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1 11 21 1211 111221 312211 ?
Robbie Gonzalez
11/16/14 11:00am
Everything you need to solve this riddle can be found in the numbers you see her
e. Be apprised: The mathematically inclined tend to struggle with this puzzle.
I'm on the road this week, so this week's puzzle is short and sweet
but still qu
ite challenging, in my opinion. It's another classic, so if you know the answer
try not to spoil it in the comments.
We'll be back next week with the solution and a new puzzle! Got a great braintea
ser, original or otherwise, that you'd like to see featured? E-mail me with your
recommendations. (Be sure to include "Sunday Puzzle" in the subject line.)

"This scenario is somewhat similar to a famous Indian riddle, which is at least

1,000 years old, since it occurs at the climax of the Baital Pachisi," writes Ph
il Winkelman,who originally suggested this puzzle via our Sunday Puzzle tips lin
e. "However, in this tale, a man and his son meet a woman and her daughter the m
an marries the daughter and the woman the son. This scenario reached its cultura
l apogee (or nadir) in 'I'm My Own Grandpa'." (Some of you noted the similaritie
s between this puzzle and "I'm My Own Grandpa" in the comments.)

Two old men [M1, M2] each of whom has a grown-up son [M3, M4] each of whom has a
n unmarried daughter [F1, F2] marry two young girls who are sisters [F3, F4]. Af
ter the wedding, however, the two old men are ill and die before the marriages a
re consummated. After their deaths the two young men marry their stepmothers: th
ese six last [shaded boxes] are those who lie buried here. For here two sisters
are also lying with their two brothers[-in-law], because every woman calls her s
ister's husband her brother.
"Not only is there a fudge-factor with the stipulated 'brothers' actually pannin
g out as brothers-in-law," writes Winkelman, but Lichtenberg's preliminary solut
ion requires that daughters, mothers, and grandmothers be regarded as step-relat
ions. "The correct solution," he notes, and as we see in Edward's solution above
, "does not require these feints."
Solving This Puzzle Will Help You Grasp the True Nature of Puzzles
Robbie Gonzalez

Robbie Gonzalez
11/23/14 12:45pm
You'll want to give up on this week's puzzle. Don't.
The key to unraveling this week's puzzle is the key to cracking most good brain
teasers: If you want to solve it, you're going to have to get organized.
Before We Begin...
I'm going to come right out and say it: Our puzzle this week involves math. I se
e some of you clicking away already. To you I say: Don't be intimidated. Yes, yo
u will need algebra to solve this puzzle, but the most difficult aspect of this
week's brain teaser, in my opinion, doesn't boil down to math. It boils down to
A few weeks ago, somebody asked in the comments if a math problem could really b
e considered a "puzzle." (I can't find the comment now, but I think it was made
in reference to the posted solution for The Logician's Children.) The answer to
this question is, of course, yes. Martin Gardner, one of the most prolific puzzl
e-posers of the 20th century, built his career, in large part, on mathematical p
uzzles. A lot can be said about why math problems make for excellent puzzles, bu
t the simplest explanation I can provide is that a good math problem demands to
be solved by means of a carefully organized approach.
Entire books could be written about this last point. In fact, they have been: Ho
w to Solve It, the classic text by mathematician G. Plya, is considered by many t
o be the definitive guide to mathematical problem solving. In his book, Plya outl
ined a list of best practices for confronting puzzles of the mathematical variet
y. His approach, originally written in 1945, has since been distilled into a pla
n of attack by Herman Gordon, associate professor of cell biology and anatomy at
the University of Arizona, and instructor of The Art of Scientific Discovery, a
course designed to hone students' skills at solving the kinds of problems one e
ncounters in medicine and scientific research. Gordon's guide walks us through t
he way a good mathematician (and a good problem solver) thinks. "Even though the
topic is logic," he writes, "the discovery and solution of mathematical problem
s involves induction and heuristic thinking:
1. Understand the problem
What is the unknown?
What are the data?
What is the condition?
Can the problem be solved?
2. Assumptions
What can you or need you assume?
What shouldn't you assume?
Have you made subconscious assumptions?
3. Devising a plan of attack
Have you seen this or a related problem before?
Have you seen a similar unknown before?
Can you restate the problem?
If you can't solve this problem, can you solve a similar or simpler problem?

4. Aftermath

you sure of the solution? Can you see it at a glance?

you use all the data? The whole condition?
you get the same solution another way?
there other valid solutions?
you apply the solution or method to another problem?
this a satisfying problem to solve?

If you ever find yourself struggling with a Sunday Puzzle, or any puzzle for tha
t matter, look to these guidelines. Print them out. Stick them above your desk.
I guarantee you will find this guide
or, at the very least, some part of it
ful when puzzling your way through a good brain teaser, be it a math problem, a
logic puzzle from our weekly column, or a line of scientific inquiry.
Becoming a better problem solver requires practice. You need to be organized. An
d you need to think about your thinking. With all that in mind, here is this wee
k's puzzle.
Sunday Puzzle #8: A Monkey And His Uncle
A monkey and his uncle are suspended at equal distances from the floor at opposi
te ends of a rope which passes through a pulley. The rope weighs four ounces per
foot. The weight of the monkey in pounds equals the age of the monkey's uncle i
n years. The age of the uncle plus that of the monkey equals four years. The unc
le is twice as old as the monkey was when the uncle was half as old as the monke
y will be when the monkey is three times as old as the uncle was when the uncle
was three times as old as the monkey. The weight of the rope plus the weight of
the monkey's uncle is one-half again as much as the difference between the weigh
t of the monkey and that of the uncle plus the weight of the monkey.
How long is the rope?
How old is the monkey?
This week's puzzle was submitted by Reid (a mathematician) in retribution, he sa
ys, for last week's puzzle, which despite appearances
actually required no mathe
matical skills whatsoever to solve.
We'll be back next week with the solution and a new puzzle! Got a great braintea
ser, original or otherwise, that you'd like to see featured? E-mail me with your
recommendations. (Be sure to include "Sunday Puzzle" in the subject line.)
Art by Jim Cooke
Can You Solve 'The Hardest Logic Puzzle In The World'?
Robbie Gonzalez
Robbie Gonzalez

10/05/14 10:30am
You're reading the first installment in a brand new puzzle series here at io9
d what better way to kick things off than with the world's most difficult logic
The Sunday Puzzle - An Introduction
Some months back, I posted a little brain teaser here on io9. People seemed to e
njoy it. Encouraged by the positive response, I decided to float an idea I'd had
bouncing around my head for some time: How would you all feel about me dedicati
ng one post per week to a particularly dastardly puzzle or brain teaser?, I aske
d. Again, lots of positive response. The idea for The Sunday Puzzle was born.
Can You Figure Out This Parking Lot's Numbering System?
Can you explain the numbering system in this parking lot? Like most good riddles
, there are several
Read more
I confess this idea was not entirely my own. The genre of public, published puzz
ling was arguably pioneered by the legendary Martin Gardiner and his 'Mathematic
al Games' column in Scientific American, and lots of places to this day post puz
zles and riddles with some regularity. But the clearest inspiration for io9's Su
nday Puzzle was the TierneyLab blog over at the New York Times, where John Tiern
ey used to publish puzzles, and discussions surrounding previous weeks' puzzles,
every Monday.
I'd like io9's Sunday Puzzles to follow a similar format to Tierney's, and for t
he comments to become a place for people to submit full or partial solutions, qu
estions, ideas, future puzzles, and so on. I encourage you to also upload any dr
awings, calculations, or ideas you jot down in the course of your puzzling. I'm
still sorting out the details (I like to think that our commenting system has th
e potential to be moderated in a way that will foster discussion and help people
along in the puzzle-solving process, without always spoiling the solution outri
but how feasible this will be in practice remains to be seen), so recommenda
tions on how to structure the column are of course welcomed and encouraged.
There's so much more I could say about this, but I'll refrain for now (or reserv
e it for future posts), save for one last thing: If you know a great brain tease
r that you think would work well as a Sunday Puzzle, please feel free to drop me
a line with "Sunday Puzzle" in the subject line. Or sound off in the comments.
Please also indicate whether it is an original puzzle or one that you found else
where. Puzzles can be mathematical, logical, visual, computational, some combina
tion thereof, etc.
but they should be challenging, and, of course, satisfying to
solve. (More on what constitutes a satisfying puzzle in future posts.)
Alright. I'm going to stop talking now (can you tell I'm really excited about th
is?). Onto the puzzles.
Sunday Puzzle #1: 100 Green-Eyed Dragons
This week's puzzle is an old favorite of mine. It's been around for a long time,
and existed in various forms, but the version we'll be solving I originally enc
ountered in a handout given to physics students at Harvard, and is called "Green
Eyed Dragons."

XKCD's Randall Munroe tells a version of this puzzle, called "Blue Eyes," that h
e's dubbed "The Hardest Logic Puzzle In The World." The puzzle is fundamentally
identical to Green-Eyed Dragons, but Munroe's version includes some wording that
provides what I think is a fairly big clue, so if you find yourself struggling
with the dragons, head on over to XKCD and give his rendition a go. Here, now, i
s what I believe to be the most challenging version of the puzzle:
You visit a remote desert island inhabited by one hundred very friendly dragons,
all of whom have green eyes. They haven't seen a human for many centuries and a
re very excited about your visit. They show you around their island and tell you
all about their dragon way of life (dragons can talk, of course).
They seem to be quite normal, as far as dragons go, but then you find out someth
ing rather odd. They have a rule on the island which states that if a dragon eve
r finds out that he/she has green eyes, then at precisely midnight on the day of
this discovery, he/she must relinquish all dragon powers and transform into a l
ong-tailed sparrow. However, there are no mirrors on the island, and they never
talk about eye color, so the dragons have been living in blissful ignorance thro
ughout the ages.
Upon your departure, all the dragons get together to see you off, and in a tearf
ul farewell you thank them for being such hospitable dragons. Then you decide to
tell them something that they all already know (for each can see the colors of
the eyes of the other dragons). You tell them all that at least one of them has
green eyes. Then you leave, not thinking of the consequences (if any). Assuming
that the dragons are (of course) infallibly logical, what happens?
If something interesting does happen, what exactly is the new information that y
ou gave the dragons?
I will make the same closing points here that Munroe does: This is not a trick q
uestion. There's no guessing or lying or discussion by or between dragons. The a
nswer does not involve Mendelian genetics, or sign language. The answer is logic
al, and the dragons are perfectly logical beings. And no, the answer is not "no
dragon transforms."
We'll be back next week with a breakdown of the solution

and a new puzzle!

Illustration by Jim Cooke

This week's puzzle is about a perplexing pedigree. Can you untangle its twisted
lines of descent?
Sunday Puzzle #6: The Riddle Of The Six-Grave Plot (aka "Lichtenberg's" Riddle)
While ambling about your local cemetery, you stumble upon a grave marker situate
d before a six-grave plot. Glancing down, you notice an inscription upon the fam
ily stone. It reads:
Here lie...
2 Grandmothers with their 2 Granddaughters
2 Husbands with their 2 Wives
2 Fathers with their 2 Daughters

2 Mothers with their 2 Sons

2 Maidens with their 2 Mothers
2 Sisters with their 2 Brothers...
Yet but 6 corpses all lie buried here,
All born legitimate, from incest clear.
How is this possible?
Answer this week's riddle incorrectly, and your life
will be forfeit.

and the lives of 22 others

Sunday Puzzle #5: 23 Prisoners, 2 Switches

A warden meets with 23 newly arrived prisoners. He tells them, "You may meet tod
ay and plan a strategy. But after today, you will be in isolated cells and will
have no communication with one another.
"In the prison is a switch room, which contains two light switches, each of whic
h can be in either the on or the off position. I am not telling you their presen
t positions. The switches are not connected to anything.
"After today, from time to time whenever I feel so inclined, I will select one p
risoner at random and escort him to the switch room. This prisoner will select o
ne of the two switches and reverse its position. He must move one, but only one
of the switches. He can't move both, but he can't move none, either. Then he'll
be led back to his cell.
"No one else will enter the switch room until I lead the next prisoner there, an
d he'll be instructed to do the same thing. I'm going to choose prisoners at ran
dom. I may choose the same guy three times in a row, or I may jump around and co
me back.
"But, given enough time, everyone will eventually visit the switch room as many
times as everyone else. At any time anyone of you may declare to me, 'We have al
l visited the switch room.'
"If it is true, then you will all be set free. If it is false, and somebody has
not yet visited the switch room, you will all be executed."
What strategy do the prisoners devise?
This is another classic puzzle, but one worth revisiting even if you've heard it
before. (If you have heard it, and remember the solution, I suggest checking ou
t this version). Five or six of you recommended this puzzle, or a variation of i
t, this week, so thanks to all of you who did but thanks to David, in particular
, for being the first to do so. We'll be back next week with the solution
and a
new puzzle! Got a great brainteaser, original or otherwise, that you'd like to s
ee featured? E-mail me with your recommendations. (Be sure to include "Sunday Pu
zzle" in the subject line.)
Art by Jim Cooke

We're back this week with another logic puzzle. For this one, you'll need all th
e help you can get.
Sunday Puzzle #4: The Logician's Children
Two former college roommates, both logicians, meet at a conference after many ye
ars without contact. While catching up, the two eventually get around to discuss
ing their children. The first logician asks the second how many children he has,
and what their ages are. The second replies that he has 3 children, but (ever t
he logician) he will only reveal clues about their ages. The first logician must
deduce for himself the ages of the second's children.
"First," says the logician, "the product of my children's ages is 36."
"Second, the sum of their ages is the same as our apartment number in college."
"Third, my oldest child has red hair."
Upon hearing the third clue, the first logician replies at once with the ages of
his friend's children. What are they? How do you know?
Many thanks to BJ Myers for suggesting this week's puzzle. We'll be back next we
ek with the solution
and a new puzzle! Got a great brainteaser, original or othe
rwise, that you'd like to see featured? E-mail me with your recommendations. (Be
sure to include "Sunday Puzzle" in the subject line.)
Vetala Panchavimshati (Sanskrit: ???????????????, IAST: vetalapacavi?sati or Bait
al Pachisi (Bengali) ("Twenty-five (tales) of Baital"), is a collection of tales
and legends within a frame story, from India. It was originally written in Sans
One of its oldest recensions is found in the 12th Book of the Kathasaritsagara (
"Ocean of the Streams of Story"), a work in Sanskrit compiled in the 11th centur
y by Somadeva, but based on yet older materials, now lost. This recension compri
ses in fact twenty four tales, the frame narrative itself being the twenty fifth
. The two other major recensions in Sanskrit are those by Sivadasa and Jambhalad
The Vetala stories have been popular in India, and have been translated into man
y Indian vernaculars.[1] Several English translations exist, based on Sanskrit r
ecensions and on Hindi, Tamil, and Marathi versions.[2] Probably the most well-k
nown English version is that of Sir Richard Francis Burton which is, however, no
t a translation but a very free adaptation.[3]
The legendary King Vikrama, identified as Vikramaditya (c. 1st century BC), prom
ises a vamachari (a tantric sorcerer) that he will capture a vetala (or Baital),
a celestial spirit analogous to a vampire in Western literature who hangs from
a tree and inhabits and animates dead bodies.
King Vikrama faces many difficulties in bringing the vetala to the tantric. Each
time Vikram tries to capture the vetala, it tells a story that ends with a ridd
le. If Vikrama cannot answer the question correctly, the vampire consents to rem
ain in captivity. If the king knows the answer but still keeps quiet, then his h
ead shall burst into thousand pieces. And if King Vikrama answers the question c
orrectly, the vampire would escape and return to his tree. He knows the answer t

o every question; therefore the cycle of catching and releasing the vampire cont
inues twenty-four times.
On the twenty-fifth attempt, the Vetala tells the story of a father and a son in
the after-math of a devastating war. They find the queen and the princess alive
in the chaos, and decide to take them home. In due time, the son marries the qu
een and the father marries the princess. Eventually, the son and the queen have
a son, and the father and the princess have a daughter. The vetala asks what the
relation between the two newborn children is. The question stumps Vikrama. Sati
sfied, the vetala allows himself to be taken to the tantric.
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The Whys, Wherefores, and Wonders of Mathematics
Robbie Gonzalez
Robbie Gonzalez
Filed to: MATHS
4/17/15 3:40pm
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t, "a
s and

out this delightful video of math teacher Paul Lockhart author of Measuremen
permanent solution to math phobia by introducing us to mathematics as an a
way of thinking and living" waxing lyrical about the splendors of mathematic
mathematical thinking, and why "the mathematical question is always 'why?'

H/t Aatish Bhatia

Contact the author at
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synthozoicRobbie Gonzalez
4/17/15 5:30pm
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I m not a mathematician (Although in a parallel universe, I wish I was.) but I get
what this guy is talking about.
Time and again, mathematicians discover relations or facts in the realm of mathe
matics that just blow us away in terms of their perfect, elegant connection of t
hings that might otherwise seem random jumbles. In Euler s identity e is an irrati
onal number, pi an irrational number but, you connect it in the right way with t
he imaginary unit number, suddenly order emerges again.

Cantor s proof that a line segment contains exactly the same number of points as a
n infinite line is another one. Lockhart s parallelogram thing is still another. A
nd on and on it goes. Is math created or discovered? Who knows? But it is very s
urprising one is tempted to say shocking sometimes.
Will Holz
Will Holzsynthozoic
4/17/15 5:51pm
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Well said!
They re fascinating because they let us see how two different mathematical abstrac
tions converge. :)
synthozoicWill Holz
4/17/15 6:02pm
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Lockhart jokingly says its almost like a conspiracy. At least I think he jokingl
y says it because to really believe that it is a conspiracy puts aside rigor and
takes us into the realm of religion or numerology. Some could jokingly say that
mathematics is about as close to religion as science gets. And if that s true, th
ings get Lovecraftian very quickly. Because if math reveals the minds of the god
s, those are very a l i e n minds indeed! Madness then follows.
Will Holz
Will Holzsynthozoic
4/17/15 6:15pm
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I generally think of it in degrees of how good is the person/process we re dealing
with at not accidentally overdefining something or applying a specific conclusio
n to too wide a set of scenarios , because that s pretty much where the axis between
genius and madness lies, right?

And when you look at that way, it s pretty easy to see what s going on. We do our an
alysis through a very person-centric lens and while I think the scientific commu
nity has been EXCELLENT at offsetting that, any situation where we see something
surprisingly symmetrical (It s almost always a pattern or a symmetry, isn t it? Our
brains are just primed for that shit!) blows our minds.
The reality is that we re just bubbling up a really simple mathematical truth and
we should ve gotten it a long time ago but we missed it because of our personal vi
ew of things. That s also probably why there are so many people who are Whoa! and a
few who are Duh and a lot of us that go from Whoa! to Whoa, and duh! pretty enthusiast
Kind of like Vi Hart s pi is not special rant (and she s totally right, I have to agre
e with her as annoying as it is to past-me), right?

synthozoicWill Holz
4/17/15 6:25pm
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And Hart gets right to the nub of Sol s argument in the movie Pi. You pick a numbe
r as special and you see that number everywhere, ignoring all the cultural bagga
ge that might be skewing things.
Will Holz
Will HolzRobbie Gonzalez
4/17/15 3:56pm
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I love this guy! He s adorable.
Also: I think I see the answer!
Oh! Duh!
(You guys didn t see all the stuff I just erased. There was lots of it, and it tur
ns out it s totally unnecessary.)
It s because he chose the midpoints.
The moment he selected the midpoints, he established two planes of symmetry in t
he lines connecting those points. That gives you a parallelogram of some sort.

Maybe a better way to say it is If you want to draw a parallelogram inside any 4sided shape, pick the midpoints.
(Math is cool!)
TychoWill Holz
4/17/15 4:04pm
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the solution to his question is evident if you break it apart into two triangles
that share a side. for any triangle you can draw, the vector connecting the mid
points of two sides will always been parallel to the third side. i mean, that s al
most obvious because you re just halving the x and y components (and so just halvi
ng the magnitude) of the third side to get the midpoint vector anyway. and since
a vector is always parallel to itself, and since the two triangles share a side
, the vectors connecting their midpoints will also be parallel. that s it. that s th
e whole conspiracy.
Will Holz
Will HolzTycho
4/17/15 4:08pm
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Yup, that s exactly what I had in my head with completely different words (and seq
I love that, I bet it s also possible to solve it by hitting it from the outside s
(Math continues to be cool!)
Twilight Sparkle
Twilight SparkleRobbie Gonzalez
4/18/15 12:10am
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That parallelogram thing doesn t seem scary to me, it seems like something someone

wouldn t believe if they had NEVER seen a square or diamond before, even one with
vastly smaller sides, of course the middle lines will go in the same direction.
.. DUH.
mrifRobbie Gonzalez
4/17/15 4:13pm
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Paul was the best high school math teacher I had. The course was called what is m
ath? And he taught us how to play go, why we may be living in our own flatland, a
nd how most math class s are the equivelant of paint by numbers. A brilliant guy.
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