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Year 7 Biology

For this activity, make sure that you have Worksheet: Animal Reproduction data sheet

The data sheet has information about the reproduction of 17 animals, including mammals,
reptiles, fish, birds and amphibians.
You will draw a graph, which will actually be 3 graphs in one, of the 15 animals, showing just the
following information:
The number of young which they produce
The time for development
The survival rate
Not an easy graph! How good are you at drawing graphs?
The first thing to do is to organise all the animals in order of the number of young they produce.
The animals with the least young (humans and gorillas, who usually produce just 1 offspring at a
time) will be on the left side of the horizontal (x) axis of the graph. The cod which produces
3000 young at a time, will be on the right.
Now select the best scale for each of the graphs. Remember that you are going to draw the three
graphs one above the other, on one piece of graph paper. Look at the drawing below and then
see if you can do this.

Now, what do you notice about the three graphs? Is there any relationship that you can see? This
is your homework: In just one paragraph, describe the general relationship between the three
graphs and what this means about reproduction of animals.

Year 7 2014-2015 Key Stage 3 Science Unit: Reproduction

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