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Paul Shrivastava

Paul Shrivastava is the Distinguished Professor and Di- 2 Work

rector of David O'Brien Centre for Sustainable Enterprise
at Concordia University.
Paul Shrivastavas major contributions to the eld of business management are concepts for understanding strategic industrial and environmental crises and crisis management, corporate strategies for sustainability and sustainable strategic management. His contributions to manage1 Biography
ment practice include crisis management techniques, environmental and sustainability strategies, and use of the
arts for creativity and sustainability programs.
Born in Bhopal, India, in 1951, Dr. Paul Shrivastava
is the David O'Brien Distinguished Professor of Sustain- Shrivastavas professional work is rooted in a concern for
able Enterprise and Director of the David O'Brien Cen- human-technology-nature relationships. Having grown
tre for Sustainable Enterprise at Concordia University, up in the small town of Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh, the
Montreal. He also leads the International Research Chair most backward state of India, he was enchanted by the
in Art and Sustainable Enterprise at ICN Business School, promise of technology to improve the lives of people. He
Nancy, France. In these roles he combines scientic and studied engineering in college and graduated rst (gold
artistic approaches to sustainable development, exempli- medal) in his mechanical engineering class. He received
ed in the conference Balance unBalance 2011,[1] and his a Post Graduate Diploma in Management at IIM Calcutta
book Learning from the Financial Crisis (edited with Matt and Ph.D. from University of Pittsburgh. The Bhopal disStatler) published by Stanford University Press [2] He has aster (the worst industrial accident in history) revealed the
published 17 books and over 100 articles some of which two-headedness of technology, and he turned to examinare listed below under Publications.[3]
ing the risks and crises associated with industrial techShrivastava held the Howard I. Scott Chair in Manage- nologies, leading to systematic studies of crisis management, a distinguished professorship at Bucknell Univer- ment. The eld of crisis management has emerged since
sity (Lewisburg, PA), and was Associate Professor of then as a vital eld of study. It is concerned with identiManagement at the Stern School of Business, New York fying systemic causes and consequences of crises. It has
University. He was awarded Fulbright Program Senior led to development of crisis management and crisis preScholar award to study Japanese corporate environmental vention practices in the areas of industrial disasters, computer disasters, risk management, worker safety, metals
management at Kyoto University, Japan. He has taught at
the Helsinki School of Economics, and IIM Shillong. He mining and oil industries.
is the author of Bhopal: Anatomy of a Crisis (1989), a
book that launched the eld of organizational crisis management.[4] He founded the Organizations and Natural
Environment Division of the Academy of Management
(the worlds largest academic professional association in
Management studies).[5] He received a Bachelors degree
in Mechanical Engineering from the Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, Post Graduate
Diploma in Management (MBA) from Indian Institute
of Management Calcutta and a Ph.D. from University of

He developed embodied learning methods wherein

concepts are intertwined with physically and emotionally
engaging activities to create learning experiences that endure and transform.[8] His course Managing with Passion is an events management course in which students
learn by planning, organizing, training for and participating in a real event a USA Triathlon sanctioned public
triathlon race. Students gain understanding of concepts
that are interwoven with physical activities, emotional activities, cognitive exercises and online activities.[9]
An element in Shrivastava professional work is the creation of new organizations. He helped launch HCL Enterprise group of computer companies in 1976 along with
six entrepreneurs from Microcomp Pvt. Ltd., and eSocrates, Inc. He also created academic organizations
such as the ONE Division of the Academy of Management, the Organization & Environment journal, the David
O'Brien Centre for Sustainable Enterprise, the World
Business School Council for Sustainable Business[10] and

He co-founded two academic journals - Industrial Crisis

Quarterly published by Elsevier, and Organization & Environment published by Sage Publications, has served on
the Editorial Boards of several leading management studies journals, on the Board of Trustees of DeSales University, Allentown, PA, on the Board of the Finance and
Sustainability Initiative, Montreal,[6] and as Senior Advisor to the Indian Institute of Management Shillong.


non-prot organizations (Industrial Crisis Institute). He

is steering WBSCSB in collaboration with UN-Principles
of Responsible Management Education (PRME) and
Global Responsible Leadership Initiative, to create a report on the Next 50 Years of Management Education to
be presented at Rio+20 Conference in May 2012.[11]

8. Timo Busch and P. Shrivastava, Corporate Strategies for Global Climate Change, Greenleaf Publishers, London, 2011.
9. Paul Shrivastava and Matt Statler, Learning from
the Global Financial Crisis: Sustainably, Reliably,
Creatively. Stanford University Press, Palo Alto CA,

Paul Shrivastava has been studying corporate sustainability for the past two decades. Despite the scientic un 10. Alfred Marcus, Paul Shrivastava, Sanjay
derstanding of global climate change, global poverty, and
Sharma, and Stefano Pogutz (Eds), Cross Secbiodiversity decline, global leaders are unable to reach
tor Leadership for the Green Economy, Palgrave
eective international agreements to address these chalMacmillan, New York, 2012.
lenges. He suggests that science alone will not solve the
problem of sustainability. Humans have to nd a new way
of engaging nature, that allows them to care and preserve Recent Articles Published
it in enduring ways. Shrivastava is extending the scientic
understanding of sustainability to the realm of the arts.
1. Shrivastava, P. Sustainable Organizational
Arts as the repository of human emotions oer a vehicle
Technology, International Journal of Sustainable
for creating passionate engagement between humans and
Strategic Management, 2008.
nature.[12] This project uses transdisciplinary approaches
2. Shrivastava, P. For a new sustainable ecoto science and arts in aesthetic inquiry into sustainabilnomic order Economic and Political Weekly of Inity issues. This collaboration of a dozen researchers in
dia, November 4, 2008.
France, Canada, USA and India, has produced results in[13]
cluding the Balance unBalance 2011 conference
3. Shrivastava, P. Culture of consumption isnt susMontreal Degrowth 2012 conference.[14]
tainable. Harrsisburg Patriot News, December 21,


Partial List of Book Publication:

1. Shrivastava, P., A. Hu and J. Dutton (Eds). Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 9. Greenwich
CT.: JAI Press, 1993.
2. Shrivastava, P., Strategy Formulation and Implementation. Cincinnati, OH: Southwestern Publishing Co., 1994.
3. Shrivastava, P., A. Hu and J. Dutton (Eds).
Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 10. 1994,
Greenwich CT.: JAI Press.
4. Shrivastava, P., and C. Stubbart, Advances in
Strategic Management, Vol 12 (A & B), (Challenges
from Outside the Mainstream, Challenges Within
the Mainstream), Greenwich CT: JAI Press, 1995.
4. Shrivastava, P., Ecological Antecedents of Terrorrism, International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management, Spring, 2009.
5. Shrivastava, P. A Pedagogy of Passion for Susainability Academy of Management Learning and
Education, September 2010.
6. Shrivastava, P. and R. Paquin, Sustainable
enterprises: Addressing management challenges in
the 21st Century In Subash Gupta and Ben Kedia (Eds) Enhancing Global Competitiveness through
Sustainable Environmental *Stewardship, Edward
Elgar Publishers, 2011.
7. Shrivastava, P. and M. Statler, Aesthetics of Resilient Systems (In French) Telescope, August, Volume 16, 2010

5. Shrivastava, P., Greening Business: Proting the

Corporation and the environment. Cincinnati, OH:
Thomson Executive Press, 1996.

8. Shrivastava, P. and Stephanie Berger, Sustainability Principles Organizations Management Journal, 7, 246261, 2010

6. Shrivastava, P., A. Hu and J. Dutton (Series

Eds). Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 13.
1996, Greenwich CT.: JAI Press.

9. Shrivastava, P. Sustainability 2.0 in Andrew Homan and Pratima Bansal (Eds), Handbook
of Environmental Management, Oxford University
Press, 2011.

7. Shrivastava, P., A. Hu and J. Dutton (Series

Eds). Advances in Strategic Management: Organizational Learning and Strategic Management, Vol. 14.
1997, Greenwich CT.: JAI Press.

10. Mathews, Damon, and Paul Shrivastava,

Canadas complacency on climate change is an embarrassment, The Montreal Gazette, July 1, 2011

His work has been featured in

5 External links

The Los Angeles Times,

Personal Website

The Philadelphia Inquirer,

David O'Brien Centre for Sustainable Enterprise,

Directors Page

The Christian Science Monitor

The Globe and Mail
The Montreal Gazette
and on the MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour


[2] Edited by Paul Shrivastava and Matt Statler. Learning
from the Global Financial Crisis. Retrieved
[3] Meet Director Shrivastava.
Retrieved 2012-12-03.
[5] Home. 2012-08-06. Retrieved
[6] Summary of FSI, what it is, why it has been established?". Retrieved 2012-12-03.
[9] Morrison, James L. (2000-11-20). The Technology
Source Archives - Online Communities as a New Learning Paradigm: An Interview with Paul Shrivastava. Retrieved 2012-12-03.
[10] World Business School Council for Sustainable Business. Retrieved 2012-12-03.
[11] 50+20 Home : 50+20. 2012-06-15. Retrieved 2012-12-03.
[12] RCI // Eco-eciency - A path to protability.
Retrieved 2012-12-03.
[13] ABOUT. 201105-19. Retrieved 2012-12-03.
[14] International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas. Retrieved 2012-12-03.

International Research Chair in Art and Sustainable



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Sustainability&view=&letter=&thefaculty=&start=0 Original artist: Paul Shrivastava


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