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Conflicting Emotions

Emmaleigh Lewis
8th Grade ELA
March 6, 2015

First Day in a New Place

What I thought would be the worst day of my life had come. My first day with the enemy. My first day
at Fairmont Jr. High. My first day in a Deer Park school.
When I walked into the classroom of my first period
class, science, I saw most of the class looking me up and down, as if evaluating whether or not I was worthy
of their friendship.
I just ignored the looks and found a seat in the middle of the classroom. No one talked to
me, and I didn't talk to anyone else, that is until second period. I had orchestra second period. Orchestra was
my favorite class in 6th grade, and I wasn't letting some Deer Park people ruin it for me.
There were only
fifteen other people in the class, and everyone was talking at once, shuffling around the room, and asking one
another what instrument they played.
What do you play? one would ask.
Cello! Are you a bass? another would respond.
No! Im a violin! the first kid would say, then they both would groan and run to another person,
repeating the same conversation. The whole time everyone was getting more and more frustrated, and it
seemed that no one noticed me. I just giggled a bit under my breath and sat in a chair, waiting for the teacher
to come. When she did, she calmed everyone down. After getting everyone settled, the teacher, Ms. M.,
noticed me.
It looks like we have a new face this year! What is your name and what instrument do you play? she
asked. Everyone turned around to look at me, as if they noticed me for the first time. There were so many
eyes on me, and I knew each and every one of the kids staring at me were hoping that I would say bass.
Im Emmaleigh, but you can call me Emma if you want, and I play bass, I said proudly. Everyone let
out a sigh of relief and turned back to face Ms. M. For the rest of the class we made arrangements for home
instruments, and some people practiced or just hung out. I got out a bass my size and asked for a scale
sheet. Soon, I grew tired of practicing my scales, and took out my old music from 6th grade. I turned to a
piece that I played at the end of 6th grade for a solo contest and begun to play.

What is that song called? asked a girl.

Its called All In Step, and I got a one in a solo contest with this song, I told her. She was impressed
and wanted to know more about me. The girl was the only one that seemed interested in who I was, so I put
my bass away and we began talking about a lot of different things, from why we joined orchestra to how
annoying younger siblings were. I learned her name, Melanie, and that she has
a lot
of pets.
Soon enough the bell rang and I grabbed my stuff and headed to Texas History. From the moment I
walked through the door and found a desk, I knew that this was going to be my least favorite class. It wasn't
because of the teacher, or the subject itself, it was the class. It seemed like everyone was popular and no
one would work.
After Texas History, I had PE. Melanie was in PE with me. All we did was get our gym locker
combinations and locks. There were about 60 girls in the class, so it took a while for everyone to get their
locks. For the rest of the time we were allowed to talk and socialize. Melanie and I sat on a bench and talked
about pets and family. Then she asked me a question.
Where did you go to school last year? I panicked and didn't know whether or not I should tell her
the truth. I didn't know how she would react. I just made my first acquaintance, and I didn't want her to stop
being my friend when she found out where I went to school.
I went to Baker 6th Grade Campus. Its a La Porte school, I told her.
Oh! You aren't at all like any of the La Porte kids I have met! Most of them are rude and think they
are better than us, which isn't true at all, she replied. I let out a sigh of relief.
Well you aren't like most Deer Park kids I have met either, I said with a giggle, Most of them think
that they are all that and are stuck up. Melanie laughed and we continued our conversation just like before,
not caring what school district we were from. The bell was about to ring and Melanie jumped up and grabbed
my arm.

Come on! Lunch is next and we have to run to get first in line! she yelled. I followed her to the door
of the locker rooms and we waited for the bell. When the bell rang, it was like the gates bursting open in a
horse race. There were roughly 60 girls sprinting full speed down the hall toward the cafeteria and Melanie
and I were at the head of the herd. Once we got in line, I panted heavily and grinned.
Is it like this every day? I

could get used to this.

I thought as we walked into the line and selected our food. Melanie stepped out of the
line first and sat at an empty table. I followed her and we ate our food with little conversation. There was only
20 minutes for lunch, so we had to eat quickly. Once the bell rang and we were dismissed, Melanie and I sped
walked out of the cafeteria, trying to escape before the rest of the kids were released. Alas, we did not
succeed. 1/3 of the school was in C lunch, and we were quickly overcome, s
o we had to push our way
through the wall of kids, weaving in and out of the sea of bodies.
Who do you have next? Melanie asked me once we arrived at the pods; by my locker.
I have Mrs. Pea, I told her.
Youre in advanced ELA! Who do you have for math? she asked me, hoping that we would have
another class together.
I have Mrs. Hogan for math, I told her while looking down at my schedule.
Yay! Ill see you in math then! Melanie shouted before running off to her locker. I opened my locker
to put some things away and grab my notebooks. Swiftly, I walked into the classroom. All of the desks were
arranged in groups of four, and I didn't know where to sit. I saw a girl with short, red hair and sat across from
her. Two other girls joined our table. During the class we were doing group getting to know each other
exercises. Mrs. Pea passed out pieces of paper and told us to fold them in half.
Think of an adjective that describes you, but it has to start with the same letter as your name, she
instructed. I was going to use eccentric but the red headed girl, whos name just so happened to be Emily,
chose that already. I wracked my brain for adjectives, but none came to mind. I thought of excellent a few

times, but that sounded really conceded. Mrs. Pea came around and saw me struggling. She listed a few e
adjectives, and I reluctantly settled with excellent.
Now that you have an adjective, write it and your name on the piece of paper, then decorate it
however you want, Mrs. Pena told the class. I wrote name in green and I drew multicolored bass clefs
surrounding it. After everyone had enough time to decorate, we set up our notebooks. The first section was
for vocabulary, then reading, then writing. We were assigned cubbies after that. I left my summer reading
books, my name tag, and my notebook in my cubby. There wasn't a bell to release us, due to the block
schedule, so Mrs. Pea let us out and I walked to math.
Emmaleigh! Come on! Melanie exclaimed; she was already in the class and saved a seat for me. I
grinned and sat down next to her. Math was almost the same as ELA, but we didn't have to have an adjective
on our name tags. After we finished decorating our name tags, Melanie and I sat near the back of the class,
oblivious to everyone else. No one talked to us, even though Melanie had a lot of friends. I think everyone
thought I was weird, but at the time I really didn't care. I had one friend and that was all that mattered. It
was only the first day of school, after all.
After that first day at Fairmont, my life changed instantly. I realized that not everyone is as they are
made to seem. Some people live up to stereotypes, but not everyone does. Not everything is as it appears to
look. I expected to be looked down upon and shunned because of where I came from. Deer Park and La Porte
hate each other with a passion, and that was what I expected when I came to Fairmont. What I got was the
opposite. I made a new friend that day. She stuck with me throughout the whole year, weather I wanted her
to or not (Literally. She would hug me and not let go and I had to walk around with her attached to me
People started to call Melanie: Emmas Leech). I learned an important lesson that day. Don't listen to
stereotypes, especially when they come from a rivals point of view.

The Birthday Celebration

I stood in the center of the orchestra room at 3:30 sharp, surrounded by friends sing Happy Birthday
to me. They had me stand up on a chair as they sang. I stood there grinning, my face growing redder by the
Come on its time to get up, Em
I heard my dad yell from the kitchen
. I groaned and rolled out of
Beep Beep Beep!!
My phone went off. When I looked at it, there was no text or call, it was a calendar
reminder. It was February 10th. My birthday. A sudden energy went flowing through my veins and I ran out into
the kitchen/living room area.
Happy birthday sweetheart!my dad
yelled over the sound of sizzling bacon. I inhaled the maple
smell of the bacon and sighed.
Even though it was Monday, I had a good feeling about the day.
Thanks Dad! I replied, giving him a hug. After eating breakfast, bacon eggs and pancakes, I got
dressed and ready for another day at school. I didn't expect anyone to remember; I hadn't told anyone but my
friends and even then it was only once.
When the announcements came on during first period, they said all the names of kids with a birthday
that day. My name came on the speaker and everyone turned around.
Its really your birthday? one of the girls asked.
Why didn't you tell us? my friend Chance asked.
You never asked, I replied simply to Chance and shrugged my shoulders.
Well happy birthday! he said.
Thanks! I turned back to face the front and we got on with class. When the bell rang and we left,
Jenet hugged me and told me happy birthday. We walked together then split up in the electives hall, she was
in choir and I was in orchestra. I got out my binder with my sheet music, my bass, bow and stool and set
myself up for the day.
Its your birthday today right Emmaleigh? Mrs. M. asked me.

Yes it is, I replied simply.

We have to play you the birthday song first! Anyone who knows it may play along with me, and sing if
you don't know how to play it, Mrs. M. instructed. She made me stand on the podium in the center of the
class as she played Happy Birthday on the piano and a few of the cellos, one viola and maybe two violins
played along. Everyone else sang. The class went on too quickly after that. Orchestra always went by quickly.
Next I trudged to History, my least favorite class. My birthday went by unnoticed, thankfully. After an
uneventful period of History, I made my way to gym. We changed and went through the same routine, just like
any other normal day. After gym was over, all of us sprinted down the hall, everyone racing to be the first in
line. I got the generic whatever there is in line food and sat down at our table. Tori was already there, she
packed her lunch, and I sat to her left, in my spot. Everyone sat in the same place every day. Elena, Emily and
Jenet joined us a little while later. We ate our food and talked. Everyone gave me one food item from their
lunch of my choosing because it was my birthday. This was very rare, all of us were very food aggressive and
only gave away food if we got something in return.
Thanks guys! I said as I took Toris pudding cup.
Did you really have to take my pudding? she asked and stuck out her bottom lip, pouting.
Yes, yes I did, I said with a victorious grin. Tori
gave away her pudding. She turned down a
whole personal pizza for her pudding once. After lunch, all of us pushed our way back to the 7th grade pod for
ELA and math. We all stopped at our lockers quickly, then went to class. Tori and Emily went to Mrs. Brazils
class, Elena to Mrs. Hogans and Jenet and I went to Mrs. Peas class.
Happy birthday Emma! Mrs. Pena told me, and that was it. Class went on as normal. She released
us and we went to math. Jenet and I walked to Mrs. Hogans class, while the rest went to Mrs. Brazils class,
they were in advanced math and we weren't. Mrs. Hogan told me happy birthday, and we got on with the
class. The whole time I was watching the clock, ready to go. Finally the bell rang and I packed up my things

and put them away. I went to my locker and put my binder in my backpack, then walked over to where Toris
and Jenets lockers were. I stood behind them and waited until the were done.
Jenet, do you want to come to the orchestra room with us? I asked. I turn 13 at 3:30 exactly. I will
be with you when I officially turn 13!
Really? Yes I'm coming! she exclaimed. We all walked to the orchestra room, and on the way we
picked up Elena, Emily and Jenna. Tia and Melanie were in the orchestra room when we got there. I took my
binder out of its slot and put it in my backpack. The clock turned to 3:30.
Come on, Jenet pulled me over to a chair. Stand on it.
No! I whisper-yelled.
Yes! she whisper-yelled back.
Fine! I rolled my eyes, sighed exasperatedly, and stood on the chair. Happy? I asked.
Extremely, Jenet said with a smile on her face. Okay guys its Emmalayas birthday and we are
going to sing to her! she yelled so everyone in the orchestra room could hear.
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Emmaleigh, happy birthday to you!
everyone sang. My face got red as I blushed and smiled. I jumped down from the chair and gave all of my
friends a hug.
Come on we have to go my mom is going to get mad! Tori warned. I grabbed my stuff and we left.
The rest of the day I couldn't stop grinning. That had never happened to anyone else at any point in the school
year. It made me feel special. Like I was wanted and appreciated and loved. I didn't realize how important I
was to my friends until they did this for me. It turns out that moving wasn't so bad.

The Last Goodbye

The last day of school had arrived. I didn't know for sure if I was going to come back to Fairmont Jr.
High for 8th grade. All of my friends were heartbroken. They all thought that I was leaving and never coming
back. I thought that too.
Emmaleigh, you ripped out our hearts, tossed them on the ground, stomped them, then spat on
them, my friend Jenet told me, with nods of approval from my other friends that were in the orchestra room
that morning. I had apparently become quite popular with my small group of friends.
This is the hardest decision I have ever made, yall know that, I replied with a frown on my face, I
really want to stay, but Chinquapin is an amazing opportunity and I don't want to pass it up.
I know, but why can't you stay here for one more year then go to that school for 9th grade? Tori
asked me. I became really close to Tori throughout the school year, and I would miss her most of all. I went to
her house after school for most of the year and her mom and 3 little sisters loved me almost as much as they
love candy. Thats a lot.
Yeah, why can't you? Elena said.
Then it would hurt even more. I would be closer to all of you than I am now, then it would be even
more difficult for me to leave. I told all of my friends.
Right after that the first bell rang and I walked to science with Jenet, Tori had History first. We just
had a hang out day during science, since it was the last day of school. I was with my group of friends, Jenna,
Chance, Tia, and Jenet, near the back of the class. We were getting each others phone numbers and taking
selfies, trying to savor my, possibly, last hours at Fairmont. Everyone signed my yearbook, even the teacher,
Ms. Padhi. At one point during the class period, we had a huge group hug that I was in the center of. Even the
more popular kids joined in. It took every fiber of my will to keep me from crying. I never thought that I would
have such an impact on the people in this school.
I wonder what the rest of today is going to be like this is

only first period.

I thought, trying to hold myself together. The bell rang and everyone filed out of the

classroom, wanting to get the day over with. I however, wanted the day to last longer. Leaving the class was
really difficult for me. Literally, I couldn't get out the door. Jenna, Jenet and Tia were hanging onto me, scared
that if they let go I would disappear. We finally squeezed through the door and walked awkwardly down the
hallway. A few more people latched onto our knot of humans, Tori, Elena and Cindy. We all had electives 2nd
period, so they didn't have to let go until we reached the other side of the school, the elective hall. Jenna,
Jenet and Elena broke off, each of them going to their electives. Tori, Tia and Cindy, however, had orchestra
with me and continued to hang onto me tightly. Melanie was in the orchestra room and ran over to our human
squeezed me to death and didnt let g
o. Mrs. M walked out of her office with food and drinks, we were
having a party. She saw me and all of my attachments and laughed.
I think some people will miss you, Emmaleigh! she said.
Just a few! I laughed.
Well they won't have to miss you for long. If you leave the orchestra I am going to hunt you down
and bring you back here. Mrs. M said seriously. I just stood there and laughed.
It wouldn't be much of a kidnapping if I went with you willingly! I said with a grin, I'm going to miss
orchestra most of all. The rest of the class walked into the room right before the bell rang and we started
our party if you wanted to call it that. We just sat around eating cookies, cake, pretzels, chips and other
snacks. Throughout the whole party, everyone kept on harassing me. They were trying to make me feel bad
about leaving them.
We are going to have to combine classes next year! I don't want to be with the future 7th graders!
Kenny, the first chair cello, exclaimed. He was a HUGE showoff and always said that he was the best cello
player ever. He never bothered to learn my name and the whole year he called me First Chair Bass.
Well then you will have more people to beat next year, since you are apparently the best cello player
in the whole school First Chair Cello, I replied, mocking the nickname that he had for me. First Chair Cello

rolled his eyes and stalked to the other side of the room with the three other cellos and one of the violas.
Tori, Cindy, Melanie and Tia tried to keep the conversation light, they didn't want to talk about me leaving.
Do you remember when we tried to peel the string cheese? Tori giggled.
Yes! That was hilarious! I replied, giggling. Cindy and Tia gave us a puzzled look. They didn't have C
lunch with us and had no idea what we were talking about.
What? Cindy questioned.
There was this one time at lunch. Tori gave me a string cheese and when I tried to peel it, a chunk
just came off. I tried from the other end, but it wouldn't work. I gave it to Elena, and she couldn't do it. I
So I took it and tried to peel it. Tori continued.
Then Jenet tried,
And then we realized that it wasn't string cheese! It was just a block of cheese in a wrapper! Tori
Ohhhh, Cindy and Tia said in unison, then they began laughing. Tori and I were laughing, and soon we
forgot what we were laughing at. All of us were laying on the floor laughing hysterically while the rest of the
class stared at us like we were insane.
I think that is enough sugar for them Mrs. M. said.
NO! Melanie yelled and grabbed her bowl of sweets. This caused me to laugh even harder. I was
laughing so hard, no sound came out so I was just laying there clapping like a seal. The bell rang and we all
composed ourselves then began walking to our next class. Everyone in my procession plus one, Emily, was
waiting outside the orchestra room door for me. I grinned and we linked arms, with me in the middle, and
began to walk back to the 7th grade pod. We got more than a few looks, but no one cared. It was out last day
together, and we were going to have fun. I had history next, sadly none of my friends were in the class with
me, so I broke out of the chain and walked into the classroom, waving goodbye to all of my friends. We had


gotten a new teacher about half way through the year, Ms. Ferrell. Instead of doing nothing, we went to a
large, empty classroom with the other history teachers class, which just so happened to be our teachers
mom, Mrs. Ferrell. Jenet, Melanie, Elena, and Emily were in the other history class, and they were so happy
when we combined classes to watch a movie.
Emmalayas! I heard Jenet yell, using her nickname for me.
I heard my name fill the air
as I walked over to where my friends were sitting. I sat
down and was immediately surrounded by my adoring
friends. Once everyone was settled, Ms. Ferrell
started the movie, National Treasure. About half way through the movie, the bell rang and all of us walked to
gym. We did nothing in gym, the periods were shorter because we had a Viking Assembly, and it was the last
day of school. Our locks had already been given back and lockers been cleaned out. After gym we had an
uneventful lunch. ELA and math flew by and all of the 7th graders in the school were meeting in the blue gym
for the Viking Assembly. Jenet and Melanie had math with me so we walked to the gym together, finding the
others along the way. I ran into Jenna, Emily and Tia in the hall. We found Tori and Elena in the gym and we all
sat together. Prizes were given out and games were played. Thankfully, I wasn't chosen for any of the games.
None of us won any of the prizes, but we won awards. The Viking Assemble was over too quickly. The end of it
meant the end of the school year. After the Assembly, My friends and I stood just outside of the gym, hugging.
Just hugging. Not saying a word. Savoring our last moments together. We broke apart and I gave everyone
one last hug and Sam, Emily, Jenna, Elena and Tia left. I was going home with Tori for the last time. Jenet,
Tori and I stood in the car rider area and waited on our parents. When Jenets dad came,
I squeezed her
tightly and said goodbye.
I'm going to miss you, Emmalayas. she said to me as we hugged. I grinned, holding back tears.


I'm going to miss you too Jenet. I said and she walked to her car and got in, looking back at me one
last time. Tori and I got in the van once her mom arrived at the school and sat in the back, just like we did
every other day, but this time it was different.
Hi Emmy, hi Tata! Toris sisters, Zoe and Ellis, said to us after we sat down, just like every other
day. Toris mom had gotten us slushies from Sonic and passed them back to us. We drove down the same
street, and turned the same corner, parked in the same driveway, got our stuff out and walked into the same
house, just like every other day. All four of us went upstairs after eating a snack. We played air hockey and let
the young ones win every time, just like every other day. This day didn't seem right. There was a sadness, a
depression, in the air. Everyone knew I was leaving, and might not come back, even Ellis and Zoe.
My mom is close, I said with a sigh.
Don't leave Emmy! Ellis said as she ran over to me and
hugged me tightly
. I smiled sadly.
I have to. I don't want to, but I have to. I told the 5 year old girl. Zoe walked over and hugged me.
Come on Tori! I said and opened my arms. She grinned and walked over to our group hug, then
squeezed me. We stood hugging like that until my mom got there. All of us walked downstairs and Toris mom
gave me a hug. I walked over to the baby and kissed her head. Then I walked to the door and gave Tori one
last hug before leaving. Ellis and Zoe joined in too. After we let go, I walked out the door and got in my moms
car. I rolled down the window and waved at them until the house was out of sight.
I had walked away from one life and into a new era. The era of Chinquapin. That last goodbye ripped
my heart to pieces and still does to this day. But it was time. Time for change.


Wrap Up
While I was writing this I wanted the theme of change is good to come in the readers mind. Over the
course of 7th grade, I had changed a lot. At first I didn't want to go to a Deer Park school, and by the end of
the year I didn't want to leave. Today I am much more willing to change myself and the things around me than
I was before. During 6th grade, I had a lot of friends, but no close ones. I didn't really let myself to get close
to people because I had always been told that they will just leave you in the end. Fairmont opened up my
heart and now I love all my friends with no regrets. After Fairmont I became closer to my old friends. The
change of schools was one of the biggest events ever. La Porte schools aren't the best, and I knew that. The
change was me walking away from the path most traveled, and down the gnarly, mangled road less traveled,
that was Fairmont, and later, Chinquapin. My goal was for the reader to understand that I resented good
people, for what? Nothing. I caught the stereotypes that other La Portians were throwing at me, and kept
them in my trophy case for a long time. After Fairmont, someone stole all of my prized stereotypes away from
me, and it changed me for the better. I still get caught in the middle between my La Porte and Deer Park
friends, but they will always have a place in my heart, just not right next to eachother.


Overall Comments:
All of the stories in your memoir work very well together. You weave everything (dialogue, narrative,
thoughts, and feelings) together so fluidly that your stories are easy to read. I felt like I could see and
feel what was happening because you did more showing than telling. This also made it easier to
understand. The significance of these moments is clear from your stories. You write in such a way
that conveys how meaningful these moments are.
What your memoir does best:
Your sensory details and characterizations really help to show your stories and the people in
I can see how the stories relate
You dont add much reflection in your stories, which is fine because you dont really need it.
The stories show what is happening so its easy to see how everything is affecting you. You
weave in your thoughts and feelings to help the reader understand this.
What could be improved:
I think the theme of Change is appropriate, but as I was reading I kept thinking of Friendship.
It felt to me like all of these stories were focused on Friendship


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