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Engaged Citizenship Service Learning Modules

Russell Aivazian, Katerina Reilly, and Brett Stachler
Marquette University Center for Teaching and Learning

Introduction/Project Reflection
When tasked with creating learning modules for service learning courses centered around
engaged citizenship, we focused our attention in three areas: consistency, theory, and goal setting.
While we utilized the course readings throughout the process of creating our modules, these three
themes continued to emerged as we developed our modules.
Consistency was a key feature of our presentation for our theme of engaged citizenship. We
believed that engaged citizenship could be defined in multiple ways, with various interpretations.
The broadness of the term and its foundational similarities with service learning makes wonderful
sense, but we wanted to create scaffolding for students as to guide their reflections and experience
within this expansive definition and course. Within the rubrics, we used a method of sixWhat? So
What? Now What? for the engaged citizenship piece (3) as well as for the connection to course
content (3), and then created six learning outcomes based on what is being assessed in the rubric.
There is similar language within the rubrics such as using the words clear and thoroughly for a high
score, then somewhat, limited, and finally inappropriately down each column of the outcome being
assessed. By using this method, we ensured that there was consistency and clarity. We hoped that
with this method, the students will know exactly what pieces will be assessed, and professors will be
able to cross-reference the assignments more easily.
We found the study of how individuals learn within Bransford, Brown, and Cocking (1990)
wonderfully interesting and empowering to use this framework in our future practices, which are all
within different disciplines. As they mention, this idea of studying how the brain learns is relatively
new, and we hoped to embody this practice using Fink (2013) and Nilsons (2010) insights and
outlines in our modules as well as use specific language from Finks (2013) taxonomy, such as
integrate and apply, to keep with our theme of structure and continuity. Additionally, as Bransford,

Brown, and Cocking (1990) as well as Nilson (2010) mention, undergraduate students may come
into a course with preconceived ideas about what courses will be, what their developmental level will
be, as well as their place within a greater sociocultural context. With this in mind, we tried our best
to put ourselves into the shoes of undergraduate students. We kept things as clear, simple, but also
deep and keeping standards high (Nilson, 2010). Each activity fits the desired outcomes as well as
matches the assessment in the rubric, completing the third element of integrated course design (Fink,
2013). The practice was more challenging and time consuming than we imaged but doing this piece
well we believed to be essential. We continuously reviewed our learning goals with every prompt
and activity and modified when an element was not fitting into the fluid design. Going through the
process of integrating all of the multiple pieces will help us to better communicate with faculty and
program designers in the future because we understand its complications but also have the
knowledge based from the literature to back the innumerable benefits it can provide for students.
Utilizing Theory in Outcomes
Among other authors of curriculum development, our group utilized Finks (2003) design
for significant learning, and Nilsons practices for developing outcomes (2010) in our modules and
rubrics, particularly by matching our learning goals with the teaching and learning activities, and the
feedback and assessment measured in the rubrics. Backwards design was utilized for all three stages
of modules and rubrics in order to create an integrated course by considering situational factors first
(Fink, 2003). We summarized situational factors for the students to be: developmental
comprehension of course content, and time management considering service-learning, other courses,
and general life tasks. For faculty, situational factors were: applicability to a variety of different
academic fields, applicability of activities to course content, and making sure the activities did not
involve too much work outside of the prompts. From there, we developed our learning outcomes

to summarize what we expected them to learn at each particular point in the course, and matched
our learning outcomes to the rubric.
Our learning outcomes are constructed out of the three parts of Nilsons (2010) steps of
writing outcomes by first stating measurable performance words, and linking them to different parts
of our rubric. The statement of conditions for the performance is used to identify different parts of
the performance that will be assessed, which are all the various writing components to the activities
(Nilson, 2010). Criteria and standards for assessing the performance are utilized in outcomes, but
more specifically constructed in the rubrics, using an educative assessment rather than auditive (Fink,
2003; Nilson, 2010).
Goal Setting
Throughout our modules, we were incredibly intentional to find ways to integrate goal
setting related to engaged citizenship. This decision came from examining both Fink (2013) and
Nilsons (2010) process for designing and evaluating learning outcomes for learning experiences.
Specifically, our modules ask our students to reflect on their experience and set some goals for their
service learning experience and connecting course content in the vein of engaged citizenship. In
order to evaluate their goals, we wanted to challenge the students to think of at least three goals that
they can guide their learning experience as they continue throughout the course. Nilson (2010)
stresses that this type of outcomes-centered course design is important because it holds students
accountable to their own learning and allows for faculty to reasonably measure this learning through
the rubrics. While we acknowledge that our approach may stress quantity over quality, we wanted to
challenge the students to think of learning goals that were diverse and challenged students to think
about their experience in a multi-faceted way.
As we explained through our consistency, theory in outcomes, and goal setting, we
challenged ourselves to integrate course content throughout the construction of the modules. While

students may not notice the various infusion of course content, we believe that these consistent
themes will help make the modules for engaged citizenship accessible across disciplines and helpful
for faculty use.

Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (Eds.) (1990). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience,
and school, (Expanded ed.). Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
Fink, L. D. (2013). Creating significant learning experiences: An integrated approach to designing college courses.
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Nilson, L. B. (2010). Understanding your students and how they learn. Teaching at its best, (pp. 3-15).

Active Citizenship and Service Learning: Birdwell J., Scott R., & Horley, E. (2013). Active
citizenship, education, and service learning. Education, Citizenship, and Social Justice 8(2).
Allesandra Orofino-Its Our City. Lets Fix It:
Change-Oriented Service Learning: Iverson, S. V. & James, J. H (2013). Self-authoring a Civic
Identity: A qualitative analysis of change-oriented service learning. Journal of Student
Affairs Research and Practice, 50(1). Print.
Civic Learning and Civic Participation: Kahne, J. E. & Sporte, S. M. (2008). Developing citizens:
The impact of civic learning opportunities on students commitment to civic participation.
American Educational Research Journal 45(3). Print.
Civic Learning and Democratic Engagements: Finley, A. (2011). Civic learning and democratic
engagements: A review of the literature on Civic Engagement in Post-Secondary Education:
Civic Engagement in Higher Education: Jacoby, B. (2009). Civic engagement in higher
education. Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.
Eric Liu-Why Ordinary People Need to Understand Power:
Engaged Citizenship Defined:
Introduction to Critical Reflection (Ch. 2) and DEAL Model of Critical Reflection (Ch. 4): Ash,
Clayton, & Moses (2009). Learning through Critical Reflection: A Tutorial/or ServiceLearning Students (Instructors Version). Raleigh, NC.
Justice-Learning: Butin, D. W. (2007). Justice-learning: Service-learning as justice-oriented
education. Equity & Excellence in Education, 40(2), 177-183.
Kid President-3 Questions That Can Change the World:
Kid President-Pep Talk to Teachers and Students:

Pre-Service Reflection Exercises
Module Overview:
The pre-service reflection exercise provides an opportunity for you to begin to think about your
service learning experience. Additionally, you will be able to use your reflections to engage your
peers in a discussion about your reflections and begin to understand how you will relate the course
content to your service-learning experience. As this module will explore, your participation in
service learning can lead to engaged citizenship in the community.
As we understand it, engaged citizenship is a combination of knowledge, attitude, skills and actions
that aim to contribute to building and maintaining a democratic society. Engaged citizenship can
mean anything from being engaged in your local community, such as a local campaign to clean up
your neighborhood park, to participating in a nationwide involvement, such as a movement to
educate young voters about democracy. Engaged citizens are a necessary and healthy function of a
democratic society, where citizens participate in the decision making process that effects their
everyday lives (Open Society Foundations, 2013).
In addition to exploring the ways you can become an engaged citizen in your community, your
service learning experience will help to elevate your course content throughout the semester.
Through this exercise, you will begin to think about your classroom experience and make some
goals related to your classroom and service learning experience.

Pre-Service Blog Post
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of completing this module, students will be able to:
articulate the connections between their service learning experience and being an engaged
citizen in the community,
examine the importance of being an engaged citizen in the community,
identify 3-5 ways they can become an engaged citizen in the community through their service
learning experience,
describe the relationships between course content and the service learning experience,
describe the relevance of service learning and engaged citizenship to your course content,
identify 3-5 outcomes they have for their service learning experience.
Before beginning your blog posting, please watch Alessandra Orofinos TED Talk: Its our city.
Lets fix it.
For your pre-service blog posting, you are asked to reflect on the video and consider what an
engaged citizen looks like in terms of your course content and relevant issues of social justice based
on the specifications below:
Be sure to address the following in your posting:
Alessandra Orofino explains that she has reason to believe that its possible for citizens to
build their own structures of participation. React to this quote in the context of your own
experience and describe how your service learning experience can encourage engaged
citizenship in the community. What does an engaged citizen look like and how are you an
engaged citizen in your communities? Why is being an engaged citizen important for your
communities both at home and at school? Based on your definition above, what are 3-5 ways
you can become an engaged citizen throughout your service learning experience?
Based on your understanding of the course content and your service learning experience,
what are some connections you can draw between your service learning site and your
course? How can your course content and service learning experience expand your
understanding of being an engaged citizen and what are 3-5 personal goals you have for this
course and service learning experience?

Pre-service Reflection Rubric

Blog Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Engaged Citizenship in the Community

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to articulate the
connection between your
service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have clearly articulated
the connections between
your service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the
community thoroughly
through multiple examples
from the video and
personal experience.
So What:
Your submission clearly
You are to examine the
identifies your own vision
importance of being an
of engaged citizenship and
engaged citizen in the
examines your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using multiple
Now What:
You have included 3-5
You are to identify 3-5
relevant and clear
ways that you can become examples of ways that you
an engaged citizen in the
can become an engaged
community through your
citizen in the community
service learning
through your service
learning experience.

You have somewhat
articulated a connection
between your service
learning experience and
being an engaged citizen in
the community through an
example from the video and
personal experience.

You have provided a limited
articulation of the connection
between your service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the
community through an
example from the video OR
personal experience.

You have omitted, or have
provided inappropriate examples
of, the connection between your
service learning experience and
being an engaged citizen in the

Your submission somewhat

clearly identifies your own
vision of engaged citizenship
and examines your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using an
You have included 1-2
relevant example(s) of ways
that you can become an
engaged citizen in the
community through your
service learning experience.

Your submission provides a

limited identification of your
own vision of engaged
citizenship and your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using an example.

Your submission either omits or

improperly identifies your own
vision of engaged citizenship and
your role as an engaged citizen in
your community using little to no

You have included limited

examples of ways that you can
become an engaged citizen in
the community through your
service learning experience.

Your submission omits examples

of ways that you can become an
engaged citizen in the community
through your service learning


Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course Content

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to describe the
relationship between your
course content and service
learning experience.
So What:
You are to describe the
relevance of service
learning and engaged
citizenship to your course
Now What:
You are to identify 3-5
outcomes you have for
your service learning

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have identified several
thorough connections
between course concepts,
theories and/or objectives
and your service learning
You have included several
clearly developed examples
of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or has informed
your learning.
You have identified 3-5
relevant and clear
outcomes that you have for
your service learning

You have identified some
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have Identified limited
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have included some

examples of the ways in
which service learning may
be relevant to or has
informed your learning.

You have Included limited

examples of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or informed your

You have included 1-2

relevant outcome(s) that you
have for your service learning

You have included limited

outcomes that you have for
your service learning

You have omitted connections
between course concepts,
theories, objectives and your
service learning experience or
the connections you made are
You have omitted examples of
the ways in which service
learning may be relevant to or
informed your learning or the
examples you have provided are
You have omitted examples that
you have for your service
learning experience.

Domain Being Assessed = Communication

The Outcome Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to use appropriate
conventions to effectively
communicate meaning
and narrate experiences.

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

The writing style used is
well suited to the
assignment and the
audience, and conveys
meaning well without the
distraction of grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
suited to the assignment and
the audience, and conveys
meaning with few
distractions from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
somewhat suited to the
assignment and the audience,
and conveys meaning
somewhat well with some
distraction from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is not
suited to the assignment and the
audience, and conveys limited
meaning and/or evidences
notable distraction from
grammar, syntax, and spelling

Pre-Service Essay
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of completing this module, students will be able to:
articulate the connections between their service learning experience and being an engaged
citizen in the community,
examine the importance of being an engaged citizen in the community,
identify 3-5 ways they can become an engaged citizen in the community through their service
learning experience,
describe the relationships between course content and the service learning experience,
describe the relevance of service learning and engaged citizenship to your course content,
identify 3-5 outcomes they have for their service learning experience.
Before beginning your reflection essay, please watch Alessandra Orofinos TED Talk: Its our city.
Lets fix it.
This essay is intended to help you begin to reflect on your role as an engaged citizen and set the
stage for your service learning experience. For your pre-service reflection essay, you are asked to
reflect on the video and consider what an engaged citizen looks like in terms of your course
content and relevant issues of social justice based on the specifications below:
Be sure to address the following in your essay
Part 1: Engaged Citizenship
Alessandra Orofino explains that she has reason to believe that its possible for citizens to
build their own structures of participation. React to this quote in the context of your own
experience and describe how service learning experience can encourage engaged citizenship
in the community.
What does an engaged citizen look like and how are you an engaged citizen in your
Why is being an engaged citizen important for your communities both at home and at
Based on your definition above, what are 3-5 ways you can become an engaged citizen
throughout your service learning experience?
Part 2: Connection to Course Content
Based on your understanding of the course content and your service learning experience,
what are some connections you can draw between your service learning site and your
How can your course content and service learning experience expand your understanding of
being an engaged citizen and what are 3-5 personal goals you have for this course and
service learning experience?


Pre-service Reflection Rubric

Essay Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Engaged Citizenship in the Community

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to articulate the
connection between your
service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have clearly articulated
the connections between
your service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the
community thoroughly
through multiple examples
from the video and
personal experience.
So What:
Your submission clearly
You are to examine the
identifies your own vision
importance of being an
of engaged citizenship and
engaged citizen in the
examines your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using multiple
Now What:
You have included 3-5
You are to identify 3-5
relevant and clear
ways that you can become examples of ways that you
an engaged citizen in the
can become an engaged
community through your
citizen in the community
service learning
through your service
learning experience.

You have somewhat
articulated a connection
between your service
learning experience and
being an engaged citizen in
the community through an
example from the video and
personal experience.

You have provided a limited
articulation of the connection
between your service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the
community through an
example from the video OR
personal experience.

You have omitted, or have
provided inappropriate examples
of, the connection between your
service learning experience and
being an engaged citizen in the

Your submission somewhat

clearly identifies your own
vision of engaged citizenship
and examines your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using an
You have included 1-2
relevant example(s) of ways
that you can become an
engaged citizen in the
community through your
service learning experience.

Your submission provides a

limited identification of your
own vision of engaged
citizenship and your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using an example.

Your submission either omits or

improperly identifies your own
vision of engaged citizenship and
your role as an engaged citizen in
your community using little to no

You have included limited

examples of ways that you can
become an engaged citizen in
the community through your
service learning experience.

Your submission omits examples

of ways that you can become an
engaged citizen in the community
through your service learning


Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course Content

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to describe the
relationship between your
course content and service
learning experience.
So What:
You are to describe the
relevance of service
learning and engaged
citizenship to your course
Now What:
You are to identify 3-5
outcomes you have for
your service learning

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have identified several
thorough connections
between course concepts,
theories and/or objectives
and your service learning
You have included several
clearly developed examples
of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or has informed
your learning.
You have identified 3-5
relevant and clear
outcomes that you have for
your service learning

You have identified some
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have Identified limited
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have included some

examples of the ways in
which service learning may
be relevant to or has
informed your learning.

You have Included limited

examples of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or informed your

You have included 1-2

relevant outcome(s) that you
have for your service learning

You have included limited

outcomes that you have for
your service learning

You have omitted connections
between course concepts,
theories, objectives and your
service learning experience or
the connections you made are
You have omitted examples of
the ways in which service
learning may be relevant to or
informed your learning or the
examples you have provided are
You have omitted examples that
you have for your service
learning experience.

Domain Being Assessed = Communication

The Outcome Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to use appropriate
conventions to effectively
communicate meaning
and narrate experiences.

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

The writing style used is
well suited to the
assignment and the
audience, and conveys
meaning well without the
distraction of grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
suited to the assignment and
the audience, and conveys
meaning with few
distractions from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
somewhat suited to the
assignment and the audience,
and conveys meaning
somewhat well with some
distraction from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is not
suited to the assignment and the
audience, and conveys limited
meaning and/or evidences
notable distraction from
grammar, syntax, and spelling

Pre-Service Discussion Board
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of completing this module, students will be able to:
articulate the connections between their service learning experience and being an engaged
citizen in the community,
examine the importance of being an engaged citizen in the community,
identify 3-5 ways they can become an engaged citizen in the community through their service
learning experience,
describe the relationships between course content and the service learning experience,
describe the relevance of service learning and engaged citizenship to your course content,
identify 3-5 outcomes they have for their service learning experience.
Before beginning your discussion board post, please watch Alessandra Orofinos TED Talk: Its our
city. Lets fix it.
Begin your participation in this discussion by posting your response to the following two-part
Part 1: Engaged Citizenship
Alessandra Orofino explains that she has reason to believe that its possible for citizens to
build their own structures of participation. React to this quote in the context of your own
experience and describe how service learning experience can encourage engaged citizenship
in the community.
What does an engaged citizen look like and how are you an engaged citizen in your
Why is being an engaged citizen important for your communities both at home and at
Based on your definition above, what are 3-5 ways you can become an engaged citizen
throughout your service learning experience?
Part 2: Connection to Course Content
Based on your understanding of the course content and your service learning experience,
what are some connections you can draw between your service learning site and your
How can your course content and service learning experience expand your understanding of
being an engaged citizen and what are 3-5 personal goals you have for this course and
service learning experience?
Post your initial response to these questions in the Pre-service Reflection Discussion Forum by
Wednesday, and then respond to at least two of your classmates postings by Saturday.


Pre-service Reflection Rubric

Discussion Board Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Engaged Citizenship in the Community

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to articulate the
connection between your
service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have clearly articulated
the connections between
your service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the
community thoroughly
through multiple examples
from the video and
personal experience.
So What:
Your submission clearly
You are to examine the
identifies your own vision
importance of being an
of engaged citizenship and
engaged citizen in the
examines your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using multiple
Now What:
You have included 3-5
You are to identify 3-5
relevant and clear
ways that you can become examples of ways that you
an engaged citizen in the
can become an engaged
community through your
citizen in the community
service learning
through your service
learning experience.

You have somewhat
articulated a connection
between your service
learning experience and
being an engaged citizen in
the community through an
example from the video and
personal experience.

You have provided a limited
articulation of the connection
between your service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the
community through an
example from the video OR
personal experience.

You have omitted, or have
provided inappropriate examples
of, the connection between your
service learning experience and
being an engaged citizen in the

Your submission somewhat

clearly identifies your own
vision of engaged citizenship
and examines your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using an
You have included 1-2
relevant example(s) of ways
that you can become an
engaged citizen in the
community through your
service learning experience.

Your submission provides a

limited identification of your
own vision of engaged
citizenship and your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using an example.

Your submission either omits or

improperly identifies your own
vision of engaged citizenship and
your role as an engaged citizen in
your community using little to no

You have included limited

examples of ways that you can
become an engaged citizen in
the community through your
service learning experience.

Your submission omits examples

of ways that you can become an
engaged citizen in the community
through your service learning


Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course Content

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to describe the
relationship between your
course content and service
learning experience.
So What:
You are to describe the
relevance of service
learning and engaged
citizenship to your course
Now What:
You are to identify 3-5
outcomes you have for
your service learning

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have identified several
thorough connections
between course concepts,
theories and/or objectives
and your service learning
You have included several
clearly developed examples
of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or has informed
your learning.
You have identified 3-5
relevant and clear
outcomes that you have for
your service learning

You have identified some
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have Identified limited
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have included some

examples of the ways in
which service learning may
be relevant to or has
informed your learning.

You have Included limited

examples of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or informed your

You have included 1-2

relevant outcome(s) that you
have for your service learning

You have included limited

outcomes that you have for
your service learning

You have omitted connections
between course concepts,
theories, objectives and your
service learning experience or
the connections you made are
You have omitted examples of
the ways in which service
learning may be relevant to or
informed your learning or the
examples you have provided are
You have omitted examples that
you have for your service
learning experience.

Domain Being Assessed = Communication

The Outcome Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to use appropriate
conventions to effectively
communicate meaning
and narrate experiences.

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

The writing style used is
well suited to the
assignment and the
audience, and conveys
meaning well without the
distraction of grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
suited to the assignment and
the audience, and conveys
meaning with few
distractions from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
somewhat suited to the
assignment and the audience,
and conveys meaning
somewhat well with some
distraction from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is not
suited to the assignment and the
audience, and conveys limited
meaning and/or evidences
notable distraction from
grammar, syntax, and spelling

Pre-Service Multimedia
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of completing this module, students will be able to:
articulate the connections between their service learning experience and being an engaged
citizen in the community,
examine the importance of being an engaged citizen in the community,
identify ways they can become an engaged citizen in the community through their service
learning experience,
describe the relationships between course content and the service learning experience,
describe the relevance of service learning and engaged citizenship to your course content,
identify goals they have for their service learning experience.
Before beginning your multimedia project, please watch Alessandra Orofinos TED Talk: Its our
city. Lets fix it.
For this multimedia project, use any of the tools listed below to react to the video, define engaged
citizenship, and connect your service learning experience to relevant course content. You may
combine all of these focuses in one multimedia presentation or use a combination of tools to
address them. If you choose a creative approach that addresses the focus areas figuratively, please
include a written explanation that describes the meaning you intend to convey through your
In this project you are to convey:
your personal definition of engaged citizenship,
reasons why you feel engaged citizenship is important in the context of the service learning
ways you intend to encourage engaged citizenship in your service learning experience,
connections you can draw between course content and your service learning project,
ways you can expand your understanding of engaged citizenship through your service
learning project, and
your personal goals for your service learning experience.


Pre-service Reflection Rubric

Multimedia Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Engaged Citizenship in the Community

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to articulate the
connection between your
service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have thoroughly
articulated the connections
between your service
learning experience and
being an engaged citizen in
the community through
multiple examples from the
video and personal
So What:
Your submission clearly
You are to examine the
identifies your own vision
importance of being an
of engaged citizenship and
engaged citizen in the
examines your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using multiple
Now What:
You have included 3-5
You are to identify 3-5
relevant and clear
ways that you can become examples of ways that you
an engaged citizen in the
can become an engaged
community through your
citizen in the community
service learning
through your service
learning experience.

You have somewhat
articulated a connection
between your service
learning experience and
being an engaged citizen in
the community through an
example from the video and
personal experience.

You have provided a limited
articulation of the connection
between your service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the
community through an
example from the video OR
personal experience.

You have omitted, or have
provided inappropriate examples
of, the connection between your
service learning experience and
being an engaged citizen in the

Your submission somewhat

clearly identifies your own
vision of engaged citizenship
and examines your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using an
You have included 1-2
relevant example(s) of ways
that you can become an
engaged citizen in the
community through your
service learning experience.

Your submission provides a

limited identification of your
own vision of engaged
citizenship and your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using an example.

Your submission either omits or

improperly identifies your own
vision of engaged citizenship and
your role as an engaged citizen in
your community using little to no

You have included limited

examples of ways that you can
become an engaged citizen in
the community through your
service learning experience.

You have omitted examples of

ways that you can become an
engaged citizen in the community
through your service learning


Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course Content

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to describe the
relationship between your
course content and service
learning experience.
So What:
You are to describe the
relevance of service
learning and engaged
citizenship to your course
Now What:
You are to identify 3-5
outcomes you have for
your service learning

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have identified several
thorough connections
between course concepts,
theories and/or objectives
and your service learning
You have included several
clearly developed examples
of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or has informed
your learning.
You have identified 3-5
relevant and clear
outcomes that you have for
your service learning

You have identified some
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have Identified limited
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have included some

examples of the ways in
which service learning may
be relevant to or has
informed your learning.

You have Included limited

examples of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or informed your

You have included 1-2

relevant outcome(s) that you
have for your service learning

You have included limited

outcomes that you have for
your service learning

You have omitted connections
between course concepts,
theories, objectives and your
service learning experience or
the connections you made are
You have omitted examples of
the ways in which service
learning may be relevant to or
informed your learning or the
examples you have provided are
You have omitted examples that
you have for your service
learning experience.

Domain Being Assessed = Communication

The Outcome Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to use appropriate
conventions to effectively
communicate meaning
and narrate experiences.

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

The writing style used is
well suited to the
assignment and the
audience, and conveys
meaning well without the
distraction of grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
suited to the assignment and
the audience, and conveys
meaning with few
distractions from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
somewhat suited to the
assignment and the audience,
and conveys meaning
somewhat well with some
distraction from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is not
suited to the assignment and the
audience, and conveys limited
meaning and/or evidences
notable distraction from
grammar, syntax, and spelling

Mid-Service Reflection Exercises
Module Overview:
Congratulations on working towards the halfway point in your service experience! Midservice reflection allows you to examine your performance at your site thus far, as well as reexamine
goals and outcomes you set for yourself at the beginning of your experience! Now that you have
developed an understanding of critical reflection, you can now dig even deeper into what your
experiences mean to you and on a larger community or societal scale. While you are participating in
many other activities outside of this service-learning experience, we hope you will use all of the
aspects of your life to inform your future direction, vocation, and engaged citizenship in your life.
As we understand it, engaged citizenship is a combination of knowledge, attitude, skills and actions
that aim to contribute to building and maintaining a democratic society. Engaged citizenship can
mean anything from being engaged in your local community, such as a local campaign to clean up
your neighborhood park, to participating in a nationwide involvement, such as a movement to
educate young voters about democracy. Engaged citizens are a necessary and healthy function of a
democratic society, where citizens participate in the decision making process that effects their
everyday lives (Open Society Foundations, 2013).

Mid-Service Blog Post
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of completing this module, students will:
1. Be able to articulate their evolving and personal definition of engaged citizenship through their
2. Examine how your evolved views of engaged citizenship effect their community and your
perceptions as well as how your site embodies these views.
3. Articulate 3-5 ways they will develop their identity as an engaged citizen.
4. Be able to critically reflect on their experience thus far, how engaged citizenship plays a role in
their service, as well as connections to course content.
5. Describe how the service experience is relevant to the course content as well as helped to form
their unique identity as an engaged citizen thus far.
6. Identify and apply 3-5 areas which connect with the course content through their experience.
Now that you are acclimated to your site and may begin to make meaningful impacts, it is time to
critically reflect on what you have done and where you would like to go. This entire semester you
have been considering what it means to be an engaged citizen, and through your service site, you are
able to consider this more deeply with every visit.
In a blog post, please thoughtfully and critically reflect on one incident or occurrence which has
enhanced or thwarted your development as an engaged citizen. How has your time in your servicelearning increased your ability to process and engage with this incident? How can you integrate
these qualities into your evolving identity as an engaged citizen and apply them in the future? Please
connect the incident to 3-5 areas of your course content.
Some guided questions are:
1. What happened at your service site? Who was involved? Please describe the
incident/learning opportunity.
2. How did the event effect you and the individual(s)?
3. What are the implications for engagement within the service site because of this
4. What will you do similarly/differently because of this incident?
5. Does this commit you more to the community?
6. How did your supervisor or site respond to this incident?


Mid-Service Reflection Rubric

Blog Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Engaged Citizenship

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to explore the
continuous evolving of
what it means to be an
engaged citizen in your
service experience and in
your daily life.
So What:
You are to demonstrate an
understanding of the
implications of engaged
citizenship within service
site and to your

Now What:
You are to explore and
apply your insights about
engaged citizenship,
motivations, and values to
guide your possible future
actions and decisions
(personally or

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have thoroughly
described what it means to
be an engaged citizen from
a multidimensional

You have thoroughly

analyzed several of the
possible ways in which
engaged citizenship affects
perceptions, interactions,
choices, and actions in rich
and complex ways.

You have Included clear
references to ideas about
the origins/sources of
engaged citizenship.
You have included clear
examples of how an
increasing awareness of
the possible ways in which
becoming an engaged
citizen affects perceptions,
interactions, choices, and
actions can guide future

You have somewhat
described what it means to
be an engaged citizen from
various perspectives.

You have described what it
means to be an engaged citizen
from limited perspectives.

You have omitted or
inappropriately described what it
means to be an engaged citizen
from perspectives.

You have analyzed some of

the possible ways in which
engaged citizenship affects
perceptions, interactions,
choices, and actions in
meaningful ways.

You have included some
references to ideas about the
origins/sources of engaged

You have provided a limited

analysis of the possible ways in
which engaged citizenship
affects perceptions,
interactions, choices, and

You have Included limited
references to ideas about the
origins/sources of engaged

You have provided limited to no

analysis of the possible ways in
which engaged citizenship affects
perceptions, interactions,
choices, and actions.

You have included little to no
reference to ideas about the
origins/sources of engaged

You have included some

examples of how an
increasing awareness of the
possible ways in which
becoming an engaged citizen
affects perceptions,
interactions, choices, and
actions can guide future

You have included limited

examples of how an increasing
awareness of the possible ways
in which becoming an engaged
citizen affects perceptions,
interactions, choices, and
actions can guide future

You have included no examples

of how an increasing awareness
of the possible ways in which
becoming an engaged citizen
affects perceptions, interactions,
choices, and actions can guide
future decision-making or your
examples are inappropriate.


Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course Content

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to identify course
theories, concepts,
materials, and/or
objectives that relate to
your service learning
So What:
You are to describe the
relevance of your service
experience to your
learning in the course.

Now What:
You are to apply the
insights and questions you
have developed to guide
your future learning

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have identified
thorough connections
between course concepts,
theories and/r objectives
and your service learning

You have identified some
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have Identified limited
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have included

thorough examples of the
ways in which service
learning may be relevant to
or has informed your
learning in the course.

You have included some

examples of the ways in
which service learning may
be relevant to or has
informed your learning in the

You have Included limited

examples of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or informed your
learning in the course.

You have included a clear

description of how the
insights and questions you
have made thus far can
inform or guide your future

You have Included some

description of how the
insights and questions you
have made thus far can
inform or guide your future

You have included a limited

description of how the insights
and questions you have made
thus far can inform or guide
your future learning.

You have not identified
connections between course
concepts, theories, and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience. Or, the
connections you made are not
related to the course content.
You have included no examples
of the ways in which service
learning may be relevant to or
informed your learning in the
course. Or, the examples you
have provided are not related to
the course content.
You have included no description
of how the insights and questions
you have made thus far can
inform or guide your future
learning in connection to the
course content.

Domain Being Assessed = Communication

The Outcome Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to use appropriate The writing style you use is
conventions to effectively well suited to the
communicate meaning
assignment and the
and narrate experiences. audience, and conveys
meaning well without the
distraction of grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

The writing style you use is
suited to the assignment and
the audience, and conveys
meaning with few
distractions from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
somewhat suited to the
assignment and the audience,
and conveys meaning
somewhat well with some
distraction from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is not
suited to the assignment and the
audience, and conveys limited
meaning and/or evidences
notable distraction from
grammar, syntax, and spelling

Mid-Service Essay
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of completing this module, students will:
1. Be able to articulate their evolving and personal definition of engaged citizenship through their
2. Examine how your evolved views of engaged citizenship effect their community and your
perceptions as well as how your site embodies these views.
3. Articulate 3-5 ways they will develop their identity as an engaged citizen.
4. Be able to critically reflect on their experience thus far, how engaged citizenship plays a role in
their service, as well as connections to course content.
5. Describe how the service experience is relevant to the course content as well as helped to form
their unique identity as an engaged citizen thus far.
6. Identify and apply 3-5 areas which connect with the course content through their experience.
Now that you are acclimated to your site and may begin to make meaningful impacts, it is time to
critically reflect on what you have done and where you would like to go. This entire semester you
have been considering what it means to be an engaged citizen, and through your service site, you are
able to consider this more deeply with every visit.
Through an essay, please answer these questions through narrative thoughtfully and thoroughly.
Please connect the answers to these questions to 3-5 areas of your course content. How can you
integrate these pieces into your evolving identity as an engaged citizen and apply it in the future?
These two elements of the essay can be answered between 3-5 pages.
1. What are some of your values that have been reinforced when reflecting on your personal
2. Which communities do you feel most committed to?
3. Are there any commitments you hope to strengthen?
4. How has your service site aided in developing your identity as an engaged citizen?
5. How have you seen the impact on the cliental it serves?
6. How can you use these methods in your own life and future?
7. Are there questions ignited through the service experience for your future learning?


Mid-Service Reflection Rubric

Essay Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Engaged Citizenship

The Outcomes Your
Work is to Demonstrate

You are to explore the
continuous evolving of
what it means to be an
engaged citizen in your
service experience and in
your daily life.
So What:
You are to demonstrate an
understanding of the
implications of engaged
citizenship within service
site and to your

Now What:
You are to explore and
apply your insights about
engaged citizenship,
motivations, and values to
guide your possible future
actions and decisions
(personally or

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have thoroughly
described what it means to
be an engaged citizen from
a multidimensional

You have somewhat
described what it means to
be an engaged citizen from
various perspectives.

You have described what it
means to be an engaged citizen
from limited perspectives.

You have omitted or
inappropriately described what it
means to be an engaged citizen
from perspectives.

You have thoroughly

analyzed several of the
possible ways in which
engaged citizenship affects
perceptions, interactions,
choices, and actions in rich
and complex ways.

You have Included clear
references to ideas about
the origins/sources of
engaged citizenship.
You have included clear
examples of how an
increasing awareness of
the possible ways in which
becoming an engaged
citizen affects perceptions,
interactions, choices, and
actions can guide future

You have analyzed some of

the possible ways in which
engaged citizenship affects
perceptions, interactions,
choices, and actions in
meaningful ways.

You have included some
references to ideas about the
origins/sources of engaged

You have provided a limited

analysis of the possible ways in
which engaged citizenship
affects perceptions,
interactions, choices, and

You have Included limited
references to ideas about the
origins/sources of engaged

You have provided limited to no

analysis of the possible ways in
which engaged citizenship affects
perceptions, interactions,
choices, and actions.

You have included little to no
reference to ideas about the
origins/sources of engaged

You have included some

examples of how an
increasing awareness of the
possible ways in which
becoming an engaged citizen
affects perceptions,
interactions, choices, and
actions can guide future

You have included limited

examples of how an increasing
awareness of the possible ways
in which becoming an engaged
citizen affects perceptions,
interactions, choices, and
actions can guide future

You have included no examples

of how an increasing awareness
of the possible ways in which
becoming an engaged citizen
affects perceptions, interactions,
choices, and actions can guide
future decision-making or your
examples are inappropriate.


Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course Content

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to identify course
theories, concepts,
materials, and/or
objectives that relate to
your service learning
So What:
You are to describe the
relevance of your service
experience to your
learning in the course.

Now What:
You are to apply the
insights and questions you
have developed to guide
your future learning

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have identified
thorough connections
between course concepts,
theories and/r objectives
and your service learning

You have identified some
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have Identified limited
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have included

thorough examples of the
ways in which service
learning may be relevant to
or has informed your
learning in the course.

You have included some

examples of the ways in
which service learning may
be relevant to or has
informed your learning in the

You have Included limited

examples of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or informed your
learning in the course.

You have included a clear

description of how the
insights and questions you
have made thus far can
inform or guide your future

You have Included some

description of how the
insights and questions you
have made thus far can
inform or guide your future

You have included a limited

description of how the insights
and questions you have made
thus far can inform or guide
your future learning.

You have not identified
connections between course
concepts, theories, and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience. Or, the
connections you made are not
related to the course content.
You have included no examples
of the ways in which service
learning may be relevant to or
informed your learning in the
course. Or, the examples you
have provided are not related to
the course content.
You have included no description
of how the insights and questions
you have made thus far can
inform or guide your future
learning in connection to the
course content.

Domain Being Assessed = Communication

The Outcome Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to use appropriate The writing style you use is
conventions to effectively well suited to the
communicate meaning
assignment and the
and narrate experiences. audience, and conveys
meaning well without the
distraction of grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

The writing style you use is
suited to the assignment and
the audience, and conveys
meaning with few
distractions from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
somewhat suited to the
assignment and the audience,
and conveys meaning
somewhat well with some
distraction from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is not
suited to the assignment and the
audience, and conveys limited
meaning and/or evidences
notable distraction from
grammar, syntax, and spelling

Mid-Service Discussion Board
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of completing this module, students will:
1. Be able to articulate their evolving and personal definition of engaged citizenship through
their service.
2. Examine how your evolved views of engaged citizenship effect their community and your
perceptions as well as how your site embodies these views.
3. Articulate 3-5 ways they will develop their identity as an engaged citizen.
4. Be able to critically reflect on their experience thus far, how engaged citizenship plays a role
in their service, as well as connections to course content.
5. Describe how the service experience is relevant to the course content as well as helped to
form their unique identity as an engaged citizen thus far.
6. Identify and apply 3-5 areas which connect with the course content through their experience.
Now that you are acclimated to your site and may begin to make meaningful impacts, it is time to
critically reflect on what you have done and where you would like to go. This entire semester you
have been considering what it means to be an engaged citizen, and through your service site, you are
able to consider this more deeply with every visit.
Within the forum, please answer 2 of these questions while connecting them to areas of course
content and how engaged citizenship has developed within your evolving identity as an engaged
citizen thus far in your service-learning experience. After posting, please respond to two classmates
with thoughtful questions and comments.
1. What are some of your values that have been reinforced when reflecting on your personal
2. Which communities do you feel most committed to?
3. Are there any commitments you hope to strengthen?
4. How has your service site aided in developing your identity as an engaged citizen?
5. How have you seen the impact on the cliental it serves?
6. How can you use these methods in your own life and future?
7. Are there questions ignited through the service experience for your future learning?
Post your initial response to these questions in the Pre-service Reflection Discussion Forum by
Wednesday, and then respond to at least two of your classmates postings by Saturday.


Mid-Service Reflection Rubric

Discussion Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Engaged Citizenship

The Outcomes Your
Work is to Demonstrate

You are to explore the
continuous evolving of
what it means to be an
engaged citizen in your
service experience and in
your daily life.
So What:
You are to demonstrate an
understanding of the
implications of engaged
citizenship within service
site and to your

Now What:
You are to explore and
apply your insights about
engaged citizenship,
motivations, and values to
guide your possible future
actions and decisions
(personally or

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have thoroughly
described what it means to
be an engaged citizen from
a multidimensional

You have somewhat
described what it means to
be an engaged citizen from
various perspectives.

You have described what it
means to be an engaged citizen
from limited perspectives.

You have omitted or
inappropriately described what it
means to be an engaged citizen
from perspectives.

You have thoroughly

analyzed several of the
possible ways in which
engaged citizenship affects
perceptions, interactions,
choices, and actions in rich
and complex ways.

You have Included clear
references to ideas about
the origins/sources of
engaged citizenship.
You have included clear
examples of how an
increasing awareness of
the possible ways in which
becoming an engaged
citizen affects perceptions,
interactions, choices, and
actions can guide future

You have analyzed some of

the possible ways in which
engaged citizenship affects
perceptions, interactions,
choices, and actions in
meaningful ways.

You have included some
references to ideas about the
origins/sources of engaged

You have provided a limited

analysis of the possible ways in
which engaged citizenship
affects perceptions,
interactions, choices, and

You have Included limited
references to ideas about the
origins/sources of engaged

You have provided limited to no

analysis of the possible ways in
which engaged citizenship affects
perceptions, interactions,
choices, and actions.

You have included little to no
reference to ideas about the
origins/sources of engaged

You have included some

examples of how an
increasing awareness of the
possible ways in which
becoming an engaged citizen
affects perceptions,
interactions, choices, and
actions can guide future

You have included limited

examples of how an increasing
awareness of the possible ways
in which becoming an engaged
citizen affects perceptions,
interactions, choices, and
actions can guide future

You have included no examples

of how an increasing awareness
of the possible ways in which
becoming an engaged citizen
affects perceptions, interactions,
choices, and actions can guide
future decision-making or your
examples are inappropriate.


Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course Content

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to identify course
theories, concepts,
materials, and/or
objectives that relate to
your service learning
So What:
You are to describe the
relevance of your service
experience to your
learning in the course.

Now What:
You are to apply the
insights and questions you
have developed to guide
your future learning

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have identified
thorough connections
between course concepts,
theories and/r objectives
and your service learning

You have identified some
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have Identified limited
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have included

thorough examples of the
ways in which service
learning may be relevant to
or has informed your
learning in the course.

You have included some

examples of the ways in
which service learning may
be relevant to or has
informed your learning in the

You have Included limited

examples of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or informed your
learning in the course.

You have included a clear

description of how the
insights and questions you
have made thus far can
inform or guide your future

You have Included some

description of how the
insights and questions you
have made thus far can
inform or guide your future

You have included a limited

description of how the insights
and questions you have made
thus far can inform or guide
your future learning.

You have not identified
connections between course
concepts, theories, and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience. Or, the
connections you made are not
related to the course content.
You have included no examples
of the ways in which service
learning may be relevant to or
informed your learning in the
course. Or, the examples you
have provided are not related to
the course content.
You have included no description
of how the insights and questions
you have made thus far can
inform or guide your future
learning in connection to the
course content.

Domain Being Assessed = Communication

The Outcome Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to use appropriate The writing style you use is
conventions to effectively well suited to the
communicate meaning
assignment and the
and narrate experiences. audience, and conveys
meaning well without the
distraction of grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

The writing style you use is
suited to the assignment and
the audience, and conveys
meaning with few
distractions from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
somewhat suited to the
assignment and the audience,
and conveys meaning
somewhat well with some
distraction from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is not
suited to the assignment and the
audience, and conveys limited
meaning and/or evidences
notable distraction from
grammar, syntax, and spelling

Mid-Service Multimedia
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of completing this module, students will:
1. Be able to articulate their evolving and personal definition of engaged citizenship through
their service.
2. Examine how your evolved views of engaged citizenship effect their community and your
perceptions as well as how your site embodies these views.
3. Articulate 3-5 ways they will develop their identity as an engaged citizen.
4. Be able to critically reflect on their experience thus far, how engaged citizenship plays a role
in their service, as well as connections to course content.
5. Describe how the service experience is relevant to the course content as well as helped to
form their unique identity as an engaged citizen thus far.
6. Identify and apply 3-5 areas which connect with the course content through their experience.
Now that you are acclimated to your site and may begin or continue to make meaningful impacts, it
is time to critically reflect on what you have done and where you would like to go. This entire
semester you have been considering what it means to be an engaged citizen, and through your
service site, you are able to consider this more deeply with every visit.
Barbara Jacoby highlights these elements to be significant in developing an identity as an engaged
1. Learning from others, self, and environment to develop informed perspectives on social
2. Recognizing and appreciating human diversity and commonality,
3. Behaving, and working through controversy, with civility,
4. Taking an active role in the political process,
5. Participating actively in public life, public problem solving, and community service,
6. Assuming leadership and membership roles in organizations,
7. Developing empathy, ethics, values, and sense of social responsibility, and
8. Promoting social justice locally and globally.
In a multimedia presentation, please visually depict between 2-4 elements of how you personally
have grown or developed as an engaged citizen, as well as how you will apply the elements you have
integrated into your evolving identity as an engaged citizen in the future! Please connect this
presentation to 3-5 areas of your course content. Additionally, has your site also embodied the
elements you picked? How (or not) so?
For example, you could create a:
A song!
A poem!
A creative depiction of an
interview of a professional at your
site or someone you admire.
A series of Tweets (can be
unpublished), Tumblr posts, etc.

Poster using a slide of PowerPoint

or a PowerPoint.
Poster using Canva.
Video on YouTube.
Many more!


Mid-Service Reflection Rubric

Multimedia Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Engaged Citizenship

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to explore the
continuous evolving of
what it means to be an
engaged citizen in your
service experience and in
your daily life.
So What:
You are to demonstrate an
understanding of the
implications of engaged
citizenship within service
site and to your

Now What:
You are to explore and
apply your insights about
engaged citizenship,
motivations, and values to
guide your possible future
actions and decisions
(personally or

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have thoroughly
described what it means to
be an engaged citizen from
a multidimensional

You have thoroughly

analyzed several of the
possible ways in which
engaged citizenship affects
perceptions, interactions,
choices, and actions in rich
and complex ways.

You have Included clear
references to ideas about
the origins/sources of
engaged citizenship.
You have included clear
examples of how an
increasing awareness of
the possible ways in which
becoming an engaged
citizen affects perceptions,
interactions, choices, and
actions can guide future

You have somewhat
described what it means to
be an engaged citizen from
various perspectives.

You have described what it
means to be an engaged citizen
from limited perspectives.

You have omitted or
inappropriately described what it
means to be an engaged citizen
from perspectives.

You have analyzed some of

the possible ways in which
engaged citizenship affects
perceptions, interactions,
choices, and actions in
meaningful ways.

You have included some
references to ideas about the
origins/sources of engaged

You have provided a limited

analysis of the possible ways in
which engaged citizenship
affects perceptions,
interactions, choices, and

You have Included limited
references to ideas about the
origins/sources of engaged

You have provided limited to no

analysis of the possible ways in
which engaged citizenship affects
perceptions, interactions,
choices, and actions.

You have included little to no
reference to ideas about the
origins/sources of engaged

You have included some

examples of how an
increasing awareness of the
possible ways in which
becoming an engaged citizen
affects perceptions,
interactions, choices, and
actions can guide future

You have included limited

examples of how an increasing
awareness of the possible ways
in which becoming an engaged
citizen affects perceptions,
interactions, choices, and
actions can guide future

You have included no examples

of how an increasing awareness
of the possible ways in which
becoming an engaged citizen
affects perceptions, interactions,
choices, and actions can guide
future decision-making or your
examples are inappropriate.


Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course Content

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to identify course
theories, concepts,
materials, and/or
objectives that relate to
your service learning
So What:
You are to describe the
relevance of your service
experience to your
learning in the course.

Now What:
You are to apply the
insights and questions you
have developed to guide
your future learning

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have identified
thorough connections
between course concepts,
theories and/r objectives
and your service learning

You have identified some
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have Identified limited
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have included

thorough examples of the
ways in which service
learning may be relevant to
or has informed your
learning in the course.

You have included some

examples of the ways in
which service learning may
be relevant to or has
informed your learning in the

You have Included limited

examples of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or informed your
learning in the course.

You have included a clear

description of how the
insights and questions you
have made thus far can
inform or guide your future

You have Included some

description of how the
insights and questions you
have made thus far can
inform or guide your future

You have included a limited

description of how the insights
and questions you have made
thus far can inform or guide
your future learning.

You have not identified
connections between course
concepts, theories, and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience. Or, the
connections you made are not
related to the course content.
You have included no examples
of the ways in which service
learning may be relevant to or
informed your learning in the
course. Or, the examples you
have provided are not related to
the course content.
You have included no description
of how the insights and questions
you have made thus far can
inform or guide your future
learning in connection to the
course content.

Domain Being Assessed = Communication

The Outcome Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to use appropriate The multimedia
conventions to effectively method/style you use is
communicate meaning
well suited to the
and narrate experiences. assignment and the
audience, and conveys
meaning well.

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

The multimedia
method/style you use is
suited to the assignment and
the audience, and conveys
meaning well.

The multimedia method/style
you use is somewhat suited to
the assignment and the
audience, and conveys
meaning somewhat well.

The multimedia method/style
you use is not suited to the
assignment and the audience,
and conveys limited meaning
and/or evidences notable errors.

Post-Service Reflection Exercises
Module Overview:
This module is the post service-learning module for engaged citizenship that is available for students
once they have finished their service-learning component. The module focuses on power &
citizenship, becoming involved in organizations and educating others on issues related to involved,
and reflecting on service-learning experiences and connecting it with course content. Taking the
time to read and reflect on the content of this course is critical. Therefore, activities have been
designed to ensure that you are provided structured opportunities to process course content, its
connection to your life, meaningfulness to practice, and how content from each session fits together.
Use of multiple formats is purposefully designed to both challenge and support your preferred
learning style, you are required to complete all four activities.
What is An Involved Citizen?
As we understand it, engaged citizenship is a combination of knowledge, attitude, skills and actions
that aim to contribute to building and maintaining a democratic society. Involved citizenship can
mean anything from being involved in your local community, such as a local campaign to clean up
your neighborhood park, to participating in a nationwide involvement, such as a movement to
educate young voters about democracy. Involved citizens are a necessary and healthy function of a
democratic society, where citizens participate in the decision making process that effects their
everyday lives.

Post-Service Blog Post
Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of their service-learning course, students will be able to:
articulate their connections between their service learning experience and being an engaged
citizen in the community,
examine the importance of being an engaged citizen in the community,
identify 3-5 ways you have become engaged citizen in the community through your service
learning experience,
describe the relationships between course content and the service learning experience,
describe the relevance of service learning and engaged citizenship to your course content,
identify 3-5 outcomes they have for their service learning experience.
What does it mean to change the world? Being an involved citizen means you are involved in the
everyday practices of decision making processes that effects your everyday lives. Using your servicelearning experiences and course content, please answer the following questions in your blog post
related to changing the world:
How does involved citizenship change the world?
Who changes the world? Do you have to have money, power, or a position in government in
order to change the world?
What feelings come up when asked how can you change the world?
How have your experiences of being an involved citizen during your service learning


Post-service Reflection Rubric

Blog Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Engaged Citizenship in the Community

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are able to articulate
the connection between
your service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the

So What:
You are able to examine
the importance of being
an engaged citizen in the

Now What:
You are able to identify 3-
5 ways that you can
become an engaged
citizen in the community
through your service
learning experience.

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have clearly articulated
the connections between
your service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the
community thoroughly
through multiple examples
from the video and
personal experience.
Your submission clearly
identifies your own vision
of engaged citizenship and
examines your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using multiple
You have included 3-5
relevant and clear
examples of ways that you
can become an engaged
citizen in the community
through your service
learning experience.

You have somewhat
articulated a connection
between your service
learning experience and
being an engaged citizen in
the community through an
example from the video and
personal experience.

You have provided a limited
articulation of the connection
between your service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the
community through an
example from the video OR
personal experience.

You have omitted, or have
provided inappropriate examples
of, the connection between your
service learning experience and
being an engaged citizen in the

Your submission somewhat

clearly identifies your own
vision of engaged citizenship
and examines your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using an
You have included 1-2
relevant example(s) of ways
that you can become an
engaged citizen in the
community through your
service learning experience.

Your submission provides a

limited identification of your
own vision of engaged
citizenship and your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using an example.

Your submission either omits or

improperly identifies your own
vision of engaged citizenship and
your role as an engaged citizen in
your community using little to no

You have included limited

examples of ways that you can
become an engaged citizen in
the community through your
service learning experience.

Your submission omits examples

of ways that you can become an
engaged citizen in the community
through your service learning


Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course Content

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are able to describe
the relationship between
your course content and
service learning
So What:
You are able to describe
the relevance of service
learning and engaged
citizenship to your course
Now What:
You are able to identify 3-
5 outcomes you have for
your service learning

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have identified several
thorough connections
between course concepts,
theories and/or objectives
and your service learning
You have included several
clearly developed examples
of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or has informed
your learning.
You have identified 3-5
relevant and clear
outcomes that you have for
your service learning

You have identified some
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have Identified limited
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have included some

examples of the ways in
which service learning may
be relevant to or has
informed your learning.

You have Included limited

examples of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or informed your

You have included 1-2

relevant outcome(s) that you
have for your service learning

You have included limited

outcomes that you have for
your service learning

You have omitted connections
between course concepts,
theories, objectives and your
service learning experience or
the connections you made are
You have omitted examples of
the ways in which service
learning may be relevant to or
informed your learning or the
examples you have provided are
You have omitted examples that
you have for your service
learning experience.

Domain Being Assessed = Communication

The Outcome Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are able to use
appropriate conventions
to effectively
communicate meaning
and narrate experiences.

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

The writing style used is
well suited to the
assignment and the
audience, and conveys
meaning well without the
distraction of grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
suited to the assignment and
the audience, and conveys
meaning with few
distractions from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
somewhat suited to the
assignment and the audience,
and conveys meaning
somewhat well with some
distraction from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is not
suited to the assignment and the
audience, and conveys limited
meaning and/or evidences
notable distraction from
grammar, syntax, and spelling

Post-Service Essay
Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of their service-learning course, students will be able to:
articulate their connections between their service learning experience and being an engaged
citizen in the community,
examine the importance of being an engaged citizen in the community,
identify 3-5 ways you have become engaged citizen in the community through your service
learning experience,
describe the relationships between course content and the service learning experience,
describe the relevance of service learning and engaged citizenship to your course content,
identify 3-5 outcomes they have for their service learning experience.
Before beginning your discussion board post, please watch Eric Lius TED Talk: Why ordinary
people need to understand power.
In part one of your module, you discussed your meaning of what an engaged citizen is. In part two,
you discussed you experiences at the service site, your values, and your impact. In this essay please
use your experiences to discuss how you will make meaning and action based on your experiences,
skills, and relationships. The sections below will discuss frameworks of engaged citizenship and
Part I: Involved Citizenship
Eric Liu citizen involvement in their communities as an understanding of values, an understanding
of systems that make the world work, and a set of skills that allow you to pursue goals and have
other join in that pursuit.
Reflect on your values in becoming an engaged citizen, what are your values of being
involved in your community?
How have those values changed since the beginning of this course?
Eric Liu discussed engaged citizenship from a city level for many examples. What system of
society do you wish to continue engaging with as a citizen? (i.e. neighborhood, city, state,
Do you think there are any differences between each system?
Part II: Power

As a collective, people create systems, how have you learned about systems that govern
citizens (as Eric Liu defined, an understanding that make the world go around)?
What connections can you see between being an involved citizen and power?
How can you become, as Eric Liu calls it, more power literate?


Post-Service Reflection Rubric

Essay Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Engaged Citizenship in the Community

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to articulate the
connection between your
service learning
experience, being an
engaged citizen in the
community, and power.

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have clearly articulated
the connections between
your service learning
experience, being an
engaged citizen in the
community, and power
thoroughly through
multiple examples from the
video and personal
So What:
Your submission clearly
You are to examine the
identifies your own vision
importance of power in
of power in engaged
being an engaged citizen
citizenship and examines
with the community.
your role as an engaged
citizen in your community
using multiple examples.
Now What:
You have included 3-5
You are to identify 3-5
relevant and clear
ways that you can become examples of ways that you
an engaged citizen in the
can become an engaged
community through your
citizen in the community
service learning
through your service
learning experience.

You have somewhat
articulated a connection
between your service
learning experience, being an
engaged citizen in the
community, and power
through an example from the
video and personal

You have provided a limited
articulation of the connection
between your service learning
experience, being an engaged
citizen in the community, and
power through an example
from the video OR personal

You have omitted, or have
provided inappropriate examples
of, the connection between your
service learning experience,
being an engaged citizen in the
community, and power.

Your submission somewhat

clearly identifies your own
vision of power in engaged
citizenship and examines
your role as an engaged
citizen in your community
using an example.
You have included 1-2
relevant example(s) of ways
that you can become an
engaged citizen in the
community through your
service learning experience.

Your submission provides a

limited identification of your
own vision of power in engaged
citizenship and your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using an example.

Your submission either omits or

improperly identifies your own
vision of power in engaged
citizenship and your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using little to no
Your submission omits examples
of ways that you can become an
engaged citizen in the community
through your service learning

You have included limited

examples of ways that you can
become an engaged citizen in
the community through your
service learning experience.


Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course Content

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to describe the
relationship between your
course content and service
learning experience.
So What:
You are to describe the
relevance of service
learning and engaged
citizenship to your course
Now What:
You are to identify 3-5
outcomes you have for
your service learning

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have identified several
thorough connections
between course concepts,
theories and/or objectives
and your service learning
You have included several
clearly developed examples
of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or has informed
your learning.
You have identified 3-5
relevant and clear
outcomes that you have for
your service learning

You have identified some
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have Identified limited
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have included some

examples of the ways in
which service learning may
be relevant to or has
informed your learning.

You have Included limited

examples of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or informed your

You have included 1-2

relevant outcome(s) that you
have for your service learning

You have included limited

outcomes that you have for
your service learning

You have omitted connections
between course concepts,
theories, objectives and your
service learning experience or
the connections you made are
You have omitted examples of
the ways in which service
learning may be relevant to or
informed your learning or the
examples you have provided are
You have omitted examples that
you have for your service
learning experience.

Domain Being Assessed = Communication

The Outcome Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to use appropriate
conventions to effectively
communicate meaning
and narrate experiences.

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

The writing style used is
well suited to the
assignment and the
audience, and conveys
meaning well without the
distraction of grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
suited to the assignment and
the audience, and conveys
meaning with few
distractions from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
somewhat suited to the
assignment and the audience,
and conveys meaning
somewhat well with some
distraction from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is not
suited to the assignment and the
audience, and conveys limited
meaning and/or evidences
notable distraction from
grammar, syntax, and spelling

Post-Service Discussion Board
Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of their service-learning course, students will be able to:
articulate their connections between their service learning experience and being an engaged
citizen in the community,
examine the importance of being an engaged citizen in the community,
identify 3-5 ways you have become engaged citizen in the community through your service
learning experience,
describe the relationships between course content and the service learning experience,
describe the relevance of service learning and engaged citizenship to your course content,
identify 3-5 outcomes they have for their service learning experience.
Before beginning your discussion board post, please watch this message from Kid President: 3
Questions That Could Change The World from Kid President
Kid President talks about how ideas, dreams, stories; the more we share them, the more awesome
things get! In one of his other videos. In this video however, he asks: what are you not okay with,
what do you have, and what can we do about it? Kid President then talks about how to get 1 million
more people involved in a campaign by challenging us to: start in our own neighborhood, get your
friends involved, and spread the word.
Your discussion please answer the follow questions:
Have you shared your ideas, dreams, and stories from your service-learning experience as an
engaged citizen? Whom did you share them with and why? Whom did you not share them
with and why?
In your service-learning experience, in the words of Kid President, what were you not okay
with? What do you have and what can you do about it? What campaigns exist that is not
okay with what youre not okay with?
How can you get others involved in being an engaged citizen? Kid President talks about
starting in our own neighborhoods, getting friends involved, and spreading the word with
things you are not okay with. How can you do these things in being an engaged citizen?
Post your initial response to these questions in the Pre-service Reflection Discussion Forum by
Wednesday, and then respond to at least two of your classmates postings by Saturday.


Post-service Reflection Rubric

Discussion Board Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Engaged Citizenship in the Community

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are able to articulate
the connection between
your service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the

So What:
You are able to examine
the importance of being
an engaged citizen in the

Now What:
You are able to identify 3-
5 ways that you can
become an engaged
citizen in the community
through your service
learning experience.

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have clearly articulated
the connections between
your service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the
community thoroughly
through multiple examples
from the video and
personal experience.
Your submission clearly
identifies your own vision
of engaged citizenship and
examines your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using multiple
You have included 3-5
relevant and clear
examples of ways that you
can become an engaged
citizen in the community
through your service
learning experience.

You have somewhat
articulated a connection
between your service
learning experience and
being an engaged citizen in
the community through an
example from the video and
personal experience.

You have provided a limited
articulation of the connection
between your service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the
community through an
example from the video OR
personal experience.

You have omitted, or have
provided inappropriate examples
of, the connection between your
service learning experience and
being an engaged citizen in the

Your submission somewhat

clearly identifies your own
vision of engaged citizenship
and examines your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using an
You have included 1-2
relevant example(s) of ways
that you can become an
engaged citizen in the
community through your
service learning experience.

Your submission provides a

limited identification of your
own vision of engaged
citizenship and your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using an example.

Your submission either omits or

improperly identifies your own
vision of engaged citizenship and
your role as an engaged citizen in
your community using little to no

You have included limited

examples of ways that you can
become an engaged citizen in
the community through your
service learning experience.

Your submission omits examples

of ways that you can become an
engaged citizen in the community
through your service learning


Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course Content

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to describe the
relationship between your
course content and service
learning experience.
So What:
You are to describe the
relevance of service
learning and engaged
citizenship to your course
Now What:
You are to identify 3-5
outcomes you have for
your service learning

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have identified several
thorough connections
between course concepts,
theories and/or objectives
and your service learning
You have included several
clearly developed examples
of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or has informed
your learning.
You have identified 3-5
relevant and clear
outcomes that you have for
your service learning

You have identified some
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have Identified limited
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have included some

examples of the ways in
which service learning may
be relevant to or has
informed your learning.

You have Included limited

examples of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or informed your

You have included 1-2

relevant outcome(s) that you
have for your service learning

You have included limited

outcomes that you have for
your service learning

You have omitted connections
between course concepts,
theories, objectives and your
service learning experience or
the connections you made are
You have omitted examples of
the ways in which service
learning may be relevant to or
informed your learning or the
examples you have provided are
You have omitted examples that
you have for your service
learning experience.

Domain Being Assessed = Communication

The Outcome Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are to use appropriate
conventions to effectively
communicate meaning
and narrate experiences.

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

The writing style used is
well suited to the
assignment and the
audience, and conveys
meaning well without the
distraction of grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
suited to the assignment and
the audience, and conveys
meaning with few
distractions from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is
somewhat suited to the
assignment and the audience,
and conveys meaning
somewhat well with some
distraction from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style you use is not
suited to the assignment and the
audience, and conveys limited
meaning and/or evidences
notable distraction from
grammar, syntax, and spelling

Post-Service Multimedia
Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of their service-learning course, students will be able to:
articulate their connections between their service learning experience and being an engaged
citizen in the community,
examine the importance of being an engaged citizen in the community,
identify 3-5 ways you have become engaged citizen in the community through your service
learning experience,
describe the relationships between course content and the service learning experience,
describe the relevance of service learning and engaged citizenship to your course content,
identify 3-5 outcomes they have for their service learning experience.
Using multimedia, you will use what you have learned through the course and your service-learning
to examine and reflect on what involved citizenship looks like to you. This activity will utilize
critical self-reflection, which differs from self-reflection. Critical self-reflection requires you to
critically examine what you think you know be considering the evidence you have (in this case the
multimedia artifact, course content, and your experiences from service-learning) that you have and
the conclusions you are drawing from it. You can choose to use a music playlist or photos as the
artifact for your multimedia reflection.
Playlist Reflection:
Music can be a powerful medium to explore ones thoughts and emotions. This artifact is designed
to help you explore how music connects to your own definition of involved citizenship and the
process of discovering how you see connections between multimedia and items you learn in class.
Please select two or three songs, provide a link to the song or provide a copy of the lyrics, and
answer the following questions in your examination and reflection:
Why did you choose these songs?
How does this artifact reflect engaged citizenship? Use course readings and experiences
from service-learning.
How does the song choice evoke thoughts or emotions that surfaced for you during your
time in the class and in your service-learning site?
What ways will you use multimedia to help yourself and others examine engaged citizenship?
Photo Reflection:
Using photos in reflection involves the use of photographs that a person is either shown or asked to
take as a means to evoke information, feelings, and/ or memories that explain a specific
phenomenon, and to create connections between the photos, course content, and your servicelearning experiences. Choose two or three photographs (taken recently, i.e. no more than one week
prior to this assignment), and answer the following questions in your examination and reflection:
Why did you choose these photographs?


How does this artifact reflect engaged citizenship? Use course readings and experiences
from service-learning.
How does the photo choice evoke thoughts or emotions that surfaced for you during your
time in the class and in your service-learning site?
What ways will you use multimedia to help yourself and others examine involved


Post-service Reflection Rubric

Multimedia Assignment

Domain Being Assessed = Engaged Citizenship in the Community

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are able to articulate
the connection between
your service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the

So What:
You are able to examine
the importance of being
an engaged citizen in the

Now What:
You are able to identify 3-
5 ways that you can
become an engaged
citizen in the community
through your service
learning experience.

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have thoroughly
articulated the connections
between your service
learning experience and
being an engaged citizen in
the community through
multiple examples from the
video and personal
Your submission clearly
identifies your own vision
of engaged citizenship and
examines your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using multiple
You have included 3-5
relevant and clear
examples of ways that you
can become an engaged
citizen in the community
through your service
learning experience.

You have somewhat
articulated a connection
between your service
learning experience and
being an engaged citizen in
the community through an
example from the video and
personal experience.

You have provided a limited
articulation of the connection
between your service learning
experience and being an
engaged citizen in the
community through an
example from the video OR
personal experience.

You have omitted, or have
provided inappropriate examples
of, the connection between your
service learning experience and
being an engaged citizen in the

Your submission somewhat

clearly identifies your own
vision of engaged citizenship
and examines your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using an
You have included 1-2
relevant example(s) of ways
that you can become an
engaged citizen in the
community through your
service learning experience.

Your submission provides a

limited identification of your
own vision of engaged
citizenship and your role as an
engaged citizen in your
community using an example.

Your submission either omits or

improperly identifies your own
vision of engaged citizenship and
your role as an engaged citizen in
your community using little to no

You have included limited

examples of ways that you can
become an engaged citizen in
the community through your
service learning experience.

You have omitted examples of

ways that you can become an
engaged citizen in the community
through your service learning


Domain Being Assessed = Connection to Course Content

The Outcomes Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are able to describe
the relationship between
your course content and
service learning
So What:
You are able to describe
the relevance of service
learning and engaged
citizenship to your course
Now What:
You are able to identify 3-
5 outcomes you have for
your service learning

The Assessment of those Outcomes Evidenced in Your Work

You have identified several
thorough connections
between course concepts,
theories and/or objectives
and your service learning
You have included several
clearly developed examples
of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or has informed
your learning.
You have identified 3-5
relevant and clear
outcomes that you have for
your service learning

You have identified some
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have Identified limited
connections between course
concepts, theories and/or
objectives and your service
learning experience.

You have included some

examples of the ways in
which service learning may
be relevant to or has
informed your learning.

You have Included limited

examples of the ways in which
service learning may be
relevant to or informed your

You have included 1-2

relevant outcome(s) that you
have for your service learning

You have included limited

outcomes that you have for
your service learning

You have omitted connections
between course concepts,
theories, objectives and your
service learning experience or
the connections you made are
You have omitted examples of
the ways in which service
learning may be relevant to or
informed your learning or the
examples you have provided are
You have omitted examples that
you have for your service
learning experience.

Domain Being Assessed = Communication

The Outcome Your Work
is to Demonstrate

You are able to use
appropriate conventions
to effectively
communicate meaning
and narrate experiences.

The Assessment of that Outcome Evidenced in Your Work

The writing style and
artifacts used is well suited
to the assignment and the
audience, and conveys
meaning well without the
distraction of grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style and artifacts
you use is suited to the
assignment and the
audience, and conveys
meaning with few
distractions from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

The writing style and artifacts
you use is somewhat suited to
the assignment and the
audience, and conveys
meaning somewhat well with
some distraction from
grammar, syntax, and spelling

The writing style and artifacts
you use is not suited to the
assignment and the audience,
and conveys limited meaning
and/or evidences notable
distraction from grammar,
syntax, and spelling errors.

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