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Self Assesment

First,I want to say Hello to you,my reader!

English class made a diference for me.Even if it were early and sometimes I was in
a bad mood,the seminaries somehow managed to give me a new perspective and
get me out of that state.A time well spent,really nice and helpful and made me to
ask myself many questions,and reflect about my qualities and defects as person
,and also very new and interesting ,about my strengths and weaknesses related to
the proffesion of a doctor.
The seminary when I had to present with my team was the trigger point that
determinated me to improve myself. In the begging I felt exposed that teacher
caught my attention that ,my body language doesnt skow what I really am in the
front of the others.Because not only me I knew that I was shy,also my collegues
did.I realized after,that my attitude and my wellness make me to adopt a power
position,with confidence.Im a pessimistic person or I was,I still work on this..but I
think its a process.I noticed that I should face my fear of being judge and and also
not tag the others.
So ,I begin to smile more and talk more to the others.I discover nice people around
me during the classes.And the fact that I worked in teams ,with different
people,helped me a lot.I felt like I fit in,and this made me more positive,and more
focused.Why I say focused?because when you have an complexion ,you make it the
center of the world and forget that are also beautiful things around you,you forget
how to enjoy the small things.

Turnig my attention on the other things,when the teacher bringed us those papers
about weakness and strenghtness made me wonder that my weakness in special fit
with the proffesion of a doctor,and determined me to put in a balance if I really can
change them or I fool myself?Those discutions about the interviews reminded me
how much I want to be a doctor,how much I want to do something with my life.And
this comes not just with more and more study ,this comes with clear perspective
about yourself and improving other necessary skills that are vital in this proffesion.I
realized that I should work better under pressure,and communicate better with the
others around me.I will meet different types of patients and employers and I will
work with them,and this implies that I should know to highligth my qualities and not
hide behind a wall of cold.

I liked a lot when, in a seminary,one team brought music and all we maked teams
and discover new artists.It relaxed me,and learned me that I should be a less
stressed about everyting.In the same day ,we had to tell, before to begin the game
that involved identifying accessory organs of digestion ,about ourselves.A great way
to see that I had things in common with the others,to see the other parts of a
person.After that,the game was more relaxing,and jokes and the positive had a high
level.A good tactic,nice team!

Finish,by telling that English seminaries were exacty what I need besides the other
stressful hours ,where the accent was on studying.In fact,this classes changed me
and turned my attention on so many things.The teacher was great,and one day
when I woke up late and I had English,I took a cab,and while I was sitting there I
was worried that I wouldt want to upset her.And then,I was thinking that she is such
a good person with so many qualities .I rembered how she made every class to be
more and more interesting and I felt that she was very involved.That kind of person
I wanna be!

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