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We are living today, with relation to the anabolizantes drugs, a similar

situation to that occurred with the tobaccoism in the beginning of the

century: the use for great number of people making look like good
health tends to stimulate the security notion. The cinema can in giving
an idea to them of as he was spread out the habit to smoke. Films of
the time almost that invariavelmente they showed the artists smoking.
More than cinquenta years had been necessary so that the statisticians
of the incidence of illnesses could be made, and thanks to the these
data, today well she is established that the tobacco produces males to
the health diverse.
Exactly thus, many continue smoking. The sick smokers are in the
hospitals, in house, or already they are not between us, while that the
people who smoke in public make look like good health. Generally
many years of tobaccoism are necessary so that serious illnesses
occur, and exactly thus will not occur in all the people. E before
adoecer, the people will have smoked in public during many years with
apparent good health.
In the case of the anabolizantes drugs, generally esterides
andrognicos derived from the testosterone, the statisticians still
precarious must the one that its use for considerable parcels of the
population is relatively recent. The experimental studies, in the which
drugs are managed by the researchers and its analizados effect,
always with more trustworthy conclusions, are made it difficult in the
case of hormonais anabolizantes in healthful people for ethical
Some experimental works are found in literature, involving the use of
anabolizantes esterides for the treatment of illnesses as anemias,
some types of cancer and hormonal replacement. Also experimental
works exist studying the effect of derivatives of the testosterone with
the objective of masculine contracepo. The type of scientific work
more frequent found on the subject is the stories of clinical cases,
where the use of esterides anabolizantes is associated with the
occurrence of more or less serious illnesses.
These works do not allow to conclude that the relation between the
drugs and the illnesses is of the type "cause and effect" but at the very
least, exist a desencadeante action of pathological alterations in
premade use people. Observacionais, transversal and longitudinal
studies, in groups of users of anabolizantes drugs have contribuido for
the identification of the more frequent pathological intercorrncias.
In recent research, a questionnaire was distribuido for 1.667 people in
academies of the Kingdom Joined, and published in the International
Journal of Sports Medicine, 18:557-62, 1992. Between questioned men
9.1 % they used anabolizantes drugs against 2,3% between the

women. Injectable drugs and you pray had been used, in doses up to
34 times the therapeutical doses. Between the users, only 28% were
competition athlete.
The system of interrupted cycles was used by 88% of the users, and
77% had told to have perceived collateral effect: atrophy of the
testicule in 56% of the cases, ginecomastia in 52%, difficulty to sleep
in 37%, arterial hipertenso in 36%, tendinosas injuries in 26%, nasal
bleed in frequntes cooled 22% and in 16%.
Between the women cases of menstrual irregularities had been told,
hipertrofia of the cltoris, reduction of the breasts, thickening of the
voice, acne, fall of hair and hirsutismo. For occasion of the interruption
of the cycles the stories of giddiness had been frequent, weakness,
loss of the libido and pains to articulate.
Considering the totality of the works published until the gift, we can
conclude that the abusive use of anabolizantes esterides present high
short-term incidence of effect undesirable, nor even so always serious.
In the long run, serious illnesses could be unchained depending on the
used drugs, of the time of use, the doses and the individual
The drugs of verbal use are more associates with the tumors of the
liver, with the obstrutiva jaundice, the formation of hemorrhagic
hepticos cysts, with the desencadeamento of diabetes and the
coronarianas cardiac illnesses. The illness mechanisms are the biggest
heptico metabolism of the drugs, increase of the cellular resistance to
the insulina and depression of the HDL-cholesterol. The injectable
drugs produce ginecomastia more and bigger trend for trombose,
cerebral and peripheral, due to bigger metabolic estrognicos feminine
hormone formation.
The use of antiestrognicos in association with the injectable drugs,
practical common between athlete, is not advisable for diminishing the
anabolizante effect and producing the same effect toxic of the verbal
esterides. The premature closing of the lines of growth in epfises
sseas of the adolescents, the arterial hipertenso and the cancer of
the prostate have been told in association in such a way with the
verbal esterides how much with the injectable ones. All the
anabolizantes esterides seem to be equally useful to stimulate the
muscular mass, the force and the reduction of fat, even so with
different dosages.
During the use of the anabolizantes esterides, generally in periods of
six to the eight weeks, it occurs accented reduction of the fertility,
increase of the libido and reduction of the endogenous testosterone.
One admits that the depression and the lethargy frequent told

interrupting the drug can be related with low levels of endogenous

testosterone. The sexual impotence seems to be more consequncia of
depressive phenomena, to the intense times, and that they can lead to
the suicide.
Many users are dependents of the esterides for account of the
malaise produced for the suppression of the drug. Frequent the
psychiatric intervention is necessary. The return to the normal levels
of productions hormonal costuma to occur in about three months after
the end of the cycle, but exists stories of consequent permanent
hipogonadismo to the many years of continuous use of anabolizantes
The normal fertility can delay of six months to the one year, justifying
the proposal of use of the andrognicos esterides as contraceptive
masculines. The use of corinica to the end of each cycle, practical also
common gonadotrofina between athlete to stimulate the testicules to
normally seem to be unnecessary and increases the ginecomastia
incidence. When evidenced the hipogonadismo, the treatment with
gonadotrofina sufficiently needs to be drawn out.
The deaths that have been associates to the anabolizantes esterides
seem to be decurrent of the drawn out continuous use or abusive
doses. The causes of the deaths had been infartos cardiopaths,
trombose cerebral, heptica hemorrhage, bleed of varizes of the
esophagus, miocardiopatia, metstases of tumors of the prostate and
the liver, infections for depression of the immunity or contamination
for counterfeited medicines (AIDS and hepatitis).
Alternative drugs as the GH (hormone of the growth) also are not safe.
The incidence of the prostate cancer increases of 3 the 4 times and
occurs with frequency the hipotireoidismo, with depression of the
metabolism and trend for the obesidade, cardiopathy, sexual,
ginecomastia impotence, sindrome of the tunnel of carpo, among
others problems. Moreover, the monthly cost of GH use can arrive at
USS 4.000,00.
An important question is to know if safe way for the use of
andrognicos esterides exists. One admits that lesser doses and
interrupted use have minor probability to produce effect undesirable,
but the quantification of the individual risks still is not possivel. Two
situations are undesirable at the present moment: to exaggerate the
risk of the hormonais anabolizantes and to ignore the possibility of
occurrence of serious illnesses.
With relation to the risks, it can be imagined that in the best one of the
hypotheses he will be possivel to arrive at the administration projects
similar com.segurana to the one of contraceptive the feminine ones.

The use of estrognicos esterides for women of the whole world with
contracepo purpose has very similar collateral effect to the ones of
the hormonais anabolizantes, but they occupy space in the media
much less. Our society seems to consider the contracepo a
justifiable reason so that the women run risks for the health, exactly
with the statisticians demonstrating the occurrence of serious
On the other hand, unprepared athletes and trainers costumam to
disrespect the risks of the esterides, based on apparent the good
health of some champions. This attitude is indefensible and places
many young in critical situation for the health.
In the case of the musculao, the notion of that significant increases
of muscular mass are impossiveis without the use of drugs contributes
to aggravate the situation. What it occurs is that all the people present
progressos with training guided and adjusted feeding well, but some
have potential for very bigger muscular mass of the one than others.
Although that the anabolizantes drugs can without a doubt favor the
growth of the muscles, them they are not formadoras of champions. To
look at for a musculao champion and to attribute all its success to
the drugs are an injustice. In the reality one is about the result of
dedicated training and careful feeding acting in favorable genetic base.
The effect of the drugs are additive to the these basic factors. In the
academies it is common to find people without muscular volume and
quality despite the use of hormonais anabolizantes and on the other
hand, great and very strong people who had never used drugs. These
are few, as also the great champions are few, because the genetic
potential for great muscular mass is rare.
The current situation can be summarized in the following way: who is
using drugs is running risks of health still known not well. Rational
projects of use are safer but not total exempt of risks. Thus being, the
decision will always have to be a personal decision. The person must
ponder the risks and benefits and decide rationally. To the
professionals she competes informing and not influencing in the
In the case of competition athlete, the use of drugs exceeds the
question of the individual health. The drugs that favor the performance
in the diverse modalities are considered undesirable and therefore
ticamente illicit, independently to produce damages for the health. To
the esportivos controllers it fits to restrain its use while to take
advantage the current rules, whose moral validity will be able or not to
move with passing of the time.

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