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Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

© 2019 Masculine Development
All rights Reserved. International Copyright

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The information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor is it a
substitute for medical treatment, nor is it an alternative to medical advice.

This publication is presented for informational purposes, to increase the public knowledge of
developments in the field of medicine, health, and fitness. The recommendations outlined herein should
not be followed without a consultation with your healthcare professional.

Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. You must get your
physician’s approval before beginning this or any other exercise or nutrition program. This information
is not a prescription. Consult your doctor, nutritionist, or dietitian for further information.

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

Table of Contents

Industry of Lies............................................………................……………….……………..……...…..5

Steroids vs. SARMs…………….......………….……………….....................…………………………6

Legal Steroid #1.………………………………………………………………………………………..9

Legal Steroid #2.…………...…………………………………………………………………………..11

Legal Steroid #3.…………...…………………………………………………………………………..13

Where I Buy My SARMs.………………………………………………………………....…………...15

How to Take SARMs…………………………………………………………………………………..17

Do SARMs Require A PCT?…………………………………………………………………………..18

Best SARMs Workout Routine………………………………….……………………………………..19

Best Beginner's SARMs Stack………………………………………………….……………………...20

SARMs: The Bottom Line………………………………………………………………………...…...22

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

First off, thank you for signing up to my email newsletter! I personally hate spam, and aim to only
provide 100% pure, helpful content, that you can use to improve your life.

This eBook is meant to shed some light on the notorious “black market” supplements that people are
taking to literally 5x their muscle growth, and completely transform their bodies.

But first, some proof – take a look at this picture down below. What do you see?

FULL ARTICLE: My RAD-140 Results (60 Day Cycle Before/After Pics)

You see a guy who completely transformed his body in 60 days.

That guy? That's me.

In that image, I was on a supplement known as “RAD 140” which I will be talking about in this eBook.

But, before we begin, I have to make something VERY clear for you...

So, please, read on.

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

Industry of Lies

By now, you may have seen a lot of crazy “before and after” transformations.

...or maybe some guy is telling you to buy his supplement, and promising that it will give you insane
results, and you won't even have to put in a day of work at the gym.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but that's bullshit.

Bullshit with a capital B. I exposed a lot of this in my “SARMs for Sale” article.

See, what a lot of these guys do out there, is they get on a shit ton of steroids.

They destroy their health... but put on a lot of muscle in the process.

...and then, they market lame supplements to guys like YOU, and take your hard-earned cash.

Well, not me. I remember falling for that stuff dozens of times, and I'm finally here to put an end to it.

In fact, one company actually threatened to SUE ME after I exposed them for scamming people.

This quick guide is meant to help you get jacked, in the shortest time possible, by explaining how
some of these revolutionary new “legal steroids” work.

And best of all, it's backed by REAL evidence, not fake testimonials and reviews like other shit.

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

Steroids vs. SARMs

Now, I know what you're thinking...

“B-but Jon, I don't want to get on steroids! They're bad for my health, aren't they?”

...and yes, you're right. Steroids aren't the best for your health.

Sure, I think the side effects are overblown, and you can definitely mitigate some of them...

In fact, as I've said before, LEGAL supplements known as “pro hormones” are even WORSE than
steroids! I've tried everything, and pro hormones are pure garbage.

Thankfully, there's a better option out there, known as “SARMs.” They allow you to get most of the
benefits of steroids, with almost none of the side effects.

SARMs, short for “Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators,” are a new class of chemical compounds
which are sweeping the bodybuilding community by storm.

Within a matter of months, not only can you pack on slabs of muscle, and completely transform
your body... but you can do it all without any of the nasty side effects of steroids.

How is this possible, you might ask? The magic likes in the “mechanism of action.”

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

Two Problems With “Steroids”

Every chemical in the world has a “mechanism of action.”

This simply means how it acts in your body, and the results it brings about.

For steroids, the “mechanism of action” is binding to every “androgen receptor” in your body.

These androgen receptors are everywhere – in your muscles, your heart, your organs...

...and while steroids do bring about crazy muscle growth, they also bring about tons of side effects.

Why? Again, it's the mechanism of action.

When steroids bind to androgen receptors, they signal for your muscles to grow...

So, on one hand, your “skeletal muscles” will grow.

These are the ones we WANT to grow – like your biceps, triceps, pecs, and shoulders.

But, on the other hand, the “smooth muscles” in your body will also grow.

These are things like your heart and other organ tissues.

As I'm sure you can guess, you do NOT want your heart and organ tissues to grow!

This is one of the reasons why so many hardcore bodybuilders have health problems as early as their
mid 30's, and often have heart attacks by the time they hit 45 or 50.

In addition to this, steroids also go through a process known as “aromatization,” which means many of
them are converted into estrogen.

In other words, not only do steroids slowly damage your heart and organs, but they also jack your
estrogen through the roof in the short term.

This is why people have so many side effects on steroids, like terrible acne, roid rage, high blood
pressure, and gynecomastia (bitch tits).

With SARMs however, a whole new world of possibilities opens up.

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

Why SARMs Are The Solution

As I said, the reason why steroids are so powerful, is because they bind to “androgen receptors” in
your body, signaling it to build muscle and shred fat.

Unfortunately however, they bind to ALL androgen receptors... both the good ones (skeletal muscles
you want to grow) and the bad ones (organ tissues you want left alone).

If only there were a way to “selectively” bind to the “good” androgen receptors, and ignore the “bad”
ones, so you could get all of the muscle-growth without any side effect...

Oh, wait – yeah, that's what SARMs do... and it's exactly what I'm here to talk about today.

Thanks to breakthroughs in modern science, SARMs were designed to specifically target the “good”
androgen receptors, and ignore the “bad” ones.

In layman's terms, SARMs are like steroids without any of the nasty side effects.

Yep, that's right – I know it's hard to believe.

I had trouble buying this when I first heard about SARMs.

“There's no way it can be that easy,” I thought... “Can it?”

Well, thankfully, it is. With SARMs I've completely transformed my physique, into the top 1% of men,
and today I'm going to show you exactly how you can do the same.

BUT, before I begin, you might want to consider reading my “Ultimate Guide to SARMs.”

It cites nearly a dozen studies, proving everything I've just said in the past few pages of this eBook...

So, if you're scientifically minded, and want to see all the nitty-gritty details, then check it out.

...and if you just want to get jacked, and 5x your muscle growth? Then read on.

WATCH! (NEW VIDEO): Ostarine (MK-2866) 12-Week Cycle Report: Dosage, Results, & More!

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

Legal Steroid #1 – Ostarine

The first “legal steroid” up on this list, is a little SARM known as “Ostarine.”

Ostarine, otherwise known as MK-2866, is one of the most widely researched and used SARMs in
existence... and it's also known for giving crazy strength gains.

According to a 12-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II clinical trial, Ostarine causes RAPID
muscle gain in users, and has almost no side effects when taken in normal doses (source):

“GTx-024 treatment resulted in dose-dependent increases in total lean body mass that were statistically significant
(P < 0.001, 3mg vs. placebo) and clinically meaningful. There were also significant improvements in physical
function (P = 0.013, 3mg vs. placebo) and insulin resistance (P = 0.013, 3mg vs. placebo). The incidence of adverse
events was similar between treatment groups.”

“GTx-024 showed a dose-dependent improvement in total lean body mass and physical function and was well
tolerated. GTx-024 may be useful in the prevention and/or treatment of muscle wasting associated with cancer
and other chronic diseases.”

In other words, when users consumed Ostarine, they gained a shit ton of muscle and strength.

As if that wasn't enough, this SARM was also “very well tolerated,” in the researchers' own words.

When I first took Ostarine, I noticed the benefits within a week. I started putting on way more
muscle, losing fat, and breaking all of my personal records very quickly.

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

Due to the fast-acting nature of SARMs, users typically report feeling a difference within just 48 hours.

Personally, I noticed this as well – it was hard to tell if it was simply due to placebo, but the fact that
many users report this as well, leads me to believe otherwise.

I chronicled my Ostarine experience in a “SARMs Before and After” article I wrote, so I recommend
you read that before you decide to pull the trigger and hop on some Ostarine.

Ostarine Dosage & Stack Guidelines

Goal Dosage SARMs to Stack
Bulking 25mg/Day For 8-12 Weeks RAD 140
Cutting 15-20mg/Day For 8 Weeks Cardarine, Ligandrol
Recomposition 20-25mg/Day For 8 Weeks RAD 140, Cardarine, Ligandrol

The typical Ostarine dosage is 25mg per day, for 8-12 weeks... this is what I took.

I personally recommend beginners start off with an 8 week cycle, and go from there.

When I went on Ostarine, I did what's known as a “stack” where I combined it with other SARMs...

So, if you want to learn more about how you can “stack” SARMs and completely transform your
physique in just a short few months, then please, continue reading.

READ MORE: The Complete Newbie's Guide to Ostarine (MK-2866)

Check Ostarine Prices: This is Where I Buy My Ostarine (The #1 Place to Buy SARMs Online)

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

Legal Steroid #2 – Cardarine

Cardarine is a very interesting little SARM...

Not necessarily because it's known for its incredible ability to make you grow muscle (like Ostarine).

But rather, because it's known for its incredible ability to help you increase your ENDURANCE.

In fact, researchers recently found that Cardarine was over 200% more effective at helping users
increase endurance than placebo (source):

“To examine whether GW501516 can enhance the running endurance capacity of mice, we treated age-matched
wild-type KM cohorts with either vehicle or GW501516 for 3 weeks.”

“Trained mice increased their exhaustive running distance by 744.4 m (31.2%) after 3 weeks of GW501516
treatment (TG versus TN). GW501516 treatment for 3 weeks in sedentary KM mice also significantly enhanced
running distance by 750.3 m (68.6%) compared to untrained control mice (p < 0.01 for NG versus NN).”

“Similarly, even GW501516 treatment alone (NG group) for only 1 week improved the running distance by 671.8 m
(48.6%) compared to the vehicle control group (NN group).”

So, what does this mean for you?

It means that even just taking Cardarine for a single week, will literally increase your running distance
by 48.6% more than placebo. That's pretty fucking powerful.

In fact, many users often report that they can “run for days,” when they're taking Cardarine.

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

Personally, I noticed my endurance increased quite rapidly when I was on Cardarine. Within just a
week I could run twice as far as I was normally able to.

I vividly recall going outside for a jog, and within literally just a short few minutes, I knew that I was
onto something with this Cardarine endurance theory.

“What the fuck?” I said to myself. I was literally running twice as fast as I normally did, and felt ZERO
fatigue. “I could keep running for miles!” I thought to myself.

And that's exactly what I did.

So, if you're an endurance runner, or just want to improve your cardiovascular health, I HIGHLY
recommend you try out some Cardarine and see the incredible results for yourself.

Cardarine Dosage & Stack Guidelines

Goal Dosage SARMs to Stack
Bulking 20mg/Day For 8-12 Weeks RAD 140, Ostarine
Cutting 20mg/Day For 8 Weeks Ostarine, Ligandrol
Recomposition 10mg/Day For 8-12 Weeks Ostarine, Ligandrol

When I took Cardarine, I combined it with Ostarine, and took 10mg of the stuff each day.

You don't have to personally stack Cardarine with anything if you don't want to...

But if you want to triple your results in the gym? I highly recommend it.

READ MORE: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to SARMs (Updated 2019)

Check Cardarine Prices: This is Where I Buy My Cardarine (The #1 Place to Buy SARMs Online)

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

Legal Steroid #3 – RAD 140

RAD 140 is by far the most powerful SARM in existence.

Yep, that's right...

When I went on my RAD 140 cycle, I literally ended up putting on 21 pounds of muscle, and LOSING 12
pounds of fat... in just 60 fucking days.

I honestly thought it was too good to be true, until I found out the truth about RAD 140.

See, there's something known as the “Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio,” which determines EXACTLY how
strong a steroid, SARM, or supplement is for building muscle.

...and it just so turns out, that RAD 140 has the best ratio of them all.

Coming in at 90:1, this means that RAD 140 is literally 90% as effective as injecting pure,
unadulterated testosterone into your body...

BUT, it has only 1% of the side effects.

Again, I know it sounds hard to believe, but take a look at the RAD 140 Results I posted on my blog,
and decide for yourself if you want to have a transformation like that for yourself.

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

When I hopped on my cycle of RAD 140, I noticed effects almost immediately (as with all SARMs).

I was WAY stronger in the gym, started packing on pounds, and shredding fat, in just a couple weeks.

After the full 60 day cycle, I recorded a YouTube video talking about it (which you can watch here).

RAD 140 Dosage & Stack Guidelines

Goal Dosage SARMs to Stack
Bulking 15-30mg/Day For 8-12 Weeks Ostarine, Cardarine
Cutting 15mg/Day For 8 Weeks Cardarine, Ligandrol
Recomposition 15mg/Day For 8-12 Weeks Ostarine, Ligandrol

When I took RAD 140, I literally didn't even combine it with a single other SARM.

I just took 30mg of this stuff, and had incredible results.

Honestly, I almost still can't even believe it to this day... the results I got were incredible!

For my next cycle, I'm planning on combining RAD 140 with Ostarine and maybe another SARM, so be
sure to stay tuned (I'll post the results on my blog). Until then, keep reading!

READ MORE: The Complete Newbie's Guide to Testolone (RAD 140)

Check RAD 140 Prices: This is Where I Buy My RAD 140 (The #1 Place to Buy SARMs Online)

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

Where I Buy My SARMs

Now, a word of warning...

Like I said before, there's a shit ton of scammers and liars online who just want your money.

They'll recommend some bullshit, bunk SARMs company...

You'll fork over your hard-earned cash...

...and they'll laugh all the way to the bank at how they scammed you out of your money.

You have to be VERY careful when buying SARMs online, because most of them are junk.

That being said, the only company I ever get my SARMs from is Proven Peptides.

I've spent well over $1,000 on their SARMs, carefully testing each one, recording each cycle, and
posting the results on my blog.

...and let me say, they are one of the few SARMs companies out there that is 100% legit.

I wrote a full review on them (which you can read here), but here's the gist of it...

Every single batch of SARMs they create is 3rd party verified.

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

What this means is that an INDEPENDENT lab (with no connection to them), will test their SARMs to
ensure they're at least 98% pure (the other 2% is preservatives to keep the SARMs safe).

I don't know of any other SARMs companies which do this. Proven Peptides does, however, because
they stand behind their products 100% (and so do I).

Their customer support is unparalleled (they're extremely responsive), the shipment is fast (I got my
RAD 140 in under 5 days), and their prices are extremely competitive.

So, if you want to hop on a cycle of SARMs and completely transform your physique, I highly
recommend you buy from Proven Peptides, because they've go the best SARMs out there.

Like I said, I've thoroughly tested over $1,000 worth of their SARMs, and have been nothing but
satisfied with every single result.

How to Get 10% Off Your First SARMs Purchase

After my first cycle (which I documented here), I was so blown away by their SARMs that I personally
emailed them, to get in touch with their CEO (his name is Josh).

We exchanged contact information, and after a lengthy exchange, I managed to get you guys a custom
made code, so you can get 10% off on any SARMs you want.

All you have to do is type in the code “Masculinedev” at checkout, and you'll save yourself 10% off
on any and all SARMs you want.

So, rather than getting low quality, bullshit SARMs, for exorbitant prices, take it from me.

Proven Peptides is the only place you want to buy SARMs from, and you will not be disappointed.

READ MORE: Proven Peptides Review (My Honest Opinion After A 90 Day Cycle)

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

How to Take SARMs

When you purchase your first cycle of SARMs, they will arrive in separate vials (like you can see in the
image above).

They're conveniently measured out for you, and come with a dropper so you can take the exact
dosage that you want.

All you do, is just use the dropper, measure out your dosage, and put it in a glass.

Put a little bit of water in there, chug it down, and do this a few more times.

(You want to repeat this step, just to get all the SARMs liquid out of the glass and into your body).

That's it. Just drink your SARMs with some water, first thing in the morning. It's pretty simple.

The taste isn't that great, but honestly, who's taking this stuff for the taste?

We're taking it to get jacked. So do it!

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

Do SARMs Require A PCT?

PCT, otherwise known as “Post Cycle Therapy,” is something you take after your cycle of SARMs to get
your testosterone and hormone levels back on track.

Personally, I don't really think it's NECESSARY, but it's always better to be safe than sorry.

There's some research which shows that SARMs temporarily suppress your natural testosterone
production, but once you're off the stuff for a couple weeks, it goes completely back to normal.

To jumpstart this process, and get my testosterone back to being sky-high like a fucking bull, I take a
supplement known as Red PCT 2.0.

It's got an all-star lineup of ingredients, meant to decrease estrogen, detoxify your liver, and boost
your testosterone higher than a Silverback Gorilla.

Just buy one bottle, take a capsule with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and after a month you'll be 100%
back to normal, and will keep at least 85-90% of your gains from the SARMs.

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

Best SARMs Workout Routine

There's a lot of shitty workout routines out there (especially sold by YouTube gurus).

Believe me, I've bought most of them, to see who I'm competing with...

...and there isn't much competition.

Lots of guys will recommend some bullshit routine that they don't even use themselves, because they
think most people out there are idiots (and dumb enough to buy it).

So, most people get lackluster results, and have nothing to show for their hard-earned work.

Personally, the only workout routine I ever recommend, is the one I've used myself for years.

It's called: “Body of an Alpha”

This workout routine is specifically made to help you get that lean, shredded physique that women go
crazy for... and that men respect you for, because it looks fucking great.

In other words, it's meant to make you look like a Greek god.

Of course, you can do whatever workout routine you want, and maybe I'm biased... but if you're
second guessing which workout routine to use on SARMs, I highly recommend you use this one.

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

Best Beginner's SARMs Stack

Like I mentioned before, you can do something called a “stack” where you take more than one SARM.

This can yield you INCREDIBLE results, and take it from me, you will not regret it.

If it's your first time, and you're a little bit nervous, don't worry – you don't need to take more than
one SARM at once to get really good results.

But, if you're trying to up your game, and get that shredded physique you've always wanted, I
recommend you go for the classic “Ostarine, Cardarine, and Ligandrol” cycle.

For this cycle, you take the following dosages each day:
• Ostarine (25mg/Day)
• Cardarine (10mg/Day)
• Ligandrol (10mg/Day)

This is a great cycle for beginners, because it hits you from different angles. It's also great for overall
body recomposition (building muscle and shredding fat at the same time).

The Ostarine is meant to help with strength gains, and putting on muscle mass.

The Ligandrol will help with this too, and give you that “cut and dry” look.

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

The Cardarine, will obviously help you build muscle as well, but will help especially with endurance.

When you do this cycle for 8-12 weeks, you can completely transform your body.

These pictures below are the result of that cycle.

Overall, I ended up putting on 18 pounds of muscle, and losing 7 pounds of fat in 90 days.

Again, I got all of my SARMs from Proven Peptides (the only place I recommend).

As you get more experienced with SARMs, you can custom create your own stacks, but for now, it's
best you just follow the tried and true advice from research, and other peoples' experiences.

READ MORE: SARMs Before and After (With Pics): Ostarine, Cardarine, Ligandrol 90 Day Cycle

Jon's Guide to Legal Steroids

SARMs: The Bottom Line

All in all, SARMs are an incredible new way to build muscle and shred fat at the same time.

In just a few months, you can completely and radically transform your physique.

Imagine for a second, what your life would look like with me here...

You'd look like a Greek god...

Girls would stare, and their mouths would drop when they see you...

Guys would be envious of you, and wonder how the hell you did it...

And the sense of confidence you'd have? It would be unstoppable.

So, if you want to hop on a cycle of SARMs, definitely use the code “Masculinedev” to get 10% off
from Proven Peptides. Again, this works for any SARMs you want.

With that in mind, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, be sure to shoot me an email
here, at

And lastly, from my heart to yours, I hope this guide helped you out, man. Be sure to shoot me an
email with your results (if you want), and I'll see you next time!


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