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10 Simple Face Packs Using Multani Mitti


Too budget conscious to get a face clean up or a facial at the parlours? Then, try
Multani mitti, a natural solution to all your skin woes.
Fullers Earth, or Multani mitti, or most commonly known as gopi chandan in India is
known to be an excellent skin-cleansing agent that helps clean the skin of all the oil, dirt
and dead cells caused due to the polluted environment.
This traditional skincare ingredient, which is rich in minerals such as aluminium silicate,
offers high absorbing properties that leave the skin fresh and radiant.
Beneficial to oily and acne prone skin, multani mittis lime content kills harmful bacteria,
removes excess oil and dirt, thus leaving the skin clean and soft. It further offers cooling
effect on the skin and relives of inflammation caused due to severe acne.
Fullers earth also helps tighten the skin, which further reduces wrinkles and fine lines.

By Khalid Mahmood (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons

Multani Mitti Face Packs:

1. Reduce Oiliness:
Multani mitti and rose water mask balances the skins pH level, naturally cools it, and
reduces oiliness.
2. For Soft Skin:
Add a teaspoon of crushed almonds in a bit of milk and multani mitti and apply this on
your face. This will offer softness and suppleness to the dry skin.
[ Read: Beauty Secrets ]
3. For Glowing Skin:
Paste of two spoons of multani mitti, tomato juice and some sandalwood powder will
help reduce the facial spots. For extra glow, just add a dash of turmeric powder to it and
apply on face for 10 minutes before rinsing it with warm water. Use this multani mitti
face pack for glowing skin regularly.
4. For Radiant Skin:
Mix multani mitti powder, tomato juice, one teaspoon honey, lemon juice and little milk.
Apply on face and leave it on for 10 minutes. Use regularly to achieve desired results.
5. To get Rid of dark patches:
Mix a pack of one tablespoon each of multani mitti, mint leaves powder and yoghurt.
Apply on affected areas for 20 minutes and rinse off using warm water.

6. To achieve Toned and Oil free skin

Mix sandalwood powder with multani mitti and few drops of milk. Apply over face for 20
minutes and wash it with water.
7. For Flawless Skin:
Face pack including one tablespoon of multani mitti, honey and papaya fruit pulp is
helpful to achieve flawless skin.
8. For Even Skin:
Face pack for toning uneven skin tone includes th tablespoon of multani mitti, one
tablespoon of yoghurt and one beaten egg white. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse it
off with warm water.
9. Treat Pigmented Skin:
Make a face mask by mixing multani mitti with some carrot pulp and teaspoon of olive
oil to treat pigmented skin.
10. To treat Tanned skin
Mix multani mitti with coconut water and a little sugar. Apply on affected areas and wash
with warm water.

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