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Hello classmates and teacher, our team will introduce some important facts about
Netherlands country.
For the first we have Location & Place and some statistics about the country, the person
who is going to talk about that is my partner
Hello, well lets talk about Location & Place. Netherlands is a country located in the
northern hemisphere, in Europes continent, and is found to left of Germany and just above
Belgium; sitting along the coast of the North Sea.
The next info about Netherlands is their population, which it is about seventeen million

Where Amsterdam has almost the quarter of population in Netherlands, the second place is
for Rotterdam with 20 percent of population. And the others cities like Breda and Tilburg
has a small number of population in this country.

Now I am going to talk about another information like religion and languages spoken in the
But first Id like to introduce you a curios fact, did you know that Netherlanders are the
tallest people in the world, men can measure up to eight feet, thats two and half meters
tall!, Well now
Lets see the religious graph.

Just under half of population has no religion that is eight million people and near thirty
percent of people practice Roman Catholics religion.

Moreover, the most common languages spoken in Netherlands are Dutch with a high
percentage of speakers, Frisian and French with similar percentage and English with one of
the lowest percentage in the graphic.


Well, the national currency is the euro, which is about 17 mexican pesos. Now my partner
Miguel and I will explain with details the next chart.

Medical care; 9%
Trasnportation; 4%

Housing; 11%
Entertaiment; 46%
Clothing; 13%

Food; 17%

Well, as you may know Netherlands is a country where prostitution is legal and plentiful,
one of the largest and most famous places in Amsterdam, is the best-known Red Light
District, which is a destination for international sex tourism.
Well from the chart we have here, 46 percent of people in this country spend their money in
entertainment, from this percentage we have 79% percent of people who spend their
money in Drugs & Prostitutes.
In second place is cinema with 15% percent of population.
And a small number of the population spend their money in theaters.

Another curios fact, people doesnt spend much money in housing because a
medium percentage lives in their ships, as the image shows.

The last parts of the chart are food with seventeen percent, after food is clothing with a
thirteen percent.
In the last years Netherlands has been increasing their money into new health technology
and equipment, so medical care has the nine percent of the money spent in Netherlands
And for the last part of the chart, we have transportation, which is a small number of
percentage, only with four percent, but Why?.....Well, because in this country many people
uses bicycles, they are very common in Netherlands, so much so that there are eighteen
million bicycles in the country, that is to say a bicycle for each citizen.

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