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Script Writing Summary

Everything we have been learning in this module has been with the goal of developing our
own idea for a script. Our group came up with an idea for a law drama. It could be either for
a film, or the pilot episode of a TV series. Throughout the module we came up with a
summary of the whole plot following the structure of the heros journey. We then in more
detail described the first five minutes. Additionally we decided to come up with the back
story for each main character. This was not an assigned task but we felt it was important in
order to develop the story and relationships between characters properly. These character
summaries are also included in this document.

Plot Summary
-The protagonist is a lawyer, Steven, willing to break any rules, go over anyones head in
order to get justice for his clients. This makes him an outsider within his law firm.
-Emma is Stevens old friend who he knows from law school. She is introduced as his love
interest. He clearly wants her however she does not return his feelings as she doesnt care
for how reckless he is.
-Steven discovers his best friend Daniel is being accused of murder. Steven believes Daniel is
innocent and will do whatever it takes to have the charges dropped.
-Just when it looks like Steven will be able to have Daniels charges dropped, he discovers
that Daniel was in fact a false friend, who did commit the murder he is accused for. Daniel
then blackmails him with everything he knows about how Steven bends the rules for some
of his clients.
-Steven must make a choice between getting justice and doing as Daniel asks, knowing he
committed murder. Emma, who acts as the woman in white, gives him advice to help him
with the decision.
-In order to do the right thing, Steven must make amends with his colleagues so that they
will help provide evidence against Daniel to the opposition without his knowing that Steven
was involved. For this Steven must work together with his fellow lawyers, going by their
strategies and following the rules.
-In the end Daniel goes to prison, having been judged guilty, and Emma and Steven end up
together. Emmas feelings towards him changed after seeing him to the right thing.

Character Summaries
-Comes from a rich background, everything in his life has come easily to him.
-Good looking.

-Big headed and entitled because of these facts.

-He is not self-destructive but wants to be as he is bored of such an easy life.
-This is why he breaks rules to win cases - part of him wants to be caught.
-Loves Emma but because of his entitled nature and his reckless character cannot be with
-Has been best friends with Daniel since law school.

-Rich Background
-She is kind, humble and charitable.
-Innocent but not naive.
-Cares for Steven but wants him to be less self-destructive.
-Does her best to try and fix Steven, treats him as a charity case.
-This is why she cannot accept his affection.

-Also rich.
-Enjoys the power that he wields due to his money.
-Thinks he can do/have whatever he wants.
-Clicks with Steven as both of them are very entitled.

First Five Minutes

-Opens with a scene on the court steps. The protagonist Steven, a lawyer, is walking down
to his car. His client is trying to follow him in order to express his gratitude to Steven. Steven
stops and pats the client on his shoulder patronizingly before saying he will invoice him,
before proceeding to his car.
-He has a nice car but the inside is full of trash. He throws some out onto the street before
getting in but just as he closes the door another lawyer from his firms stops the door. The
lawyer tells Steven off for being reckless in court again. Steven replies with a smug remark
before closing the door and driving away.
-Cut to Steven having coffee with an old friend from law school named Emma (or as he calls
her Ems). Emma is wearing white.

-Steven is telling Emma about how their friend Daniel (also from their law school) is enjoying
married life.
-After a pause in their conversation Emma mentions that her father is doing better. Taking
a moment to realise what shes talking about, Steven offers to let her move in with him as
he lives closer to the hospital. She reminds him that she moved across town a few months
ago, clearly agitated that he still doesnt remember.
-After a short awkward silence, his phone rings and he seems relieved. Steven answers the
call and after briefly listening he gets up and leaves, throwing down money for their coffees
on the table, still talking on the phone. Emma looks after him as he leaves and sighs.
-Cut to Steven entering the offices of the law firm he works at.
-One of his colleagues talks him though the case he called Steven in for:
-The body of an old lady (a landlord at a set of flats) was found at the bottom of the some
stairs in one of her flats.
-Someone in one of the flats there called the police after hearing arguing and screams.
-Another girl living in the flats claimed the person that pushed her was a man she was
sleeping with, after the landlord walked in on them having sex.
-Steven asks his colleague why they brought him in for this case during his day off when it
seems obvious from the evidence that the man is guilty. He is told that the accused man is

By Jakub Tansey, Connall Morrison and Ana Lng

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