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2 Who Celts are?

The Celts are the people who lived on the ancient British Isles, and a part of continental Europe,
the current territory of France. They appeared on the stage of history in the VI century BC.
From their homeland in Central Europe, the Celts moved west to the Atlantic coast and to Spain,
to the north of the British Isles, and later to the south of Italy.
3 The settlements of the Celts
Later the Celts mixed with local tribes. They quickly built fortified settlements with stone
buildings, surrounded by high walls of stone blocks. Then, these settlements grew into a
fortified city and trading and commercial center.
Once the Celts occupied a vast territory of modern France, Belgium, Switzerland, some parts of
Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, Hungary and Bulgaria. But nowadays the descendants of the
warlike Celts mainly inhabit a historical region Brittany, the peninsula of Cornwall, the historical
provinces of Wales, Scotland, Isle of Man and Ireland. At the turn of our era, the Celts were a
serious threat to the Roman power. In 385 B.C. they captured Rome and mercilessly plundered
the city. It was not forgotten neither by Julius Caesar nor his legionaries. Seized between 59 and
49 years. B.C. Celtic lands in Gaul (France) became a part of the Roman Empire.
5 Llife of the Celts
The Celts lived under the laws of tribal society. Their culture was very rich in legends and myths
which passed from mouth to mouth for centuries and are now preserved in several versions with
Celtic names. Archaeological excavations taken part in recent years, have helped to enlarge the
knowledge about the lifestyle, traditions and culture of the Celts.
Like most ancient peoples the Celts believed in the afterlife. The burial of the deceased left a lot
of everyday items: plates, dishes, tools, weapons, jewelry, even carts and wagons with horses.
In the most difficult life situations, such as war, disease or other dangers, they brought their gods
human sacrifices.
7 Believing Celts
Greek historians wrote that killing the enemy, the Celtic warriors "cut off their heads and hang
on the necks of their horses, and bringing them home, nailed to the inputs of their homes. But
some boasted that they would not give head, even for the same weight of gold ... "The fact is that
for the Celts the head was home of the soul. And cutting off the head of the enemy meant that
his soul was separated from his body and he could not come to life ... Perhaps the decapitated
heads of enemies were not only the most significant prize for the winner, but were a part of a
cult. During excavations in Rokepertuze (France) a low portico with niches has been discovered,
in which there were human skulls.
8 Celtic mythology
The central part in the Celtic mythology is drawn to the transmigration of souls, which reduces
the fear of death, and during the war supported the bravery and dedication.

9 However, the indigenous population continued to worship their own gods, until the adoption of
Christianity by Rome. Magic myths preserved for us are a wonderful spiritual world of the brave
and hot Celts who do not trust paper. Legends and stories about gods, spirits, demons and heroes
are relying on oral retellings and a good memory of their famous poets and storytellers.
But the main feature of Celtic myths lies primarily in the fact that they talk about heroes, and less
about the gods.
Bloody battles and fights is the main theme of Celtic myths - may seem less terrible, if we
remember the faith of the Celts in the reincarnation of souls. Their next world, in contrast to the
antique, is not a gloomy abode of shadows. It can be called paradise, a place of rest for a shower
before returning to our world.
Another striking feature of Celtic mythology is a love triangle: most often it is a beautiful young
goddess, fairy and the two men., She gives love to one of them and refuses the other. In the
struggle for love come power, weapons and magic.
13 The most popular myths
The myths of the Celts liked to talk about the different fairies, witches, goddesses, as well as
about the good wizards, demons, evil trolls and brave warriors. But the most popular myths were
about King Arthur ...
Arthur (from the Celtic 'bear') is a great monarch of the kingdom Logres, the most celebrated of
Celtic heroes, became especially popular during the Middle Ages, when the glory of deeds and
exploits of his companions, knights of the Round Table, spread throughout Western Europe.
"The phenomenon of" King Arthur, his intrusion in the course of mythological stories, is one of
many mysteries of Celtic mythology. Legends and stories about Arthur and his knights, no doubt,
are inherented in the original historic colour, but they also have no doubt mythical character.
15 The influence of Celtic mythology on people
Celtic mythology has had a tremendous influence on the British people. People who read fairy
myths, immersed in this exciting world. They believed in wizards, fairies and monsters.
Not similar to any other myths, Celtic mythology in ancient times won the British its mysticism.
16 Conclusions
In conclusion I have to say, that believes of ancient Celts influenced the development of not only
the British culture, but European one. (As you can see in the map.)
Perhaps, because of this many countries in Europe have much in common in their cultural

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