is 1
cm long and 5-lobed. The calyx is small and cup-shaped, while the fruit is a drupe, about 1.5 cm long,

oval-elliptic, green when immature, ripening yellow and then crimson, black upon drying, 7-9 months to
maturity. The seeds are usually 2, ellipsoidal, 8.5-12.5 mm long, inner surface deeply grooved, consisting
mainly of green corneous endosperm and small embryo. Dried seeds "beans" are roasted, ground, and
brewed to make one of the two most important beverages in the western world. In its native Ethiopia,
used as a masticatory since ancient times, it is also cooked in butter to make rich flat cakes. In Arabia a
fermented drink from the pulp is consumed. Coffee is widely used as a flavoring, as in ice cream, pastries,
candies, and liqueurs. Source of caffeine, dried ripe seeds are used as a stimulant, nervine, and diuretic,
acting on central nervous system, kidneys, heart, and muscles. Indonesians and Malaysians prepare an
infusion from dried leaves. Coffee pulp and parchment used as manures and mulches, and is occasionally
fed to cattle in India. Coffelite, a type of plastic, made from coffee beans. Wood is hard, dense, and
durable, takes a good polish, and is suitable for tables, chairs, and turnery. Coffee with iodine is used as a
deodorant. Caffeine is a widespread additive in over-the-counter diet pills, pain killers, and stimulants. It
is also reported to have analgesic, anaphrodisiac, anorexic, antidotal, cardiotonic, CNS-stimulant,
counterirritant, diuretic, hypnotic, lactagogue, nervine, stimulant and is also considered as a folk remedy
for asthma, atropine-poisoning, fever, flu, headache, jaundice, malaria, migraine, narcosis, nephrosis,
opium-poisoning, sores, and vertigo.

Pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius)

Pandan leaves are often used to give a refreshing, fragrant flavour to both sweet and savoury
South-East-Asian dishes (rice, chicken, jellies, drinks, puddings, custard or sweets). Pandan leaves are
also used in cooking ordinary non-aromatic rice to imitate the more expensive aromatic Basmati and
Jasmine rices. The fragrant leaves are often used as food wrappers, in potpourri and as air fresheners. The
leaves are used medicinally in South East Asia to refresh the body, reduce fever, and relieve indigestion
and flatulence. The oil of the leaf is described as stimulant and antispasmodic and is effective against
headaches, rheumatism, and epilepsy and as a cure for sore throats. The leaf contains essential oils,

carotenoids, tocopherols and tocotrienols, quercetin, alkaloids, fatty acids and esters and non-specific
lipid transfer proteins.
Pineapple (Ananas comosus)

Pineapple is a rosette plant with long, narrow leaves bearing sawtooth edges. t takes 2 years for
the plant to mature enough to bloom and produce fruit. The fruit is produced on top of a sturdy stalk at the
center of the plant. Pineapple is cultivated for fruit, used fresh, canned, frozen, or made into juices,
syrups, or candied. Pineapple bran, the residue after juicing, is high in vitamin A, and is used in livestock
feed. From the juice may be extracted citric acid, or on fermentation, alcohol. In the Philippines, a fine
quality cloth is made from leaf fibers. Commercial bromelain is generally prepared from pineapple
wastes. A mixture of several proteases, bromelain is used in meat tenderizers, in chill-proofing beer,
manufacturing precooked cereals, in certain cosmetics, and in preparations to treat edema and
inflammation. It is reported to be abortifacient, cholagogue, depurative, diaphoretic, digestive, discutient,
diuretic, ecbolic, emmenagogue, estrogenic, hydragogue, intoxicant, laxative, parasiticide, purgative,
refrigerant, styptic, and vermifuge, pineapple is a folk remedy for bladder ailments, hypochondria, scarlet
fever, scurvy, sores, and sprains. An antiedemic substance has been reported from the rhizome. Many real
or imagined pharmacological effects are attributed to bromelain: burn debridement, antiinflammatory
action, smooth muscle relaxation, and stimulation of muscle contractions, cancer prevention and
remission, ulcer prevention, appetite inhibition, enhanced fat excretion, sinusitis relief.

Lemon (Citrus limonum)

It is a tree of up to 4 or 5 meters in height, trunk smooth, with branches and young leaves of a
pink hue. The adult leaves are large, oval, hard, with a long petiole on the basis of which appears from a
thorn. The flowers are formed by five white petals, touched by the outside and white on the internal. The
fruit is about 10cm long, oval shaped, with a projection in the extreme, with a very rough surface and is
intensely yellow. The skin is not too thick and protects the flesh. It is very acidic. the most important use

of lemon-juice is its employment in scurvy. Lemon-juice and lime-juice, the latter more especially, have
been adopted, as the result of frequent and striking experience, as the most convenient and perfect
prophylactic and curative in sea scurvy; and, as such, lime-juice is ordered to be constantly carried in
stock by the ships both of the Royal Navy and of the merchant service. As a perfume, oil of lemon is an
exceedingly useful adjunct to sulphur ointment and to evaporating lotions.

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