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Story Writing

write AMAZING stories... like me!

On This Website I Will Talk About:
Things To Think About When Story Writing
Ideas For Story Writing
My Story



Things to Think About When Story Writing

To have a TOPS narrative you will need...


Also think about the...


Sizzling Start
Tightening Tension
Exciting Endings

And your story will be...


Have fun writing!

Ideas For Story Writing

Think about mythical characters like...

...and many more.

Think about the setting...


...and many more.


By Mariah Smith
started 15/05/2015

Hi, my name's Daisy. I'm a junior detective.

Do you want to read my diary? OK, let's get started.

Thursday 26 May
I walked to detective school and said goodbye to Mum.
I grabbed my detective case and hurried to class.
Miss Peterson was already there. "Here you are Daisy." she said welcomingly. My
friend Amy was sitting at her desk. "Hi" she said kindly. I sat down next to her. "What's
the first subject?" I asked. "How to use your magnifying glass." she replied. I pulled
out my detective case and got my magnifying glass. "Put it near your eye." she
began. "Then a bit further away." Just then a howling wind swept the door open. I
blinked. It was normal again! "Hey," I asked Amy "what was that?!" "Don't have a
clue." she said. "Clue..." I thought. This could be the start of ANOTHER

ADVENTURE!!! At break time I looked for clues. There was none. I told Amy what I
thought. After thinking she replied, "Don't worry" "We'll figure it out."

Friday 27 May
The next day there was new twins. Their names were Lara and Erin. They seemed
strange, very strange. They didn't have the school uniform so... Lara wore a dark
pink dress and maroon high-heels. Erin had an orange dress with peach high-heels. When
it was focus time they got to play on their sunset-coloured laptop because they didn't have
a detective case. "Such spoilt brats," I told Amy. "It's not like for Miss Peterson to leave
us behind." "Yeah," agreed Amy. "she can't do that." At lunch me and Amy went to
talk to Lara and Erin. "Why is Miss Peterson treating you like this?!" "Cause, we're
new." said Lara in a meanly proud way.

Then they strode off. "Let's ask Miss Peterson why." suggested Amy. "Okay," I said
nervously. Amy must have noticed because she said "Don't worry," "It'll be fine." We
headed toward the classroom, our heads spinning with all the strange thoughts.
When we got there Miss Peterson was looking at Lara's and Erin's sunset laptop. "I'm
going to have to delete some of these." she murmured. "Miss Peterson," I asked.
"Have you noticed Lara and Erin's strange behaviour?" "Yes" she replied. "And look
at their games on their laptop!"
There were things like 'Scary Sudoku' and 'Dress The Ghost' and more scary, monstrous
stuff. "WOW!" gasped Amy. "Look at this one!" It was called 'Answer Questions Or
Talk To Ghost'! "So much for a sunset laptop." I muttered. Just then the bell rang. Kids
inside. My new friend Casey flung
herself onto the reading bean bag and,

in stress she told me "Erin and Lara

are bullies!" "Knew it!" Amy thought.
She pulled out her detective case and got a purple purse. Then she started
pressing buttons and scanning the twins. Then her mouth dropped and she gasped.
"You have lipstick Lara!" she shouted. "Not just any lipstick, rose red lipstick!" Miss
Peterson came forward and looked at them sternly."I told you that you were NOT
alowwed to have this," she said holding up the lipstick. "AT SCHOOL!"
"B-b-b-but it w-w-w-was Erin's i-i-i-idea." said Lara "W-w-w-was n-n-n-not." said
Erin. Miss Peterson immediatetly sat down and started calling headmaster Mr
Archer to come up. Before you could say 'cherry pudding' the headmaster was at
the entrance. "Lara and Erin," he said in a booming voice. "You have broken the
rules." "You are in big trouble!" "Oh, really?" said Lara more confidently. "Yeah,
really?" said Erin. Suddenly a posh-looking helicopter flew over the school. "What

is that?!" asked Amy. "I think it is Lara and Erin's backup plan." I told her. Casey
jumped up terrified. "What's happening!" she cried. "It'll be OK." I told her warmly.
Suddenly the helicopter landed outside the classroom door. "I will NOT watch!"
squealed Casey covering her face in the bean bag. Then, two people hopped out of the
helicopter and took Lara and Erin away! Just then, when I thought everything was
over a bomb landed on the roof.
Danny, one of Miss Peterson's helpers said "Quick, outside!" I tightly squeezed Amy's
hand and took her outside. We all ran to the oval. When we got there I sadly watched
the school burn down.

Saturday 28 May
It was the weekend and I decided to go to the park with Amy and Casey. "I'm going to
Richwood Detective School." said Amy. "Me too!" cheered Casey. "Me three!!" I
shouted. We were SO happy! I just couldn't
believe it!

The End

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