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Escola Secundria Alberto Sampaio

Ingls de Continuao
Exame da Terceira Unidade Ensino Recorrente - Secundrio
5Name: ___________________________________________________ Nr: ____ Class:__
Evaluation: _____________________ Date: __________Teachers Signature:_____________
Read the following text attentively and then answer the questions about it.
Finding a new job
Start looking for a new job as soon as you are made redundant.
Professional journals and national and local newspapers are good sources of information, but
don't rely on the Situations Vacant column. Scan the news and especially business sections to check
up on business opportunities. If companies are moving into your area they may generate the need
20for services so contact them before they move.
There are other channels, besides advertisements, to explore.
Employment agencies: many agencies can put you in touch with executive jobs without
any charges. Having signed on at such an agency, ring up at least once a week, asking if suitable
vacancies have come up. That way, you'll keep your name fresh in the minds of the agency staff.
Career counsellors: they can be expensive but a counsellor will spend more time on you
than an ordinary employment agency, Most firms set tests for their clients to see what kind and level
of work would suit them best. They also help you set out a curriculum vitae, work on interview
techniques and use their network of contacts to help you.
Use your contacts: talk to friends, colleagues and business contacts in case they know of
30any suitable job.
Some of your time will be taken up with writing application forms and going to interviews.
But there will be several 'empty ' hours. It's essential to plan your time in order to prevent
depression setting in: a job doesn't just provide money. It also gives people goals to aim for and
routine. Without these, it's easy to wander round in your dressing gown all morning and feel
35miserable because you're not doing anything. Get over this by writing down a daily schedule with
such items as: decorating, gardening, doing voluntary work, and doing research in the local library.

401 - What sources of information can you use to find a job?

2 - How can a newspaper help you?
3 - Why is it adviseable to ring up an agency at least once a week?
4 - How can people employ their 'empty' hours?
45II - What do the following words refer to in the text?
a) You (line 1)
b) Them (line 5)
c) They (line 10)
50d) It (line 18)

55III - Explain the meaning of the following words/ expressions as used in the text.
1 as soon as you are made redundant (line 1)
2 don't rely on the Situations Vacant column (line 2)
603 generate (line 4)

IV - Rewrite these sentences in such a way that they mean the same.
1 Go to an Employment Agencies and Career Counsellors if you want to find a job.
2 - We go there and they put us in touch with job vacancies if there are any.
703 - " Start looking for a new job as soon as you're made redundant", the counsellor.
The counsellor told
4 - The Counsellor: " We help you set out a curriculum vitae and we use our network of contacts to
help you.
He said
IV. B Join the following pairs of sentences by means of relative pronouns.
1 - Companies are moving into our area. They may generate the need for services.
2 - Career counsellors help you set out a curriculum vita. You choose use their services.
803 You should look for local adverts. They can offer you a change for a job.
4 Career Counsellors really help you. You should trust them.
V Choose ONE of the following themes to write about. Write NO LESS than 100 words.
A - Working in a factory.
B - Sexual discrimination in the Work-market
Questo I1 2 3 4 II 2 3 4 III 2 3 IV 2 3 4 IVB 2 3 4 V Total Valores
Cotao 15 15 13 20 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 50 200

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