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Big Bird

This poem written by us The Mahaads as a tribute to the passengers and families
of the passengers of the missing plane, MH370 with THE HOPE of your save return,
our Big Bird
Big Bird, where are you?
Taking off to the air from land,
Flapping your wings in the midair,
and went into despair.
Big Bird, where are you?
Where in the world have you flown?
Your love ones are praying,
crying and hoping.
You have flown away too high,
Come down to where you belong,
with hope as high as the sky,
we are waiting for you.
Big Bird, where are you?
over clouds, hills and mountains,
forests,lakes and rivers,
seas and all shores,
we search for you.
What happened to you Big Bird?
Nobody can tell,
Nobody can explain,
Nobody can uncover,
Your hidden mysteries.

Big Bird,
Why do you disappear?
You left without trace,
like invisible bubbles
without place.
Big Bird,
Why do you disappear?
living friends and family in tears,
Broken hearts and fears,
Waiting for you to appear.
Hours turn to days,
Days turn to weeks,
Weeks turn to year,
The wait seem never ending,
and the most painful things waiting.
What happened to you Big Bird?
Nobody can tell,
Nobody can explain,
Nobody can uncover,
Your hidden mysteries.
What will become of the outcome,
If no one is found,
Nothing is impossible to be not found.

They say time heals,

They say it will get better,
They say wounds heals,
But the pain is no mere splinter.
Hope is what we have,
Hope is what we believe,
Hope is the only thing we can rely on,
As hope knows no fear.
We will never give up,
We will wait for your save returns,
We will try all ways to rescue you,
Big Bird,
Where are you hiding?
Are you still flying?
Is there something stoping you
From your home coming?
The black cloud will disappear,
The morning sun will appear,
The hope will never vanish,
As the search is not yet finish.
They say you are crashed,
They say you are hijacked,
They say you are never comming back,
But no....
We know...
You are save out there.

Big Bird,
When are you coming back?
Why are you not back yet?
We are still waiting for you save return.
Hours turn to days,
Days turn to weeks,
Weeks turn to year,
The wait seem never ending,
and the most painful things is waiting.
Hope is what we have,
Hope is what we believe,
Hope is the only thing we can rely on,
As hope knows no fear.
239 passengers youre carrying,
For them were praying,
For them we re crying,as impossible as it seems,
Hope is what we dream.
Hold those hopes,
and with just a little more effort,
and with confidence effusive in our hearts,
Maybe, just maybe,
a light called hope will shine upon,
Prepared By,
Nurdiyanah Farhanah binti Arman@Rohaizi
Nurul Fathaanah Qaidah binti Zulfahmi

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