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Paper presented in the department of

Letras for the attention of partial grade of
English Language discipline under the
supervision of Teacher Ariane Peixoto

I dedicate this work to God that allowed

me to meet everyone and there, my
mother by his example, encouragement,
love and affection, companionship and
my sister by my love for patience and
support attention in happy and sad

I've always heard that "when a child is born life is reborn", and that's what
happened to a young couple in Teresina Pi in mid-1992, when a beautiful teenage
received the news that would be mother and even at a young age, was super responsible
and transformed her life, gave and still passes all possible care, educated me, gave me a
home, warmth and great affection and path to follow in life

From my childhood I have several good memories, especially when visiting my
maternal grandparents and played a lot and enjoyed the fact that up to 5 years of age
was the only granddaughter, then took advantage of the presence of all to win gifts are
good times those who had all just for me (laughs) but I am not so selfish!

Then I remember there used to cause problems for my parents always had a behavior
rather than exemplary good ... so they say

The most important to me was knowing that despite all the difficulties of life, my
parents did for me all they could, to be someone in life and seek to have responsibility.

It's about that I have to thank my mother who always took the front of everything and
even so young I actually pride she has always sought to educate me even remember a
funny fact, it took some "educational spanking" lest would leave the line ... Oh and how
many spankings were (laughs).

There are moments that really are in our heads forever in 1996 while completing four
years; I had my first birthday surprise
Remember like it was today, this very day I also had my first day of beauty in a room of
a friend of my mother and me left tidy, with pink dress cuteness, pantyhose and shoes
that looked like toys.

Coming home was all set, only first preached me a piece, I was coming in, going in and
was quiet, very dark, and after that as often cried a lot of fear thinking that something
had happened to my parents
But I do not recall having received so many more gifts in one day

In 1997 again life becomes, I won a mate, and how great was the change for me, I do
not remember exactly what was my reaction, but I must have suffered a little, since I
lost the 1st place.

But in return I got a doll to play with me quite.

To my five years old happened to my baptism, was more or less in 1998.

Another important point that I must mention it was my school life, since I spent and still
spend a lot of time on it.
My first teachers Nazareth and Fatima were with me in my early years and were
instrumental in my life and in the choice of my profession.

And at school always enjoyed showing me a lot (laughs) actually attended nearly every
event making some presentation of dance or theater monitoring, reinforcement was
almost a fight to get me out of there.

Another event that took my childhood and adolescence were the trips to a club in a city
of Maranho called Roncador, was going up that place almost every year in small
excursions felt adventurous and when he got there, amused me a lot.
And also

Long as any child believed in Santa Claus, and religiously wrote letters and my requests
were mysteriously met, and oddly enough that lasted until I was 14, when my Santa
Claus gave me my first computer in exchange for not receive another gift that year.
With all these quotations from my early years I can say I had a great childhood and I
always had my mother very present, whether at home, at school, and missteps that led

In 2002 I had a graduation elementary school.


During the period of adolescence there were many important events went to church, did
catechism, studied and spent more time at home.

At this time I had some boyfriends, nothing more important to describe (laughs) I spoke
whenever sickened their faces...

The last time I went to the beach was in 2010 (crying), in Barra Grande Piau coast, is

In 2010 all this desire to study helped me to enter a university doing the course of
Spanish Letters when I fell deeply for the course and the world that offered me.

In 2011/2012 my mother discovered that he had another family, and she had been
adopted her biological mother lived in Aparecida de Goinia, then our life has changed
completely and abruptly, my country even before did not give more certain and despite
being very difficult summarizing all was our salvation.

My father lived in threatening until the biological mother of my mother visited us and
soon after my mother came to Aparecida de Goinia, and my life and my sister turned
upside down ...

And in June 2012 moved to Aparecida de Goiania, close to our family, to have some
peace, get to work, sleep and do it all in the peace of the Lord.

Then the winds blowing back toward my dreams

2013 after trying for a year to return to the course, I found the college Alfredo Nasser,
to take the course I love so much.

I met wonderful and nice people who helped me better fit this new journey, I love these
people and if possible will take my whole life.
And in the same year

And after so many changes that I found someone special to make me happy every day,
someone helped me forward, face the difficulties and support me at all, someone who
supports me and has the ability to understand me even in silence, without even believe
that one day be interested in someone or it could even get married or whatever, have a
life together, it happened.

And made me realize that when it's meant to be, everything around us is so that
everything goes, is like that phrase always use "Ate even those who want to interrupt
ends up helping."

We do not know how we will live from now on, not before I sang or plans for the future
and here we are in love and planning that does not fail this partnership, the will to stay
together is what makes us believe how good it is to have someone to share, even if the
dumbest moments.

And as there are people in our lives we will never forget here I leave some memories,
brushed parts of life, important people and the love that moves our life.

My family, my life

The end

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